Motorola Droid X :: Turnig Off Sound Notifications?
Dec 24, 2011
What is the easiest way to turn off all sound notifications (while keeping all non sound ones) such as when new gmail arrives, I want the phone to actualy ring if there is a new call or sound an alarm if the clock is set- but I don't want it to be saying "Droid" at 4 in the morning for every new email.
I have just switched to Droid Turbo a few days back. I don't get any sound notifications for any text messages (Google Hangout), whatsapp, gmail when I am talking on the phone. I have tried to change every possible Sound settings but I haven't been able to fix it.
On my brand new Razr (24hrs old!) - I have noticed that when the phone boots and the SD card is mounted, there is an Audible sound "DROID" - and its annoying. (Now, I am not talking about the mechanical sound/video that fires up when the phone boots). In Sound Settings I find a section called "SD Card Notifications". You can turn that off or on and here is the odd part. If I turn it On, it will use whatever I have the "Notification Ringtone" set at. That makes sense. If I turn if Off, it will use my "Phone Ring Tone"! - A long MP3... This does not make sense. In other words, I cannot silence it and I would like to. The phone does have a "Silent" ring tone (internally) but it is not one of the available "Notification Ringtones" I can use.
Yesterday I upgraded my Defy to Froyo 2.2.2 (from the Moto website). Everything is great except my phone beeps everytime I get an email. I have gone into email settings and changed it to silent, but it still plays the ringtone. If I change the ringtone for email notification, it changes and plays the one I select, except if I change it to silent, it plays the "Bells" ringtone, which I think is the default. I have tried turning the phone off and on, but it still rings. I am using the stock email app with 2 pop accounts and a Yahoo account, and it plays the ringtone for all of them.
Since the update, I have been having an issue with my sounds for notifications just go silent and the phone reverts to vibrating only. The thing is, the notifications are still set to "sound" and they play correctly when I go through the select notification sound option.
D2G no longer gives notifications. Volume is all the way up and notifications are activated. I received notifications before Gingerbread.For those of you clamoring to get Gingerbread, be careful what you ask for; so far I'm not impressed. It almost seems as if they are using us to beta test their software.
When I recieve a text message with a picture in it, I get no notification. However, once I happen to see the text and download the picture, then the phone makes the notification sound and adds the new message to the notification bar.
Im going on a cruise in a few weeks and I am bringing my phone to use for camera, video and Mp3 player. But I dont want anyone to call me or text me or for the phone to send me notification cause I can be charged outrageous fees, SO is this possible is there a way to do this?
Any reason why all of a sudden I am not getting notifications when I am on my home WiFi? It's weird, and I can't find a setting that would be causing this.
I prefer using Handcent SMS, and get my notifications from it.However, I'm also still getting notifications from the standard SMS, even though I've de-selected notifications on it.Anyone know how to stop it?
I am getting double notifications for my text messages on my droid2. I have verified that I have turned off notifications (including default SMS App) on all but SMS Pop. Yet I keep getting 2 notifications 1) is using the message notification I set in SMS Pop and the other is the default notification sound.
How do I locate / kill the app making the default sound!?
I get a Star shaped thing in the notifier bar on the top. When I pull it down it says "Meet Local Singles" I hit clear but it keeps coming back every day. Is there a list of Apps that do this? My most recent app is QRDroid so I did delete that. The others (MANY others) are months old but update frequently so how would I know? I've heard about Droid Wall but I need apps to access internet for weather info, movie info, xfinity listings etc so I don't want an app that randomly blocks internet access for apps that legitimately need it. Could it be Call Blocker (Easy Filter) app?
Over the last couple weeks I've started seeing my LED light blink at me as though there is a notification waiting, but will find upon unlocking my phone that there is apparently no notification waiting for me in the status bar. Is anyone else seeing this?
I just received my new Bionic yesterday, and it is loudly notifying me every time I receive an e-mail. I have been into settings and can't find any way turn notifications off. When I click "settings" under gmail, there is an option to turn off the icon in the status bar, but no way to turn off the sound.
Is there any way to get notifications, sound, led or both, when I'm on a call? I know messages (text, email) are getting to the phone when I'm on a call but I don't know unless I'm looking at it.
