Galaxy S6 :: Alarms Not Triggering Early In The Morning?

Jan 11, 2016

I factory reseted my phone recently and I cant seem to get my alarms to trigger, i do NOT use the phone default alarm software, (mainly because I do not want the alarm sign icon at the top of the screen reminding me what I already know), so I use another software, I currently have 3 other alarm software's (Tasker, Alarm Clock Plus, Alarm Clock Xtreme) and while they do trigger when I test the alarm just a couple mins from now, the problem is at the morning, I assume its because my phone goes into deep sleep? here is my CPU spy screenshot which confirms my phone going into that mode, are alarms not supposed to trigger there?

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Galaxy S6 Edge :: Can Access All Of Alarms Through 1 Widget

Jul 18, 2015

The alarm widget on the note 2 was great. I could access all my alarms from the widget by simply scrolling up or down on the widget. is there a way to set the alarm widget on the s6 edge to do that? or do really need a widget for each alarm?

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Galaxy S5 :: Lollipop Silent Mode Alarms Not Working

Feb 5, 2015

So I updated to android Lollipop this week and things have been going well. Normally when I go to sleep I put my phone in silent mode from the quick toggles in the notification panel. I like silent mode so I don't get vibrate notifications during the night and sounds that would wake me up.

Before the update my alarm which I use in the AM to wake up for work used to work in silent mode and I would hear the alarm. The last 2 nights the alarm goes off but only on the screen and does not make a sound like it used to.

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Galaxy S5 :: Can't Alarms Set On Android Phones Wake Device From Off Position

Jan 1, 2015

I just tested my new Samsung S5 and an alarm I set did not work with the phone turned off. This is disappointing as it's a feature mobile phones have had for 30 years. Is there a secret handshake or setting I don't know about?

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Nokia :: 5800 Clock Is Unreliable / SMS Messages Are Not Triggering Tone

Jan 21, 2010

I've had my 5800XM since April lst year and without doubt has been the best phone and easiest to navigate of all the phone's I've ever owned..Until recently.About 3 weeks ago I updated to V31.0.101 and that's when my troubles started.

1. The alarm clock is unreliable. It can go off 2 minutes early, 5 minutes late or not at all.

2. Some SMS messages are not triggering a tone. I can get a message everything is fine, i get the message tone. The next time I look, I've had 3 more messages, but no message tones.

3. Emails. When trying to configure an email account, I'm being prompted to either go online (or maybe verify an online account), but why does it persist in only giving me mobile web and wap as an online option. I try to use Mobile Web and Wap as a last resort.. I have wifi in all my work locations.

4. when i do eventually configure an email account.. it doesn't remeber all the settings, so I have to go back and manually edit the entries.

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Motorola Milestone 2 :: Slide-Out Keyboard Keys Double Triggering

Jul 12, 2011

I have had the Milestone 2 for 5 months now. Last week, the keys on the slide-out keyboard started double triggering - not always and not all of them, but it started with the "o" & "p" & seemed to spread. Turning off & removing battery has made no difference. It definitely is not the way I press as I had zero double triggers until this moment. Is there a way to reset the repeat rate?

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Motorola Smartactions :: Not Resetting Sounds By Triggering Timeframe And WiFi Connection?

Jul 10, 2012

I use SA to turn off my Ringer Volume, Cellular data and start VIP caller mode. The triggers are Timeframe and Wi-Fi connection. I use two different ones, Sound Weekend and Sound Weekdays. Both have different time triggers but the same Wi-Fi connection. They do turn off correctly but here is the issue, they do not return the Ringer Volume back on. I had both the time triggers on one SA then when this happened separated them as above. I did not have this issue until ICS was installed.

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Nokia :: 5230 / Dead In The Morning

Jul 28, 2010

For 2 days my 5230 is without power in the morning and the alarm doesn't sound, making me late for work. Won't even power on.I fully recharged it yesterday morning and last night i checked battery level and just one bar was missing (85% full).no apps were running during night, just home screen and Menu.What could be the problem?

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Sony Ericsson :: Vivaz Pro Morning Alarm For Each Day

Jun 23, 2010

is it possible to mark each day with a different alarm time like: mon. 6:00am, tu. 7:00am , fri. 10:00am and so on => or is it necessary to choose the dtermination each night before?

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IPhone :: Data Stops Loading Every Morning?

Jun 12, 2012

Around 7:20 every morning, my iPhone just stops loading data. I'm able to receive & send data up to about that time. Then it just dies & doesn't do texts, emails, in game data, nothing. I have full bars & the 4G icon displays when this happens. It will usually take 2 reboots of the phone to get it to work again.

This has been going on for quite a while & frankly I'm getting sick of it. It seems to have started ever since I upgraded to the new stinkin' iOS version 5.1.1.

