Xperia Ray :: Battery Refuses To Charge When Drained To 0 Percent
May 3, 2012
I bought an Xperia Ray from Telus in mid-January this year. It was working fine until now. Today, the battery drained to 0%; it's done this before and I haven't had any prior issues with recharging. Now, when I try to charge, it won't do so. My computer won't recognize it ("USB device not recognized"), PC Companion doesn't recognize a phone, and it won't charge in any outlits in my house.
When plugged in, the phone flashes red and reboots itself constantly, making it past the start-up screen onto the main screen. It stays there for about 10 seconds loading my settings; however, I can't unlock the screen, the battery icon is red and not charging, and it goes from recognizing Telus to not recognizing a network or a SIM Card. I didn't download any updates manually recently. I tried removing the battery for a bit and then putting it back in.
I've tried removing and putting back the SIM Card. Nothing works. Randomly, the LED will be orange, and pressing the Power button shows the battery charging symbol; however, turning the phone on shows that the battery is STILL at 0% even after being on the charger for three hours. I didn't drop it, expose it to water, or do anything that may damage the phone. I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium 64x, if that means anything; also tried rebooting, but my laptop refuses to recognize the phone in any port.
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Apr 13, 2011
yesterday i try to re charge it and nothing happend run out of battery i dont know what the problem is .. guys at the store told me maybe is the charge port i dont know what it means?
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Apr 27, 2012
My bold refuses to charge after a battery drain. Tried two different chargers, even replaced(bought new) battery.
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Sep 7, 2012
Basically I charge my phone with the mains charger, everything looks fine, the orange light comes on and the battery symbol in the corner shows that it is charging. I leave it charging overnight, so it's usually plugged in for a good 7 hours, however, when I wake up the next morning the phone isn't fully charged, at best I am on 50% and at worst the battery symbol is yellow.
I've been upgraded to ICS quite a while and have not installed any new apps recently so I am a bit stumped as to what the issue is. I thought maybe it was the battery, but I have since bought a new battery and I get the same issue with this also. A factory reset has also not sorted the issue.
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Aug 20, 2014
Brand new iPhone 5S. My battery drained all the way down for the first time. It will now not charge at all. This cant be a battery issue. Can it? I seriously doubt its an issue of USB.
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2
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Feb 9, 2011
I've had my BB Curve for about a year and a half now. Last night, I went to charge my BB after the battery had drained to find on the screen a drained battery icon with a red cross/line through it. I had reloaded the set up on my phone and it still does not work and it seems that the white loading bar under the icon still loads after it has appeared and stops at around 75%.Will a new battery fix this?As I have said, I have reloaded and wiped everything on my phone and I have also tried the 'take out the battery while it's charged, put it back in method', nothing happened.
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Oct 23, 2012
I finished installing ICS 3 hours ago. The problem was that my battery died during the time it was updating media database. Now, the battery will not charge. It says at 5%. If I am using my phone at all (i.e. just making folders) it heats up and dies/turns off. I've tried 2 different batteries and 2 different chargers with the same results. Also- 3 hours later and I still have no contacts and many apps no longer work (google voice).
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Aug 9, 2012
I've got a wifi only Xyboard 10.1 that has in the last couple of weeks developed the won't charge issue. I've read through the forums and some say it's the battery. It seems to be a micro usb port issue in my case at least. I can prop the cord just so and get a charging indication but it never seems to charge in actuality, rarely going above 30%.
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Mar 28, 2015
I have 3 utilities that monitor my battery level . Is there a way to change the Setting to 30 percent from 15 percent
Verizon Samsung Galaxy S5 Lollipop 5.0
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Dec 16, 2011
I am using Xperia Ray and today I forgot to charge so it got shut down when it drained to 0%. I plug it into the usb charge but nothing happen, it won't boot....even the charging icon not showing on the screen. The LED notification is also red.
