I've setup homesharing as every guide I have ever read says to. However the step where I go to more tab on the music app on my phone, there is no shared option. I've turned the phone off and on, made sure the app was closed properly, and nothing.
Do I need to set up a library to share first? All the videos seemed to have a library in the shared tab in itunes. I can't find a way to do this, as the sharing options in preferences just say either share selected playlists, or my entire library.
I'm trying to connect my iphone to my new apple TV. The home sharing page says I need to turn this feature on in the "Setting" menu under "ipod"... I have no "ipod" feature on my iphone.
I'm trying to set up Home Sharing on my iPhone 4. The instructions say = "On your iPhone, tap Settings > iPod". Why would a setting for iPod be on my iPhone? If it should be there, I can't find it. I'm totally confused and frustrated with trying to set up Home Sharing.
All instructions say too push "iPod" under settings to turn on homesharing for iPhone and it does not exist. I have homesharing working on windows laptop but since that is not always turned on I would rather home share iTunes library from iPhone since my iPhone is always turned on.
I want to setup my phone to stream my iTunes on my home computer. My phone has OS 5.1.1 installed and I do not see a menu option for settings>ipod anywhere. Is there something I'm missing to setup Home Sharing? I've already done setup on the computer.
I recently downloaded an hd (1080p) tv series. When I try to use home sharing to watch it on my iphone (4), I cannot. Is this because it will not stream 1080p/play1080p on the phone/or compress it to work on the phone? Is there a way to download sd?
Something changed on my Xperia Ray and I don't know what or why. For some reason, when I try to share an app from my Home Screen, the options menu that used to appear asking for how I would like to share is no longer there. It used to be that I could long click an app on my Home Screen and then drag it up to the top where it says "SHARE." Then an options menu would appear and I could select how I would like to share. Now, when I drag something over the "SHARE" area, a little dialog box appears saying "Creating Post." Then it says "Connection Error." I have tried factory reseting my phone and repairing my phone more times than I can count. I'm not sure where the problem is. I also notice, that some settings seem to stay with the phone even after a repair or factory reset. For example, I had to manually enter my APN information when I first got the phone. It is now already entered when I finish a repair. I don't know if this sharing problem is some deep setting that I can't reset or something else all together. It's a royal pain. I really liked and used this feature before and now it's gone!
I have iphone 4s ios 7.1.2 facetime is not showing on the main home screen nor in settings and also no any option of facetime in restrictions I checked the list my network is supports facetime I am in malaysia I tried everything reset my phone switched of camera from restictions then I comppletly reset my iphone and all the steps i followed which are mentioned for troubleshooting....
In addition to my Corporate email account, I have other personal email accounts activated and set up on my bb. On Saturday, these personal email accounts/icons all of a sudden disappear from my Home screen. I've tried reboot the bb by taking out the battery and re-inserting it.I've gone into Set up a few times to delete and re-activate them individually.I did received message back that these accounts have been successfully set up with my bb device, but their envelope icons still HAVE NOT been able to show up on the Home Screen. I've tried Hide & unhide, Show all and not Show all. Nothing works.In the Messages folders, I can see that I am receiving all emails from all my accounts However, when I go into Sound and Alert to change ring tones/sounds for Selected Profiles, under Messages - Notifiers. only Email [Desktop] shows up.How can I get back my other email accounts/icons to show up on my Home screen? My bb is Bold 9780.
The facebook icon is not appearing on the home screen. I have deleted the facebook app, downloaded it again, removed the battery, resent service books, re-registered my Blackberry. Nothing works.
First, when I bought my Xperia Play(4 months ago)my home network WiFi worked very well on it but today when I search for wifi network I just can not find it I checked my laptop: the WiFi was working very well and I checked my family phones (Android and Iphone) and also they are connecting and working.i tried to do the next : 1- turn off and on my modem (I think it is called like that, I am not that good in networks) but nothing happened
2-turn off and on wifi on my phone
3-turn off and on my Xperia Play
4-Uninstalled go launcher
last things I have did before this happened :
1- Installed a game from the market that uses WiFi called : The Sims Free Play
2- Installed go launcher and go locker with ICS theme
More information : when I go to my WiFi settings I see that IP address is Unavailable.
Somehow my home screen display is now showing 2 lines of my applications, which I don't like. How can I change it back just to one line of apps in home screen?
The facebook icon is not appearing on the home screen. I have deleted the facebook app, downloaded it again, removed the battery, resent service books, re-registered my Blackberry. Nothing works.
When I get a new text message, there is a small envelope icon/symbol that shows up in that box area as described above. What is that area called? And now I have this globe looking icon/symbol on that box area and I have No idea what that means. How to even find what the symbol is telling me....i.e. the envelope tells me I have a new text message. I want to know what this globe symbol tells me.
I have recently updated my samsung galaxy s6 to android 5.1.1, since updating, my launcher, apex pro isn't showing the icons within a folder on my home screen any more, its basically a folder that contained all my game apps.I assume the issue was apex in someway maybe not being fully compataible with 5.1.1 but im not sure? Th odd thing is, when i open tap the game folder, even though its all blank with no icons, they do seem to be there, but just invisible, if i tap where i know apps used to be in the folder, they do actually stop open, which is odd.
I have tried deleting the folder then doing a restore in apex but the same thing happens.Also since updating to 5.1.1 some screens have also been a little laggy and my home screen was just black at one point and just showing the notification section / time but everything else was black and wouldn't go off, i had to restart phone to get it back to normal.
Today I turned on my Storm 2 and saw what I assume is a BB Message icon under the date on home screen; it's solid blue, and on left shows "1". Opening message folders shows nothing. Scanning all folders, having turned off hide, still nothing i.e. no red asterisk. Image of screen can be seen here. [URL]
At my office I have Windows 7 Professional and can see both the external and internal cards from the phone.At home I have Windows 7 Home Premium and can only see the external card. If I remove the external card, I can see the internal storage, but I can't see them together. I just want to make sure this is reported somewhere. I called Motorola directly but they are reluctant to report anything.