It's frustrating to have the phone simply stop transferring data for no apparent reason. And it definitely shouldn't take 2 reboots of the phone on a daily basis to get it to work again.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Turn Off Phone At Night / It Is Still On In Morning

Jan 22, 2010

I've a problem with my 9700 in the evening. Before I go to bed, I press down the red 'off' button on the right and the screen says, 'now shutting down' or whatever it says. So I take my finger off.In the morning when I wake, the phone has been on all night?!Am I doing something wrong? Are u suposed to keep ur finger down until the screen goes blank?

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BB Curve :: 8520 On SOS Mode Every Morning - Signal Lost

Sep 21, 2012

I have a problem, my unlocked 8520 is every morning on sos mode. The battery is not drained, the 'edge' reception is ok, just the signal is always lost.

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Samsung :: Captivate - Phone Freezes In Morning After Alarm?

Aug 18, 2010

I've been very happy with my captivate (except for the known GPS issue) but I've had a problem for a couple days with the stock alarm application. I don't have any mods such as root just the stock OS running LauncherPro and a few other apps. My problem is that when I wake up in the morning from the alarm, if I snooze or turn off the alarm, sometimes the phone becomes unresponsive or minimally responsive. If I wait it out or keep trying to push random buttons (I don't remember since I'm groggy in the morning), eventually it becomes responsive like normal again but it may take a minute before this happens. In case it makes a difference, I have it on the charger overnight and no time sensitive apps that I know of except for the alarm.

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Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Charge At Night And Go To Sleep But When See In Morning Having Only 1% Battery?

Aug 14, 2012

charge my phone at night and go to sleep but when i see in morning my phone is having only 1% battery. i have checked my battery has no problem.

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Motorola RAZR HD Home :: Screen Corruption When Waking Phone In Morning

Oct 14, 2012

My phone has an intermittent problem. It has been happening on and off for the past few weeks, but I dismissed it because it really doesn't cause me any issues.When wake the phone for the first time in the morning (using the side button above the volume), I'm met with a pixellated and hard to read screen. To fix this, I simply press the sleep button again, then wake it. The screen problem won't recur for the rest of the day, but is likely to happen very first thing the next morning.I've attached two photos, one of the screen problem, and another of how the screen looks normally. You can see there is a big difference.

Personally, I'm not that bothered by the problem the phone works fine in all other respects and the screen is obviously fine. I don't know if it's a software bug, or if I have some kind of hardware problem that could escalate.I'd rather not be without my phone, I really like it, and would be willing to put up with the problem if it doesn't get any worse. But, perhaps you think I should get it checked out sooner rather than later?My partner bought this phone on the same day, and he hasn't had the problem once.

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IPhone :: Early Termination Fee For IP

Jun 7, 2010

So currently At&t will charge you $325 if you cancel you contract after 30 days however if I read correctly, you can cancel you contact before the 30 days and not get charged at all? But of course you would still need to pay for that month off service..You can check this out by clicking 'terms of service'

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: How Can Listen To Rickey Smiley Morning Show On Phone

Jun 4, 2010

Does anyone know of a way that I can listen to Rickey Smiley and the Morning Show on my BlackBerry Storm 2 (9550)? I already checked FlyCast and they don't support the station so it looks. I listen to this program every morning on the way to work and when I get there is when a lot of great stuff happens in the show, and I miss it.

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IPhone :: Why Apple Releasing 4G Early?

Jun 23, 2010

Now I understand that the main argument is that it would free up some traffic for the 24th when people were activating through Itunes, but I've heard from several Iphone 4 early owners that the activation process was just as slow as the times when the 3GS came out. And at the same time, would releasing maybe 15%-20% of the phones early, free up that much traffic for launch day.

I've also heard the conspiracy theory from Addictive Tips, which doesn't hold much water.
What do you think the reason was that led Apple to release the phone up to two days before the actual launch date?

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BB Torch 9800 :: Determines For Early Upgrade?

Aug 11, 2010

I was a lifetime VZW customer and switched to AT&T in January for the 9700.
When I looked at a 9800 two days ago, they told me that they would give me an early upgrade if I wanted one. ( Contract price + $75 ) What exactly determines if you get an early upgrade and how often?

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IPhone :: AT&T Early Termination Fee When Moving Abroad

May 6, 2010

I just spent an hour speaking with AT&T "Customer Service" and was appalled that they will neither waive early termination fees ("ETFs") nor unlock iPhones for customers moving to foreign countries. Although they have never been willing to unlock iPhones, they used to waive ETFs until a discreet policy change around January 2010. If you make the company whole for their iPhone subsidy by paying an ETF, how is it fair to leave you with a locked device that is useless outside AT&T's network?

Does anybody have tips for getting around this? They will not even let you switch to a prepaid plan or suspend your account for more than 6 months if you want to keep your phone number. The only option is to transfer your contract liability to someone else who is willing to accept it, which is an unlikely and generally useless option.

