IPhone :: All Pictures Not Syncing In Their Proper Folders?
Apr 28, 2012
During a syncing event a few days ago, all pictures didn't sync in their proper folders . I want to erase all pictures from the iphone and resync them from my pc . How do i remove all my pictures from my iphone ?
I have 2 folders in my pictures that need to be deleted. I have tried everything aside from resetting the phone to factory settings.Itunes doesn't even show the folders so I can't uncheck them The phone doesn't give me the option to delete the folders either Is there anything else I can try - even tried the importing pictures and deleting and those 2 folders don't show up?
I am wondering if there is a way to import pictures from the I have on my iPhone (that are in folders) and put them on my pc while keeing them in those folders?
After having some 2000+ pictures on my iphone, when IOS 5 came out i started putting them in folders...
I have Folder 1, Folder 2, and Folder 3, etc on my iPhone.
Is there a way that I can import those folders with their contents onto my pc without importing all the pictures seperately, sorting them, and remaking all the folders?
Using the stock email app, when i read a email on my outlook(pc) the email does not show up read on my s5, it still shows as a new email. I didnt have this issue with my gs3. same email account (imap) on outlook and set up the same way on s5.
Using a network Solutions active sync email account. Will sync other folders such as sent or deleted but not syncing other sub folders in inbox that I have created,
I've got a iPhone 3GS running 4.0.1 and mac OS 10.6.4, iTunes 9.2.iTunes just won't let me sync my photos. I've tried to reinstall the 4.0.1 firmware, reinstalled iTunes but it doesn't work.I had this problem before when I tried to add a picture to the iPhone - but it didn't let me. So someone said - remove the iPod Cache Folder, so I did and now I can't sync any pictures.What happens is that when I press "Synchronize" - it synchronizes - but no pictures added.The Camera Roll is fine - it's just when I try to add something from a folder.I've tried different folders, removed everything to do with iPod Cache Folder. The picture I'm trying to add is a .jpg.I installed iPhoto to see if that makes any difference - but no .. it's still the same.On my PC it works just fine, no problem what so ever.Synchronizing music on my mac to the iPhone works fine too. What's going on?
I need to be able to take photos for work, but it is also requisite to keep them arranged in specific folders so I know what they are and can be coalated at the end of the day.
1. Within the BB pc software I cant see how to view picture according to thiere respective folders. Also, how do you "multiple select" photos?
2. Accessing the BB filesystem throuh windows (J:homeuserpictures), i can only see one folder even though i have ten, in addition to the Wallpaper folder. I desperatly need to find a wokflow to get thiese pics off within thier proper folders on a daily basis.
I started to transfer my pictures from my phone to my computer and realized that all of them didn't transfer, even though they show up in Gallery and Photos. When I started looking at the folder structure on my phone while I had it connected to my computer, I found pictures in other folders. How many different folders are used to store pictures and is there a way I can get them to save to the same place so I can transfer them more easily. The ones that seem to be in different folders are the ones I've saved from texts and emails. They're in 2 different folders. I'm worried that I'm going to miss others because I don't know where they are.
The picture gallery is showing all of the folders on the SD card that have pictures in them including folders which were previously hidden. how to reset this to not look in hidden folders? I have noticed that the file manager sees hidden folders as well. This is new since the upgrade to Android 2.3.4
I don't believe you are able to, i have tried numerous ways, but they all just end up going to "Mobile uploads", then i have to go in and sort them out manually ont he comp, it's justa pain in the butt
I recently moved my iPhoto library to an EHD, and everything has been working great.
I just went in, however, and my August 2014 photo stream, which syncs from my iPhone, only has one picture from each day/set of photos I have taken.
It is extremely odd - only the first photo from a vacation I went on, the event I went to last night, the meal I photographed on Tuesday are showing up.
I have a blackberry 8520. I started having a problem with my memory card recently. When I connect my phone to my computer I can transfer music and pictures to my memory card. But once I disconnect it, I can't get anything i.e. the music folder is empty as well as the picture folder&video folder. I've formatted my memory card, and redid the process and still its the same problem. Taken my phone apart still the same problem. And I've checked and in my settings it says my memory card is inserted even shows how much space I have left etc. I can't even store any pics I take or see them on my phone I can't even rename them cause it tells me that operation isn't allowed on a read only file. I've checked my settings and its setting is everything must be saved to my memory card even changed the amount or size of pics. Even changed the type of pictures that can be taken from super fine to normal.
