Lumia 950 :: Does Microsoft Edge Browser Have Unlimited Tabs

Nov 26, 2015

Google Chrome for Android seems to have the ability to have unlimited amount of tabs. Even with 99 different tabs, Chrome doesn't close any earlier tabs to make room for new one. Safari for iOS behaves in the opposite manner. What about Microsoft Edge for WM10?

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Lumia 950 XL :: How To Stop The Edge Browser From Opening Multiple Tabs

Dec 7, 2015

I have recently acquired a Microsoft Lumia 950XL, I have noticed when accessing links from Facebook, etc which open a page in Edge each link opens a new browser tab, so before you know it you could have a number of tabs open.

In Windows Phone 8.1 you could tell IE not to open new tabs, yet i cannot find the option for this in Edge.

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Lumia 950 :: Edge Multiple Tabs Reload Every Time When Selected

Feb 8, 2016

I might be reading an article, select an embeded link and 'open in new tab' so that a new tab loads while I finish the article. I go over to the new tab after I finish with the first and the darn thing starts loading again. This happened on the L920 as well, thought 3 years down the line this could have been taken care of!

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BlackBerry :: How To Open Multiple Tabs From Browser

Mar 21, 2012

How to open multiple tabs from the browser?

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Motorola Xoom :: Lost Browser Tabs After Update?

May 14, 2011

I got the 3.1 update and it has imprved performance for browser greatly. but -- I can no longer see the tabs for open web pages at the top of the browser windo -- and I really want to see them. I can find a list of thumbnails in the "swipe from the side" enhanced menu -- but I'd like to see tabs for each open browser page up at the top of the browser window.

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Motorola Xoom :: Lost Url, Tabs, Drop Down For Chrome Browser?

Oct 8, 2011

i did somethingto turn off access to the url line, tabs, and access to drop down menu in chrome browser. how to get them back?

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Motorola Xoom :: Continue Audio Output After Changing Tabs In Browser Or Task

Aug 24, 2011

Is there any way to continue audio output from a browser tab once no longer in foreground, or after task switching, such as with the music app?I have the wifi Xoom. The Sirius XM online android app can be sideloaded, but won't successfully run, requiring use ot the browser-based player.The interface is awful, but functions. The browser changes audio source to the current foreground tab, or stops audio after task switching.Would like to be able to run it in the background until SXM releases a tablet-compatible app.

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BB Storm 9530/9500 :: Open Browser And GPRS / EDGE Goes To Gprs / Edge

Feb 6, 2010

I have an unlocked TELUS Storm playing GSM on a Philippines carrier called Smart. The data connection and call reception quality here has been nothing but horrible. Dropped calls/Calls failed, etc are pretty rampant around here (no matter what part of town you're in)

Anyway, I'd _like_ to think it may be something to do with the fact that the device is not Smart authorized/sold device. However, the backward nature of cellphone networks here could argue me down.

Long story short, now that you know my troubles.. when I'm on a full GPRS/EDGE connection, I pull up the browser. Once I start getting ready to type in a URL, the GPRS/EDGE goes to gprs/edge. It happens about 98% of the time. This same thing happens when I go to URL from an email/sms etc. I can't seem to figure it out. I've been on .328, but upgrading to .419 as we speak. Thoughts would be nice.

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Nokia Lumia :: 800 Already Registered With Unlimited Subscription

Oct 13, 2012

I'm using having nokia lumia 800. I was using nokia music from many days, it was good at starting periods but suddenly it had stopped working now. Whenever I sign in with my account. Suddenly a error occurs. The text displayed is "activation problem, this phone already registered with unlimited subscription..."

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Windows :: Buyer Beware - Red Pocket "Unlimited Text" Is NOT Unlimited?

