My phone had an 80% charge last night and the nightime battery extender mode was on (as it is every night). Five hours later I woke to the flashing green light so I tried to check my messages. The screen would not come on. I knew the phone hadn't powered off because of the green light. I called from my home phone but there was no sound either. I looked online and found how to force a reboot (power on and volume down button at same time). The phone came on and said it still had a 50% charge. It did NOT show my missed calls! I called Verizon and they tried to say it was a fluke thing and not to worry. This has never happened before and the phone is only a month old. I rely on the phone as an alarm so this is especially disturbing, as well as the unknown missed calls.
I really hate how I have to choose a set time to have my phone go to sleep. I watch the stock market while I am working at my computer and using my phone and it will automatically go to sleep after a set time that only goes up to 10 minutes with the new ICS 4.0.4. Why can't I deactivate this? This is really annoying.
I have a Razr Maxx HD. Before I upgraded to Jelly Bean I could press and hold the power button for a second and it would bring up a menu that included "Power off", "Airplane mode", "Sleep mode" and some others. Now after upgrading from ICS to Jelly Bean there is no "Sleep mode" selection.Did something go wrong with my upgrade or has "Sleep mode" been removed?Also, I was using the live wallpaper "Grass" and that is gone as well. Did that also get removed with Jelly Bean?
I got my Milestone up on Bell's network and configured it all day. Lot's of notifications of email, SMS etc. Now I want to sleep, but need the phone to still ring and SMS to notify me, as I need those for work. Any way I can selectively mute some notifications and not others depending on what time it is? I couldn't find any apps that did this, but there's quite a few.
I've gone through a couple phones now, but I am still having this problem with the Triumph. Periodically, when the phone goes into sleep mode, it will not come out when pressing the power button. I have to take the battery out and replace it to get it to function correctly again. After experimenting with it a bit, it seems to only occur when I have Wifi enabled. When Wifi is off the phone seems to function in and out of sleep mode correctly. Anyone else experience this and/or have a fix for it(beside keeping Wifi disabled)?
I have also experienced some of the same issues that others have addressed on this site (random rebooting, slow GPS), but my Wifi sleep mode problem gives me the biggest headache.
I have tried lightly pressing the power button to get this puppy to sleep, but the battery runs down anyway. So, maybe I'm doing something wrong. How do you get the xoom to sleep?
I see how to keep my PC (XP) from going into sleep-mode, so Zumocast can access files. It would be cool if, PC didn't have to stay awake 24-7so as to save power, noise, PC fan life. Can Zumocast do that? My Squeezebox server has the capability for the remote device to wake it.
i have set up the pre formated sleep mode using the time trigger, however, each night it shuts off before the set time. i have the night trigger set from 11pm to 1159pm everyday, the morning trigger set from 12am to 7am everyday and the weekend trigger set from 701am to 9am saturday and sunday. sometime in the wee hours of the morning it shuts itself off in the middle of the morning time frame. ive checked my phone at 3 am and 5 am to find the smart action has shut off. i have to open and close smart actions to get it to come back on. ive deleted the action, cleared cashe and started over, deleted and started from scratch and used the pre formated sleep mode. i cant think of why it stops working.
I am currently having issues with my Atrix 4G since the start of the New Year (2012). I have had the phone since July with no problems, but not i hear and sense feedback, but it takes over a minute for the phone to reawaken from sleep mode (screen to turn on to the unlock screen).
Once it does, I see the cellular signal strength icon showing it was disconnected and trying to re-acquire the cell netwrok (not the wifi part, the AT&T part).
This long delay puts a real damper on how I can use the phone to make a quick call, or snap a random photo to capture a moment.
Once I'm in, however, it'll work fine for a while, and then if I am NOT using wifi, it may lock up the screen refresh (I get haptic and audio feedback on my taps until the buffer fills, but screen freezes and even turing the unit off does not shut the screen) and sometimes it'll be minutes before I see the cell signal thing do the same thing, or I just get tired of waiting and pull the battery.
if this is a settings thing or a hardware or OS issue. My phone is under warranty, but I don't want to swap it out without knowing if there's a fix. I hate to get a new phone and find out it's happening again.
I have noticed recently that my Electrify will lose it's data and Wifi connection when it is in sleep mode long enough. I have the sleep policy set to never and it still will only show the 4 bars for cell tower and that's it. After waking it up from sleep and giving it some time, it will reconnect to either 3g or to wireless. What do I have set wrong that it won't keep a connection in sleep mode?
My Driod X crashed. I lost most of my contacts and all the installed apps. Is there anywhere to recover the apps installed instead of going to market one by one?
I notice that my motoactv just eats battery when im not using it. My workaround is to power it off so i dont have to constantly have it charging and so its ready when i need it. Is there a setting coming or present that will allow the motoactv to enter deep sleep mode after x amount of inactivity and then to only be awakened by button presses?
