HTC One M7 :: Any Way To Launch Apps From Lock Screen By Pressing Instead Of Dragging Up

Oct 5, 2013

I often forget pulling the icon up. Is it possible to launch them by clicking the app just like how it works in the dock, etc? Btw I am using 4.3.

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Google Nexus 5 :: How To Lock Screen Without Pressing Button

May 11, 2015

I have a nexus 5 and how should I lock my screen (and unlock also only if possible), without having to press the power button?

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BB Torch 9800 :: Pressing End Button Will Shut Down Cellphone Even In Lock Screen

Aug 13, 2010

I just found that it's not just OS6.It's better on BOLD because pressing "end" button while in Standby mode will just wake the device.Is there Standby mode in OS6? on Torch? When you are composing email/txt msg, once you touch the "send" icon on touchscreen the msg will just be sent immediately. I hate this because I might hit it randomly. Is there any way to add a confirmation window there?

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Xperia Z5 :: Screen Coming Back On After Pressing Power Button To Lock

Jul 3, 2010

This morning the screen of my Z5 Compact starting coming back on after I press the Power Button to turn it off. It seems to be triggered by movement: If I'm holding the phone after pressing the PB, the screen comes back on immediately when my hand moves. If I place the phone flat on a table and press the PB, without additional movement, the screen stays off.
The screen stays off if allowed to Sleep past the set duration.
The past couple of days I've also been getting notifications that certain Apps are preventing Stamina mode from operating. This morning it was Facebook. Yesterday, it was another one I can't remember. Can these issues be related? 

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BB Bold 9700 :: Able To Lock By Pressing Top Left Lock Button / Not Unlock It When Press It Again

May 11, 2010

I want to be able to only lock my blackberry by pressing the top left lock button and not unlock it when i press it again. This is extremely annoying. Can anyone help me?

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Xperia Z3 :: Screen Switching On When Dragging Down During Sleep

Oct 7, 2014

Have just updated to Lollipop and all seems good except when when I sleep the phone, if i touch the top left hand corner of the screen the phone awakes, gets a bit annoying as when i hold my phone it keeps switching on, want to disable?

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IPhone 5s :: Lock Button Keeps Pressing Itself While Using Device

Jun 21, 2014

My iPhone 5's lock button keeps 'pressing itself' whilst I am using my phone. For example if I open my phone by pressing the home button, my phone will screen shot my home screen, as if I have also pressed the lock button which, of course, I haven't. Also, when I am using my phone it will just stop and go to the screen which says 'slide to power off', again as if I've held down the lock button.

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Nokia Lumia :: When Moving Away The Lock Screen Apps And Everything On The Screen Looks Very Out Of Color And Blurry?

Nov 17, 2012

When moving away the lock screen.. my apps and everything on the screen looks very out of color and blurry. But it will go back to normal in maybe 2 too 10 seconds.It's been happening frequently and was wondering if it has happened to anybody else and if there's a way to fix it.

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HTC One M7 :: Switch Home Screen Apps On Lock Screen

Oct 8, 2013

Switch the home screen apps on my lock screen? Or just delete the apps all together on my lock screen?

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Google Nexus 5 :: Phone Not Waking After Pressing Power / Lock Button

Nov 4, 2015

I have problem with waking the phone with power/lock button. Every few hours (for my usage once a day) the phone doesn't wake after locking. I have to press and hold power/lock button for a few seconds to manualy restart it. I know that N5 has notorious problems with power/lock button but as far as I know its problem with phone not going to sleep. I don't have problem with that.

I noticed this after an update to M. I am on XtraSmooth 29.10 build with RacerKernel 28.10. DT2W dissabled. Also i have the usual problem of turning screen on after calls. For me the phone sometimes doesn't turn on until the other person ends the call. Do I need to replace the power/lock button?

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BB Apps :: Do Need Quick Launch?

Jan 31, 2010

As the title suggests, QL seems to be one of the best app's and it appears that most members use it.I don't think I would use its capabilities re the Hot keys but just from a system point of view it would maybe help keep my 9700 working correctly?

I have downloaded a few themes and berryweather and I don't know if its my imagination but when going into to view photographs in the media section I think it takes longer than it should - I will need to check this against my brothers 9700 which hasn't been altered at all.I also have capture it, does this run in the back ground and maybe is the cause, meaning QL would be worth it as it replaces the need for capture it?

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IPhone :: Best Lock Screen Apps

Aug 3, 2010

Just after some advice i gather there are quite a few apps that change your lock screen to show a variety of information, and just wondered what the best was.
I would like it to be free, and calendar information is a must.

And whilst i'm here are there any apps that would enable you to add a bit more to the calendar reminders - when they pop up on the lock screen I would really like a snooze for 15 minute option!

