Xperia Pro/Neo/V/L :: Charge At Night And Go To Sleep But When See In Morning Having Only 1% Battery?
Aug 14, 2012
charge my phone at night and go to sleep but when i see in morning my phone is having only 1% battery. i have checked my battery has no problem.
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Jan 22, 2010
I've a problem with my 9700 in the evening. Before I go to bed, I press down the red 'off' button on the right and the screen says, 'now shutting down' or whatever it says. So I take my finger off.In the morning when I wake, the phone has been on all night?!Am I doing something wrong? Are u suposed to keep ur finger down until the screen goes blank?
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May 27, 2012
Is it harmful for battery to charge it the whole night? I mean should I stop charging when the battery indicator shows 100% or I can leave it on charging?
iPhone 4S
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Jun 20, 2012
The problem alr lasts 1 month Alr went to apple store and it turns out both my charger and usb line are fine
I replaced a new battery The problem remains the same
I must keep it chaging all the day and night when i am in the office or home to keep the phone running like using a laptop!
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Oct 20, 2011
This is a new battery and has the same problem that I was experiencing before purchasing the new battery. If I remove the battery and reboot the system, it will show a full to a 3/4 charge--but only for a minute or two, then it shows that the battery is dead again.
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Mar 24, 2015
I'm with a 5.0.2 D6603. The issue I have is that the following Kernel wakelocks does not allow the phone to deep sleep.
I've just performed a sw repair via pc companion, and several factory reset. I'm running the Z3 with no apps.
It happens both with an LG G Watch R (5.0.2) and a regular BT Plantronics (voice only) headset. Using the same BT devices with a Nexus 4, Nexus 10 and an LG G2 does not have the same effect. As soon as there is no usage the phone goes to sleep immediately.
If we take the second device, I do expect a Kernel wakelock while speaking or streaming music. The phone is active any way while performing this task. What is strange is that even if there is no activity the wakelocks avoid deep sleep.
What is strange is that if I move away from the headset (and the BT icon goes the "non connected" status), the wakelocks are always there. The effect is that my phone (both on 4.4.4 and 5.0.2) almost never ever sleeps, and sometimes get warm. It is evident that the battery life affected a lot. If I switch BT off, everything goes back to normal.
I did a further test, in the below sequence:
- BT ON + connected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on
- BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on
- BT OFF + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => no wakelock + device sleep
- BT ON + disconnected to a Plantronics headset => wakelock + device always on
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Mar 16, 2015
My phone app is draining battery of my phone!tried a factory reset but still the same. It keeps the phone awake every time. Processor does not go to deep sleep.
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Apr 3, 2012
Is it bad to charge it or macbook pro over night
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Sep 1, 2014
my I phone 5 has developed a problem in crashing during the night when it's on charge. It 1st happened Saturday night and my alarm didn't go off so was late for work. The only way I could power up the phone was to hold the power button with the menu and reboot and reset the phone. The phone switched on and was 100% charged so it's charging ok then crashing by the look of it. The phone was ok all of Saturday no problem at all so thought it might of just been a little glitch. On Saturday night I woke up during the night checked my phone to see what time it was and yes the phone was blank again and wouldn't power on as normal so had to do the reset method to power it up again. It was 100% charged so disconnected the charger and the phone stayed on for the rest of the night and alarm went off as normal. I decided to back it up and did a full factory reset on the phone through iTunes. Last night during the night the phone had done exactly the same. I did use the back up to restore the phone back to normal after the factory reset.
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
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Apr 8, 2015
Sometimes when I plug my phone in at night, it doesn't charge. And then I wake up to a half dead phone.
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Jan 17, 2011
I've had my phone for about a week and I've tried to charge the battery several times but it never gets nore than 51% and than it starts to drop even if I keep i connected to the charger.
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Jun 1, 2012
Is there any concern about charging via by connecting to USB port of laptop or pc? For example, if the battery is 80%, then by connecting to pc, it is charged.
