Motorola Droid Razr :: Car Dock Charger Stopped Charging Since ICS Update
Jul 2, 2012
My car dock charger stopped charging my RAZR but works on my wife's HTC but my older Moto vehicle charger still works. It also seems as if it takes a very long time to chage the battery even on my original RAZR home charger.
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Dec 14, 2012
Since the JB update, I can no longer use Voice Search when the car dock is open. Whenever I try pressing it, it tells me "This App is Unavailable."
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Feb 17, 2012
I have the motorola car dock for the Droid Razr which came with the Charger that plugs into the cigarette lighter and the 3.5m Aux cable. When i have the charger plugged in with the AUX cable i get interference when playing music from my phone, if i remove the charger and just have the aux cable plugged in via the dock i get no interference.
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Feb 24, 2012
What heppened to the battery charging Led after last weeks firmware update on my droid razr ???
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Feb 9, 2012
Charging led light not working after 6.12.173 OTA Update. It use to come on when the phone was powered off and plugged in to charge. Any way to get it back?
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Feb 26, 2012
So I noticed it for the first time on 2/25. My lapdock 500 doesn't charge properly anymore. I posted it first in the Lapdock forum, but now I post it here, because I noticed it doesn't charge properly only when Razr is docked. So I think it is the Razr issue and not the Lapdock issue.
When Razr is docked its battery will charge fully, however, the lapdock's battery will just sit there with the lightning bolt visible, but is not charging (24% currently). The phone's battery status continuously changes between Full/Discharging/Full..
The dock starts charging just fine as soon as the Razr is undocked. Any thoughts?
Edit: So I just noticed the Lapdock battery will charge only if the phone battery that is docked is not full. As soon as the phone battery is full the Lapdock battery stops charging.
Forget about it all. My Lapdock died today completely. Got a new one and everything is working just fine.
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Nov 17, 2011
Brand new Car Dock and Razr. Installed and all good working no problems for first 2 days,then when I dock the RAZR it does not change to the car navigation screen or start to charge.Power light on the power cable. RAZR charges and transfers data via other cables.
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Dec 5, 2011
Finally recieved my miro sim card this morning. Called up my service provider (O2) to activate it and was told to insert the sim then turn the handset off for half an hour then when I turned it on again it would be activated.I waited for half an hour and then tried to turn the phone on nothing happened..Tried several times and then connected it to the charger to see if the battery had miraculously lost all it's charge whilst switched off! Nothin, no LED's nothing to suggest any life in the phone at all.I am unsure if I will accpet a replacement or weather I will swap to a Nexus, I like the Razr but this is a pretty poor start to my life with a Motorola!
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Jun 20, 2011
so It seems my car dock isn't charging my phone. It was 90% when I left the house remained plugged in on the dock for an hour except for one phone call. I used Navigation for maybe 10 min and it was still at 90% when I got to work. I'm wondering if anyone else is having this problem. still have to test to see if its the charging port in the car that i'm using or not. It might be but the only other one I have in the car I can't use and connect to the car dock because it's too far away
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Aug 12, 2011
I often park my Droid X in it Motorola Car Dock when I am on a long drive (2 hours) and usually turn on maps, gps, and bluetooth. Battery indicator top right shows lighting bolt thru battery in upper right of home page every time I look and looking at the cigarette lighter end of the cord, I see the red light on. Starting the trip, I verify I am 100% charge but at the end of the trip, I am not fully charged. why am I dot fully charged if on car battery the full time? If I assume my cable is ok and it is really connected full time to the car source, is it possible the usage current can be more than the charge current thus resulting in a never fully charged phone at the end of the trip? Or is this simply an indicator of a bad or intermittent cable?
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Mar 12, 2012
When I plug the phone into the USB port on my PC it charges. When I plug the Multimedia dock into the PC and dock my phone it does not.I moved from the Droid1 to the Droid4 and have a dock from my Droid1 that works as it should. The new Multimedia dock for my Droid 4 will not charge the phone while docked unless I plug it into the dedicated charging plug. Doing this, I lose the ability to transfer data back and forth via USB.
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Jul 28, 2011
I recently got the Motorola Car Dock for my x2 and am having a problem where the phone claims to be continuing to charge after I've removed it from the dock. More recently the Car Dock app will exit after starting. On that issue I've checked and it is not on the auto end list and will remain on when it connects to the car's bluetooth system.
