Motorola Droid X :: Gallery Is Showing All Folders With Pictures?
Apr 26, 2012
The picture gallery is showing all of the folders on the SD card that have pictures in them including folders which were previously hidden. how to reset this to not look in hidden folders? I have noticed that the file manager sees hidden folders as well. This is new since the upgrade to Android 2.3.4
Ever since the ICS update, my gallery likes to not show the pictures that are on my phone. They were visible pre-ICS, but are now not. If I use a file manager I can see that they are still on my phone and even view them, but they refuse to pop up in my gallery. I have tried the unmounting and mounting of my SD card as I have seen people wiht similar problems do, but have had no success.
Is there a new folder that the pictures need to be moved to to be seen by the gallery app? I'm guessing no because they did occassionally show up after the update, but now won't at all. Still, worth asking.
I gave up on connecting my phone to my computer shortly after getting it two years ago. Mostly because the Motorola software interface killed my computer.I should be able to just connect the phone and move things like I would from any external memory device, just copy and paste or move, etc.Specifically, I'd like to move my photos from the gallery to my computer (without emailing them to myself).I have Windows 7 and currenty when I connect the phone my PC can't find the driver, so the phone won't show up in My Computer, so I can't do anything.
Today I tried to look for something in my Gallery - it keeps force closing. I tried powering the phone off and on and also did a battery pull, it still does not work. I can get into the folder where I have taken pictures via the camera, but can't access anything else.
It doesnt group any of my pictures into files even though they are saved that way on my SD card. They are all grouped under All pictures. I also have a problem with the gallery just duplicating pictures randomly. I have only took 6 pictures since i got the phone and it shows i have 437 all most of them are all the same picture. Does anyone else have this same problem? I have tried using the .nomedia trick but that doesnt even work either so i need some help or i will have to return the phone this weekend.
I have a relatively new Razr M. I have taken several pictures with it over the past 2 months with no problems. Starting a few days ago, I am having this problem: I'll be viewing photos in the gallery, and all of the sudden the photos go blank. There is just a gray square. I can flip from gray square to gray square -- no image shows. If I go back to the main gallery, it may or may not show pictures. There might just be gray squares, or all the pictures might be there. I have tried turning my phone off, then back on. The pictures will show up initially, but then when I start flipping through them, suddenly they turn to gray squares again. I have transferred the pictures to my computer, just to make sure they are saved somewhere. But can't figure out why they will show up and then turn to gray squares.
How is the D4 with loading and opening the gallery with large amounts of pictures in it? I have several folders of pictures with 100 -200 pictures on average and I am interest in how quickly the D4 can work with them. How quickly it handles pictures is important to me as I use this feature a lot for conventions and so on.
Version 5.02 ... The Gallery is not showing pictures that I download / save from a browser, or save an image from face book. I restore a bunch of photo's and put them in DCIM > Camera folder along with the other pictures I've take, but those don't show up either. The only pictures that show up in the gallery are those that I take with the Camera. I checked the other folders for the .nomedia file, and I don't see it.
the gallery app which was included isn't showing any pictures, which is extremly annoying, because many apps, like facebook apps, just show a black screen when I select "upload from gallery" If I open up the Gallery app the screen is just black and no pictures are displayed, only the exit and option buttons. Same problem is with the video app... I've already reseted it three times, but still no change.... And the crazy thing is, that with the photo browser app I'm able to see the pictures... Also there's a problem with switching the ring and alarm-tone. Exactly the same thing, I Do have music on my phone and the player is working... But I can't choose another tone for alarmtone, won't open fricking folder.
I have only had my Edge 4 days i noticed this morning my pictures were not showing in the gallery. I tried restarting and still not showing. They are on the device storage though. But i can not figure out how to get them back to the gallery. Strangely enough, the pictures I took yesterday are in the gallery.
I have called Tmobile and Samsung both Are unsure of the issue. This is my last effort to get the problem resolved with this phone before I reset it. How to resolve this or is a reset needed?
My droid has over 1000 pictures. I'm trying to transfer them to a flash drive and delete them off my phone through my computer. But they keep showing up. What am I doing wrong?
in the gallery? So was I. Sometimes it would take some time for them to all load and be viewable, that is until I installed an app simply called "Rescan SD.You press the app and it instantly updates the contents of your SD card. Now my pictures load up automatically with no problem at all.
Yesterday I bought a 16GB sd card and i inserted it into my phone samsung S5 and then I went to a party and I took some pictures which were automatically stored in sd card . when I came back to home I took out my SD card and reinserted it then my pictures were not visible in gallery . I checked into the my file folder in which opened sd card folder and checked everywhere there were not photos but some files which i opened and it wasn't opening there was written that no apps can perform this action . i switched the phone off and then restarted it no picture is visible. what is the solution ? how can i get my photos again?
I just upgraded from a Droid X to a Droid 3. On my X my facebook pictures automatically populated my contacts.