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May 7, 2011
i just got my ray and updated to the latest firmware. before on 2.3.3 i can get a 100% charge on my battery even on offline charging, but now when i do offline charging for about 3 hrs my battery always says 98% what should i do?
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May 29, 2012
I want to know about some good tips to charge neo battery correctly. I don't know should i charge my phone to 100% or less. When should i charge it? If u have some good tips to keep the battery healthy,
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Jun 8, 2015
While I'm using my xperia z2 and charging it, the battery doesn't charge. Example " start to use it at batter 30% , after one hour ,while I'm using it, still 30% not only this but also sometimes it get lower.
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Feb 7, 2010
It's no big deal, but I put my iPhone to sleep, at 97% battery charge, and I woke up with that normal or is it doing stuff during the night that it shouldn't be, or doesn't have to be?I've got everything turned on except Fetch which is set to manual.
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Mar 11, 2011
Last week I went into Roger's because my charger wasn't working, my phone wouldnt charge and so they sold me a new charger.
Now my Xperia won't recognize my SIM card and when I plug in my phone instead of charging the battery it drains it. I checked the spots I read about above the camera and on the battery and the one above the battery is still red and spotted and the one on battery is white.
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Apr 13, 2011
yesterday i try to re charge it and nothing happend run out of battery i dont know what the problem is .. guys at the store told me maybe is the charge port i dont know what it means?
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Feb 5, 2012
I suddenly got a huge problem with my X8 - the battery won't charge at all. A week ago everything worked as it should, battery time was good and it hadn't been significatly shorter since I bought the phone. A few days ago it wouldn't charge when I connected it to my laptop, neither did it charge when I connected it to the wall jack. However, the battery charge symbol on the screen went on. Switching the phone of didn't make any difference (though the flash symbol for battery charging went on). Of course it died completely pretty soon, and I can't get it chargen enough to start it.
I'm not even sure that this is a hardware problem (since the operating system says that the battery was recharging), and I want to avoid buying a new battery unless i'm sure that that's the problem, after all they're pretty expensive and I plan to buy one of the newer SE phones in a couple om months anyway, though I can't do it right away. I guess I could stick to some old cell phone until then, but i really would like to get a copy of some of the stuff on the internal memory (phone book, messages, bookmarks, some software preferences etc).
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Jul 17, 2015
I bought a Z5C for my wife, but I am withholding it fo test purposes because I own a Z3c... As per title, if I use it while charging the battery's charge drops or, at best, doesn't improve.
I had already:
-Tried more usb cables, including those one which came along our phones.
-Tried more chargers: my usual z3c charger, my MacBook Pro, my iPad's charger, a no-name wall charger rated for 1Ampere;
-Repaired with bridge for Mac;
-Restored to factory defaults, effect of which turned out to be more or less like "Repair" procedure;
I don't' have strange applications running, I don't play games, mail synchronization is manual. It's like my phones are on perpetual holidays.
More over: I used it just to surf the web and take a dozen of shot with the camera set at 8MP, so nothing really challenging. The phones back heats but not really that much.
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Nov 23, 2012
is it a charger problem or anyother problem?
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Oct 11, 2012
I have a strange problem with my 9810. Yesterday I pulled out my phone from charging at 7:AM (100%). I put it on GPRS , because i didn't did any browsing on that day and to see how much my battery will last. So after a few phones, sms, emails, I was down to 80% by 10PM. Was very happy with what I saw. In background were running Accuweather and Facebook with update once every 3 hours. Also I have Battery Bost MAX, and an application which shows me battery icon with procentage.(Smart Blndie). I am in an area with good signal. Put the phone in the holster, and went to bed. I was very courios to see what the battery shows. At 6 AM i was shocked : 42%... I can't blame it on the applications, because if there were their fault, my battery should discharge the same over day... GPS is off, wifi is off. The phone has 2 weeks (almost new). I am runing OS.. My screen is at 10%, and turn off over 20 seconds...
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Aug 28, 2015
Here is a screen shot what what is happening. I plug it in when I got to bed. I've tried different chargers, different cords, different outlets, and a factory reset (which sucks by the way). It doesn't happen every night, but I'd say more than 50% of the time.
