I've been pressing the "Check for updates" button frequently in anticipation for Cyan, but suddenly it's not working right. The "Checking for updates..." message will appear, but more than five minutes later, nothing happens. When the lock screen appears and I unlock it, it now says "Your phone is updated" but the "Last checked" date was the date of the last check when things are still ok.
We arent able to check "NOKIA Lumia 800" for available updates right now. try again later. If you need to contact support, reference error 8000ffff Current Version: 07.10.08107.03
Didn't find any reference to this error 8000ffff on the Nokia support site or any other mobile platform site. Will try again later. Restarted my device but still the same error
Last night there were several updates to apps and system settings. One of them had something to do with the display for Lumia devices, but it updated so quickly, I didn't see any info about it. This morning, my 1520 scrolling on the home page is flawless, even scrolling while trying to make it click.
After seeing the article about Device Hub and Storage Check beta's now ending because they're included in the OS with Cyan I went into Settings to take a look.......and Storage Check is definitely not there. I have the HK RM-937 but flashed the RM-937 VAR EURO GB CV ROM to it so I could get Cyan.
this is my first WP, I made the jump from iPhone 5 to the Lumia 1520 with the Cyan update on ATT. I have noticed that apps like Facebook and Instagram take a long time to load updates when I am off wifi.
My daughters both have 9300's One is running on 6.0 2949 the other 9300 will not let me upgrade from 5.0 1399. When I plug phone into PC and check for updates I get message saying no Blackberry updates
In s6 setting when automatic check for updates is on. is it possible It will install the update without me knowing this? because apparently a update is available for the ram problem. When i contact samsung belgium they say that they don't know about a ram problem and an update from samsung. And when i check for firmware update ... nothing
I have an At&t HTC M8. I go into settings and tap "Check for Updates" and it turns gray as I tap to select it, but turns white again when I release it. Then I get a "Device Management is running" notification in my notification tray until I go into my tuning apps and force quit "HTCdm." It happens time after time, I've tried soft and hard restarting the phone.
Shows last time the phone checked for updates in its own was 10:07am this morning. When I try to "check now" it says unfortunately Google Play Services has stopped...why?? This has been going on all day even after turning the phone off and on...
This occurred after I installed few applications with the version that came with the phone in February. After the upgrade to gingerbread, it worked for a few days then acted up again. After a hard reset to factory, all working and the applications that seem to mess with the updater are weather related; my most suspicion is the Go Weather but cant isolate it for sure!
Just checked on my Xoom for updates and I get an error message syaing: "Unable to check for updates at present. Please try again later." Could this mean that ICS is about to be rolled out to UK Xooms.
When I try to do a system update on my Bionic(Menu | Settings | About phone | System Updates)I receive a message saying Check for updates is not available at this time.This has been the situation since updating to .902.There were so many reported problems with .905 that I just decided not to update to that version but would like to try the new ICS.By the way, except for this glitch my Bionic has always worked well. How do I get System Updates to work?I've tried pulling the battery, the SD card and the SIM card per other discussions but that did not work.Don't really want to lose everything on my phone to do an update.
With device 'on' and connected to my PC by USB, I have repeatedly tried the website update button over the last week. Nine times out of ten, the instant I click produces 'Error on page' at screen bottom and repeat clicking gets me nowhere. Once in ten tries, a progress bar opens at screen bottom. It usually takes 30 minutes to reach 50% and by 45 minutes, there has been no further progress and 'Error on page' is displayed. I have the BB Desktop Manager software installed on the PC.
so, yesterday afternoon, i factory reset my dx2. i suddenly started having issues while walking through setup. original ota gb, no hacks, no roots.i was able to successfully set up my google account, opt to skip verizon backup, & then it gives me a connectivity error w/ (3) options of "retry", "setup wifi", & "skip". the setup skips the screen to set up my various 3rd party accounts such as Internet, facebook, yahoo, picasa, etc. when attempting to setup my accounts via "settings" afterward, it only lists (6) of the typical 12-15 options.this just started yesterday for me & did not occur on the previous 5 factory resets performed over the last week.
the error screen presented during setup after electing to skip backup assistant states something about "connectivity is required to complete setup", giving me (3) options. "retry", "setup wifi", & "skip". "retry" & "setup wifi" are still unsuccessful. selecting "skip" bypasses the ability to set up accounts.additionally, once on the home profile, "system update" states that a "motorola service account is required", giving me the same options as during setup. "retry", "setup wifi", & "skip". and trying to "add accounts" via "settings" only displays (6) available types, half of which give intermittent crazy errors about "problems with my clock on this device." or "timed out" & "your account may not be successfully setup".
I live out in the boonies in Montana. I'm on an "Extended Network". They only way I can get my Razr Maxx to check for updates is to put it in Airplane mode, then turn on my wifi. Only then does the option to check for updates become available. If this is the only way I can check for an update, am I stuck waiting until either Verizon or Moto puts the update out for manual pulling of the update? I don't think it will get pushed to me while i'm on an extended network
using Ovi Maps 3.03. Sorry if this has been asked already but a couple of things :How do I check what maps are actually installed on my phone?How do I know if there are newer map versions available than whats installed on my phone?Im asking this because I noticed the Ireland map on maps.ovi.com is more up to date than whats on my phone. I installed the Ireland map again using ovi suite on my pc but it's still missing some new details that are found on the maps.ovi.com map.
I've got the Lumia 920 now for more than three weeks. I downloaded about 30 apps, a lot of Nokia and also other populars such as Skype, Facebook, Twitter and so on.I haven't received any app update since I bought my phone and downloaded all those apps. I think it's strange because on my 800, I still receive regular app updates (about two-three times a week I think)So, I think it's abnormal that I don't receive any updates on the 920. Could this have something to do with the wifi issue on the current Win8 release?
I have just purchased Lumia 800 and enjoy it very much.I have just one question... how to disable spell checks while composing SMS? I sometimes send SMS with language other than English and every now and then the spell checks just changes the wording. Therefore I really need to disable the spell-check.
Any option for checking internet data usage? Any apps available for that?I am indian postpaid user so in postpaid connection i can't check the data usage
So when I try to use my "Me Tile" to check in at a location it just gives an error message "Can't Search We're having trouble searching for nearby places right now."
I've tried master resetting phone, location services are on, battery and sim pull, no improvement. Checking for updates in phone menu, says phone is up to date, so no OTA available.
Then tried connecting to Zune on laptop, Zune can't see phone when plugged into USB, although Windows did download and install drivers. Uninstall Zune and re-install to try to fix, no improvement.Why does Nokia Drive work, but check in won't?
I have just purchased Lumia 800 and enjoy it very much.I have just one question... how to disable spell checks while composing SMS? I sometimes send SMS with language other than English and every now and then the spell checks just changes the wording. Therefore I really need to disable the spell-check.
I'm not getting any app update notifications. If I need to update an app, I have to find it in the store first, then it'll appear in the "App Updates". This poses a problem as I won't get any new updates for apps that don't show under the store. Apps like Network+ won't show updates.