Motorola Droid Razr :: Can't Bookmark In Stock Browser
Jul 11, 2012
I can no longer save a website to my bookmarks. I get a message that the browser has stopped. Cleared browser cache and history. Still no good. Its with any website too,not just certain ones.
Is there a way when viewing bookmarks in the list mode of the stock photon browser to sort them alphbeticaly. I'm not sure what order they sort in but it's not alphabetical. The default sort makes things hard to find at least for me.
Is there anyone else who prefers some sites in full desktop view ie. ESPN? The stock browser User Agent is still accessible through about:debug but most sites are still redirected to a mobile version even when "Desktop" is selected. my favorite browser wont deliver a non-mobile view unless you select the UA as I-Pad. That can't be good. Anyway....all was well on my OG Droid and now I'm about to give up on this dilemma and just install DolphinHD or something.
One of the main reasons I like the physical keyboard is the use of keyboard shortcuts. I noticed that two shortcuts conflict with each other in the stock browser. In a form field of a website, when I press the menu + v combination to paste text, it activates the "save pages" command instead. If you press menu -> more, there is a "save pages" option. Below that text it says "menu + v" which is the same shortcut for paste. However, when in text fields that are part of the browser app (ie. location bar and adding a bookmark) the paste shortcut works. It would be great if the "save pages" shortcut was changed to something else so I could paste text using the keyboard command.
I was browsing on my bionic when I went to open a new webpage the browser stated I had reach my window limits so I went into menu, windows and when I click on the minus sign to close the windows it simply opened the page and won't close them.
The stock camera app on my Droid Razr Maxx will no longer open. I have had ICS for several weeks without issue. It was yesterday that the camera stopped working.
I select the camera icon and the screen blanks like it is going to open, but it does not. I come back to the original screen where the camera icon is located.
I have cleared the cache. I have performed a full factory reset. Still no camera. I also tried downloading a third party camera app, and it will not open, due to a camera error. Don't remember the exact words in the error message.
Bottom line, the camera no longer works. I still have my photos, and I can view them using my gallery.
This problem involves my stock ringtones, more than one though. I get a call and say Big Easy is the tone. It will play for 1 sec, then restart and play the whole tune. Same with Digital Phone sound...rings 1 time, but does not continue ringing. All sounds are on the internal card. I have tried safe recovery mode and still same thing.have also wiped cache of phone at recovery and of the apps. If I keep the tone on a full length selection, no problem, its just that the restarting of the full length and the single ring of the shorter single tones are disconcerting.
In an effort to "squeeze" as much life out of my battery as possible I decided to take a Moto Rep's video/recommendation and use the stock Task Manager to turn off selected apps 2 minutes after screen off. This strategy worked pretty good on my Pro, but it doesn't do so well on the Razr. After monitoring the stock Task Manager now for a week, it appears that it does not turn off selected apps after 2 minutes of screen off. We all realize the battery demand on the Razr and there is a lot of experimentation going on (that is a good thing) to develop settings (Smart Actions etc) that prolong time between charges. It would be nice if we could have an effective Task Manager (stock and Moto approved) that would be another "tool in the tool box".
Is there are way to create folders within the App Drawer on stock ICS?I've noticed you can create groups, but I'd really rather have them in folders within the drawer.
I use GO SMS as my primary text messaging app. With ICS I had the ability to disable the stock text messaging app but after the Jelly Bean update, the disable button is now grayed out. Disabling the stock messaging app enabled me to access the GO SMS app from the lock screen as well as from the Circle widget.
Is it possible to restore missing stock applications? namely filemanager and browser yes I know I can get similiar functioning apps on market but I want the stock ones back if possible
Hey, my battery meter (the stock ICS one) is stuck at 90%.Did a 7 hour trip yestereday with several phone calls and when I went to system, battery it showed 90% after like 12 hours off the charger, including a hour of phone calls and I know that's not right. The phone calls do not show up as taking any power. This morning after several reboots still shows 90%.
Unlike other stock apps and Verizon bloatware, I was unable to re-enable the stock Email app.
My stock Email app used to be linked to my office Outlook email. From further research, I have found that it is the cause for warning such as "Unfortunately, has been force closed" or something like that to pop up. My attemp to fix this was to download other developer's apps, but soon to find out nearly all of them only supports POP3 and IMAP. Needless to say I feel nauseating just thinking about spending $20 for apps like ActiveSync and TouchDown for the stupid Outlook email!
I have Jelly Bean on my Maxx HD. I am trying to copy and paste, or even move files from one location to another. It makes no difference if it's from internal to external SD card or vice-versa. Or even from internal to internal storage but the copy paste does NOT work.
