Motorola Droid Razr :: How To View Display On Laptop Screen
Jan 14, 2012Do you need a laptop dock to see your phone screen on your laptop? If so, which do I buy for a Droid RAZR?
View 1 RepliesDo you need a laptop dock to see your phone screen on your laptop? If so, which do I buy for a Droid RAZR?
View 1 RepliesI am trying to sync my Razr to my AOL email account. Right now I can't get both to talk to each other and can't find any support in AOL settings or on my phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've finally bought the "Latest and Greatest" only to be "Greatly" disappointed! I was/am using a USB Broadband modem for internet connection (for mobility) and a cell phone from another provider. Saw the RAZR and preordered from Verizon with much enthusiasm, Hey I'm finally getting with the times upgrading and consolidatingWell on 11/10/11 I received a receipt on the door when I got home, a receipt from FED EX saying they were here and unable to deliver without signature. I jumped back in the car and rushed to the FED EX joint to get my new toy. Well it sure is a beaut! I love it!ell long story shorter... I cannot get Hotmail, Yahoo, Facebook nor my eBay accounts web pages to load on the laptop via using the Hotspot feature. (Among many other sites while browsing) I contacted Verizon several times tried CDMA only blah blah blah.
Verizon escalated me to support out in Utah... TAKE NOTE MOTOROLA! and the Cisco tech there "made some changes" and was able to get me up and running, albeit until after we hung up and I was satisfied that it had been worked around. After about 10 minutes of enjoying "What I have paid for" it quit again and the pages just sit, trying to load and sometimes scrambled.Dismayed, I called Verizon and asked for a new unit, which I recieved last night, (and again had to got to the FED EX joint) IT TOO Will not funtion properly. ( I figured it wouldn't) But hey, even Henry Ford puts out a lemon once in a while.
I'm using Google calendar on Motorola Droid 2 and Motorola Droid Razr. The same google calendar issue exists on both phones.1) I like to see my calendar on Agenda view, but when I close the calendar app and then open it up again later, it is shown in month view. Why can't it stay in Agenda view? Is there something I can do so that it stays in whatever view I viewed last?2) If I click on "show today", sometimes it shows today's date in Agenda view, but then it may jump to an earlier date.If I again click "show today", then it jumps to an even earlier date. After about 5-6 tries, it usually goes back to today's date.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to make a data connection between my Droid M and Win 7 laptop. Connections are quickly made btwn the phone and other devices.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a relatively new Razr M. I have taken several pictures with it over the past 2 months with no problems. Starting a few days ago, I am having this problem: I'll be viewing photos in the gallery, and all of the sudden the photos go blank. There is just a gray square. I can flip from gray square to gray square -- no image shows. If I go back to the main gallery, it may or may not show pictures. There might just be gray squares, or all the pictures might be there. I have tried turning my phone off, then back on. The pictures will show up initially, but then when I start flipping through them, suddenly they turn to gray squares again. I have transferred the pictures to my computer, just to make sure they are saved somewhere. But can't figure out why they will show up and then turn to gray squares.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have posted appointments in the calendar on my Droid Razr.However, I can no longer view the appointments posted.I still get reminder notices for those appointments , but when I go to the calendar itself, the calendar is blank.I went to calendar settings and it shows no default calendars.In fact, I have no calendars listed.I recall that there use to be 2 calendars listed..) my gmail account calendar and 2) the "Phone Calendar".The appointments I posted were all scheduled in the "Phone Calendar".I also went under settings>accounts to make sure the accounts were listed and it shows my gmail account listed.I never posted any appointments using my gmail account...only the "Phone Calendar".The Phone Back-Up Assistant shows that everything was synced and backed up successfully.How do I pull up/view the appointments stored under "Phone Calendar" in the calendar app?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs posted was wondering if that would be anyway possible ? Would save a lil battery
View 8 Replies View RelatedI updated my profile to show I now have the RAZR Maxx HD, but it doesn't seem that I can change my display name. It shows up as ***, doesn't like the nickname for Richard I guess. Any way to change display name.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I watch a video in Motorola's Video player, it flips to landscape every time; no way to watch in portrait like I can on my old Droid or the iPhone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm probably just blind, but where is the setting (If it's still there) in the contact lists to have it only display contacts with a phone number? Otherwise I end up with every person I email on my exchange account on my contacts list.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhy isnt there an option to display only contacts with phone? It used to be there in GB. It was there with my razr before the ICS update and then it went away and still not there when I got my razr HD. I liked that reature because I liked to sync all the contacts and then only show just the contacts with phone numbers.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI found the System Settings > Display > Brightness > Display Power Saver checkbox, but turning it off or on doesn't seem to do anything. In fact, I noticed my Maxx's screen was darker than the Droid 4's in the store the other day, and I went into the Brightness settings and found Display Power Saver unchecked, so I checked it just to see what happened, and the screen got brighter. My brightness is always on Auto. Unchecking it had no effect. Since then I've been able to detect no difference with it checked or unchecked.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLooking to extend on time till auto sleep to one hour.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to display battery percentage on the battery status icon as in the stock app but it was fruitless. What do I have to do to display the battery percentage on the battery status icon? In the case that it couldnt be done, how do I remove the battery status icon(stock) from the status bar while I download and display another battery indicator app from the market?
