Motorola Motoactv :: Keeps Forgetting Time / Date?
May 27, 2012
Third time in a row this evening. Went to the gym, did some workouts, came home and synced up. Couldn't find my session on the portal so checked the watch and found once again that it had changed the time and date. It definitely isn't user error and it's the 3rd time it's happened.
A few days ago I went for a run, got back, went on [url]... to see my workout... but it wasn't there. At first I thought it just didn't sync yet, manually synced it, still nothing. After playing around with it for a bit, I started reading through the forums and came across the "Class Action Lawsuit" thread where in the guys rant he says "It constantly resets the date and time so you're workout will show up as 4 months in the past ( not ideal for a training log) "
The date and time display in the upper left corner is blurred together. The device did not get wet. Also, I turned it off and back on and still no change. Are there any other suggestions? I am running the latest software.
Was recently on vacation and somehow while in my luggage the date got changed to 08/02/2018 on my motoactv.
I ran for 10k on the 11th of July. Noticed the date and Reset the time and date to correct date and time. Synced my work outs from the last few days okay when I got back. Only problem is when I go to recent workouts on Motoactv the recent work out is blank - "No Raw Data", on the android app I can see the run as my most recent, shows the date and data but still for 2018. there is no way on the site to change the date of the run.
If I do another run it still shows the run 08/02/2018 as my most recent on both the android app and on the motoactv site.
Can someone change the date to 11/07/2012 or will I have to try and delete it from the android app and lose my run data?
When viewing recent workouts it shows me the last 11 or last 21 days?! Can the date range be changed so the workouts can be viewed by week and month and can we have a cumulative total for that week/month?
Also with the activity tracker can we have a cumulative total for the weekly/monthly steps/calories?
My wife's Droid Turbo is displaying the wrong date and time. Like right now, its 6/14/2015 8:37 am but hers displays 6/9/2015 12:03 pm. I've tried clearing her phones cache but it didn't work. Will factory reset work or will she need a new phone?
Settings/Date & time/Automatic doesnt work on my Defy+. Have tried re-booting after selecting automatic, but still no difference.Because of travel, I have tried this in multiple countries using multiple SIMs/providers and none work.
Downloading another widget is not the answer to a broken widget. My Motorola Date/Time Widget now freezes every night when I charge the phone. I know how to resize the widget to get it unstuck. I know I can try to download another widget to replace it.What I don't know is why Motorola doesn't fix this teeny little widget and make it work correctly?
Main screen > 2sec taphold > stock Motorola widget > Date and time > Clock style > drop down option show analogue & digital - can't see the digital or analogue clocks options. Could see the different clocks in 2.1 and then select. But not in 2.2.2. You just select digital and see if it appears on the screen after stepping out of this settingsBut despite selecting digital, after revisiting the settings box, it still shows analogue - it should show digital since I selected digitalOn the screen the digital time & date widget shows up with time (top part: time side is ok) but with date (bottom part), this part shows the entire calendar with the highlight on present date. Funny aspect is that earlier at the first ever initial time I selected this widget, it showed up with the date i.e., with bigger matching font size to time (top: time , bottom: date) but later it stuck to the entire month-calendar format as mentioned above. After this the widget screen size also remained unchangeable. This widget can't be resized. It could be resized in 2.1 with your format in mind.
Its stuck on this:I just want to see the date and time (3:44pm 15 Nov Mon) and not the entire month-calendar ... ideally this should go away once the widget is resized.Its quite surprising to see 2.2 behave so .. for a lack of better word .. buggish. I did the bit where you switch off the phone, remove the battery and fit it back and restart, but this didn't do much.Update:Got this widget to resize by fluke when I tried to insert another application on the home screen and so I have managed to at least get the widget to become smaller, albeit in the 'vertical stack' form. That means this widget gets resized only when another application's insert 'forces' it to resize but only in this form .. something is better than nothing I guess BUT AM LOOKING FOR THIS WIDTH & 'HORIZONTAL' FIT AS PER THE PIC BELOW [was easily possible in the stock Android 2.1]ndo Screen-Lock:I was able to undo the screen-lock in 2.1 ... any advice on how I can get the Defy to open straight on the home menu screen without having to go thru the 'unlock screen swipe' in 2.2.2?
Over the past few weeks the date on my phone has reverted several times back to June 28, 2008.
When this occurred, the phone also failed to use or keep network time. I thought it might be the battery, but it shows a strong charge. This is the kind of symptom I would associate with a cmos battery failure in a pc. Does the X have a cmos battery like a PC?
