IPhone :: IPod Time Control Gone With 5.1.1 Update?
May 31, 2012
Since updating my iPhone software, I am no longer able to adjust the time on podcasts or songs in the iPod app. No overall time marker with time remaining or elapsed, no 30 second rewind button. All I am able to do is pause a file or skip to the very beginning or very end.
if there is a way OTHER THAN using Restrictions to do the following:Add time of day that child can access iphone to surf the web (internet browsing)Add time of day that child can access iphone game applications to play their games?
Is there an app that can control the ringer volume by the time of day. Like say i had work. Is there an app that can automaticly change the ringer volume on certain days at times you input to lower the ringer volume?
Is there a way to control the amount of shutter speed/time while taking a photo with the 808?
I would like to do long exposures and also force the camera not to drop beneath certain shutter speeds while shooting. White 808 Pureview NAMBlack N8 NAMSilver N95-3 NAM
http://www.mycybertricks.com/2012/05/apple-releases-ios-511-update-for.htmlToday Apple released it's software update for iOS 5 users. It is a minor update as it just focuses on little issues.iOS 5.1.1 Update Includes Important Security Fixes In this update Apple have also updated its software security but it's not yet published officially.
I cannot upgrade my software - using cable to pc in iTunes - starts download and then about 2-3'rds way thru says error 9006 can not complete downloa. Have now tried THREE times - eating my data - anyone have any suggestions please
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, Version on phone shows 5.1 (9B179)
Anyone notice that when using Factory widgets for the time and weather that the time doesn't update? It work fine before GB. I uninstalled it and then tried the moto and Verizon widgets the work fine.
I got the Mango update on Samsung Focus yesterday - so excited to try the new features. I have, however, lost the ability to control the volume on my phone. The volume is at 30/30 and I cannot reduce the volume.
I have noticed that people have reported problems after they updated to the IOS 5.1.1 Should I be cautious & NOT update the IOS software in my iPhone 4S until those problems have been worked out? Is there any validity to the various problems that have been reported?Or are they user induced problems & not problems with the update itself? I am about to install a small home network & plan to use my iPhone 4S on it's Wi Fi.
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, Problems with 5.1.1 update?
Curve 8900 (TIM) OS: I connected my device to the computer and upgraded the software to version via Blackberry desktop manager. I can't remember witch OS version the device had before.
After the update, i'm having two problems:
1.- When connected to my Dell BH200 bluetooth headset it no longer recognizes the A/V Remote control functions. With the previous software version, when the headset connected, it recognized: Handsfree, Stereo audio and A/V Remote control (witch allowed me to change songs and pause/resume play using the headset buttons). With the new version, it only recognizes the first two (even though in the device properties screen appear as services: Handsfree, Headset, A/V Remote control and Audio sink) . I use my device to listen to music, so having to take it out everytime i want to change a song instead of just using the headset buttons bugs me. Trying to solve this problem, i have deleted the headset from my bluetooth device list, and then paired it again (several times). I have also reseted the headset, and the device but nothing works. Any ideas on how i can get the device to recognize A/V Remote control functions again?
2.- After the upgrade, the block screen button on top of the device no longer works. Also, putting the device into the holster no longer blocks the device. Is this function disabled in new version?
Apps (the ones I think matter): - 5.0.0 System software - 5.0.0 Core applications
Friend of mine owns the Samsung Wave - it's a seriously good phone, however I am waiting to get the iPhone 4 when I can get my hands on one in the UK. The thing that struck me about the Wave though was how nice and informative the home page is. Uncluttered with icons, notifications when you receive missed call/text etc. Full screen wallpaper with nothing else on it. Does anyone else think that a new interface/update for the iPhone is way overdue? Surely when they release the next software update it's not too difficult to allow more customisation for us iPhone owners? On the Wave you don't even have to unlock the phone to see if you missed an event. It's all there on the front screen. Just a thought.
After upgrading to ios5.1 my phone takes a very long time trying to connect to my email servers, check for new mail, and to update email status. After deleting emails, the Mailboxes window often takes a very long time updating status to reflect the emails as read.
This process used take no time at all, but now simply connecting to the servers after selecting the Mail icon can take 30+ seconds. Also, when it indicates the email boxes as updated, the spinning clock icon at the top status bar is still going.
my phone appears to have updated itself (I assume due to my wireless connection) and now I have update 5.1.1. However, my music player once again will only play one song at a time.
With my old Xperia Z1c, when adaptive brightness is on and the environment light is darkest, the screen brightness may be adjusted to, let's say, 0. Even you drag the brightness control bar to leftmost, the dimmest brightness you can get is still 0. But in Xperia Z5, you can go dimmer than that with the control bar, and this dim cannot be achieved using the same control bar if you disable the adaptive brightness. If one component cannot do something in manual mode, should not be able to do that thing in automatic mode either. So I believe that this is a bug.
my time/date suddenly looks huge to me. Kind of jarring I think. I'm not sure if it's changed somehow, or if I've just never noticed before. Does this look like the standard size? Is there any way it may have changed??
Is anyone else still not able to get the update? When I go to Settings and About it still says "Check for update not available at this time". I get that on wifi and mobile. I called Verizon who said contact Motorola. I then "chatted" with a Motorola tech support person and she said 608 is still rolling out in batches.
is there some kind of an app to auto update the time using the wifi in nokia x6? Do you want to get all the firmware updates for your phone? Get a SIM-free one!
I received a message from Blackberry this morning about updating my 9630. I clicked on the link to update and got a message saying "Synchronizing BlackBerry Tour 9630. Do not disconnect." I started the process about 90 minutes ago and it shows "Progressing" and "preparing sync preview." How long is this process supposed to take? What is a contact email to Blackberry technical assistance to get support?
I'm running into an odd issue, and I can't seem to find any fixes for it. For some reason, I can only update apps in the Play Store one at a time. For example, this morning I had 10 apps show needing updates. I tapped on "Update All". One app updated fine, then the next one went to "Downloading", but never showed a statusAfter over 30 minutes, it still just showed "Downloading". I tapped on "Stop", then "Update All" again, and one more app updated, then the same behavior of the next one just sitting on "Downloading" happened. I kep repeating this, and got all of the apps updated.This happens on 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi, both at work and at home. I've tried clearing all data/updates from the Play Store app, and completely removing and re-adding my Google account.
My iPhone 3GS is set to change time automatically with the Daylight Savings change. That worked as the phone time itself is correct, but the times for the different places in the built-in World Clock app are still off by an hour (they are on the old time). This is also true of my husband's iPhone 3G. Strangely, I have an iPod touch that adjusted both its system time and the World Clock times without difficulty.
I have tried syncing the phone, toggling on/off the update time automatically, and rebooting, but the time is still incorrect. If I try adding a new place, it will also have the wrong time.
There may also be an issue with other apps - the ESPN app had the start time of a game today off by an hour as well.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this?
Edit: To clarify, the times are wrong for US cities that do observe DST, such as New York, Chicago, etc.
When inputting a time for an appointment or an alarm, th time selection wheel doesnt show 24 hour time format anymore since updating to IOS 5.1. I have an iPhone 4 and the general time setting is on 24 hr time format.
After upgrade IOS 8.1.1 I have no service in my IPhone 5, lost WiFi connectivity from time to time and the battery is draining within hours. I tried everything that Apple support told me to do and still did not fix the problem.