Galaxy S6 :: Soft Brick After ADB Update (bootloop)
Feb 2, 2016
I don't know what went wrong with the adb update, but now I can't do anything. I can just enter in recovery mode and download mode.
The phone goes in bootloop (It can just load the first booting screen where there is the Samsung s6 logo) and when I try to do the manual update from external sd or adb etc... It says that is disabled. The device was rooted before the 5.1.1 android update.
Nexus on bootloop tried every method ,most of them . Flashing new factory image is also of no good. Cleared cache , factory reset and still on bootloop. On flashing lollipop factory image it gets stuck on boot loop and on flashing KitKat factory image or using any custom ROM like cyanogenmod it gets through boot but is unable to detect sim and apps like play store and camera keep crashing and refuses to open.
I downloaded CF-autoroot and followed these steps and now it is stuck on bootloop. I downloaded Odin 3.10.6 and right cf-auroroot version as well. URL..."When done, you should see “RESET!” on ODIN program and your S6/S6 Edge will reboot to show something like below. This is where CF-Auto Root roots your S6/S6 Edge."It never boots into recovery and it's immposible to manually boot to it as well. It just auto-reboot and stuck on "samsung powered by android."
I'm trying to download stock ROM from sammobile but its gonna take 4 hours ...
I've solved it with Samsung Kies firmware initialization but still no root ... Again tried and now it's rooted ...
I am trying to install the stock rom from samsung in odin. it boots the setup screen
'welcome! preparing device for first time use... this may take 3 or 4 minutes... please wait...
It spins for 30 seconds and reboots back to the welcome screen for about 30 seconds and continues to do this over and over and over again. i have tried factory resetting flashing stock roms...Oj7,Ol1, OL1, and still keeps rebooting after about 30 seconds into the setup.
I have a GS6 (international) stuck in bootloop. I need to go into recovery mode to fix it. However, my phone is restarting and stuck in bootloop. I cannot power down the phone from this state and I cannot enter recovery or download mode. I would like to know if there is a special button combination to completely shut down the phone (power button from this state does not work)
I am trying to create a custom firmware for SM-G925F (Galaxy S6 edge). But in the end I get bootloop. What I did:
1. Deodexed /system (unpacked from original firmware) by JoelDroidLollipopBatchDeodexer (based on oat2dex). 2. Synced deodexed /system/framework, /system/priv-app and /system/app with original /system. 3. Repack system partition with ext2simg from Android 5.0.2 distro and sgs4ext4fs by Chainfire. 4. Prepared ODIN package with repacked system partition.
It flashes OK but after it stucks at bootloop. I did not patched anything yet, just deodexed with the tool.
I tried many different combinations but can't understand why it is not boot. On Android 4.4 I had no problems, but it seems some big under-the-hood changes in Android 5 which I don't fully understand yet...
I ve official rom installed on my S6. I just rooted it. Yesterday after my s6 battery was empty I put it on charger and try to turn on but stuck in bootloop. Every time device shows s6 logo and after that splash screen and keeps rebooting and dont want to boot up. I ve tried randomly wiping cache rebooting. turning on of. and nothing. I do not want to do wipe data/factory reset because i do not have backup of data and do not want to lose it.
Yesterday my friend's S6 (international model) stopped charging and the screen says " Power sharing . The power sharing cable ..." ( view image 1)
then when the battery became 0 the phone turned off. I plugged in the charger (original charger and working perfectly on other phones) but it seems like the phone is not charging . it only shows the following screen (view image 2) for some seconds and the charging led is not turning on.
After leaving the charger plugged in for 10 min, I tried to boot up the phone. It booted but unfortunately it was a bootloop only showing the screen of " Samsung galaxy S6 "
So I booted into recovery and did a wipe cache and wipe data/factory reset but unfortunately the bootloop problem persists.
