IPhone :: Error - The Internet Connection Was Lost
Apr 20, 2012
I want to download an App for my iPhone. It keeps timing out saying the internet connection was lost.. but my internet is working just fine. Similarly I can't just download it from my iPhone via 3g because it is also saying Internet connection Lost. help.
I added international calling to my AT&T plan. It lost the ability to connect to the internet via the AT&T cell network, although it could still make phone calls, and could still connect to the internet via a WiFi network.After three weeks of attempts to fix this myself, I eventually called AT&T. The tech support people were very friendly and helpful, of course, and eventually discovered that my cell-to-internet privileges had been rescinded because they thought someone might have stolen my phone.
Last night I tried to update my software on my Iphone 4s. I lost internet connection during the night, and now my phone is stuck with the apple logo and loading bar. I cannot turn off the phone, or back it up because ITunes says it is locked with a passcode.Â
Is it actually possible to track iPhone without internet connection? I mean, the iPhone which I am tracking has no internet connection... (Example, has been lost in a foreign country and the roaming data is not On) Anyone has an idea how to do the tracking?
suddenly, friday of three day memorial holiday iphone internet connections are off or down. can no longer do search using bing, google or yahoo. debug console "no errors" error i get is "cannot open because server stopped respondig." i have had times could not connect to Internet ( i now appear to have lost Internet favorites that were there yesterday. itunes and app store connections fail. yahoo weather and the weather channel has also failed. ap and my yahoo have failed. facebook and pandora have almost always worked, well i think pandora failed once. i checked carrier, i never changed anything like this and all are correct.i do not see dns options.i have had this 3g version 4.2.1 for years now without this problem. i did not travel out of country in fact have not left present location. i may have deleted a datatbase in safari that were old. i reset network connection, shutdown phone some things may work for a while but there are still features in safari that fail such as search. did i pick up malware>
I've lost all Internet capabilities on my C7; it happened two weeks ago when I went to the middle of nowhere and had no reception whatsoever, upon returning to civilisation the normal phone reception returned fine but the Internet and email will not work at all - it won't pick up previously recognised wi-fi networks and won't connect through my WAP either.
It has happened before but always came back within a day or so, but as said this has now lasted two weeks and absolutely nothing.
Had Playbook since last spring. After updating to 2.0, can no longer connect to any internet - Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth or BB Bridge. Error message is 'connection has timed out" or can not find connection when sitting in known hot spot!
I just updated my E72 yesterday and apart from fixed bugs, now I've got more serious problems. I couldn't connect to the internet for sure. It says "No connection available". Besides, when I look into my contacts, I couldn't use the search mode. It says "Building cache. Search will be available in a moment."I've done everything, from re-update the same firmware version and also restoring phone settings, hard reset. Nothing happened. Not fixed.
I seem to have lost my internet connection the messages I keep getting are.'Internet connection timed out' or 'no internet connection'.Only had phone 1 month, any advice appreciated.
I'm trying to install "Belle" on my N8 during the installation process I get the message that connection with the phone as been lost! Error code 12052 is displayed My phone is product code 059c5q8 A folder is created with the name of Nokia_Belle?
After establishing connection to PC running on Windows 7 via micro usb cable, there is a problem with keeping internet connection alive.The connection should work because the icon on the phones display shows that the phone is connected to the internet, but the connection seems to be lost somewhere between mobile device and PC (not mobile device and mobile network) although the phone is fully capable to transfer other data via cable between computer and phone, this is the same when connection is created via PC Suite or Ovi suite, or manually established connection using the mobile as a modem.The internet access is possible only after every new connections which works always randomly f.e. it fails/stops transferring data from/to internet after few seconds/minutes or transferred amount of data, it is always different.Windows diagnoses this problem as a problem with DNS server.SW version 022.007 RM-530, E72-1 Custom version 022.007.C00.001
I'm getting a "Network connection lost" error shortly after the installation of a downloaded app is started. The status bar gets to about 15% and then the installation is interrupted. I've tried using WiFi and non-WiFi connections, but the result remains the same. My N8-00 was upgraded to the Belle OS over the weekend and it caused most of the apps to be uninstalled. Now I'm trying to get them back but fail to do so because of the error.
whenever i click for updating my software an error comes saying 'there is prob with ur internet connection. check ur internet connection' .bb set- tour 9630
I have updated my N8 to Belle via Nokia Suite. Now I am getting Internet connection failure (GPRS and 3G) while connecting. I have checked this with two other sim on which internet is already activated.