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Aug 28, 2011
I just upgraded to the Droid 3 a few days ago and I am so far pretty happy the only issue that I am having is that my car dock screen only pops up if the vehicle mount is connect to a charger and it is plugged into to the power. If I unplug it the regular home screen pops up. I am using a Motorola Droid 3 vehicle mount and a vehicle charger that came with my Droid to media package. It also happens with my daughter's Droid 3, so I don't know if the phones have an issue or the vehicle mount has an issue.
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Apr 2, 2012
I noticed that the phone knew that it is placed in a dock (vs a charger) and it also knows what type of dock it is (Car, HD, etc.)How does it work, is it custom USB wiring? a magnet?
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Jul 26, 2012
I have two minor issues with the car dock/ vehicle navigation app. 1. Can I turn off the autolaunch when the phone is placed in the vehicle dock? When I put the phone into the dock, the app immediately opens, and I don't want it to. If I already have Pandora or Navigation running , I want that app to stay up and running instead of the phone opening the car dock homescreen. 2. Can I have the home button go to the car dock home screen when the home button is pressed while the phone is in the dock? Currently,if my phone is in the car dock and I press the home button, it takes me to my regular home screen. To get to the vehicle home screen, I have to pull down the notification bar and select the notification. I am currently using GO Launcher, but I think the issue still occurs with the stock launcher.
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Jul 5, 2012
Since upgrading to ICS on my Droid RAZR MAXX, the volume output on my HD dock is either full blast or off. I'm not able to control the volume.
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Jul 12, 2012
Has anyone had the issue with white lines on right and left of the display while in the hd dock?
I am on ICS 4.0.4.
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Dec 8, 2012
how do I configure desktop modes
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Feb 11, 2013
I have searched through the forums to see if this question has already been asked, but I could not find it. Please forgive me if there is an existing thread.I want to get a case for my Droid Razr Maxx HD, but I also want to keep using my Vehicle Navigation Dock. Does anyone know of / own a case for the Razr Maxx HD that still allows the phone to fit in the dock? I don't want to have to pull the case off to dock it every time I get in the car.
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Sep 17, 2012
Prior to the ICS update, there was a setting which prevented the phone from "sleeping" (turning off the screen and locking the device) while plugged into a power supply (and therefore, also plugged into my car dock since I always plug it into the cigarette lighter while plugged into the car dock).
I don't see that setting since ICS was installed. Of course, I can turn off the "Display power saver" option, which will prevent it from dimming, but the "Sleep" setting has options of 15 seconds to 10 minutes, no option to not sleep at all.
Because of the lack of this setting, I have to keep tapping the phone to keep it awake while using the Google Maps Navigation app. This is distracting and should be unnecesssary.
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Aug 15, 2012
Every time I shut down and restart my RM, or add a new app from the store, it empties the program icons I have in the dock bar at the bottom of the screen! The "apps" icon stays, but the others that I place there because they're the ones I use frequently all disappear, and I have to put them back into the dock bar.
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Jul 26, 2012
I have two minor issues with the car dock/ vehicle navigation app. 1. Can I turn off the autolaunch when the phone is placed in the vehicle dock? When I put the phone into the dock, the app immediately opens, and I don't want it to. If I already have Pandora or Navigation running , I want that app to stay up and running instead of the phone opening the car dock homescreen. 2. Can I have the home button go to the car dock home screen when the home button is pressed while the phone is in the dock? Currently,if my phone is in the car dock and I press the home button, it takes me to my regular home screen. To get to the vehicle home screen, I have to pull down the notification bar and select the notification. I am currently using GO Launcher, but I think the issue still occurs with the stock launcher.
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Dec 27, 2012
After the Jelly Bean update I want to throw the vehicle mount out the window almost every day! they removed any way to get to your home screens while the phone is mounted in the vehicle dock.When the phone is docked in a Motorola vehicle mount the phones "Home" button always takes you to the Vehicle Dock software rather than your home screen. In the past that was fine because the Vehcile Dock software provided another way to get to your home screen. Before the Jelly Bean update, when the phone was docked you just tapped the home icon in the lower left corner of the Vehicle Dock application. Now after the Jelly Bean update that home icon has been replaced with a back button. That button now takes you to the last active app rather than the home screen (something you could also do by touching the "recent apps" button).