I have recently rooted my Galaxy S6.I rooted it succesfully,Then I flashed TWRP with Flashify.The app wanted me to restart the phone..I restarted it, and it got stuck in a bootloop.My Android version is 5.1.1.I tried to flash the stock ROM through ODIN and I got this error:"SW REW CHECK FAIL.DEVICE:3 BINARY: 2".
I am on the latest firmware BOI1 and i decided to root my sprint s6 the other day to try and do a sim unlock. so i am trying now to return it to stock. i downloaded the correct firmware and used the latest odin3(i believe it is the latest) and the md5 check would do good but when i tried to flash the actual firmware it kept hanging on "setupConnection" and fails
Wiped cache and factory reset from recovery. It has hung at getting pit now the last couple times. I re downloaded the firmware directly from sammobile website this time.
I got my Galaxy s6 SM-G920F last week and i rooted it, today i tried to use this guide in order to enhance the multitasking on my device [URL] ....
i did backup the build.prop (in the download folder in sdcard) but after i rebooted the device (and followed the guide that i linked) it got stuck in the Samsung logo, I don't have a custom recovery and i dont want to trigger KNOX on. My android version is 5.0.2 ....
I screwed up the root and now I am in a bootloop, I can get into the download screen, however.. I cannot get into the recovery screen where you can reset the phone..
I have the "SM-G920F" And was using Android 5.1.1 Lollipop.
I am trying to test BETA Marshamllow on mine S6 but when flashing everyting and then flash Marshmallow Bootloader i stuck on Powered by Android and keeps rebooting.
The steps are: 1. Copy the file named "G920F_3ZPA1_M(6.0.1)" to the device SD card. 2. Flash TWRP and Bootloader (5.1.1).tar in ODIN 3. Boot to recovery 4. Flash the (6.0.1) Flashable ZIP in recovery 5. Flash Bootloader (6.0.2) in ODIN
it all started with my memory card being corrupted somehow - I found some topics that recommended resetting the mobile - which I did after backup up the contents of my memory card (original Nokia 8GB) - I did the same some time ago and it worked flawlessly back then - but not this time. After copying / formatting the memory card all my applications where gone - restoring the previously backed up files didn't work this time. Additionally when I tried to access/change anything Theme related or try to use the mode switcher the handset crashed every time. My next thought was - maybe there are some leftover settings - maybe a reset will help. The reset did work so far - but the problem with Themes remains. Additionally I am no longer able to start the OVI store application, nor the Advanced Call Manager application that I downloaded from the Ovi store before it stopped working.I did reinstall the firmware now but this didn't solve the problem either. Accessing anything theme related (even installing new ones) triggers a restart of my handset.Did anybody experience some similar behaviour?
The soft key buttons at the bottom of my Galaxy S6 no longer light up or work for that matter. So not happy as I have only had this phone since June 2015.
Ok the soft keys down by the home button on the bottom....mine do not light anymore. I have them set to the 1.5 second time out. Even when I put them on "always on"they don't light up.
I am running windows 7 starter. I update my device so installed kies and update, got interrupted somehow and soft bricked. Sent it off to samsung who told me to just be careful when using kies. Tried then to install software using odin and it is bricked again!rom numerous conversations with a fellow giffgaffer have determined that it is a driver problem. Apparently I should have 'samsung composite device (abd) listed and I don't. I plug it in my netbook and some times I get 'samsung composite device' (no abd) and when I go into device manager it always has a yellow triangle next to it.
Most of the time I get 'unknown device' or 'gadget serial' in manager and when I try and update drivers it says they are up to date, manually I can find samsung composite usb driver and then I get one of two things 'software found but could not install' (error 10) or 'windows stopped the device working' (error 43.) have tried installing kies, uninstalling kies, installing samsung device driver for mobile phones. Nothing has worked. I have exactly the same results on my desktop pc, running 7 home premium so I don't think it is a usb port problem.
Just wondering, does anybody find on the s2 that the soft back key doesn't always respond? I'm sometimes having to tap mine several times before it responds and it's driving me bonkers.