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IPhone :: Eligibility For Early Update Contract

Jun 8, 2010

I have owned every iPhone to date and purchased the 3GS last year, DAY ONE. As of June 19th, my contract will be one year old. Yet, I am not eligible for even the early upgrade price. AT&T says I will be eligible 2/11. But Apple says I'm eligible in December 2010. That's one issue I'm having. Why the difference? And why are so many iPhone 3GS owners eligible when the majority of them renewed their contracts the same time I did, so most contracts are no older than mine. I don't understand why some people's dates have been pushed back and other haven't been. I understand that those eligible for upgrade in 2010 had their dates pushed ahead 6 months, but WHY were they eligible in 2010? If they renewed their 2 year contract for the 3GS, why were they eligible in 2010 to begin with? I don't understand why "Account Holder A" buys a 3GS in June of 2009 and is eligible for upgrade this month, but "Account Holder B" whom also bought a 3GS in June 2009, but can't upgrade to the iPhone 4. why?

Finally, I'm trying to figure out how to get around things. Please advise. If I cancel my contract and pay the ~$100 ETF ($175-5 per month), a few people have said AT&T will not let me open another account for 6-12 months. Is this always the case? Second option, what if I add another line and get the iPhone at a subsidized line, then cancel the first line and pay the ETF. This would work, right? I'd only lose my number? Third, most legitimate option. I was thinking about adding a line for my brother. He's dying to get an iPhone 4. If I added a line and selected a family plan, shouldn't this give me "VIP status?" I have read that those with VIP status have had their upgrade eligibility pushed forward. If I went to AT&T on preorder day and opened his line first and bought the subsidized iPhone 4, chose a family plan, would I immediately be upgrade eligible on the original line? This way I could buy my iPhone 4 at the discounted price as well?

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IPhone :: 3GS Alarm Going Off An Hour Early After BST Change?

Mar 26, 2012

After the clocks went forward again on Sunday morning my iPhone has yet again succumb to the bug of the hour delay in alarms. Has anyone else had this recentley happen again or is it just me? Also has anyone figured out a working fix for it

iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.3.3

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IPhone :: Birthdays Show Up On The Calendar One Day Early?

Apr 24, 2012

All of the Birthdays that I loaded in the contacts show up one day early on my calendar.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4S Is Locked After Paying The Early Termination Fee?

Jun 24, 2012

I purchased an iphone 4S on AT&T plan and had to susspended the services earlier. I made the early termination fee to AT&T but still the phone is unlocked and am unable to make use of it in India.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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HTC One M7 :: Google Voice Making Screen Turn Off Early

Jul 12, 2013

So, here is the deal. I canceled my AT&T contract and went out a purchased HTC One developers edition (64g). Dialing out and getting calls, have no issue. Load up Google Voice app. Now when I make a call the screen goes black right away.

Steps to reproduce:
* Unlock phone (just screen not dropping new image on phone or anything)
* Start HTC one phone app (after loading google app on phone first).
** After installing google voice, tell it that you should use it for all outgoing calls.
* Go to history (I see it the most here)
* select phone number in list

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IPhone :: Birthday Calendar Entries Appearing A Day Early?

May 16, 2012

I was trying to correct a problem with birthday calendar entries appearing a day early, and I followed a post that said I should go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset all settings, and now it's asking me whether I want to set up as a new iphone. I haven't recently done any manual backup. Where should I back up from or if I chose "setup as new iphone" will all my data be lost?

iPhone 4

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Motorola Xoom :: Early Adapter Blues - How To Proceed

Jun 10, 2011

I was a day 1 Android phone user and found features that were lacking. I did wait and now the Android is a real workhorse.For the tablet, I should have know as well. My question is not so much the hardware. I can wait for SD card & 4G LTE. My main issue is that that major content providers are ignoring Honeycomb and the Xoom. I regularly watch news sites. When I saw the majors launching the iPad app, I though the Xoom was right behind it. Nothing on the horizon.How can we get the developers to port to Xoom? I can get my eMail on the Android. I don't want video feeds on the Android, rather the Xoom.

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Nokia :: Sync-ed Appointment Times Are 1 Hour Early On 6700

Mar 30, 2010

using OVI Suite I find that when I sync my 6700 with Outlook 2007, meeting times are shown on the Nokia 6700 as being one hour earlier than the actual times as originally input in Outlook. Is this a known problem? As I've just recently started using this I'm not sure if ity might be a time zone problem or some other sort of problem.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Have To Charge It During Late Afternoon / Early Evening?

Jun 16, 2010

How long does your battery last? I have to charge mine every single night, sometimes having to charge it during late afternoon/early evening. Last night it completely shut off on me!

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IPhone :: Early Upgrade Effect On 2011 Eligibility Date

Jun 18, 2010

Bought new 3gs last xmas and have an eligibility date of may of 2011. If I early upgrade, do I get the full subsidized price next May or does the K start all over?

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Eseries / Communicators :: E55 Camera Flash Goes Off Too Early When Taking Pictures

Apr 29, 2012

Just discovered this so I imagine it's developed a fault, When I take a picture with flash, the flash fires before the camera shutter opens so the picture comes out dark.

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