I just got a Lumia 950, and I noticed the the lock screen swipe animation works differently than in WP 8.1. The whole image does not scroll, just the time, date, and notification icons.
Is this normal? Below is a picture of it mid-swipe. Neither the weather information (nor image) has moved, but the time, date and notification icons have.
I'm learning more about my G4 every day and like it very much so far. One of the things I enjoy is the weather animation on the lock screen. But it only shows the wanimation for a couple of seconds before it goes away. Is there a way to keep it on longer? It would be nice to keep the animation on as long as the lock screen is displayed.
Been fiddling with my phone recently to stop the constant severe weather alerts, but now it seems I no longer have the option to enable the weather animation on my lock screen. It used to be there, but now it's gone. what I messed up and how to undo it?
my screen froze on my 1020. None of the "screen" buttons would work but the physical side buttons would. I rebooted a couple of times (depressing the power and volume down). It worked once but then froze up again. Taking out the sim and putting it back in seems to reboot the phone, which works, sometimes, but freezes up again as soon as the screen lock is activated.
When moving away the lock screen.. my apps and everything on the screen looks very out of color and blurry. But it will go back to normal in maybe 2 too 10 seconds.It's been happening frequently and was wondering if it has happened to anybody else and if there's a way to fix it.
I have a Lumia 950 and there is no longer an option to Never show the lock screen. The only reason I want to temporarily disable the Lock screen is because Groove is so stupid that it only adds music to its library while the screen is on. If you have a large music collection it can take hours so it would be nice to just let it start at night and let it get it done rather than have to babysit it and touch the screen every 5 minutes. Obviosuly there is no standard way to turn off the lock screen.. I'm just hoping maybe there is an app out there or something that is capable of preventing it from coming on.
I have a display dock and it is useless because every five minutes I have to get up and interact with the phone because there is no lock screen setting for "never". So if I listen to music for instance, it stops after five minutes.
I'm looking for an app that can show the current temp on lock screen. Apps like lock temp or 4cstr doesn't show the negative temperature correctly. It can only show temp between 0 and 100.
For example here it's -12 Celsius right now and it shoes that as 88. That's not what I want
New phone and lock screen will not dim or blank clock it stays lit up the whole time I have black screen with clock constantly on display I have had 3 lumias now and no issues on set up...
This is a formal request for Motorola to add the CRT screen off animation into the gingerbread build for the Atrix 4g. Im not sure if this is a google flagship fucntion, but I think if we got that with the next a future update, it could even boost future sales of the device. There are hundreds, if not thousands of people out there that want this feature. However, many have never have even seen it in person. Let us be the ones to show it off to our friends, so they in turn can envy us. That would create desires in new potential customers that only spending money could fill .
My Nokia Lumia 800 locks my screen everytime I make or receive calls such that I can't hang up my calls or activate loud speaker. I have to use my hands free earphones everytime I make or receive calls
When I bought my Icon, I noticed how there is no 'Never' option for when your screen times out. That option was on my 920 and it's a nice feature to have. Does 8.1 have the 'Never' time out option, or is it just the way it is on Icons, regardless of software version?
I've had issues on WP 8.1 and 8.1 DP where the lock screen will jitter when attempting to unlock phone by sliding up. It doesn't always happen but enough where its worthy of complaint.
when im in a call my screen locks automatically even if the phone isnt against my face. i cant do anything until the other person hangs up.is this a settings option?
Alarms going off behind the start or lock screen? There's no way to snooze or dismiss without unlocking the phone. By the time I do that, I've woken everyone else up because it takes so long!!
I yesterday upgraded my phone contract and purchased a Nokia Lumia 1020 from the Galaxy S2 truth is I wanted to try something different. The phone itself is great, However after going through setting im trying to setup the Facebook lock screen I have gone through the options opened the app and selected how I want it to look but when I lock the phone and open it all I get is a blue screen with the Facebook logo Date and time no picture from Facebook, just a blank blue screen .
***I turned on the keep notifications private on the lock screen toggle.How do you snooze the alarm while Glance Screen and lock screen is active? For example, my phone screen times out bc I'm sleeping for 7-8hrs and then I want to snooze my alarm?The alarm has a little pull down but i don't see the snooze or dismiss.
On your Z5's when you let the screen turn off automatically due to timeout, what is your animation? Does it dim out and turn off instantly or does it have a fade out effect?
Mine dims and turns off without a fade out effect which I swear was there before? I don't know.
consider releasing a Screen Orientation Lock and Screenshot App?
These are basic features that Microsoft forgot to implement because they were all busy with the Smartglass App that just came out and everyone was just super excited! I know that these apps are possible, some apps on marketplace have their own screenshot feature. On developer unlocked phones they can lock screen orientation.
I'm running the latest Dev preview so I have Cyan. I had an event on my calendar for last night. It starting showing the day before, awesome, but today it won't go away. I even restarted the phone, no dice. Deleted yesterdays event from my calendar, still there.
Having issues with the lock screen and calendar events with Cyan? I did a hard reset after doing the Cyan update and I did not restore from a backup. Also my calendar item in question was one I put into my phones calendar and does not come from my sync'd email account calendar or anything.
I am new to windows phone although i have been watching it for a while now, and i am very excited and pleased with my new lumia 1020. one question i have is, is there any way to make artist cover art be your lock screen while music is playing? I can't seem to make this feature happen.
As the title says really. Outlook calendar is listed as the main item to show detailed status but no calendar items ever show on the glance screen or the lock screen.
I got my 950 xl yesterday and have been having fun setting it up. Fairly new to Windows phone, so a few settings I'm still looking for. Have spent a few weeks reading this forum in prep, so am fairly up to speed with most things/issues to expect - for example my update to .29 got stuck yesterday, with low on space messages popping up, but i found a thread on here which said to plug my phone in and leave it and it eventually installed fine :)
My Glance was set to 15mins, but was always on, so now i set it to 30 seconds and it seems to like this setting. I'm missing Quiet Hrs setting, but I understand this will prob come back in a later update. Hoping the double tap to wake will come back at some point (I experimented with a 640 over the last two weeks and loved that feature). I would also like to disable vibrate on the navigation buttons, but I dont this is possible yet in Windows 10.
My question at the moment is - is there a way to disable toast notifications from apps when my phone screen is off, as at the moment the toast notification activates both the screen and Hello, which I don't think is particularly energy efficient. I still would like a toast notification when the screen is on. Is this possible?
Ive just updated my SK17 to the latest 2.3.4 firmware but i realised after updating, the CRT Screen Off Animation is no where to be seen....how can i get this back?
Xperia mini pro has this cool animation when you press the switch off button...it turns the screen off (puts it in stand by) by closing the screen to the middle with a little white flash. I recently noticed that it is gone, it does not appear any more when I turn my screen off. I have tried changing the animation settings under "display" category but nothing happens.