When I use other digital devices I usually have to safely reject the devices. But when I plug in my iPhone 4, I don't see an option on the computer for me to safely reject. Is it ok to just pull the phone out?
I am having this problem with my PC that i can't connect my iPhone to the PC. There's some driver problem like it's not installed. I tried everything but it doesn't work.
when I get my iPhone 4 will it have the proper resolution already set up or do you can swtich between Retinas Mode and a lower resolution, like maybe the 3GS resolution. That way you can save battery power when you're on the go, and don't need the higher res.
I installed .419 and resynced. Everything works fine but one thing - none of my contact pictures in Outlook are syncing to the BlackBerry. First time this has happened. I treid to clear the BlackBerry contact database and resync, but again, everything resynced except the contact pictures.
I synced my N8 with windows media player after the anna update but couldn't see any pictures in the photo app. Pictures are already on the device inside "pictures" (not "images") folder in E: drive. After playing a bit, i figured out that photos app only read the pictures inside "images" folder of E: drive. Is there any possible way to make photo app read files in the "pictures" folder or make Windows Media Player sync with the "images" folder instead of "pictures" folder.
Recently I have noticed that my facebook contact pictures o my phone (ray) has not been updating. Thought it was my phone so I have removed facebook and facebook inside xperia from accounts and sync and even clear the data from facebook in appications.
Readding the accounts, facebook is syncing up but I do not get any pictures, the photos/interest info is there when you view my contact but the picture is not there.
Is anyone having the same issue, there a bug in the recent update?
I have had my Xperia mini now since sept but i have noticed recently that when one of my friends/contacts changes their profile picture on facebook it does not change on my phone! i have tried syncronising it but it still not changed.
I just got my bionic yesterday and I have downloaded the Facebook for Android app but my facebook contact pictures have not synced with my contacts at all. I had an OG Droid and I loved the fact that everyone's pictures were just brought in. I have signed into the same account on Motorola's Facebook app as well as the Facebook for Android.
I used to have the contact pictures in my phonebook as the pictures that my friends use as their facebook profile picture. This is not now happening and I can't re-set it. I did remove my facebook account briefly from my phone, as I'm experiencing trouble using fb on my phone.
I'm sure there must be a simple way of putting the contact pictures back, but I've tried everything I can think of and nothing seems to work
I have flashed this unit Several times and loaded the "proper prl 3010".Here in NYC the Home Sid is 6503 . I am using QPST. The prl loads and shows up in the Phone's info file however when I check it in LGDownload it shows the 3010 prl but a SID/NID of 22/8 (verizon) After 4 days of knocking the settings around. I am now seeking insite and direction
When I was using my x10 when it was only 1.6, when you typed a letter using the android keyboard, it would give multiple word suggestions (ie. i - is, it, in, etc.) which helped a lot. But with 2.1, if I turn it's word suggestions, it only provides me with proper names or contact names.Any way to allow 2.1 to use word suggestions other than these proper/contact names? I don't like the default keyboard.
I'm having issues with DPI change, I used ADB to change the DPI using a simple adb shell wm density 460 && adb reboot, all good, only issue is a few things are.. weird.. For instance the "top apps" icon, little blue thinggy in the playstore is awkwardly big, it's larger then the font, but I didn't use the phone stock so I don't know if that's just how marshmallow is or if that's a dpi problem. I also noticed when loading The Sims FreePlay, the EA boot logo it extremely over scanned, the letters EA barely fit on the screen, the eBay app, the user display picture is cut off and only shows the bottom right corner on an icon that's huge and again over sized, as well as snapchat sending all of my snaps with extremely small font, yet on my screen before sending they look just fine.
So after looking into this further, the build.prop was never changed, it still says dpi 560, but I know for system files I need to mount /system in order to write to it without root. So I booted to recovery as that allows me write access to system, mounted system, says mounted /system at the bottom of the log, open adb, run adb devices, nothing comes up, it's not found, reboot phone, run adb devices, works fine. What's the deal? I can't get the 6p to work from recovery when mounting /system, it says it's mounted but on the computer end nothing is happening.
I also want to keep this phone as stock as possible, kind of a purist douche bag like that so I don't want to run TWRP, or at least I'm not committed to this DPI change being this important that I want a custom recovery.why I can't mount /system in the stock recovery? or rather, why I can mount it but why it's not working?
Just got a replacement device from moto, and I wanted to flash build E for 5.1, I am currently running build E, but when I was flashing the newer build I forgot to have the phone update to 5.0.1, so I jumped from 5.0 straight to 5.1. Should I have updated to 5.0.1 then to 5.1?