Motorola Droid Razr :: White Led When Usb Charging And Phone Off?
Jul 14, 2012
Just came across this just now. Basically...I turn off the phone and plug into a USB cable off my PC and the notification LED turns bright white. I tried with phone off plugging it into an AC cable and no light. No recently installed apps and I haven't done this since updating to ICS until now. I know it didn't use to do this
Really poor day with the phone today. All day (motly midtown Manhattan) my phone was bouncing from 3G to 4G to white indicators. It was getting very hot. Tried power down, airplane mode, it was not staying connected to Google and chewing through the battery. I was in and out of areas with poor/no signal a few times but for the most part I was in a good signal area (3 bars). I was able to get calls and had three bars (even when the indicators were white) as I expected
I dont know if this has been reported but after searching the forums i didnt see anything this specific so i figured to ask. My apologies if it is there already.Having the issue that has basically kept me from using smart actions, i had smart actions setup to disable background data when the screen is off, not charging and no movement is detected. The problem is when i turn on back the screen and begin to use the device the 4g icon stays white the whole time, and the data connection does not kick in at all. I usually end up having to put the device to sleep or airplane mode or rebooting all together to restore the data connection
Is there a way to keep WiFi Connected all the time? Mine turns white when the screen goes to sleep and takes some time to turn back blue. i have checked the advanced settings, and it is set to Always keep WiFi on during sleep. When it is white, I don't get email, Gmail Chat, etc. As soon as it turns blue, I receive email, and Chat messages.
I have a Droid Razr on Android version 4.0.4. Shortly after the upgrade, my home dock stopped working. Wouldn't charge the phone, screen wouldn't stay lit in any mode. Two weeks after that, my work dock (same exact dock) did the same thing.
Since the rollout of 4.0.4 I have had the same issue on both my D4 and RAZRM. When the phone is rebooted, the "Stay Awake" under Developer Options is reset to "on" (box is ticked by default). this is NOT the correct default setting.I thought the issue is related to SystemPanel and perhaps its monitoring function, but anfter uninstall, the problem persisted.I can't figure out which app is causing this, so I thought I would mention the problem again on this Forum in case anyone has had a similar experience, and knows what app/process might be over riding the default settings.I will say it is less of an issue with the RAZRM as I have not had a forced shutdown/reboot since I got the device (D4 reboots were a daily issue).
Regarding the LaptDock 100, when it is plugged into the wall my Razr will charge while plugged into the LapDock. If the LapDock is not plugged into the wall and running off the battery it will not charge my Razr phone, in fact my phone will lose a charge. When I had my Bionic the phone would charge off of the Bionic LapDock if the dock was plugged into the wall or not.
I cannot get my PC to recognize my Razr Maxx. I downloaded the drivers and still no good. I am using the cable that came with the phone. When connected it does charge my phone.
I have noticed that when my Droid Razr is off and I plug in my charger the status led blinks once and the charging screen starts up and charging begins - as expected. However sometimes when I plug in the charger the status led blinks once but then the charging screen does not start and charging does not start - I have noticed that if I then press the power on button the charging screen starts up and charging commences. Is this normal?
keeping the screen awake, despite inactivity, during charging. I have my pbone set to stay awake while charging under developer options. Despite checking off this choice the screen shuts off after 10 minutes of inactivity while charging. How can I keep the screen on? I don't want it to sleep until/unless I do it manually.
Weird glitch I noticed in the first 2-3 days post ICS. Everything seems to be normal with the phone, except for the fact that when I plug it into a charger, this will automatically trigger the device to start playing the same song. The song plays all the way through once and then ends, after which everything is normal again. While the song is playing, I can't determine which program is responsible for playing the music so that I can stop it. There is no app or icon that pops up to indicate that music is being played, it's just as if the music is being conjured out of thin air. If I try playing a track on either Google Music or My Music during this time, the second track will start playing at the same time as the first, almost as if the software doesn't recognize that another song is already playing.
Again, this only occurs when I plug the phone into a charger. Happens consistently whether it's a wall charger, usb or car charger. I've been searcing like crazy through Settings and Smart Actions to see what's causing it, but have come up empty so far. Tried rebooting a few times (both hard and soft reset), clearing out the cache....everything except a factory reset which I'd prefer to avoid if at all possible. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I've been scrolling through various message boards but haven't seen any examples of this yet.
