IPhone :: What's The Small Globe Icon Right Of Bottom 123 Icon
May 5, 2012
Some one added a small globe/world icon to the right of the number icon (123) at the bottom right of my screen which when pressed opens to the right revealing a ton of images and special characters that is the most help addition ever! I don't know how it was added as I want to see if I can add it to my iPad Mail
Mac Pro 3.0 GHz Quad-Core, iPad WiFi/3G, iPhone4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 30" HP Display, 22" Cinema Display
So, I have this orange globe icon with a large number 1 next to it running across the top of my bold...... can't figure out what this is....figured I'd ask
I've been trying to figure out what this is' but i can't find anything about it in the manual or on any sites. I can toggle it so i feel like it's supposed to do something...
I have a solid red circle on the phone icon at the bottom of my home screen.I Get a notification message come up on my home screen telling me that i have a new voicemail message. When i dial into voicemail it tells me there are no messages.I Have rang my network provider(3) they did a restore on my phone using itunes on my computer(remotely)but the circle is still there.I took it to my local Apple store(Milton Keynes) when he took the sim card out with the phone still switched on it dissapeared.But when he reinserted the sim it came back.
There is a small icon on the screen (only had blackberry two weeks) there is usually a number next to it, it was 4 earlier and now its 3, it's a circle and it looks like an arrow with a small red mark on the end of it, what is it and how can I get rid?
For the last few days I have a small icon in the status (top) area with the shape of an envelope seen from the stamp side. (screenshots attached) I don't know what it means... I have searched manuals and references from different phones without luck (I got very dissapointed with the information regarding this matter)
My Blackberry Bold shows the small letters CM over the battery icon when the charger is connected but it will not charge. I've tried removing the battery putting it back in, I've tried 3 chargers, but the battery just continued to drain until it finally went into red. I've been "googling" all day and cannot find any reference to what I'm seeing.
X10 min pro:When phone is in airplane mode the status bar shows a sim icon with a small red cross in top right corner, when airplane mode is off it dissapears and the normal signal strength bars appear. If I take out the sim card and put into airplane mode the icon does not appear. What does the icon mean - is it normal for it to be there when in airplane mode?
My Lumia Icon has been getting hot in the bottom right corner? Usually Lumia devices get hot near the camera, which is not very obtrusive since one does not primarily hold the device there. I only use the device for 5 minutes and it starts to warm up////
whats the difference between the 3G fluctuating between big and small? Is it like EDGE and edge or it something different on the new 3G handsets? I thought the BB logo was what meant it was connected to the BB network. Any input? Im running the new 9700 OS that was released today and 3G seems better but I noticed its changing alot.
Multiple times throught the day my BB wil have a little time clock icon that shows up and while it's there the phone is delayed and I can't do anything with it until it goes away. I found a thread that suggested that I make sure I check all my running apps, which I did and shut down all but the defaults and the icon would still pop up. Is anyone else having this problem or know of a solution to this?
My curve is operating really slowly and when I try to open or send a text or open a mail, I get a very small clock icon appear. After about 20 secs, the text or mail opens. Not able to send any e mails either. Thought too many stored mails may be the problem but device won't now allow me to delete. Battery also running low after just a few hours,even after fully charging.
I have a E73 Mode TMobile. The mail icon next to the bluetooth icon will not go away. I've deleted all my voicemail, cleared my inbox on SMS to under 15 messages, and Sent is empty.
Software Version 044.008 Custom/Software Version Update 15-Sept-2010 Type RM-658 Latest update 3.27.2011
I just noticed a yellow icon to the right of the battery and volume icons near the top left of the screen. It has a number 1 to the left of it and it looks like an call out with a small red star in the upper right. What is it and how do I get rid of it? Carrier is Verizon
I was wondering if anyone can tell me how to get rid of the little flashing envelope at the bottom of my screen next to the Bluetooth icon? I don't have any unopened emails or SMS messages, so unsure of why it is flashing.
My E72 always shows the outbox notification icon at the bottom of the screen even when all emails and messages have been sent. I think that this means the phone has unsent emails or messages but there are none.Apart from that good phone.
quick question.....I have the Wi-Fi Xoom and just got my update to 3.1.....noticed what appear to be up and down arrows in the middle of the wi-fi icon in the bottom right of the screen.....checked the settings and all appears to be well....is the wi-fi trying to tell me something....or will this be the norm??
Just got a storm 9500, read everything i can about it but a icon has appeared that I can’t find anywhere and its bugging me. It looks like a small blue peach bubble on the top of the screen just under the date and a number next to it, i get that it’s not the new message icon, it seems to be a counter of some kind I think, I cleared all the messages i can find but it’s still there! Any help would be appreciated!
I tried opening Device manager (not desktop manager) to fix the gps problem on my phone per a thread i found right here on crackberry. I downloaded all the necessary software to do the fix, but when i open up Device Manager, i only get an icon on the quicklaunch bar on the bottom right side of the screen, once i open it, all it shows me is "Properties" and it doesnt open the actual Device Manager.
I currently upgraded to the new BlackBerry Curve 8530 after having the Curve 8330 for 2 years. For the past week I have had nothing but problems. I pulled the battery out 4 times over the past week, and now I am having some problems with the SMS and MMS Text icon. When my phone receives an SMS or MMS message I click on the icon and read the message, and either respond or do not respond. Then when I back out and go back to my home screen, the SMS and MMS icon still indicates that I have an unread message. There is NO SMS or MMS indicator icon at the top of my screen to alert me of how many messages there are, because there are no new/old unread messages. I tried pulling the battery out twice, and it corrects the problem for a little bit (maybe an hour) and then reverts right back to it's annoying ways.
Please help me out. I attached a photo to this discussion so hopefully it will make it easy for whomever is responding to fully understand what is going on.
My iphone 5s started showing small white square boxes on the bottom of the screen, is there anyway i can fix them without going to the apple store. because I have purchased the phone from UK and is it still under the warranty, now I am working in Dubai apple do not provide international warranty i guess .
I have somehow lost the icon for "contacts". My contacts are still there, I can find them by searching but don't have an icon on my home page (or anywhere else) to click on to add new contacts or find old ones. Can anyone advise what I've done? I've tried synching with my laptop but that hasn't brought the icon back, and I've powered off. I backed up to the cloud earlier but am a bit bothered about trying a full restore! Besides, the contacts icon was missing when I last backed up, so it probably wouldn't come back anyway!
thought everything was ok with my phone, (experia mini, new software) but for some reason when I tap the contacts icon on the bottom of the screen, my contacts are not there, only my own name. I can search for names in messaging and everyone from my phone contacts, to my facebook friends and even Fearne cotton from twitter is there! I would like just my phone contacts visible in my phone book. I've tried to back up contacts from before the software update yesterday, and it takes ages to get through to 100% but the names are still missing
why there are 4 white lines appearing on the bottom of my screen. My BB model is 9320.I already tried to reload the os 7.1 but still no luck. The white lines are still appearing
I don't know if this is the right forum for this, but I woke this morning to see my Yahoo email icon back on my home screen. Has anyone else gotten it back? And lastly, how do I change it back to a stock BB icon?