Sep 3, 2012

I will start by saying that I did/do like the service/price of Red Pocket. I mean you $49.99 for "Unlimited Everything" except data, No Contract etc... Very appealing to me that was for sure. However, I recently found out that there isn't always TRUTH in Advertising!!! After weeks in the field training Soldiers for Combat, I finally got a Weekend off. So Naturally my phone got a little busy especially since it was also my Birthday Weekend (we call this "Peek Traffic"). Being a Single Soldier I had multiple "Lady Friends" communicating with me that wanted to spend time and celebrate with me during my minimal time off. However, unknown to me Red Pocket has their system set so that if you send/receive 1,000 texts in a 24hr period the system will automatically turn off your texting ability. When I called in to figure out why text wasn't working the Operator (can't call them Customer Service Reps as they don't have enough training and that would require them to actually Resolve your issues and make the Customer happy) said that it was cut off because I had 1,000 texts in a 24 hour period and that is considered "Unreasonable Use (UU)" according to their "Terms and Conditions (TC)". She just kept repeating that phrase and talking about the 1000 texts like I was so wrong and I was a horrible person for it. When the fact was I usually don't use it that much but had been in an Army Exercise for weeks and was my first day off and out of the woods in weeks. yes I was talking to several women at once and having "individual"conversations with each of them. Isn't that what men do? Especially men that have been in Combat Training for weeks with no chance to socialize and talk to any ladies?

I read the TC para III (b) and no where does it mention anything about 1000 texts in a 24 hour period and it says that texts are allowed unlimited provided that it's for conversations between individuals. This is what Red Pocket's definition in the TC is: "UNLIMITED text services are provided solely for live messaging purposes between two individuals" (this was taken directly from their TC). This was exactly the type of messages that I had during that period. This is what the TC says can allow Red Pocket to disconnect your text: "UNLIMITED text services may not be used for Premium SMS which utilizes short codes, SMS chat programs, monitoring services, data transmissions, or other connections that do not consist of uninterrupted live messaging purposes between two individuals." Can someone Please tell me how these two phrase equate to an Operator telling me that my use was Unreasonable? Especially since this is their definition of Unreasonable? It also says that prior to RP taking any action that they would notify the user. I wasn't ever notified and they just turned it off the afternoon before my Birthday and during conversations with my lady friends. Then the operator said it was impossible to turn back on unless I purchased a new plan. A new plan??? This one was only 13 days old... Why would I pay another $49.99 just to get text messaging? She also said that there was no one else to speak with about it and that there was no supervisor. Now I can understand why they wrote the TC like they did. They wrote it so that Companies and idiots can't purchase one of their plans and spam people with advertisements and such and send out thousands of texts for business purposes etc... But These texts were not for any business purposes.. They were for Socialization Coordination Efforts commonly referred to as "booty calls"... All they had to do was look and could have been able to tell that easily. But at least as a Customer Service Rep, you should at least be able to resolve a customer's issue and make them happy to keep them as a customer. Especially something as simple as turning text back on and offering a warning or something. So beware All.... Unlimited to Red Pocket means find a reason to turn off your service and force you to Purchase an Additional Plan. So maybe their definition of Unlimited is an unlimited scheme to get your money. I am writing this for two purposes: 1. Because Red Pocket needs to be aware that their Employees are incompetent at Customer Service and Because there doesn't`1 seem to be any leadership when you call there. 2. For the amusement of others to laugh at such a lengthy post regarding the loss of Text messages. Because on the grand scheme of things this is a small thing. But hey if no one ever says anything about them or to them, then they will continue to treat others like that.

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Nokia Lumia :: Can't Login To Microsoft Account With 920

Dec 15, 2012

I got my brand new ( Unbranded) Lumia 920 and am on T-Mobile ( Germany)For al i've tried I can't make the phone connect to the microsoft store the error I get "Can't connect We're having a problem signing in. Make sure you have good reception. If you do, the problem may be on the other end.Wait alittle while and tray again" I have full WiFi reception and HDPA+. My phone ( on T-Moble Gemrnay) does NOT provide a " Auto time sync" button. I have set the time as best as I can but no luck getting the phone to login.I have been to the T-Mobile shop today to ask for a brand new Simcard since mine was 3 years old. The did not help at all.If I try to check for new updates ( Phone Update) i get the error :"We are currently unable to check for updates. (801881e4)I can however add my account to mail and it will sync, but the same account will not work in the store,Xbox ,..etc What can I do ? I don't want to send the phone back but will have no choise if I can't find a solution within 1 week.

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Nokia Lumia :: Does The 800 Send Feedback To Microsoft?