I almost missed an important appointment as my phone thought it was still years away!
if you set something to happen on a certain Day between a certain time the phone just ignores the fact that it's the wrong day to perform that action and just looks at the time ?
I would like the watch to show the time continuously without the display getting off. I managed twice the display to show down the time but I can't recall how I did it?
Noticed last few days that the time of day seems about a minute behind what it should be.Does it ever adjusted to the actual time when you do an outdoor workout? Maybe not as did one yesterday and no difference.Got latest software 4.57.97
how to set the date & time in Neo V. At the time of taking photo's i am not getting the Date & TIme on the picture. Earlier i was using K550i . In that i had those options .
Please note a couple of minor bugs.1) Date displayn the options of the MotoACTV device you can set the date display format to the ISO unambiguous yyyy/mm/dd format, which is what I prefer. On the motoactv web app Under Display Preferences/Data Format, there is only dd/MM/yyyy and MM/dd/yyyy. Please provide the more sane unabiguous yyyy/mm/dd format so this can be consistent.) Display Units My Display Units are set to Metric. However on the MotoACTV web app when I select Workouts/Latest Workout/Workout Stats, the distance and pacing are recorded in km, but the elevation shows in ft. I am not sure at this point if it is the 'ft' label is wrong, or the actual numeric display and/or conversion is wrong, but you guys I'm sure can figure this out. You can verify this here:
The "Activity" column on the topic list shows some random date. For example, the entry for "Where are the MOTOROLA SF700 headphones" shows the most recent activity as being 16 January, but mtwizard posted at 12.26 this morning.
I went for a walk outside so used the great GPS mode but unfortunaley left it in my coat pocket and forgot to turn it off for 10 minutes. Is there anyway to change the time the activity took in this situation.
How time of day is updated on the Motoactv. Since it has gps I assume it can access gps time, but I can't figure out if the device's time is updated, or if one has to update it manually.
Suddenly, I noticed my time was off by 1 hour. I didn't touch any of the time settings that I knew of....I went into the setting screen for the clock and where it used to say Eastern Time zone now says daylight savings time. Page further into the time settings, I got to the time set page which showed the correct time was set.I backed back out to the clock screen only to see it still showing 1 hour off... I shut the watch off and restarted it... After doing so, the time was now correct..
How do I change the time of day of the workout? I chose the beginner Carmicheal 5K plan and did the first workout today. Before I did the workout I noticed that it had me starting at 4:00 AM. I have no problem getting up early--but I'm not doing any workout at 4:00 AM. I usually start between 7:30 - 8:00 AM. Is there a way to adjust that?
When the workout synced it showed up as just a run and still has me listed for another workout today. In another words it recognized my workout but not as part of the traning plan. I don't think I need to run two of those a day--one is enough! Is there any way to correct that?
Each time I remove the battery and repositioning it(to change the sim card) i have to set time and date. is it a fault in my phone or is it just how my phone works? doesn't it have a second battery to run the clock in phone? my phone is a xperia mini pro(SK17i).ngerbread after updating into ic
Another thing. can i still re-install android gingerbread after updating into ice-cream sandwitch??
Every single time I connect my watch to the computer via USB cable I get this "Connection Error": "Your MotoActv device cannot connect to the internet if your computer requires a proxy to reach the internet, please click proxy settings." Then I click the "Try Again" button and it successfully connects. This happens every time without fail. It's annoying. Can that be fixed?
1) what "stages" are and how they're used? There is nothing in the manual about them.
2) Is there no way to have the live data screen display the total time and distance since the beginning of the workout? It appears that you can only choose lap, stage, or zone time.
I'm regularly seeing the incorrect time displayed when I wake the device to check the time. I completely understand not rendering an updated clock when the screen is disabled, but this needs to occur instantly when the display is awakened. Currently the lag can be around 10/15 seconds (I've not measured precisely, but I can wake the screen by shaking at least 3 times and let it blank again before an update).
I ran a marathon today and when I crossed the start line (stepped on the mat to start the running chip)I started my watch. A few seconds after finishing I stopped it. The watch is about 3minutes off from my chip time. why this would be different? Could the Marathon time not be accurate or is it the MOTOACTV. I have the 8 gig was fully charged when I started. 3 minutes is a big difference. I didn't lose any signal while running.
We have not seen any releases recently for bug fixes, and support is all but non existant anymore. Tons of features that dont work as advertised. I know they are legally suppose to support repairs/parts for a period of 7 years or so, so I am sure there is some sort of legal obligatioin to deliver a product that functions as advertised.