But when I do a hard reset to my phone, I get the internet activated for a while (I also keep WiFi disabled as I don't want it).
I have been trying to install motocast wireless for a few days and cant figure it out. When it gets to seting it up, it says that there is no internet connection, but I do have internet on the comuter. I have tured off my firewall and virus (AVG) but still no go.
I cant connect to internet using x10 mini pro. I have downloaded gprs settings but when I use the browser. It give an error no internet connection. I have tried everything in the support page but no luck.
I was running on OS 6.248 but now I want to update it to OS 6.546, but I cant cuz everytime i try to update using the desktop software the update stops at 1230 and i get the error "check your internet connection or try again later".My internet connection is fine there's nothing wrong with it.
I've upgraded my 3 to a 4s today, and in the 02 shop the guy fiddled with my internet on my old phone and did something with the sim, and now i've synced my new phone and can't get internet connection.
Whenever i try to update my curve 3g software from 5th to 6th version, i get the error message " check your internet connection", which makes the software update impossible?
after dropping my Iphone 4 on the floor it can't connect to my PC, the error i am getting in Itunes is "Itunes was not able to establish connection to this iphone, caused by unknown error 0xE8000001". Itunes suggest to go into an applestore and get it solved but since third party has replaced the screen will apple not touch it....I have tred to uninstall itunes after closing down a few apple files via "task manager" and hard restored the Iphone but the phone will not acctivate, only get to the screen saying "connect to itunes". when i plug in a fully functional USB cable in a fully functional USB plug in my PC (windows 7, 64bit) does the phone connect and disconnect with the PC a few times, sometimes it keep on connecting/disconnecting but when the phone able to establish connection do i get a box saying "error 0xE8000001" and when clicking on the phone can i see its charging the battery but no possibilities to make a firmware restore or anything els. (have only the option to "eject" the iphone). is it possible to go one more step back than "hard restore" so the phone need to reinstall all hardware ect ect?
I am connected to Wi-Fi but unable to connect to the internet like FB,Yahoo or other websites. My sister used to connect to wifi but now that I am using her handset, I cannot do so.
After jailbreaking, among loosing FaceTime and MMS, I now notice that I lost my AT&T Cellular Data. I tried restarting and resetting my network settings. I can't restore because I am not home and I do not use my MacBook for backups/syncing my iPhone. Anyone else have this issue?
this past week for whatever reason my phone stopped connecting to the edge network and needless to say it sucks not being able to get on the internet on my phone.jailbroke 3.1.2 3gs with black rain. worked fine for over a month no problem and i didnt change anything when i lost internet access.could this be an issue with the jailbreak or is this something i should call att about?
Anyone Else experience a slow down in the iphoneor a lost 3g/gsm connection randomly?I and my wife both have found that our phones are unresponsive when trying to select the camera feature. - eventually it wakes up/ lets us use it but the moment has often passed.It all seems to have happened since the latest ios 5.1.1
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1, lost gsm/ 3g connection, Very Slow!
My 5s iphone with ios 8 is lost. I tried find my iphone and it says that my iphone is offline and I tried calling it but it doesn't work. I know there's the option on your phone that sends the last location to icloud but I forgot to turn it on.
I'll be in Europe for two months and will be taking my iPhone 4 although I don't want to use the phone or data. Is the best way to ensure I won't be using the cell towers is to activate airplane mode and then turn Wi-Fi on? Or is there a better way to be allowed to use Wi-Fi but not the cell towers?
More importantly, I want to be able to use the Navigation program (just the standard one that iPhone 4 comes with) to navigate my way around on foot and in the car. Can this be done exclusively over the GPS satellites? Is there a way to download the maps to the phone or will I need an internet connection to have the maps?