I changed the iCloud account on my iPhone 3gs because my friend gave me her old one and it won't let me use my email address for iMessaging. It was her email address so I changed it to mine and all it says now is waiting for activation.
Since upgrading to iOS 5.1, iMessage service does not seem to be working. Messages still go out as texts but these are limited in size due to SMS restrictions (and they get split up), have trouble with attachments, etc.). Basically, iMessaging is great and superior to SMS in so many ways and before I upgraded, it worked. Now it doesn't seem to be working. This is frustrating. I have tried a hard reboot but that doesn't seem to have solved the problem for me. Any ideas? Does anyone know if this is related to the new iOS ver. or is it Apple iMessage service related?
Not sure where to post this question but very often my iMessages "fail" (ie: they end up being sent as SMS).Assuming the recipient does not have iMessaging switched off ?does it only work on WiFi and 3G?
So theres something going on with iMessage. I send an iMessage but after some time i see that was sent out as a regular text message ive had friends from around the globe say that the same thing is happening with them.
We have 3 iphones and an ipad on the same itunes account. We recently upgraded all three phones to the 5.1.1 and now we are having a strange problem. When I imessage it says it is coming from my daughters phone? It seems that all three phones are showing that all imessages are coming from 1 phone. This is not good. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall everything?
I just upgraded to a 4S iphone and am giving my 3GS to my son to use as an iPod. I've created an email for him so he can iMessage but it won't receive/send through his email. I've changed every setting I can find. I think its trying to use the phone number even though its no longer has phone service which is why its giving the "Message Send Failure"
I already had iMessage turned on from when I was using the phone as a phone... I created the email and verified it through Apple as an email I want associated with my Apple ID. I went into Settings>Messages>Receive At and added his email address but it won't let me delete my phone number (which is now tied to another iPhone device). I also turned off Send as SMS.I also went to Settings>Messages>Receive At> Caller ID and changed the check mark to be next to his email instead of my number.
I went in the Settings>General>Network and turned off 3G and Cellular Data settings (which I don't think were affecting this, but should be off anyway if he's using it as an iPod.)
I tried going to Settings>Phone and deleting my number out but it won't let the blank remain empty. I tried changing the number to 0 (zero) and then when I opened messages again it immediate popped up a message saying "MMS Messaging Requires Your Phone Number Press Settings to go to your Phone Settings and enter your phone number"
The only thing I haven't done is add this email to the Mail settings, because I really don't want him receiving or sending emails, I only want him to be able to text his grandma, cousins, his dad and me. But I'm wondering if the fact that I haven't actually entered his email account password anywhere (like in a pop server?) is why it isn't working.
I have the new iphone 4s. Recently I have been talking to other iphone users but the imessage takes a long time and then results in sending a text message. Usually this is fine but now these people are writing me back and saying that my phone is just sending them weird symbols and numbers instead of my intended message. if I turn off imessage, my texts seem to be fine but I would like to be able to use imessage still.
Droid Turbo (Android Version 5.1) - WIFI works fine at home and seems to work other places. I have been using it for months at work. Recently I cannot connect. Other people can still connect. I had the connection saved...but even tried deleting it and researching, but it won't locate the server.
work just implemented a new censoring program that blocks sites like Internet and facebook. now i can't access those sites through the bb browser. is there any way to bypass going through work's censors and just get content directly from the web?
I updated my N97, and after that my phone did not work properly, the old version was 2.0 and the new is 2.1, the charging light did not work and i get black screen when i turn my phone on.
The camera doesn't work. I open the camera application with both methods (button on side and icon in apps) but it does the red dot thing in the corner for about 4-6 seconds then disappears and applications tells me the app is running. I try to go to the app but it wont go on it.
Problem 2:
The green key, dialler and contacts icon on the home screen do not work at all. I have no way of opening my dialler as there is no option for it.
I updated my firmware to v40.0.005 last week. Please be aware the problems were both there BEFORE i made the update and are still here after the update.Is there any way of doing this without soft/hard resetting. Also, does soft/hard reset mean you lose the data in an app (eg your high scores in a game like bagatelle)?
I have a BB 9300 Curve. I have both personal and email account on BB. Is there convenient way to not receieve my work emails when I am in my office so that I am not getting them on my PC and the BB? I was hoping for basically an on/off switch for the email account that can be used when at my office.
first, will maps work in 2700 classic at all ? second, will it work offline without using gprs ? third, can i update my maps s/w since .sis file dont work in 2700 ?
Anyone get the iphone and able to comment on whether it works with the Tom Tom car kit? If so, does it fit snugly? Any other observations worth noting?