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Apr 28, 2012
Yesterday I monitor the Xperia ray mobile to check the battery drainage problem again, at 5.30 PM the battery reached 72% battery level gets low and pop ups the power save mode. And then I put it into Charge in half an hour the battery gets fully charged. I don't understand how it possible. I am really fed up with this newly installed Android OS 4.0 ICS. I want to know when will be available the next update.
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Feb 21, 2012
I am facing a serious problem with my Neo V battery. My phone gets switched off even though it has 40% battery remaining.
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Mar 5, 2012
My neo lost charge in very short time and when I plug in the cable of the charger it shows 85% and doesn't change. After several hours it turns on automatically and battery capacity is 85%.
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Sep 8, 2015
After it is fully charged, I unplugged the charger and use it normally. From 7am until 1 pm, the battery percentage shows 100%. Quite long, huh. Amazing. So, I kept using it. After it I use the phone quite often, playing games, checking emails and stuff. I did restart my phone occasionally, especially when I am refreshing my network signal.
But, after it restarted, the battery indicator shows 88%. Sudden drop from 100%, ain't it?
But, I don't think it's an issue until the indicator shows around 40% and I keep using the phone then it suddenly off because it shows the battery is at 0%.
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Apr 10, 2012
I purchased brand new Xperia Active before a week and it started showing battery related problem since then. When my phone shows battery level of 15%, it suddenly drops down to 1%, followed by phone shutting down. I have not rooted my phone. It is running on Gingerbread 2.3.4 and build 4.0.2.A.0.62. Managing on 1200 mA is anyway becoming tough task for me and above that this issue is really irritating now.
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Aug 27, 2012
I am finding very strange thing happening with my Neo V - 1254 2586 which I purchased just 2 months back. Once a battery level comes down to 20% and if i try to do something after that, then it just shows me a warning for battery low and pressing OK makes mobile getting switched off automatically. It wont get restart again until and unless I wont put it for charging. When the phone get restarted then the charging level will start charging from 20% which is quite strange. I already removed the battery, cleaned the points many time but problem didn't get resolve.
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Dec 24, 2012
I am using Xperia Neo for more than a year. The battery was fine, it usually lasted for 1.5 days with my usual use. Suddenly since 2-3 days, I notified that my battery was going down way faster than before and the phone temperature was much warmer.Battery hardly lasted for a day and it was going down even when in sleep.Last night I gave a full charge, disconnected it from the charger and went to bed. I also installed a 'Auto task killing app' to check whether it improves the battery life. In the morning I found that there was no charge in the phone. I tried to charge it, but its not charging, the red light is not coming up. Its not even detected or charged when I connect it to my laptop.The main changes that happened within last 2-3 days- 1) I updated Facebook app2) I installed a battery saver app, but uninstalled it3) Last night I installed a auto ask killer
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Jan 29, 2012
I bought my Xperia Mini 26 days ago. But I am having some major battery problems already. When the battery charge level decreases to 50% my phone automatically displays a message that the phone battery is low and shuts down. It won't even turn on unless it is charged. I know the rules to save battery life, I have already done the following:
1. Turned off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
2. Switched to 2G when at home from 3G
3. I have a very low screen brightness
4. Turned off GPS when not needed
5. Disabled the display bravia engine, animations and screen auto rotation
Still my phone shuts down at 50%.
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Aug 8, 2011
I've been having problems getting my phone(s) to charge. Here's a chronology of events.First time:I'd been messing with my phone all night on the second day I got the phone, setting up screens and what not and it just died. I plugged it into the charger and nothing for a few minutes and then the LED turned on and was white. It wouldn't start or go into charging mode. I removed the battery several times and left it out for several minutes. After leaving it plugged in for a few minutes, the LED turned green but still no startup or charging mode. After several more minutes, it finally went into charge mode and the LED turned orange and was 0%! Another 10 minutes and it was 15% and booted fine. I was using a battery widget to have %battery in the notifications. It had stopped working and was stuck at 50% (I was really impressed with battery life until it died). I was using both the Circle Battery widget and Battery Monitor Widget.
