Motorola Admiral :: Creating Shortcut For Subfolder In Email?
Jun 18, 2012
I currently have a Motorola Admiral synced with our work's Microsoft Exchange server. In our Outlook email account we have certain emails redirected into subfolders in our incoming email. For example we have an inbox and under the inbox is a subfolder where all 'delivery ticket' emails are redirected into. On the Admirals there is an icon alert and also an audio alert every time there is an incoming message in our email account. However the only time we get the subfolder emails is by going into the email folder, clicking on the inbox then the subfolder and letting it refresh that way. I looked through EVERYWHERE trying to see if I could set it to automatically refresh. Also is there a reason I don't get any type of alert when an emails comes into that subfolder? I even tried adding a shortcut directly onto one of the main screens only for this subfolder but I can't do it. I can only add a shortcut for the main inbox.
how i can add a shortcut to the "apps" folder to the homescreen of my 5800. i've no problem editing the 4 home screen shortcuts to link to either an application or a www link. but, how can i create a shortcut on the home screen, so that wen i tap it (on the home screen),it wud open the "apps" folder.
I like this feature especially when driving, however, could it be modified to first wake the screen if it's blank then wait for a second press to end the call? If a notification appears during a call, there's no way to see it without hanging up on the caller.
I've had a strange, but very frustrating behavior on my phone twice recently. My alarm will go off, but it will not make any sound whatsoever. I have the app alarm clock extreme and the regular android alarm. During this time, neither will make any sound. The default alarm will vibrate, but alarm clock extreme will not - although it should. A soft reset will fix the problem. Additionally, my ringtones will not make any sound when someone is calling. I'm trying to remember how the behavior was this morning, but I feel like pressing the volume up and down keys while the alarm was going off first snoozed my alarm, but then beeped to let me know the volume level.
My Admiral freezes/lags when dialing/redialing and the Touchscreen is unresponsive. Its really bad on missed calls. I can hit the green dial icon 20 times in a row and nothing happens. Finally wait for about 30-60 seconds and it will dial.
I routinely reboot. Not running alot of apps. Latest firmware. I've also noticed the browser is slow to render webpages no matter how fast the connection is.
I noticed yesterday that I no longer receive emails on the admiral unless I hit the refresh button. The 3G icon never turns blue as of yesterday also? Battery mode is on best performance.
I have to hit manually hit refresh in order to get incoming Gmail I have check the battery settings and everything but still not getting to my phone. It was the power widget, it was not automatically refreshing.
Just got a Sprint Admiral, paired my bluetooth with it easily enough (Blueant T1), but at random, the phone will disconnect and reconnect bluetooth.I have actually watched the bluetooth icon go dark, then light back up so I know it is not an issue with the earpiece itself. It is becoming very annoying, and talking to others who have this phone, they have reported the same issue with other bluetooth earpieces.
I have searched other forums but have not found a fix. While configuring my Exchange signature block on my Razr it all looks great but the recipient sees phone numbers and address as hyperlinks, instead of just email address as a link. The phone and address links obviously go no where once clicked.
I just discovered that if I add a new contact on the phone, using the stock contact app and being sure it is added within the corporate synch account, when the synch happens with outlook, the name transfers over, the phone number transfers over, but the email address is not transferring over. It is blank even though I added it on the phone. I add the email address a second time on the phone after i see the contact synch on outlook and it still doesn't transfer over. I tried it with a test contact on the phone and the same thing happens.
The ms exchange service (3rd party) is telling me to make sure the data is current on outlook and remove the account from the phone and re-synch the phone w/ exchange. However I can't tell how much info will be lost by doing this (and am not going through to compare contacts from outlook to the phone) so am discounting it for the moment. They then say that the phone handles the synching.
Prior to posting I added on the droid, the business name, title, address and notes to the contact and they synched to outlook, but still no email address. I rebooted the phone, no email address. I deleted the address, saved the contact, waited 5 minutes, added the email address back and no email address synch with outlook.
