Motorola Droid X :: Market, Gtalk Unavailable After Factory Reset
Oct 15, 2011
I was having a flickering backlight issue with my droid X so as part of the process of troubleshooting it, I did a factory reset. Good news is that the flickering backlight issue seems to be gone but now I have other more important issues.
During the activation process I successfully signed into my google account and it synched my contacts, my gmail, my calendar etc. Then I received a warning notification that signing to Gtalk authentication had failed. Also, when I try to download an app from the market, it will not download. Nor will downloads start initiated by installing them from the web front market.
I've noticed that neither my cell reception indicator nor my 3G/wifi icons on the notification bar are blue. They are just white. They usually were blue before the factory reset. I've read that this could indicate that Android is still synching my phone after the reset but its been a few hours now and it wont go blue
did a factory reset due to the market kept insisting I had updates, and when I go to maket none were available. And I got tired of doing this So I did the factory reset. This is the second time I have done this task. Last time it was a breeze, and once done all the apps I had prior automatically re-downloaded of their own. Didn't happen this time, and that is no biggy,But what is bothering me is I still have the old version of the market. At least it works, but it has been a little over 24 hours since I did the reset...shouldnt the latest version of market been made available to me by now?
I've read where people say to do a factory reset before or after installing updates. What about doing both? Anyone ever done this? Also, how long does it normally take to get the update notification AGAIN if doing a factory reset before down loading it?
I have been debating for the past couple of weeks on doing a factory reset on my phone to see if it clears some minor annoyances. Now that GB is starting to roll out, should I do one now before I get the update
After much consideration, and annoying "xxx has stopped working," I finally factory reset my phone. Wiped everything completely.. Other than Google Search which has refused to understand that I don't care what my previous searches are.. But, I need your input on :
-must have applications. -apps to disable. -anything else that is convient.
For some reason, my phone just did a factory reset. I wasn't using it, just had it in my pocket with headset plugged in. Pulled out the headset from the jack and was going to make a call. When the screen turned on there was the Android icon with what looked like a green "electron cloud" type symbol animated in its open "belly". After a few minutes with that on the display, tried to shut the phone off, it wouldn't power down so I did the volume down and power button. When it came back, the phone was cleared asking me to select a language.
Assume my Droid is working, and it goes to sleep after a period of disuse, or a click on the power button to put it to sleep. Then, when I click the power to turn it back on, the screen appears but none of the controls work. When I swipe the unlock icons, nothing happens. Nothing happens when any button is pressed or any screen item is pressed.If I merely pull the battery nothing works.If I pull the battery and then do a hard reset, using the X plus power kay, then a reset, the phone will work fine...until it goes to sleep, when it freezes again and the only way to revive it is to do another hard reset.I did a hard reset, and cleared all of my user data...but still the phone froze after it went to sleep.This happens whether or not the 16 GB data chip is pulled.It happens with a fully charged battery as well as using the power cord.Finally, I did a factory reset and wiped out everything, so that I was starting with a new default system and a new activation.The phone started up fine...and I could access the factory-installed apps...but when it went to sleep it froze again. When I tried to wake it I could not get by the home screen.I had this problem starting a few days ago. Then it seemed to go away. Then a day later it started again.Why does going to sleep kill a phone that otherwise works perfectly?It can't be any add on apps, because there are none.
I bought a used DROID X from a friend to use only with Wi-Fi, not with Verizon service. It worked fine with only Wi-Fi even though it had no service. I did a Factory Reset to wipe it clean. Now when it comes up it goes to the activation screen and will not go past it, forcing activation to continue. I do not wish to activate the phone with Verizon, only use it with Wi-Fi. Does anyone know how I can get the phone back to working with Wi-Fi only? Is there an Android ROM version I can download from somewhere and load on this phone so that it does not force activation?
I have tried updating my phone, did the factory reset and everything, but with everything I have done it just fails. Should i try and replace it or what?
When I owned my Droid X, I remember seeing a lot of people saying that after GB was installed, they recommended doing a factory reset.I never did this, and felt like the phone did fine, but of course got a little slower with age. love my Maxx and was wondering if anyone still recommends doing a FDR after installing ICS?It's nearly brand new, so doing a reset wouldn't be much of a hassle for me since I don't have much on the phone right now.
When Motorola updated the software on my cell phone late last night, it reset my Droid X2. I woke up this morning to a cell phone that no longer had any of my contacts, calendar, email accounts, sound settings, previous text messages, call history, downloaded applications, and icons on my 5 screens that took me a month to set up to my preferences. Verizon Wireless CONFIRMED that Motorola performed a software update after midnight on 7/20/12. When I re-setup my google email account, my contacts and calendar were back, but EVERYTHING else is gone or needs to be re-installed and re-setup. I called Motorola support, but they provided no help or explanation. The support supervisor kept asking me if someone at my residence reset my phone (that would be quite a coincidence to occur on the very night that Motorola performed a software upgrade).