May 17, 2012

How often does the Lumia 800 send feedback to Microsoft if you have this option switched on?Mine constantly says "feedback will be sent at the next available opportunity" or close to that - i'm not looking at my phone right now.

When/how often does it try to send this data?Could this drain the battery if it tries to connect often?Is any data received by the phone while feedback is being sent via the phone's data connection (could increase data usage?)?

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Nokia Lumia :: 900 Cannot Connect To Microsoft Wedge Mobile

Dec 16, 2012

I have been looking for a Bluetooth keyboard for my Lumia 900. I found a Microsoft Wedge Mobile keyboard and thought that I should be able to connect. I get connection on the Bluetooth prompt at the Lumia and it shows Microsoft wedge mobile - press to connect. And when I press connect I get the screen with the pincode. There is a pincode that I key in at the Wedge keyboard and then press OK at the Lumia, but then I get the message "Unable to connect"

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Lumia 950 XL :: Microsoft Photo App Cannot Open Uninstall Or Update

Feb 9, 2016

I first noticed the MSN News app falling into this state last week, returning error code 0x8103010D. Then OneDrive uploads of my photos stopped working a few days later and now I can't view existing photos on my phone because "there is no application installed for this file". Store update attempts generates error 0x80070019. I can still take and even email photos via File Explorer but I'd like to get the app working again.

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Lumia 1320 :: How To Sign Out Of The Microsoft Account On Phone

Dec 29, 2015

i am exchanging my lumia 1320 for another phone . but how do i sign out of the microsoft account from my phone. Again i would like to sign in with the same account in my new phone.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Setting Default Browser

Apr 8, 2015

Every time i change chrome to default browser it does not stick. If i click on a link in email, google+, or twitter i still get prompted to use chrome or internet.

I've searched and searched everyone says same thing but nothing works.

I've checked "always open with" chrome and does not work.

I've went under all apps and tried to clear default for internet but it is grayed out and i can not click it.

Under default applications it does not show browsers so i can't modify there.

Under application manager I've also reset application preferences and this did not let me change the default browser either.

I've downloaded an app called "default app manager" and it allows me to change the browser default but it does not "stick". as soon as i click a link i'm still prompted with an option for browser.

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Lumia Icon :: How To Sync Phone Contacts To Microsoft Account (Hotmail)

Feb 23, 2014

I have my contacts through Verizon Backup Assistant Plus on Icon. How do I sync to Microsoft Account (Hotmail)?

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Lumia 1020 :: How To Pair Phone Bluetooth With Microsoft Fitness Band

Jan 28, 2015

Have had several problems with the 1020, return it twice. The phone I have now seemed fine until I tried to pair with the Microsoft fitness band. I can pair the devices, but the Bluetooth connectivity lasts about 10 seconds.

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Lumia 1520 :: Factory Reset In Order To Change Microsoft Account

Jun 22, 2014

I have Windows phone 8.1 installed and I need to do a factory reset in order to change Microsoft account and I am just wondering if I do this, I will have to downloaded the Preview for Develoepers app again from the store, right?

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Lumia 1020 :: Unable To Play Some Music Bought From Microsoft Store

Dec 1, 2014

My Lumia had to be sent away for a replacement motherboard and now is mostly working much better than prior to its death! However, I have some music I bought from the Microsoft store which now can't play. It states I should check my xbox music subscription but I don't have one and have never needed one. I bought the album and downloaded it, I'm not streaming from xbox music.

I don't want to pay for xbox music when I bought the music. I'm not streaming it so I don't see why I have to pay twice.

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IPhone :: 4s Sprint Unlimited Data Vs AT&T Unlimited Data

Mar 25, 2012

I bought my sprint iPhone 4s because AT&T is throttling my data connection. I having been using my AT&T razor for a data connection since before the term "tethering" was invented. For those of you who are thinking of switching to sprint because AT&Ts is throttling your unlimited data plan.....don't...the data connection with sprint and the iPhone 4s is actually slower than my old AT&T razor throttled and the sprint plan is more significantly more expensive. For this reason and because ever since I downloaded my first app I have been spammed relentlessly and because Siri is really a beta app and because the iPhone locks up on occation, I am giving my iPhone back to sprint.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Scrolling Lag With Browser / Chrome / Facebook / Twitter And Play Store

Apr 2, 2015

I just got my s6 edge today! Couldn't be any happier with the build quality and the fluidity that is now touchwiz. But something just does not seem right while using apps that require scrolling up or down. EX: Facebook, Twitter, Play Store and especially the browser. Just to note Im on TMobile and am experiencing these after an uodate and factory reset after the update.