I got my droid 3 about 25 days ago and I was pretyy happy with it - it's a great phone. However, recently, I can't put my phone into "Sleep." When I do click sleep, the screen goes black, like it should, but I cannot bring my phone out of it. THe only way I can turn my phone on is if I plug it in for charging or if I do a battery pull.Is the phone defective, or is this a known software issue?
My phone was run over by a car. i brought it to a cell phone repair shop to try and extract the photos from the vacation we where on. i buy a new screen get it installed, my motherboard has crashed and phone wont turn on. I am wondering how i can get the photos off. Its a droid turbo once it fails to start up the screen remains off but it vibrated every 30sec.
Prior to the ICS update, there was a setting which prevented the phone from "sleeping" (turning off the screen and locking the device) while plugged into a power supply (and therefore, also plugged into my car dock since I always plug it into the cigarette lighter while plugged into the car dock).
I don't see that setting since ICS was installed. Of course, I can turn off the "Display power saver" option, which will prevent it from dimming, but the "Sleep" setting has options of 15 seconds to 10 minutes, no option to not sleep at all.
Because of the lack of this setting, I have to keep tapping the phone to keep it awake while using the Google Maps Navigation app. This is distracting and should be unnecesssary.
Assume my Droid is working, and it goes to sleep after a period of disuse, or a click on the power button to put it to sleep. Then, when I click the power to turn it back on, the screen appears but none of the controls work. When I swipe the unlock icons, nothing happens. Nothing happens when any button is pressed or any screen item is pressed.If I merely pull the battery nothing works.If I pull the battery and then do a hard reset, using the X plus power kay, then a reset, the phone will work fine...until it goes to sleep, when it freezes again and the only way to revive it is to do another hard reset.I did a hard reset, and cleared all of my user data...but still the phone froze after it went to sleep.This happens whether or not the 16 GB data chip is pulled.It happens with a fully charged battery as well as using the power cord.Finally, I did a factory reset and wiped out everything, so that I was starting with a new default system and a new activation.The phone started up fine...and I could access the factory-installed apps...but when it went to sleep it froze again. When I tried to wake it I could not get by the home screen.I had this problem starting a few days ago. Then it seemed to go away. Then a day later it started again.Why does going to sleep kill a phone that otherwise works perfectly?It can't be any add on apps, because there are none.
I like to keep wifi active all the time when at home. So, I set the wifi sleep policy to NEVER (advanced wifi option) but...when the screen goes dark, my wifi immediately disconnects. I confirmed this by pinging the ip address of my Droid x2 from a computer. When the screen is lit the wifi goes active and I get a reply to the pings. When the screen goes dark after the 30 sec screen timeout, the pings no longer work, and I am no longer connected via wifi or 3g. In fact, there is no data connection at all.
I even tried the other wifi sleep policy settings, but they don't seem to change a thing. Bottom line is when I am connected to wifi and the screen goes dark, I loose all data connectivity & loose the ability to receive gmail and Touchdown email notifications.
I just recevice the X2, upgraded from the Droid X. I used to have a Droid X and the "never" sleep policy option worked just perfectly. Why is it not working on the X2? I am running 2.3.4.
I have noticed while on a call the screen will go dark, and when I go to end the call it does not light back up so I can see the end button. I find that I have to push the power button to get the screen to wake up so I can see the end button.
I returned my first RAZR because the crackle and buzzing on speaker phone / playing videos was too much. On this phone it's less pronounced but still there. Anyway the sleep timer on thus new phone does not work. I did a factory reset and nothing. Non related but I noticed that my 4G speed on this new phone is way slower. Maybe that's a Verizon issue.
I've notice what I'd consider a security issue. I have my phone set up to require a PIN after 20 minutes of non-use. This works fine EXCEPT for when I use the sleep mode (Power button-Sleep). If I let it sleep over-night then wake it up, it does NOT require the PIN number. So that means that if the phone were taken and I'd put it to sleep, then phone's vulnerable
I just bought my phone this weekend. It had been fine, but for no reason this evening it started lighting up to display the time every single minute. Its been going on for hours. I've tried looking in settings etc. to see if I did anything to change this, but can't find a reason for it.I allow the phone to go into sleep mode. And then when the time changes to each next minute it flashes for a second or two then goes back to sleep. How do I stop it from doing this? This is new as of this evening. I use my phone as my alarm clock so it will be very annoying to try to sleep with this thing lighting up every minute.
When I am on the home page of my iphone 4S, the phone will not go into sleepmode. I have already backed it up and restored. Still only will go into sleep mode manually.
Since the whole 2.0 update, I have been having problems when it comes to getting my Playbook out of sleep mode. When I swipe the screen to wake it up, the backlight comes on, and a bunch of grey lines are displayed. The same thing happens if I use the power button to wake it up. Sometimes it will display everything but will be a negative (what should be dark is light and visa versa). I either have to reboot the playbook, or keep putting it back to sleep and waking it up over and over again until it finally works.
I have noticed that sometimes my IP4 doesn't go dim or sleep mode. Screen just stays on.. Usually happens when I have my text messages open but after my last message screen stays lit..