I've been told by Verizon and by Motorola that I need to do a factory reset. (Moto Approach stopped working yesterday and we can't get it to start again.)
Before doing that, is there any way to backup my folder settings (which apps are grouped together in which folders on my home screens)
my friend has the bionic and got the update Monday night, she was dropping data signals by the next day. we tried everything, airplane mode on/off, battery pulls, uninstalled all apps, factory reset, new sim, cleared history/cache/cookies and everything else mentioned here (I had 3 bionics myself) but it is still dropping.what prompted the new SIM was her attempt to return the phone but was outside the return period...rep stated between the update and SIM, it would resolve the data dropping, but 20 minutes after leaving the store it dropped, which led to the factory reset.
The Motorola support page that tells you how to do a factory data reset gives two methods: Settings and External Keys. It also says that using the Settings method is preferable. Does anyone know why the Settings method is preferred? Is the outcome of both methods the same? The instructions (and user guide) say that the Settings method doesn't erase your external SD card, and will only erase internal storage if you choose to. Does the External Keys method work the same way? (I've used those key strokes to clear the data cache, but can't remember what the other choices are).
I recently changed from Airtel to Vodafone when i was in airtel i didnt find any problem during the logging in to the gtalk and market applications bt after I changed by network i am facing this problem?
I have not set up the IM progam on my phone. If I go into it there are no accounts listed. I received a notification that I had a new IM. I opened it and there was a person's name and a chat, but no inidication of how they were contacting me. GTalk? Facebook Chat? Text Message? Just their name. As it turns out, I subsequently opened GTalk and there was the conversation I just had.
I was facing problems similar to this ( Gallery crash after OTA ICS update )url..I followed the thread and did a factory reset.I now find that the problem is solved but the UI after factory reset is different from the original UI that came with ICS update. I kinda like previous UI. I am guessing it is Motoblur. Is there any way to get that back.
Anyways, I have managed to change my homescreen, widgets and subsequent screens so much that now I'm bored with it. I would like to reset all these screens back their original state.
I could not get my Droid Incredible to load past the first white screen, htc said I would need to do a factory reset using the volume down and power button menu options. After trying this three times, my phone will still not get past the first white htc screen.
After the reset, I find the Android Market with a different style and layout than before.It used to have an option for "My Apps" when I pressed the menu button. Then from there I could also go to a settings menu where I select various ratings of the apps which would display on the Market.
The last few nights I've been annoyed to wake up to error message on my D3 about Backup Assistant not being able to connect because the network is unavailable. I have no idea what that error statement is all about, but the thing that made me really angry is that there is no reason for Backup Assistant to be running at all. With the Droid 3, all my contacts are already backed up via the exchange server and google. I have no use for this bit of VZW bloatware, which was apparently initialized by folk at the VZW store who activated my phone.
To make matters worse, there is no option on the Droid for turning off Backup Assistant. It lets you change the time it runs, but there is no easy option to tell it not to run. However, I discovered a work-around today which doesn't involve rooting or anything like that: Go to Settings> Manage Applications> All, click on "Contacts sync" and then "clear default." Backup Assistant will not run again unless you reinitialize it.
way to successfully perform a factory reset using external Keys on the Xoom Family Edition (MZ505-model)? I have tried both the methods provided by others in pervious threads.
I dropped my phone earlier today and my phone went blank. When I tried to restart the phone, I noticed that the screen was really dark and that I was able to see the Motorola logo when I looked at it at a certain angle. I tried looking through the forums and tried doing a factory reset but I'm unable to do so because once I get past the pressing the camera and power button step, I'm unable to see anything on the screen and it seems as if the touch screen isn't working either. I'm unable to see any options and seems like I can't press any buttons either.
My Defy kept restarting approximately 5 seconds after starting up. Without being able to access any settings I tried a factory reset via the on button / volume down button. I'm not sure how long this should have taken but decided after a few hours of nothing more than a yellow dot moving across the screen that it wasn't working. Button presses / screen taps had no affect so I pulled the battery.On powering it up it now either gets as far as the Moto Blur or T-Mobile logos but just hangs there. Further attempts to factory reset give the same result as the first time.I've noticed two lines of text when accessing the reset screen which read 'E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command' and 'E:Can't open /cache/recovery/caller'. I think these were present at the first attempt but I'm not totally sure of this.In cast it's relevant the phone shipped with Eclair, I changed this to Froyo using the Motorola software upgrade some months ago, it had been working fine since apart from not saving photos (?).