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Music Stops When Browser Or YouTube On Background Or Phone Locked

May 6, 2015

If I am listening to the music from youtube app or the browser it plays fine until I minimize them (put on background) or lock my phone. Then music stops playing. I looked in the settings all over the phone how to make it to continue playing but couldn't find anything. Also is there a way to pull volume stop/play control on the lock screen?. I miss this feature as I had it on my iphone 6 and also on the iphone music continues playing regardless if apps are on a background or screen is locked.

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Lumia 950 :: Keeps Freezing When Using Edge And Only Soft Reset Will Set It Right

Dec 31, 2015

My Lumia 950 keeps freezing when I use Edge. 9/10 it freezes when using edge and only a soft reset will set it right.

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Lumia 1020 :: Slight Stretching Around Edge Of Pictures

Oct 2, 2013

Got my 1020, it's great so far, loving the pictures. I've noticed one thing though, not a problem so much of a curiousity. The edges of my pictures seem to be stretched slightly, it's especially noticeable when someone is standing at the edge of the picture, they'll have a wide head.Is it something to do with the huge sensor?

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Nokia Lumia :: 800 Data Connection Drops To EDGE Until Reset?

Apr 15, 2012

sing an unlocked Lumia 800, on operator Claro BR. I have noticed that sometimes the phone downgrades my data connection speed to EDGE and it only shows up the HSPA icon again if I turn off-on the phone. I have tried turing the data connection off and on but it does not work.I noticed that it is more common for it to drop the data connection speed when I go from home to work or vice-versa (it probably changes to another cellular network antenna).But even if I stay in a single location, after a few hours the connection drops too.

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Samsung :: Galaxy Tabs Off Ebay

Mar 20, 2011

I'm looking at used Galaxy tablets on eBay. I'm almost always in an area where there's wi-fi. Will I have any issues like I'm not going to get nagged to death about signing up with whatever carrier the tab was with?

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IPhone :: Close All Tabs In Safari?

Apr 8, 2012

Is there some way to close all the tabs in safari in just one time. I have iPhone 4s. iOS 5.1

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, Safari ask

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Open Internet Tabs

Mar 16, 2010

I have a T-mobile branded Blackberry Bold 9700 and i couldnt figure out how to open tabs on it.

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BB Curve 83xx :: Guitar Tabs From Webpage

Aug 25, 2010

I don't have a lap top, though I do plan on getting one soon, so I rely on my black berry for on the go internet. I play the guitar so I often want to check tabs and make sure I'm playing a song right/learn a new song. My poor 8330 can't handle website like, so I had the idea of creating a website with plain text webpages so I could easily view my guitar tabs. (Of course I have to add them myself so thats not a problem) I already have a free website set up for this purpose but I'm having one issue; the tabs get word-wrapped and make them unreadable. Is there a way to set up the webpage correctly (html and what not) or a setting on my blackberry to prevent this?

Edit: I've noticed if I switch to "Page view" it displays the the page correctly, of course at a smaller font size but thats what I want. But after a few moments it zooms it. Is there a way around this?

Edit2: I've been doing some research; the problem appears to be with the device because it automatically scales the content to fit the page. So to revise my original question, is there a way to disable the scaling or prevent it by adding some code to my webpage?

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Galaxy S6 :: Can't Close Tabs On A Stock - No Tab Icon

Nov 7, 2015

I am using the stock internet that the galaxy 6 came loaded with. I am not using chrome. When I click on a link and that tries to open a new tab, I get an error message that states I have reached my 50 tab maximum. At the bottom of the screen where most users have a "Back" "Forward" "Home" "Bookmark" "Tab" icons, I do NOT have a "tab" icon. How to close tabs without this icon present. all forums answers say to use this icon and I don't see it on my screen.

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