I can send and receive emails, however when I reply then go back to 'folders' and check them or to forward the message to someone else, the 'sent' and 'outbox' folders are empty. This occurs both with my POP personal account and non-enterprise IMAP account I set up for work.
I just recently bought the Motorola MOTOACTV because I have the Motorola Admiral, and they are supposed to be able to work together. However Google Play states that the Motorola Admiral and the MOTOACTV app are not compatible. And while the latest release states that the MOTOACTV app should work with all Android 2.1 and higher, the Motorola rep that I called (level two, ID 5545142) states that the app will only work with the RAZR, which is contrary to everything put out about the MOTOACTV. I'd be interested to know if this is correct.
I am coming from a Samsung Epic 4G. I have two email accounts and would rather use separate email in boxes. Is there a way to create a shortcut for each different inbox?
I have a googlemail email account which I access from either my Blackberry or my PC. Last night I changed my password for my email account on my PC and now cannot access it on my Blackberry. I tried to change my password on my BB but a message keeps coming up "invalid email address or password" I even tried deleting my googlemail account from my BB and then tried to re-create it but I'm still denied access. BB keeps telling me if the problem persists, then I should contact, but I'm not having a problem accessing my account on my PC.
Is there any way or app to allow me to create shortcuts to specific mail folders aside from the inbox for the stock mail application? For example, I would like to put shortcuts to the Draft and Sent folders on the Home screen.
I'm creating an email account on 4S, iOS 5.1.1 and when it comes to pop-up verifying SSL part (Below) and it require to verify 2x inorder for the email account to be set up.
Cannot Connect Using SSL
Do you want to try setting up the account without SSL?
Does anyone knows why? Need advice urgently, thank you.
whille creating my apple id account I entered a wrong email and didnt notice till the verification email was i just made a new apple ID with my correct email, but now i am worried about the other wrong one, cuz it got my credit card info.
My girlfriend is coming up as something like 20 contacts in the Contacts app on my Samsung S5 with Android 5.0. Even if I link her contacts together, they just get automatically created again. Same think if I delete them. She has several email addresses and we share several apps together such as traffic apps, Facebook, WhatsAPP Skype, etc etc. There is a separate conact for each one. I've tried setting the "Contact to Show" setting to Device (only) but they all still show up so they must be "Device" contacts. I've also got the Contact Setting option checked for "Show only contacts with phone". Even then all her email only and app only contacts show up.
Have you noticed that sometimes when you log into [URL] and try to create a customized workout that you are given different options? Sometimes I'm allowed to create and label an interval segment as a "warmup" and sometimes I can't. Sometimes I can create a single interval segment and sometimes I can only create interval segments in "sets". I'm wondering if Motorola is making updates to the site based on this new functionality? Also, I would like to request to be able to repeat more than 2 intervals at a time. I have many cardio clients that I will have them perform a set of 3-5 different intervals and then repeat. I don't believe I can create a workout on [URL] that will allow me to do that, can I?
My cliq was a 2.0. something and i wanted to upgrade to the 2.1 (Eclair). But you can't upgrade to the 2.1 from the 2.0. So i downgraded to the 1.5 and now when i turn on the phone and it says create new account or use existing account. I choose existing and when i type in my motoblur id and password it keeps saying error creating account.
I just got my new Nokia E72, happy with it overall, just a couple of niggles (apart from the build quality), which I'd like to check with more owners of this phone. When I press the EMail shortcut key, on the top right side of the keypad, this shortcut doesn't open the general EMail "folder" where I can see my GMail, Yahoo!, and Hotmail email accounts, instead it opens my Yahoo! email account directly, and I have to go back to the general "folder" to see my other email accounts.
I've tried playing with all the different options, but so far cannot make it work as I think it should be, which would be to go to the main EMail "folder", so I can choose which EMail account I want to open/synchronise, and not just opening the first EMail account I set up. Also, is not downloading the "Sent Items" folder, even though I chose "All" in What to download.