(3gs with ios4)

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IPhone :: Launch Apps From Lockscreen?

Aug 2, 2010

Is it possible to have a couple apps that can be launched from the Lockscreen?I added a couple apps to the sbsettings "dock" but that doesn't seem to launch those apps while on the springboard.Is there a Cydia/Rock app that enables something like this? I don't really want InfoLock or IntelliScreen...

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Apps Won't Launch?

Feb 19, 2012

I've had this problem on and off, but lately it seems to be getting worseSome apps won't launch when I try to start them. I hit the icon and nothing happens. I know the pone can be slowed down when it's synching data and the round circle is in the bar at the tip, but this happens even when that isn't the caseIn the laswt couple of weeks, it's started happening even when I try to place phone calls. I hit the green send button and nothing.

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IPhone :: Apps Crashing When On Launch After 1 - 3 Seconds

Aug 11, 2010

Some 3rd party apps are crashing after 1-3 seconds when i launch them. I have tried different versions and they should have iOS4 supported. It happens to specific apps no matter what version i have on them (Camera+, Bejeweled, Fruit Ninja).

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HTC One M8 :: Motion Launch Gestures - How To Disable Camera App Launch From Volume Button

Feb 4, 2015

I really love the Motion Launch gestures except the volume button that wakes the phone and launches the camera app.

Launching the camera app by mistake is annoying and it happens from time to time.

I tried Settings > Display & gestures > Motion Launch gestures but it looks like I'll have to disabled the whole thing.

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: OK Google Fails To Launch Apps?

Nov 15, 2015

Everything I tried to voice summon Google Now and tell it to launch an app, it will process my command and show a little loading icon. However, that's all it does and the app never launches. I've tried launching Pandora and calculator, both to no avail...

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HTC One M8 :: Homescreen Momentarily Disappear After Pressing Clear All In Recent Apps

Nov 16, 2014

Right after I press the "all clear" button in my recent apps screen, it shoots me back to my home screen after which my icons disappear and it takes a moment for them to reappear.

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HTC Desire S :: Interface And Apps Restart After Pressing Home Button?

Dec 1, 2011

I've been running my Desire S for about 6 months now. Just about set up how I like it. nnoyingly it has developed a problem where after playing with any app and pressing the home screen, 9 times out of 10 I get the white background with green HTC logo, then a "Loading..." message over the home screen. When I go back to the app I was *just using*, it acts as if I've opened it for the first time and forgets where I was, what pages I was on, which album I was currently listening to etc.I've tried a few things suggested by the Internet: - Restarting the phone (of course)- Removing all widgets from home screen in case one of them has crashed- Checking I am not regularly running out of ram- Checking I am not dangerously close to running out of iternal storage- Unmounting the SD card- Un-installed any app I've added in the past month- Checking none of the app icons have become duplicated on top of each other (??? hey I was getting desperate)I have also been keeping an eye on the Services tab but to be honest, things seem to restart so often in here that it is hard to identify which one is acting out of the ordinary.

I took this into the t-Mobile shop, explained that I know they are not HTC tech support but that they might have seen the issue before and have a bit of a clue with the phones they sell, explained what I'd done above and they came back with the most unhelpful of default cop-out answers: "Software update."Latest Android version available through t-mobile is 2.3.3 which I am on.TC Sense is at v2.1oes anyone have any ideas? I would really rather sort this out without having to factory reset my phone. Firstly as I had my phone pretty much set up how I wanted it, secondly I have so many apps for which I have no idea how to reliably transfer their saved info (mostly music creation apps with their own save formats/locations) and thirdly so that I know how to resolve this when it inevitably happens again.

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IPhone :: Have Multiple Apps That Do Not Launch Anymore Since Upgrading To Ios5.1?

Mar 13, 2012

I have multiple apps that do not launch anymore since upgrading to ios5.1

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1, Some Apps stopped working afer 5.1

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IPhone :: Apps Cannot Launch - Shows Startup Image But Then Suddenly Quits

Mar 17, 2010

I have iPhone 3GS. but my apps is not running ( except default programs such as safari mail. they r running). when i tap to icon, first it shows startup image but then suddenly quits. i rescync from itunes but it happened again.

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Google Nexus 6 :: Icons / Apps Don't Launch Immediately After Swipe Unlock?

Jan 23, 2015

I have to tap twice the icons as soon as phone is unlocked in order for apps to launch..? A bit annoying for a new phone when I'm in a rush

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BB Bold 9700 :: Pressing Top Left Keypad Lock Button / When Press It Again To Unlock It Won't Unlock

Jun 4, 2010

I lock my bb my pressing the top left keypad lock button but when I press it again to unlock it it won't unlock!! The only way to unlock is to take the battery out and put it back in! It only started doin this yesterday.

