Recently KLM updated their app to version 3.4.2 an apparently Release 9890.
On my iPhone I still have to deal with (buggy) release 9886 even though by now I have deleted & reinstalled the app several times. how to force a release upgrade of an app??
I currently have 17 apps that need upgrading on my iPhone 5s. The little red number on the app store is showing me this. When i try to update the,, whether all of them at once or just individually, I get the window to type my apple Id password. After typing in my password, the rectangular update button on the right side just next to the app symbol changes into the usual circle, BUT then it stops and changes into the upgrade symbol again.
It seems impossible to upgrade my apps. I have the latest version of iOS, I tried to sign out, restart the phone, switch off restrictions.
I am using an iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1 (I believe), I never had any problems with app store before, but recently I cannot update or download any apps. When I put in my password, it says "Unknown error". I tried turning it off, but still didn't work.
I have the Gold Master of 4.0 installed, and now iTunes tells me my phone is already using the latest software (4.0). Should it be offering an update to the newly released final 4.0, or is it exactly the same as the GM?
We know there is the mobilesafari exploit which allows untethered start-up for new bootrom 3GS and iPod touch devices. There is a good chance the geohot has found the same exploit. Now that Apple have it narrowed down to mobilesafari, will they not try to find the exploit themselves before releasing any significant update?
Anyone else think we might see something today? Given that it's been quite a while since launch and the problems surfaced to national attention, and now with the Consumer Reports story. I feel we might see something today. If not, this week.
I wonder if Apple will release a software update to address the current issues before or after the 30 day return policy expires? I don't see software fixing the antenna issue and I am curious see when the release comes out.
After updating my C7 with latest software update, I can get no greek language support for my phone. As a matter of fact, I have much less languages options than what originally were installed on the phone.
I am having Nokia N97.i recentley updated firmaware from 10.0.* to V.20.0.019.Now my phone is showning " System Error " when switch on. Also I have checked new for release of new firmaware for N97 i.e 21.0.045. How can I update this firmaware for my phone.
I am going to change from the Storm 2 to the Tour. The Tour 2 sounds nice but I really don't care for the trackpad after using it on the 9700. When you drive a lot the trackpad leans to more mistakes in navigation to me. Wifi is also something I never use. The Storm 2 is a great device but again it is hard for me to use while driving (one hand navigation). Once the 5.0 update is released I believe it will be near perfect for my uses.
As most of everyone knows, Nokia Belle is finally released! I was wondering if anyone with a C7 Astound who lives in the US has been able to update their phones to Belle?
I just purchased a new Sony Xperia Play & I love the phone minus a few things and one of them is the screen brightness, I just updated to the latest OS and It is very annoying when the screen is so dark until you hold it up to the light and then it is bright again, This was to be the replacement of my X10 and if I could get the screen brightness issue fixed I would be a happy camper. I searched and see there is only one fix for it right now and that is to root your phone and apply the fix but I do not want to attempt to do that quite yet. If anyone has heard if Sony plans on fixing this or if there is another way around it please let me know for I am still looking at the new Samsung Galaxy II Infuse 4G which was my other option other than the Play.
I just see a new update to one of my apps, but android doesn't auto update it. Is it because auto update happens at certain time of the day? How can I force this update without uninstalling?
I just bought a defy+ a few days ago and am really happy with it.But my problem is i bougth it in germany with an german retail version of the motoblur (45.0.2310.MB526.Retail.en.DE), I live in denmark and want to change it to the scandinavian version.hen ever I try to download the scandinavian version to the device it tells me it already is up to date and their is no update available. How do i get around this problem and force it update to the scandinavian version.
I have a Lumia 800, County Variant Model 059M539 on o2 in uk.There is the 12070 firmware fix for the hardware. i.e Improved battery, better audio. It's been available from Nokia for at least two weeks.
I connect to Windows Phone 7 connector on OSX, but there is no update available. The Nokia FAQ says that updates 'After 5 days, all eligible phones will receive update notifications.' As o2 have already pushed updated to their versions of the Lumia. How can I force an update my phone?
Which is really annoying because I often found that it was useful to force GSM because several of my phones (including my current HTC One) favour a weak WCDMA connection over a strong GSM, which is pointless when all I want is a phone conversation with a good line!
Really kinda loathing this update... an unwelcome change that hasn't really brought me anything good that I've noticed. Also since this update, I've been really missing being able to unlock the phone just by pressing the button (swiping the screen feels pointless on the HTC One and is slower when I want to frequently just check my location of Maps or something)...
Some of you, like me, have been wanting the new update for Google Play Services. just wanted to share that a new version of the Android Wear companion app is available. This update is dependent on the new version of Play Services..So by installing or updating Android Wear you should immediately be notified of the Play Services update. This just worked on 3 separate devices for me. Even without connecting a Wear device.