Also, I have noticed that the android os is high on this phone and the strange thing is, the percentage seems to go up when the phone isn't actually being used for anything, as in, sat idle for a few hours. Just wondering what the average percentage should actually be with this phone.
My battery life is rubbish too. Thursday and Friday, it was fine but I didn't use the phone much at all. Today it was fine until 6pm, again, didn't really use the phone but this evening, I have been texting and it dropped 40% in three hours and I've had to put it on charge.
I'm not happy with this and will be contacting Samsung on Monday but before I do, would be interested to hear what other people are experiencing with the android os and back key. Battery life is more or less irrelevant as that varies from person to person according to usage. I'm just disappointed as I seldom had to charge my galaxy s before bedtime unless I tethered, which I hadn't done today until I had to put the phone on charge.
I have been playing the same game of BrickBreaker for 2 months and would like to see how far I can go (so far 2,000,000 points and 462 lives). I know that if I download a new version of the OS (as I was recently prompted to do) and reboot the phone I will lose the game. Is there some way to save it so I don't lose the score when I download and reboot?
US Apple Employee took my Japan iPhone, tried to unlock my iPhone by installing an app called "", put my AT&T sim card in, read FAILED, and said it didn't work. He reassured me that my Japan iPhone will still work when I go back there, but I have no reassurance now. Did they mess up my iPhone and not taking responsiblity for it? Do Apple employees typically install sketchy 3rd party unlock apps that change APNs?
I went into the Apple Store today with both my US iPhone 4 (16 GB Black) and my Japan iPhone 4 (16 GB Black). My US iPhone was having issues with its bluetooth and home button is sticking a lot. He couldn't replace it since it was out of warranty and suggested that I find a 3rd party repair shop or look on Craigslist.
My Japan iPhone 4 is still under warranty and suffers from one spot on the screen being exceptionally bright. He said he could replace my Japan iPhone with a US AT&T iPhone. I told him, I'm not sure if that would be smart since my Japanese Softbank SIM card may not work anymore in an AT&T iPhone. He explained to me how unlocking works and said he can easily set it up for me. He took my Japanese iPhone, went to some site, installed a program, did a few things, and took my AT&T SIM Card out and put it into my " newly unlocked" Japan iPhone. The phone kept saying SIM Failed and he restarted it, and it still didn't work. He put my AT&T SIM card back into my US iPhone and thankfully, it still read my SIM Card.
He offered to exchange my Japan iPhone for a US iPhone 4, and suggested that I call AT&T to have them unlock my phone for me. He said they would do it, if I was out of contract with AT&T, but I wasn't, so I went home back at status quo, or so I thought.
I looked at my Japan iPhone again, and noticed that there was an app called, "". It opens up Safari and pulls up something called APN Changer. Upon closer inspection, it's the same app/site the Apple Tech pulled up when I was at the store. I'm a bit leary about odd apps, especially apps that originated from the domain I googled the site and looked it up, and it seems a bit odd.
Now, I don't know what this program exactly does, but I'm a bit annoyed that I don't know what app the Apple Employee installed and what it exactly did. I have no assurance that my Japan iPhone will work in Japan now after he installed this app and did something. Is it the Apple policy to go and install 3rd party apps? Will my Japan iPhone still be good when I go back or am I going to land in Japan and spend the first few hours at an Apple store trying to get my phone replaced/fixed?
Is the Motoactv capable of switching tracking modes in the same workout? If I go for a ride followed immediately by a run, do i have to stop, End Workout, then start a new run workout or is there a way to tell the device I have switched activities?
Word mole and brick breaker are missing ,I just got the phone today and they both disappeared after I downloaded an application to the downloads folder.
The capacitive buttons are garbage in my opinion and I constantly accidentally hit them. Not to mention they are backwards. I would like to disable them completely and enable the soft buttons like on the Nexus 5. Is this possible?