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IPhone :: 4 Only Works When Pressing Top Of Screen

Mar 31, 2012

I made the mistake of buying my daughter an iphone 4 off of craigslist today. Normal story no available upgrades to use and needed to replace a phone. Had someone meet the seller and pick up the phone for me and when I received it found it to be doa. When powering up all I got was a dark blue screen and never comes out of it. After several hours of playing with it found that if I firmly press the top left corner of the screen the display comes on and everything works as it should but as soon as you let go of the corner it fades away and the screen is completely unresponsive.I did a full restore and still the same issue.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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Nokia :: N97 Couldn't Pressing Screen / Buttons

Mar 6, 2010

I've had issues with my N97 since i bought it direct from Nokia on the day of release. Always put it down to software, but the last few months it got to the point where I couldn't even accept a call by pressing the screen/buttons. The screen also had a dark streak down the left side. So, I took it to the Carphonewarehouse, obviously under warrenty and was sent to Nokia for repair.

the silver trim has been half scraped off on the buttons and keyboard trim AND the screen has a 1cm bright spot in the middle of it. I am FURIOUS...............1/ because it took 23 to fix when all they did is replace it. 2/ because they've sent me a second hand phone 3/ that the 'new' phone is worse condition than the one I sent in!! They didn't even bother to put the latest firmware on it!!

CPW didn't offer me the returns receipt either, i had to ask for it, but that's a CPW issue. Actual fault found (as recorded by engineer): Faulty applications on the handset when purchased. As i've always updated the firmware I can only conclude this faulty software cannot be fixed by the firmware update, and the handset must be replaced as mine was. Other phones must be suffering the same problem.......

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BB Curve :: Locked Out - Screen Won't Appear On Pressing Keys

Jul 30, 2011

I checked my phone today and it had been working up to 3PM and after somewhere between then and 5PM I had been apparently locked out of my phone.. The screen won't appear no matter the keys I press.. I have tried unlocking it.. I have tried Standby Mode and I have taken the battery out multiple times, but nothing seems to work.

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LG G3 :: Why Do Text Messages On Lock Screen Ignore DashClock As Default Lock Screen

Feb 24, 2015

I've recently made the switch back to android from an iPhone after quite a few years and I'm trying to re-familiarize myself with android's operating system and work out what I need to change and using this phone I noticed the notifications lacking, so I set up DashClock and DashNotifier and so far I love it. It does exactly what I want it to do for all the apps I have set up with it except for the notifications coming through the 'Messages' app on the phone for text messages.

When receiving a text message my lock screen ignores that I've set up DashClock as my default lock screen and pulls up the original lock screen with the quite ugly 'New Message' notification (as seen in the attached picture). If I scroll to the right DashClock is open and showing the message notification just fine. I've tried to disable the lock screen notifications for the 'Messages' app but haven't been successful in removing it. Is there a way to just have the 'Messages' app give lock screen notifications on the top bar and none like in the image below, or is there a work around within DashClock/DashNotifier or some other application that would fix this? My phone is running Android 4.4.2.

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Galaxy S6 :: Phone Screen Is Off And Not Turning On By Pressing Any Buttons?

Aug 3, 2015

sometime my s6 phone screen goes off and blue light blinks slowly, and screen never gets on by pressing any button. unless wait for battery is fully drain and you put it back on charging then it will get on. for that you have to wait whole day to get battery drain

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Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Only Blank Screen After Pressing Home Button?

Aug 21, 2012

Since yesterday this phone is showing black screen with passcode dots & message as "Emergency calls only" at the bottom & battery status on top. When I swipe passcode dots screen is only black. When I connect to PC with USB Phone is detected but I cannot access phone or SD Card. PC Companion cannot detect anything.As for incoming Calls people say they get message as mobile switched off.I feel sorry that I did not go thru discussions in this forum before buying this costly mobile.Can I get free replacement or can I have different model in place of this mobile?I am ready to pay the difference of price if it is on higher side.

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Curve :: Sons Screen Only Stays On If You Keep Pressing Keys Around YUI

May 17, 2012

Sons screen only stays on if you keep pressing the keys around YUI and the go back button once you relaease your fingers the screen goes off put your fingers back on and it reappears

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Xperia Z2 :: Lock Screen Does Not Display Any Notification Or Any Lock Screen Widget

Sep 7, 2013

I updated my phone to lollipop 5.0, it is in general good till now, but i have two problems:
1) no notifications are displayed on my lock screen even for missed calls or sms's .. there is no any icon or symbol that informs me if i have missed any call or received a message ; and i have to unlock my phone every time to check

in the Settings -> Sounds and Notifications -> i selected the option to show all the notifications.. but nothing changed
2) also on the lock screen , not widget for the walkman or the sound cloud to enable me to pause the players or to navigate to the next song

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