What am I doing wrong? When I choose the files to copy or move, then I choose the new location, the process appears to start but the counter stays on 0% and never moves. All I can do is cancel the operation and try again only to do the same thing. What is going on here?
I have tried the same thing using OI FIle Manager and I get the same results.
My phone doesn't consistently sync, even though I have push email enabled. Happens when I'm both connected to wifi and on 4G/3G. When it's not syncing, mail doesn't even sync when I open the app; I have to manually do it. Completely unacceptable, never had this problem on any other smartphone I've owned (which have all been HTCs). Maybe this is helpful, but the gmail widget and the email widget also do not consistently sync on my device. Maybe there's a trend here that points to a larger problem or solution. But I' m not worried about the widgets; I just want to be able to get my email onto my device, which should be happening with no issues.
create a shortcut to the stock desk clock in ICS? I know I can go into Alarm & Timer-->Settings-->Desk Clock to trigger it but that is a lot of clicking for everytime I want it on. Reason being, I don't have a dock for my night stand and like to use the desk clock at night.I looked through the Android Market, eh...the Google Play store and found a lot of desk clock replacements but nothing that will trigger the one built into ICS?
Does anyone have the part number or output rating of the charger that ships with the Razr Maxx? I have a box of Motorola chargers but I think I grabbed one for a headset as my phone seems to be charging slowly.
one widget I've always liked was a battery level indicator, usually a little picture of a battery showing the percent of remaining charge, like 49%, 87% or whatever. I've installed several of these on this phone, and none of them work. They freeze at whatever the battery level is at bootup.Installed Juice Defender. It's in "Balanced" mode, which is supposed to disconnect data flow when the screen is off. I hope it's working. On the JD setup screen, I tried to change to Customize, but the "Confirm" button doesn't respond. It appears to be working normally, though.Sometimes, the "bars" are turned off, until I make a call. Then when I dial, they suddenly light up.When I look at the battery activity, it shows "Browser" as using 19%! That's an awful lot, considering that it's not open. If that's what's really happening, is there some way to turn it off until I need to use it?
The bookmarks with ICS appear as tiny, hard-to-read icons with tiny, hard-to-read text on my Razr Maxx. I can't find a way to change the bookmarks from icons to pure text so that they are recognizable and usable. Seems like one of many features that is much worse with ICS than it was with GB. Is there a way to have the bookmarks appear as text-only? As an aside, is it only me, or is ICS a disappointment, with little to offer that makes learning a new OS worth the aggravation?
Starting immediately after the ICS upgrade, I began having problems with the stock browser. Basically, after a few pages of activity, the browser will freeze and completely stop working. The only way to get back to browsing is to go to Manage Apps and Force Close or restart the phone. Some sites seem to cause the problem faster than others but it seems it will eventually happen on any site. I have tried warm reboot which seems to maybe give longer use before freezing again, but that may not actually be correct. I have been trying to avoid a factory reset.
The browser just closes and when I reopen it all browser windows have closed.While this isn't really that big a deal in of itself, I just received the phone two days ago so I am worried that it signifies something bigger!Otherwise this phone is awesome and I don't want to return it if this is just a bug that can be fixed...but if this is the start of a crazy amount of problems like I had with the Motorola Droid X I want to bail early! Before I had the Motorola Droid X I had the Motorola Droid and it was always nice and stable!!It never did this with my Motorola Droid X and it doesn't do it with any other websites I have found. (yet)t also does it occasionally when my daughter plays Smurf Village but that is harder to reproduce; I don't what she does exactly before it kicks out.
After upgrading to Gingerbread I have a bookmark that I cannot delete. It is not on of the Verizon bookmarks etc etc, it is one of a site I visited. It is the following...
The bookmark has a little lock near the title... when I long press on the bookmark I do get the "delete" choice, which I of course choose. But the gookmark is still there.
How to sync bookmarks to a dropbox folder?I've got this set up with IE for my PC desktops but can't seem to figure this out for Dolphin. Dolphin will sync to google but as far as I can tell this only let's you save to google, there does not seem to be a mechanism to "path" Dolphin out to Dropbox. I'm tired of having two "worlds" for web favorites.
Does anyone know where to find the devices bookmark files that I have for the browser? I have conneced the device to my computer via usb and I'm looking through all the files via file explorer?
I have been using the preinstalled bookmark for mobile facebook (not the app) and have noticed that the zoom buttons are no longer there, I have been using them up till now.
Is there a setting in the browser that I am missing, or is this a known limitation of the current version of the browser? Is this something that Moto/Google have plans to fix, or is it the website I'm visiting that doesn't yet recognize my device?