View 2 Replies View RelatedRazr Maxx was ran over by vehicle and display was crushed. You can't answer it but it rings and rings etc. My question is what do you do if your phone is ringing but you can't answer it because of a broken display. This mainly comes from a safety question as if you were in a car, bicycle type of accident and your display was busted. Only damage was from the screen display of the phone. Not looking for answers of how to get the phone fixed and repaired.
View 7 Replies View RelatedOn my Droid RAZR, Motocast wireless displays album titles without discography (i.e. without the cover picture). Small, but annoying.
View 11 Replies View RelatedBrand new Car Dock and Razr. Installed and all good working no problems for first 2 days,then when I dock the RAZR it does not change to the car navigation screen or start to charge.Power light on the power cable. RAZR charges and transfers data via other cables.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI frequently hit adjacent keys while texting on my old Droid X. A larger screen and of course 4G and a faster processor were appealing as well. As the Razr HD models sport screens almost as large as the S3 I ran to see them on their first day out of the gates. What a disappointment! Holding my old Droid X up against them I saw that the usable screen sizes were identical. Namely 4.3" unless playing videos in which case the video filled up the Razr HD's 4.7" screen. I couldn't find anything else that would fill up the screen. Perhaps, photos might. But internet browsing, texting and whatever else I tried occupied a 4.3" inset within the 4.7" screen. So why have a 4.7" screen at all? The Galaxy S3 on the other hand fills up the entire 4.8" screen with not only video but everything else, including texting, messaging, web browsing, and everything else I tried. So what gives? Why did you even create a 4.7" screen if you aren't going to utilize it to its full potential?
View 6 Replies View RelatedOn Oct 20, we switched from AT&T to Verizon Wireless after being with AT&T for over 10 years. We had iPhones and had to get new phones when we switched. The Verizon salesperson convinced me and my adult daughter to get the RAZR HD that had just come out and he said it was better than the iPhone. My husband stayed with an iPhone because he is a commercial pilot and needed to use aviation apps that were not available on a DROID phone. Initially we were very impressed with the RAZR HD until my daughter had a problem with hers after just 20 days of use. She is an EMT and was on duty sitting in her ambulance. She has to have a phone on her while working. She used her phone several times and had it in her front pocket. She took the phone out of her pocket to call us and the screen was black and not functioning—a few minutes before it was working fine. She noticed some spider cracks in the LCD at the edge of the screen. She took the phone back to the store where it was purchased and the Verizon salesperson accused her of abusing/dropping it and said she would have to file an insurance claim which would cost $99. I was shocked. Our iPhones had heavy mobile use and were even dropped several times, including on cement, but never failed. I told our daughter we had no intention of filing an insurance claim for a defective product that should be covered under warranty. For all we know, it had damage before we even bought it from Verizon. But when she contacted Motorola, they said a screen failure due to a cracked screen was not covered but she could send it in to be evaluated. When we read the warranty, it does not say this. It says it doesn't cover damage caused by accidents, abuse, misuse, including improper usage or operation, abuse or neglect, or impact damage, such as dropping the phone. The phone had not been dropped, abused, or misused. There is not a scratch or any physical damage on the phone and the glass. The phone failed under normal use. The LCD screen under the glass fractured. Normal use should not cause this unless there was a manufacturer's defect in the phone. I.contacted my dad who works with digital and analog wireless technologies/hardware, and he told us to file a warranty claim. He said the phone has an accelerometer in it that detects G-force and impact and Motorola should provide us the data that shows the phone was impacted outside the tolerance thresholds for normal use. Well clearly Motorola and Verizon are just scamming customers and ripping them off. How convenient for Motorola to automatically tell a client all screen failures are due to customer damage. We should have stuck with iPhones and the AppleCare. Apple stands behind the quality of their products and would have never questioned replacing a phone for a defective LCD, i.e., no broken glass, just screen failure. You get a replacement on the spot. Oh but not Motorola—mail it in and then you are without a phone for how long??? We are going on 24 days now. Motorola got the phone and sent a picture of the phone screen (included) and said it was physically damaged—said it would cost $99 to fix—interesting how that is the same amount as the Verizon insurance deductible. Really--they are insulting my intelligence... I called them up and told them to provide me the accelerometer data—I wanted proof the phone was damaged by us and not defective. They still have the phone and have not responded to my request for over a week now. I told customer service that Motorola should be ready for a fight—we will file a report with the FTC and the BBB if they don't repair or replace the phone at no cost. I am very angry about this poor customer service. If we dropped the phone and cracked it up, well that is what insurance is for and that is why we bought the insurance. I would not expect Motorola to fix a phone for free if we broke it, but this is not the case and it is just outrageous. I am worried the same thing will soon happen to my RAZR HD which has overheated while it was charging. The phone is so thin that any expansion in the case is going to put pressure on the LCD. I am wondering how we are going to make it through a 2-year contract with Verizon when the Motorola phone can't even handle normal mobile use. I used my AT&T iPhone 3Gs for over 3 years before switching to Verizon and the RAZR HD and the iPhone still works well as a Smart device for email, photos and music. Clearly Apple has a superior product and also knows how to take care of customers. We called Motorola customer service again today since we aren't seeing any information online regarding the current status of our phone, and they couldn't even tell us what the status is. They have had the phone for over 2 weeks. If Motorola doesn't do what is right, they will lose us as customers. This is so frustrating.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe last time the display functioned I was starting a play-list for my shower. I adjusted the volume once or twice without lighting the screen, and after drying off stopped the music by removing the speaker jack again without lighting the screen. The device then went into my shirt pocket and I ate dinner then watched a movie but when I tried to do a little surfing before bed the screen wouldn't light up. I had seen it light up the buttons but take a few seconds for the display when the CPU was busy so I waited, nothing happened. I pulled the battery and tried again, nothing on the screen. But then I discovered that the touch sensor was still functioning, I could swipe to unlock and power down in the standard fashion just blind. I have examined the water stickers they are both white with bright red X's.