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May 3, 2012
I bought an Xperia Ray from Telus in mid-January this year. It was working fine until now. Today, the battery drained to 0%; it's done this before and I haven't had any prior issues with recharging. Now, when I try to charge, it won't do so. My computer won't recognize it ("USB device not recognized"), PC Companion doesn't recognize a phone, and it won't charge in any outlits in my house.
When plugged in, the phone flashes red and reboots itself constantly, making it past the start-up screen onto the main screen. It stays there for about 10 seconds loading my settings; however, I can't unlock the screen, the battery icon is red and not charging, and it goes from recognizing Telus to not recognizing a network or a SIM Card. I didn't download any updates manually recently. I tried removing the battery for a bit and then putting it back in.
I've tried removing and putting back the SIM Card. Nothing works. Randomly, the LED will be orange, and pressing the Power button shows the battery charging symbol; however, turning the phone on shows that the battery is STILL at 0% even after being on the charger for three hours. I didn't drop it, expose it to water, or do anything that may damage the phone. I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium 64x, if that means anything; also tried rebooting, but my laptop refuses to recognize the phone in any port.
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Jun 14, 2012
when i charge my battery is up too 100 but if i dont use it for ten minute suddenly show my battery 80% when again i use it
sometimes itself charge to 100 without i charge it , if i dont use it the charge soon descrease to 30 and go to 1% and work for 18 hour but all time show battery 1% How i repair it?
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Jul 24, 2015
I Have Problem in my Xperia Z2 Phone.Wednesday I went to Park And My Sellphone On Direct SunLight .When I wanted to use it phone was off.and I turned On it.when I turned it on , phone Charge is 50% and didn't charge and didn't step Down .now the battery finish and dont charge and dont turn on.when I Leave the phone on charge this picture Coming and Going.
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Jan 11, 2015
- using my phone in the car, charging via my Sony Bluetooth Radio (built in to my car)
- battery was decreasing faster than charging and the phone ran out of battery and turned off
- tried to plug it into mains but no red light to verify charging
- used another charger and still no red light to verify charging
- tried to turn on. nothing. tried to reset. nothing.
- checked chargers with friends phone and chargers were working fine
- tried to charge the phone with a PC USB. PC verified something had been plugged in but said they couldn't verify and there was a problem.
- left the phone for about an hour.
- when returned to the phone the red out-of-battery light was blinking when I tried to press the power button.
- went to my car and tried to charge it via the sony bluetooth radio
- lights turned off and phone returned to unresponsive state
- got home about 40 minutes later and red lights are on
- charged it via AC adapter at home, left it for a bit, now charging normally.
For a while i thought my phone was completely busted and I was so angry as I've just had a replacement. Before lollipop if the phone ran out of battery it would just start to charge.. I wouldn't have to wait an hour for it to become responsive again?! just making sure this isnt a fault.
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Jul 3, 2010
Just had a new issue with charging, had the update last night and when I am charging it today it continuously pops up battery low whilst on charge, I checked charger on my old HTC and all OK but keeps waking the Z5P every 10 or so seconds....
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Aug 28, 2012
Can I charge a spare battery separately from the phone while the main battery is inside the phone itself?
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Aug 3, 2010
So I just finished charging my Tour around 12:30am or so. I had no apps running, and went to bed. Luckily, I had a wake up call to my room at 7am, because when I looked to see why my phone alarm didn't go off at 6:30am, it was completely dead. It took about a 15 minute initial charge just to get the phone to boot. I've never had that happen before. Is this common? Anyone else every have this? Is it time to call CS and ask for a new battery? I depend on my phone quite a bit and travel frequently.
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Jan 21, 2014
I just wanted to know, whats your battery drain on your lumia 1020 over night? My scenario is to charge it to 100% in the evening and then let it there without using ist for ~9-10hrs until the next day. Certainly with wifi/Bluetooth/mobile data off, glance off and all apps closed.
My 1020 looses around 8-9% Battery over night...
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