I was texting and the phone just turned off, I tried to wake him up again but it didn't. I connected it to the charger to see what happened and a charging icon appeared while the led light was blinking in orange, but it was not the normal charging icon that appears when you're charging the phone it was just an empty battery with the lightning icon inside. I thought it had no battery left and I wasn't realizing it so I left it there to charge but nothing happened. I contacted support from HTC through their live chat feature and they told me to try a battery calibration but it didn't work (I think it was because i had the fast boot mode turned on).
1)when you receive a text, can you tell how many other people that text was simultaneously sent to, just like u can tell on the regular non-smartphones and non-PDAs?
2) Can you setup stored quick reply text messages on the Storm2?
I recently bought an M9 and have been loving most of the features. I've used a WindowsPhone for the past ~3 years and wanted something different. For years now, I've been a part of a group text with a few friends. There were no issues with it on my old phone, but I'm running into some issues with the M9.
For example: When I open the group text, there's a bubble that says "Converting to MMS message" every time. This happens even if I just backed out of the message and re-entered it.
Every time I send a message, a loading icon pops up in the middle of the screen. After the loading icon goes away, the message that I sent has another icon inside of it that stays there for a few seconds. Eventually, that icon goes away too. Some of the messages that are sent to me by my friends come through as individual texts with a download link. If I follow the download link, it appears in the group text.
Scrolling through the group message is extremely choppy. Everything else on this phone has been smooth, this is the only thing I've noticed that doesn't load well
I am in the process of experiencing my first smart phone ever! Three days ago I made the decision to get the Droid Eris. I was in love with this phone the first 24 hours and then I started to think of my other options. The Moto Droid is out for me just because I really hate the size of the device... Just not for me. I know am deciding on either the BB Tour or keeping my Droid Eris. I have some following questions that hopefully you can all chip in.
I am mainly going to use my phone for texting/emailing with the whole uploading pictures to facebook and making the occasional tweet. I just graduated college so also looking for a very reliable phone for my "finding a J O B" process. So far the Droid Eris seems to be a very capable phone but there is some hiccups in the facebook/twitter apps and when I am typing on the keyboard there seems to be some spotty lag.
So my questions for you are.
Does the Tour experience spotty lag while texting/emailing?How are the facebook and twitter apps for the blackberry, from my very native knowledge of BB I have heard great things about them.
Is BBM what it is cracked up to be... all my friends just swear by it.Everything I run is google from gmail to calender. Is the BB able to sync like the eris did to all my contacts?Is the BB able to do google talk and is it instantly or is there some delay in receiving emails and msgs through gmail.
I sometimes experience heavy echo.Often, it's when I call my mom's verizon land-line; her cordless phone is connected to a medical alert "fallen-can't-get-up" device so I kind assumed it was related to that.Recently, however, I've had sporadic echo talking to other users.
Just now I turned off noise suppression and turned on call clarity enhancement.However, it occurs to me that since I have another LG G4 on my account and also a samsung, I should do some comparisons between the phones to make sure it's not my phone.
My phone was lagging severely and I turned it off, waited a couple of seconds and turned it on... Nothing happened, it does not respond to anything, not charging, not turning on. And also, my PC had to update when I was about to post this, and when I got in my router needed a firmware update, frustrating. Also, my Z2 runs the latest OFW.
I have a galaxy s5 and a few days ago while i was charging my phone i started to hear a sizzling sound like something burning and i realized it was the USB in the charging port. i top it out immediately and it still charges but it only charges when it's turned off and when it's on it shows the little lighting strike on it but it's not really charging when plugged in(FYI it does not still have the charging symbol when not plugged in). Do I replace the battery or the phone. or is there nothing i can do?
This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but I have the horrible habit of picking at the ring that holds the trackball into place. Usually, I'll remove it and the trackball while the phone is off to clean the area when the trackball sticks.However today the ring popped off during my nervous habit and I touched the led while the phone was on. I was just wondering if this is bad in anyway? Everyone keeps telling me it's just a light, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.
My BlackBerry curve works from time to time...I dripped gatorade on it a few months back and the screen turned white but the phone is still on, I can make calls, receive calls and text I just can't see anything on my screen. It came back on it worked for a few days then went out again. After a week or two it came back on and today it went out again. I dropped my last phone in the toilet and that piece of **bleep** wont stop working for anything but a drop of gatorade kills my whole BB screen ughhh...Is there a solution to this problem??
My sony xperia z3 dual was bought about a month ago. Since yesterday every time i turn it on it shutdown just after the logo of sony xperia and android appears...
For some strange reason my phone wont charge it off and when it is off it flashes on and off with the lightning and battery size to charge meaning it takes forever to charge. 5 hours of charge off and its only on 50% and then the battery dies within 2 hours when switched back on. Super annoying. Is it the phone or just need of a new battery.
I updated my ray to ics after 2 hours of successful updating, while installing an application mobile got switched off and never turned on again. What could be the problem?
So, I hope no one else has had this happen to them, but, my phone turned off in the middle of the night while on the charger, and now it won't come back on. Made me miss my alarm clock and i was late to work, when I was the one supposed to be opening. I haven't tried rooting this phone or messing with the bootloader at all, and I haven't downloaded any new apps in the last 2 days. Does anyone have any idea why this would have happened, AND, does anyone have any idea how to turn
so last night i restarted my phone . after this the following happened my alarm had no tone selected my "home " key doesnt do anything.I get no notification icons on the top bar ( they are set to on ) my ringtone defaulted to something i hadnt selected when you drag down on the notification atthe top there was a "settings" icon this has now vanished.
I have SM-920V, verizon branded galaxy s6 . my problem is , when i turn on phone , it restarts itself... I've tried everything , reseting/erasing , flashing firmware with odin , flashing and updating firmware with KIES . It still same , restarts before or on activation screen and can't past it .
It's turned on only for minute or less and then restarts , bu when it's in download mode I can flash firmware without any restarts or so... (more then hour) ....
My IPhone 5 suddenly turned off and can not be turned on.
It prompts me to use connect to iTunes . I have done all iTunes updates but it says it cannot be restored due to error 14.
It restored correctly once this weekend and functioned for all of an hour before it died.
I'm afraid I'm within days of the one year warranty. Because I live in a rural area I can't get to a Rogers or IApple store I cannot conveniently take it in for replacement or repair. Â
I've had nothing but problems since I updated to the os7.
Managed to upgraded my N95 to the latest firmware V.35.0.002.Also successfully installed v.3.01maps application.
And it's running without any serious problem. Except, I did encounter a problem ; backlight problem.The screen and phone keypad will be turned off after a while. I tried as per cjlim's instruction :/discussions/board/message?board.id=topfaq&message.id=161#M161.The thing is I even can't get to the navigation menu in the map application(the application will quit without any error message)
My emails used to upload to my BB as they came in. Now they are only loading to the phone after I turn it off and then turn it back on or take action on an item. This began happening about two weeks ago for no reason. How can I get the emails to show up on my BB as they come in?