I am not getting notifications from incoming text messages. I have to open the stock texting app, and I will immediately see the unread messages, and at that time I get the 'Droid' sound and the text icon appears in the notification bar. I am running a totally stock X2 with 2.3.3. I have no other text app installed other than the stock app, and I would rather keep it that way.
When I go to Menu > Settings > Sounds . . Under the heading 'Notifications', I do not have the option of a check box to turn off the notification sounds.All I have is a drop down menu entitled, "Notification Ringtone". Within this menu, I have the options "Android System", "Handcent SMS" and "Zedge ringtones". None of these allow me the option of silencing the phones notification sounds.
What is happening is that I'm getting a double 'notification' tone every time I get a text, and it's driving me crazy. I get an overall notification beep from the phone, then a secondary tone from the Handcent app. And I really want to silence ALL of the phones overall notification sounds, and only receive the ones from the Handcent app when I get a text.
The only way I can find out if I have new mail in my Gmail app is if I check and refresh it manually. I have push notifications turned on under the email settings. I have background data enabled. Trying to avoid restoring my phone.rundown of settings to get my notifications back up and running?
Specifically, this is about my PC not receiving emailed forum messages for the past few days. I've fiddled with my Outlook settings, hit the Stop email notifications link, hit the Receive email notifications link after exiting IE 9, etc.
My Turbo has, for some reason, halted all Gmail related activity. As of this morning all was well. As of the last few hours, all is NOT well.
I no longer: hear my chosen (or ANY) notification sound upon delivery receive the on-screen notification via Moto Display (when screen is dark) receive the on-screen notification in my notification bar see the unread mail count (TeslaUnread Plugin) on the Gmail app icon receive new email messages automatically PERIOD.
The only way I can know I have a new message in my inbox is if I open the Gmail app and click to manually refresh!
My Turbo did download and apply two app updates today: Golden Glass Icon Pack HD and Motorola Camera. I find it highly unlikely, but are one of these responsible?
I still do not know this phone I inside and out.. so any areas or settings to check (and how to check them) that you believe may be causing my Gmail Meltdown!!
With the standard email client(for POP3 email...not Gmail) on my Droid X2 I can only find a select number of ringtones to use for email notifications. I would like to use a ringtone I have downloaded and am currently using for incoming calls. I've looked through the folders on my phone's SD card, but, to be honest, I'm not sure what I'm looking for.
Some launchers are not giving gmail notifications because of a security change in gmail. So far the ones I have seen being affected are Launcherpro, Go launcher and possibly ADW.
I have not set up the IM progam on my phone. If I go into it there are no accounts listed. I received a notification that I had a new IM. I opened it and there was a person's name and a chat, but no inidication of how they were contacting me. GTalk? Facebook Chat? Text Message? Just their name. As it turns out, I subsequently opened GTalk and there was the conversation I just had.
I've used exclusively Google Voice for voicemails, and not the VZW service, for over 6 months. I figure all VZW voicemails are cleared out by now. But still, the little "tape" icon is displayed in the notification banner. When I enter the voicemail app, I see that I do have one voicemail. Also, the green LED blinks incessantly sometimes (but sometimes not??). I think the voicemail notification and LED blinking are related.Is there any way to disable notifications for the VZW voicemail, both the notification icon and/or the LED blinking? The Menu button has no effect in the voicemail app, and I don't see any applicable setting in the phone's Settings menu.Or, is there some way to clear/empty/disable my VZW voice mailbox without deactivating Google voicemail for my phone?
Is there a way to set up the D4 to vibrate on receipt of e-mails and text messages only when the phone is in Silent Mode? As far as I can tell, the only choices are for the notifications to vibrate all of the time or not at all. Even with Vibrate set to "only when silent," e-mails still vibrate when the ringer is turned up. Basically, I'd like everything (phone, e-mail, texts) to vibrate when in silent/vibrate mode, and to not vibrate when the ringer's turned up. I could do this pretty easily on my old HTC Incredible, but it eludes me on the D4. If this isn't possible with the stock system, are there any recommended apps that would to the trick?
I have multiple phone lines.... is there any way to get notifications of waiting voice mail sent to my e-mail or some other way? even a text to my main phone?