While writing this question (I am sure many of you already know this fact) I discovered that the display of my device is in fact three distinct functional parts. The capacitive touch screen still in operation on my device, the LCD image generator also still in operation, and the Led illumination source which for lack of a more accurate description is burned out.So my question is how could this occur, is it software or hardware, and what are my recourses?
I recently broke my droid. The phone still turns on, but the screen is disconnected. I know the phone is working and I know that I have text messages, but I cant read them because the screen is no longer communicating with the phone. Is there any way to display the Droid screen onto the computer so I could navigate and use the phone just to check some text messages that I know I've missed and need to see?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIntermittenly the display screen timeout resets to NEVER. Nothing that I do (or at least so I think) causes this. I don't know it until I notice that the battery is dangereously low. Don't have any apps that may cause this that I know of.
Used to have a similiar situation with the Original Droid where it would reset to 30 seconds.
Does this happen to anyone else and if so how did you get around it? Or is it yet another bug in the operating system? Happened pre-GB also. Doesn't seem to be more or less frequent with GB.
I recently got new Xoom tablet from my senior and I connected it to my Win 7 - 32 bit laptop via a USB cable and it says the device drivers are not installed.I have tried:
1) Enabling USB debugging mode
2) Downloading motohelp drivers from your site the latest one.
3) Switch my tablet on and off and on
4) Restart my machine couple of times.
5) Tried on all the available USB slots on my laptop.
6) Updating drivers via Device Manager ->Update driver.
7) Followed all other solutions which are mentioned on forums and internet.It worked on my Win 7 64 bit in my office but not even getting detected on my IBM T461 Win 7 32 bit laptop.I used USB cable ofmy HTC desire smart phone both times.
I'm not sure if I have the terminology right - but on the active display, is there a way to add additional features? I'd like to be able to see temperature (and today's weather upon click) and battery life. I could see these without 'logging in' to the phone. The screen that I'm thinking about is the one that shows the time and notification of unread messages.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHave my display stay active so I can monitor my time.Way to Keep screen on
View 5 Replies View RelatedI looked through the tutorials but could not find how to sync the tasks from Atrix to my computer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy phone connects to my Bluetooth fine and I can make an outgoing call. When I hang up and then try to make another call, for some reason the audio of the phone is not going through my car stereo for the second call so I switch the phone over to speaker phone using the speaker phone button on the phone. While on speaker phone I notice that the Bluetooth is still locked onto my stereo but I can still have a normal phone call through the speaker phone on my phone. After I am done with my call I try to wake the screen by pressing the power button and the phone does not respond BUT my call is still connected so I know the phone has not locked up or crashed since I can still talk to the other person on the other line. In order to get the screen to come back on I have to do a hard reboot by pressing the power button and volume keys.
I tried making a few more calls after it rebooted but this time I turned off Bluetooth prior to making the calls. I was able to make 3 other calls with no problems and the screen woke up each time I pressed the power button. I should also note that my WiFi is still on but not connected to any networks during that time and also my GPS antenna is on but not being used.
I went and played with a RAZR again today.I love it but the one killer thing for me is that it has no real white's.Everything looks grey and washed out even at 100% brightness.I hear that's because of how the screen was made.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWho else screen just turns off out of nowhere while your using it like i was on the internet and out of nowhere my screen just went black while i was using it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince the rollout of 4.0.4 I have had the same issue on both my D4 and RAZRM. When the phone is rebooted, the "Stay Awake" under Developer Options is reset to "on" (box is ticked by default). this is NOT the correct default setting.I thought the issue is related to SystemPanel and perhaps its monitoring function, but anfter uninstall, the problem persisted.I can't figure out which app is causing this, so I thought I would mention the problem again on this Forum in case anyone has had a similar experience, and knows what app/process might be over riding the default settings.I will say it is less of an issue with the RAZRM as I have not had a forced shutdown/reboot since I got the device (D4 reboots were a daily issue).
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