That is not the case with my Droid 3.
1) I've added a Facebook Account
2) There was no pre-installed facebook app so I downloaded and installed the Facebook App from the Market.
No pictures in my contacts although my facebook contacts did appear (in text form). I did wait a day to see if they'd come down. Next, I removed the app and the account. This time around I switched the order...
1) I installed the Facebook app from the market
2) I went to add and account. There was a small facebook icon and a large one. The large one looked "new" so I tapped it. The screen when blank for a second and then back to the account icons.
3) I chose the smaller facebook icon and was prompted for my login.
Facebook is listed as an account, but still no pictures in my contacts.
I use Handcent SMS for texting. I just received my Razr Maxx last week. I can not get the texting program to show the pictures of my contacts. I think the problem has something to do with Verizon Backup Assistant +. If I go in manually for the contact and put the contact photo in, then I can see them in Handcent SMS. I have many contacts, and I really don't want to do this manually.
I selected which folders I wanted to save into my gallery when having my phone plugged in but when I disconnected the photos were all in one folder jumbled?
I was saving my Samsung Galaxy S5 holiday pictures onto a micro SD card, but nearly all can only be seen as an icon that looks like a lightning bolt going through a Droid image. If I open "My Files" in the Applications folder, the photos are present (but not visible) as jpeg files. When I open the SD card in my PC each jpeg is present as a 2GB file (approx.), but again, can't be opened. How do I get to se my holiday snaps?
i loaded an app called "CLEAN SWEEP, and " Whats APP".. does any one of these apps change some properties that are hard to find that now makes any of my pictures i download from my messaging app, or camera go straight to "MY FILES" instead of showing in MY GALLERY like they used to do. I have deleted the old download folder to see if it wold start a new one , and it did, but still is not showing up in my gallery, just my files. the only pics showing up in my gallery are the ones on my sd card.
Is there any way to separate the photos in the gallery into folders? I have them in folders on my SD card but in the gallery it throws them all into one folder. I noticed I can access my folders by using the files app, however, I was hoping to have the option in the gallery as well.
How can you create separate folders in you picture gallery on a Motorola bravo ? I am coming from blackberry land which it was very easy to do.I don't want all pictures in one folder.I would like to be able to break them into relevant folders.
I noticed that my music app has two folders titled Unknown albums. In the two folders(one has the artist as dr. mad the other is unknown) there are various system sounds.
I don't believe you are able to, i have tried numerous ways, but they all just end up going to "Mobile uploads", then i have to go in and sort them out manually ont he comp, it's justa pain in the butt
After the upgrade to ICS (obviously my XOOM wrongly assumes its T-Mobile Germany) my picasa albums are no longer showing in the Gallery app.In Settings -> Accounts & sync -> <my Google account> the "Sync Picasa Web Albums" is missing (not just unchecked - not there). All sync options are checked.I tried deleting an readding my google account and a factory reset without succes. Picasa albums are still not there. My picasa albums are not public but showing fine on my Transformer Pad (also ICS 4.0.3).
How can I transfer pictures which I can see in Gallery to my PC? When I use ES File Explorer or File Manager those apps cannot find these pictures on the internal storage or external card but those albums and photos are visible in Gallery. The file manager apps see some albums but not all of those visible in Gallery. The PC cannot see them either using Windows Explorer as it only sees the same albums which the Xoom file manager apps can see.
I have updated my Xoom to 3.1 and now have my sd card active. I have put a picture (jpeg) folder onto the sd card, and now I want to link the folder to the Gallery shortcut on my tablet so that I can show my pictures using the Gallery shortcut instead of having to go via my file manager app and then selecting the individual pictures on the sd card.
For example, I have one album folder with 500 photos in it.. It started with 500 pics in the folder, next thing I know there are 1000 photos in the same folder.. Duplicates of the original 500... Now the same folder contains 1500 photos, 3 copies of each of the original 500.. This is happening with all the gallery folders.. They all have 3 copies of each pic in each folder.This is the first Xoom released LTE-WI-FI model,Can anyone give me a reason why they keep multiplying like rabbits.. All the photo folders are stored on the ext. Micro SD card.. So instead of having roughly 2000 Pics as it should be, I now have 6000... Why would each folder now contain 3 copies of each pic..
Ok I downloaded several pictures that I wanted from my computer to my Bionic.Now I want to know how can I access them from my gallery so I can edit them?I have tried everything I could possibly think of and I can see them in the Zumocast download section, but I cannot find them anywhere else on my phone. really want to do some editing to them with a program that I have on my phone.
I used Google's https: to transfer all my apps from my Droid 1 to my Bionic. By and large it was seemless and quick. However, less than half of my Gallery pictures made it over. Because the Gallery is a stock app and not in the marketplace it is not on the the above market transfer desktop application.I also have astro and estrong on my device.