IPhone :: 4S Has A Green Choppy Screen When Play Back Video?
Apr 25, 2012When I take a video screen looks fine when I play it back sound is choppy and the screen has a green tint and is choppy.
iPhone 4S
When I take a video screen looks fine when I play it back sound is choppy and the screen has a green tint and is choppy.
iPhone 4S
I was filming my family and the video stuttered and stopped altogether after a few seconds. Then the app went to a green screen (totally green) and I couldn't fix it. I had to reboot the phone to get it to work normally. Is that normal?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhenever i attempt to watch a video (any kind.. fb, Internet, recorded) my iphone shows a crackling green screen. the audio is still fine.
iphone 4s
all of a sudden i am now unable to view any videos on my se xperia ray.whether it be a video which is stored on my mobile or one that is on Internet etc. i am unable to see-anything but a green screen.there is sound when the video is playing but no picture. how to return the mobile to factory settings?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI play videos on my nokia e52, downloaded video podcasts, either as mp4 or wmv formats.
They play very well but there are no controls to skip along the video either forward or backwards. just a pause and stop.
Does anyone have this problem?? Everytime I record a video from my Xperia neo v, the video recording is very choppy! It also happens after I view my recorded video...
View 1 Replies View Relatedtried to watch the new walking dead preview on the amc website, video was just a white block? can watch it on my droid but not the icon?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHaving fits with my Verizon Nokia 822. Tried to take some videos today & then watch them on the phone. Took 4 videos, 2 saved to my Sandisk 64gb class 10 card, 2 saved to the phone. Took 720 & 1080 video's all 4 videos are very choppy on playback. They skip most of what is recorded. Phone also duplicates music, photo's & video's like crazy! I have 10+ copies of pictures & songs on my phone, it stops duplicating videos at 3 copies!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just got a new Z3 with Lollipop pre-installed and found that YouTube playback via the default app is choppy/stuttery. I tried factory resets/ updating the YouTube app/clearing cache/turning the x-reality engine on/off, but of no avail.
The videos play perfectly fine on my much older Xperia s, so pretty sure this not on the YouTube end.
I recently got the Nexus 6 and shot a few videos in 4k and when playing them back, the videos are choppy, laggy. It's not terrible but definitely noticeable. I have seen other videos shot with this phone and they look perfect and professional.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using a stock, untouched Droid X2 with the included MicroSD card and the video recording is simply broken. The first video I tried to take was laggy during the recording, and playback was at a seemingly 1.5x speed and was glitchy. I recieved advice to uninstall Flash 10.3, and while shorter videos would record and play back okay, I still get some issues such as the phone rebooting while trying to navigate the gallery.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen playing videos playback that i put on my memory card, my videos seems to be choppy. Is there such a thing as a high speed memory card that can fix this or is this most likely not the problem?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow are you supposed to take a screen shot with a video when there's a lag between the play and pause button?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
When I play a movie, it doesn't fit to whole screen. what should be done?
View 2 Replies View RelatedRecently my c905a has become unable to playback certain videos, the last 20 or so i have taken. The videos can be played immediately after recording, but later if attempted have a broken film icon instead of thumbnail and if tried to play the message "Currently Unavailable appears". This is not consistent however, a few videos in the middle of the 20 are playable. Their sizes are all varying, settings on each video are the same. I thought that they were possibly not playable on my phone so i moved them onto my computer - same issue, E.M. Total Player fails to open the videos. I hope someone can help me with this. I was counting on these 8.1 MP to record some good material for an oral presentation and final presentation for the chinese class i'm taking right now. I picked up great material, the base of the two projects. These projects are 40% of my grade and need to be presented in 2 and 3 days! How can i salvage these videos? Every video lists appropriate size, what else should i look for? How should i go about fixing this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI listen to a great deal of podcasts, audiobooks and music on youtube. Oftentimes I want to work and listen at the same time, so I will put my phone in my jacket/pants/table while I work, but sometimes I will bump the screen while working and it stops the YouTube video or makes it jump ahead/back.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI wonder if there is any way to play music video (mp4) while the screen is locked ??
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a green light on the back of my Torch 9810 that never goes out, even when I remove the battery. It is the same bulb where the flash for my camera is. Is there a reason this light is on that I don't know about? Is there a way to get it to turn off? I'm new to BlackBerry from an iPhone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOK firstly it's not just YouTube. It's Netflix, the internal video player and even when I playback videos I've recorded personally it has the same thing.i have also tried it chrome casting and the whole to appears like it. I've tried restarting the phone in safe mode as well as a factory reset to no avail..
View 5 Replies View RelatedShortly after I purchased my Xperia Play (Verizon) I did the update and everything was fine (2.3.3). Now when I try to take pictures they only show up with a green tint kind of like having night vision. It's doing this for both the front and rear facing cameras. It shows up in the preview as well.Also, when I try to send out texts it only says "Sending" they never get sent, but I can receive texts any time. I've been contemplating doing a restore to it but I don't want to waste my time if it doesn't fix anything and I definitely don't want to go through installing everything again.
View 9 Replies View RelatedFrequently when I play videos, regardless of what app it is in, the video will get very pixelated, and turn green, pink or black. That's the best I can describe it. I'm not entirely sure how to post a screenshot....
View 2 Replies View Relatedsince this morning i cant not view my own videos, you tube, i players or anything streaming without green screen,
iPhone 4S
My Z3 seems to have a lot of issues with video playback. I get garbled green artefacts and play often stops with audio carrying on.
I get this in YouTube, Facebook and the Movies app.
I've tried full factory wipes and all the available updates. Issue remains.
Often I am getting green bar waves across my screen. May what is the cause for this? and how rectify this?
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1
After I updated yesterday to 4.1 my phone restarted and it was charging up from the usb (the big green battery was on the screen). I disconnected the phone by itunes and when I tried to unlock it the screen was black!
I have tried holding the sleep and power buttons down for 2 minutes but still nothing. The phone is completely dead!
Any ideas on what I can do? It's probably going to be a swap for a new phone in the apple store today, but I really need to get some stuff of it. Would this be possible? Thanks
I just bought a new apple iphone 4S and its has green and purple striples on it when not in use, is this norm? I took it back to the Verizonwirless and they said it was from the display protector on the screen?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5
I got a problem on my iphone 5s, it got the green border around of my iPhone 5s's screen. It just will show clearly when the my iPhone 5s's screen in white color. I tried to power off my iPhone 5s after noticed it. But don't solve the problem. Will it effect to my iPhone? isn't that is the problem of the software? White iPhone 5s, 16GB, iOS 7.1.2, used for 10 months.
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2, From Malaysia
I recently had the LCD replaced on my iphone 4 this week. I keep getting blue/green lines on screen. I have to do a reset then it's fine until the next time also I have added a energizer charging case it seems that's when the lines started.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi need to know that when i press next option while playing a video my iphone does not responses by playing next video and continues the current video how can i play next video
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
can an iPhone gen 5. play a 4K Video?
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.1
Theres 2 green spots appearing on both bottom corner of the screen!what should i do? i only have this phone like 2 mos. ago
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2