I have followed every advice in regards to this issue on every forum possibe and did a Google search. Phone is brand new, and while charging via the wall outlet a solid green led stays on. Please understand I have done all of the power button configurations possibe and it won't come on.
Charging led light not working after 6.12.173 OTA Update. It use to come on when the phone was powered off and plugged in to charge. Any way to get it back?
I frequenly charge my phone in my car while listing to music, through the car's AUX port. It worked flawlessly with my Droid2, but with the Razr M, there is noise when music is not playing. When music is playing, even with a very quiet passage, there is no noise. It is only when the music app is not sourcing music (I can't remember if there is noise if the music is just paused). When sitting at the home screen with no music app running, there is definitely noise. The noise I'm hearing sounds like CPU interference noise. But, car electircal noise must also be coming through the charging circuit. I do not have any issue while charging on AC power.
Well I just noticed this but at night when I have my phone on the charger it automatically goes into airplane mode without me messing with it. Then in the morning when I wake up its in airplane mode and I don't know why because I never put it in airplane mode at night and I do not have smart actions toggled or anything. Also I noticed when I send a text using the text messaging app,Its like a bug where I write the text and press send but it never shows up that I sent the text it shows nothing but the text the person sent to me.
So I noticed it for the first time on 2/25. My lapdock 500 doesn't charge properly anymore. I posted it first in the Lapdock forum, but now I post it here, because I noticed it doesn't charge properly only when Razr is docked. So I think it is the Razr issue and not the Lapdock issue.
When Razr is docked its battery will charge fully, however, the lapdock's battery will just sit there with the lightning bolt visible, but is not charging (24% currently). The phone's battery status continuously changes between Full/Discharging/Full..
The dock starts charging just fine as soon as the Razr is undocked. Any thoughts?
Edit: So I just noticed the Lapdock battery will charge only if the phone battery that is docked is not full. As soon as the phone battery is full the Lapdock battery stops charging.
Forget about it all. My Lapdock died today completely. Got a new one and everything is working just fine.
My car dock charger stopped charging my RAZR but works on my wife's HTC but my older Moto vehicle charger still works. It also seems as if it takes a very long time to chage the battery even on my original RAZR home charger.
Over the last couple nights I've noticed that my Turbo won't charge overnight. I often read or play games before bed and it seems if I have a few apps open and then plug it in it won't charge. If I close all the apps down then I've never had a problem.
I've also noticed it freezing up at times and then rebooting by itself if I don't close open apps.
The phone is great and at this point I don't care about Lollipop. We've had 2 S5 go bad with Lollipop and until they get the bugs all worked out I'll keep munchin the kitkat.
I just upgraded to the Droid 3 a few days ago and I am so far pretty happy the only issue that I am having is that my car dock screen only pops up if the vehicle mount is connect to a charger and it is plugged into to the power. If I unplug it the regular home screen pops up. I am using a Motorola Droid 3 vehicle mount and a vehicle charger that came with my Droid to media package. It also happens with my daughter's Droid 3, so I don't know if the phones have an issue or the vehicle mount has an issue.
When charging, it will not stay off. Tried shutting it down with the pop-up menu and by holding the power button for 30 seconds. Shuts down and boots right back up. If the phone is off and then I plug it in, it starts up. This happens when plugged in to a computer, a 3rd party charger, or battery pack, but not when plugged in to the turbo charger that came with it. When plugged in to the charger that came with it it will go to the charging screen. All of this is with the same cable. So the cable type isn't the issue. Well, could be. The cable is a data cable and I don't have a power only to test with.
I noticed that the phone knew that it is placed in a dock (vs a charger) and it also knows what type of dock it is (Car, HD, etc.)How does it work, is it custom USB wiring? a magnet?
Since I've updated my razr maxx with ICS, my phone has been heating up more than Gingerbread. I have no apps running in the background. I also have been having problems with 4G cutting out and I will have to go into and out of Airplane mode to get data access back. I have received the official update:
When I open my Phone App, I have Favorites, Recent, and Dialpad catagories. What was Motorola doing NOT putting Contacts in the Phone app. I'm really unimpressed by ICS and actually prefer the previous OS.
Bluetooth functionality doesn't work well. There's so much idosyncratic about this OS that I personally do NOT like.
It seems that this release is typical of a manufacturer letting their user base beta test the OS for them.