This works fine to take you to the home screen if that was the last thing you were doing before mounting the phone in the vehicle dock and you haven't started any other app. Once you start doing something like navigating to a location, the back button will just take you to that running app. Is there a way to get to your home screens without removing the phone from the dock? Or, Is there an app that will just take you to your home screen, as if you had touched the phones "home" button? I could add that as one of the 6 apps that can be added to the Vehicle Dock application.
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Jun 8, 2012
After purchasing the HD dock, a set of external speakers, and setting the "Alarm & timer" app to play music I was disapopointed to find that the music only plays over the phone's speaker, and not through the external dock audio.I downloaded and installed both "Alarm clock plus" and "Alarm Clock Xtreme Free".Only "Alarm Clock Xtreme Free" has a setting that allows the alarm music to play over the external dock audio.I really would like to use the stock app, if for no other reason that it will auto run when placed into the HD dock.
Is there anyway to get the "Alarm & timer" app to send alarm music out over the ext audio?This seems like a bug that it doesn' there a way to "auto run" a different clock app when the phone is placed in the HD Dock?
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Sep 24, 2011
I got the battery dock on launch day.this morning I realized the battery issues I've been having are due to the dock not fully charging any of the batteries I have put into it! The dock charges them to 90% most of the time--even if they are in the charger for over 9 hours. I just discovered this problem this morning after removing an extended battery after 9 hours of charge, to find it only at 90%. I had the same issue the first day I bought the extended battery and had to complete the charge inside the phone. I also had been having trouble getting the standard batteries fully charged.
I'm going to exchange it at Verizon this morning, but I'm wondering if a new one will be any better.I use a Battery Indicator widget which shows the voltage--that helps me determine precisely how much charge is in each battery. The battery dock barely gets the batteries charged up to 4.1 volts, and sometimes less.they should be charged more than that, along with showing "100%" on the phone's status, of course.
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Aug 19, 2012
When I'm using my charger to charge my phone (as opposed to plugging it in charged), the charger gets really hot (~160 degrees fahrenheit), it makes a quiet hissing noise, and if I smell the USB ports, I can smell "the short-circuit smell" faintly. I'm wondering if this is normal, as the charger has been doing this since I bought my phone. (It's the charger they provided to me with the phone).
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Mar 12, 2012
Issue started a few days ago, around March 9th-10th 2012. Got this new Razr this past January and this "Select Dock Type" pops up either from the unlock screen (when selecting the camera) or when opening other apps (e.g. a geo-cache app, sms texting etc). Doesn't matter if you tell it to remember the setting. Another symptom, status bar indicates "HDMI cable connected" when in fact, I've never connected it to an hdmi cable.
When trying to use the camera, there is no display to allow you to see what you're shooting. This is with either front or rear facing modes or video. Interestingly, when I do select the camera from the unlock screen, it'll display but then the "Select Dock Type" popup appears. Closing it makes the display go away leaving me to guess what I'm going to snap and then looking at the thumbnail in the upper left corner to see what got snapped.Stopped at verizon store and agent said this is a known issue. I could either replace my brand new phone with a refurb or wait a few weeks for an update that'll hopefully correct this as it was acknowledged to affect a small number on phones built before December.Is there some other way to get rid of this annoying popup? Tried connecting it to hdmi dock at verizon store but no-go.
-System version:
-Android version: 2.3.6
-Build: 6.5.1-167_DHD_14_M2-5
-Build date: Wed Dec 28 16:48:13 EST 2011
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Jun 14, 2012
I have the Razr HD Station dock from before them adding the other insert for the Razr Maxx. Is there a way to buy this insert from moto (or anywhere else)?
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Jan 12, 2012
I just go an HD dock for my Droid RAZR but most of the options will not show up. Do you have to use an HDMI cable to make all of these work? Or can use a USB cable connected to a computer also?
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Jul 13, 2012
So I use the Vehicle Nav Dock a lot. I live in NC, where we've had record heat (6 days straight of 103+ temps) and I leave my dock suction cupped to my windshield. Probably not the smartest idea as now the dock itself is warped and I have to give it a little bit of elbow grease to get it to lock in and connect.It hasn't lost any functionality and I love the new look of the dock and the ability to access any of your apps from the nav screen with the ICS update.
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May 9, 2012
The first time I used my Droid Razr with the Verizon Car Dock and got a text message it popped up the option to listen, and read me my message. The 2nd time (same day) I hit cancel after I heard the message and since then it will not pop up and read me the message anymore. The only topics I can find on this are how to turn this feature off, I like this feature and want to know how to turn it back ON.
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