How do I force my X10 mini to update the Albumthumbs folder? My individual music folders have cover art in them and when I play on my PC via Media Go or Windows Media Player the cover art is displayed. But it is not displayed on the phone when I use the phone media player. The album folders have folder.jpg images and additionally the album tracks have embedded cover art. The art shows in the photo album on the phone so there is no problem with the larger image. For some reason it has not created entries in the Albumthumbs folder and I assume that is why the art does not display when I'm playing the music via the phone.How do I force the albumthumbs to be created? What normally controls their creation?
I just received my new Moto X second generation (AT&T ) yesterday and would like to download lollipop. However, system update keeps saying that I have the latest software. I don't suppose there is a way to force the system update.
The initial shine of the 3.1 patch to fix shortcomings in orginal 3.1 upgrade has tarnished.I'm now experiancing regular "Not Responding" messages while browsing, and if you select "wait" rather than "close", the entire system freezes.This results in me having to hold the UP volume button and power button until it does a hard shut down.
I have not been able to update my apps for 5 days now because I keep getting a force close. I have cleared every cache and history, restarted and rebooted 3 times and I still can't get my apps to update
updated last night and now when i go into the calander i get the message "The process com. android.calander has stopped unexpectently. please try again." then i have to press force close. Also the pinch/zoon works fine on the internet but differently when on photos that i have taken. You cannot pinch, to zoom you have to drag your finger up and it vibrates when you touch the screen and a white streak comes up on the pic while you are draging your finger, visa verse to zoom out.
I have a Droid Razr and my carrier is Verizon. Ever since the motorola update on friday, 2/17 I cannot open 2 email accounts (bellsouth and godaddy) They both disappeared from my email icon and altough they are listed in My accounts they have a new green icon next to the name and underneath the email address it says The update didn't effect my gmail account. I have spoke to several Verizon reps and a Motorola rep after removing sims card, turning off and on and several soft resets nothing has worked. When I held down the email name in My Accounts it forces close. It says the application My Accounts (process com.motorola setup)has stopped unexpectedly pease try again.
have a Xoom that is consistently force closing the browser when I visit certain javascript animation sites, including our own web site with animations.(Animations built using jquery 1.4.4 but tested on 1.6.1 as well.) These sites did not cause force closes previous to the Android 3.1 update. The issues are also occuring for our customers with Xoom tablets recently updated to Android 3.1.An example site that crashes:, we found that if we follow the instructions here for turning off OpenGL (hardware acceleration) support in the browser, force closes do not occur and javascript animations are in fact smoother and better than before!! However, Adobe Flash support is also lost if OpenGL is disabled.
I've been having issues since I did the Froyo update on my Blue Tick upgraded Telstra defy. Australian users will know what I mean by that. I did a hard reset soon after the froyo update because a few strange things were happenning. The hard reset seemed to resolve my issues.
But now I need to reboot my phone on average once per day. I get google system processes force closing randomly. It usually happens when I'm not even using the phone. I'll pick it up to use it and there'll be a force close message. Stuff like Swype will also randomly force close. When this stuff starts to happen, a heap of my apps won't open. They just force close straight away. When I reboot everything is fine for about another 24 hours, then another google system process will force close and it all starts to happen again.
Has anyone had anything similar happen? Is there any point in doing another hard reset? I can't really see why it would make any difference doing it again. I'm currently in the middle of reformatting my sd card to see if that makes any difference.
Since I updated to iOS4 my Appstore icon on my iPhone has vanished. Furthermore, mysteriously, I'm not allowed to install programs on my iPhone through my mbp (itunes) When I try to update the apps to my iphone that i downloaded on the computer it says unknown error. Today I downloaded the most recent iOS update and (4.1 i guess) and it still doesn't work. Has anyone else experienced this problem and what could i do about it?
I'm using iPhone 4S. Today i experience one specific problem. I wanted to download one free app on my iPhone and the download "started", and never finished. App was on my iPhone, but it wasn't downloaded, just App (witt download stuatus on) and under it was text "Waiting...". I tried several apps and two accounts and on Wi-Fi and on cellular network but always the same, only once i got message "You've already purchased this but it hasn't been downloaded. If you're having trouble downloading it, select Check fo Available Downloads from iTunes on your computer, then sync with your device.". When i tried to download the same app on my PC it downloaded normally (but i want to be able to download and install apps directly on my iPhone).
I get an annoying message when trying to get an app through App Store "at this time it is not possible to buy DMD and 13 other.............". Then I press OK and the normal interaction box appears requesting my password. How can I get rid of this?