Did a factory reset and changed battery widgets after the first time above. Used it for two more days without charging issue.Second time:This time, I did get a low battery notice at 20% and I plugged into a USB port but nothing. I then plugged into a wall outlet and nothing. I tried multiple cables/ports/outlets and the phone eventually died before I could get it to charge. It took another 45 minutes to get it charging again with the battery dead. It charged to 100% yet the white LED would not go out with the phone off. I was using the Battery Monitor Widget and Battery Notifier (big text) widget.I took the phone back to Best Buy thinking it might be a bad battery or bad phone and they provided an full exchangehird time:his was within a half hour of getting the new phone, I plugged it into my computer USB and it wouldn't charge. I don't believe I had put any battery widgets back on but I may be mistaken. I plugged it into the wall outlet and it wouldn't charge. I rebooted the phone and it charged.
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Jun 22, 2011
I bought this phone off a freind so obviously I don't have the original charger, but its still the usb charger including the wall part.... the battery is now dead (through usage) and when i plug it into the wall i got nothin. The lil white light on the side comes on when i plug it into the pc but it doesnt appear to be charging there either...Now I understand there's something about USB devices starting at 100mA untill it requests more power but mine is still only at 100mA. I'm thinking its not charging cause its not requesting more power
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Jul 2, 2012
My IPhone charge getting drained very quickly
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1
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Sep 20, 2012
My phone doesn't want to charge. I replaced the charger and it worked for a few day and now its not working again. Earlier today it would only charge to 30%. Now it will only charge to 20%.
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Nov 15, 2011
My phone sometimes dies when it reach lower the 40% of charger most of the times wen it gets under 20%. I use battery indicator. Probably a way to fix this that is annoying and sometimes scary to know that ur phone might dies when you less expect it. I believe my battery is in good health but i dont know if its the phone, or the battery.
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Sep 20, 2010
Blackberry Bold 9000
V5.0.0.822 Platform
Whenever I do a battery pull my battery indication after reinsertion reads 0% and shows the battery as red. My battery indicator before the battery pull will read anywhere from 80% to 50% but after the battery pull the indicator changes to read zero and is shown in red. If I don't charge the phone it will die even though prior to the battery pull the charge was fine at 80% or so...
I'm pulling the battery because of memory shortages. I HAVE replaced the battery and I still get the same problem. Pulling the battery after this happens changes nothing. I've pulled the battery numerous times afterwards and I never get the battery indicator to read what it did before the battery pull. I don't dare pull the battery if I'm not near my charger as the phone will die in a matter of minutes...
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Jul 3, 2012
My device is no longer keeping a charge...draining at 15% per hour with no applications running. Tried hard reset and restored factory settings. It also no long can be charged using wall adapter or computer...both indicating that the device is not supported for charging.
iPhone 4
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Apr 27, 2011
my blackberry 9300 used to last me 2 days with low usage and 1 day with heavy usage. that's the way it has been for about a year and a half and i would always charge it all night anyway regardless of how much i use it. about a month ago, i was watching a video on Internet using the 3g network and suddenly it beeped and said "battery drained, shutting down handheld." there was no battery low warnings or anything, the battery said it was half full at the point. i didn't think much of it, i did a battery pull to get it to turn on again and it was fine for the rest of the kept doing the same thing though, everytime i would watch videos or listen to any type of music. i would literally take it off the charger after a full night of charging and then watch a video on the wifi, 2 minutes into the video or after only one song it would tell my the battery is drained and shuts the phone down even though i apparantly have full battery. the only way to get it to turn on again is if i did a battery pull.well then i thought, ok then, so it only does this with videos and music. it never used, but it does now. but as time progressed, even when i didn't touch vidoes or music and am doing normal non-battery taxing things like texting and phoning people it would do the same. many times i've been in the middle of a call and it would turn off and leave me stranded.sometimes when i reset it, it goes back to normal and it stays on for a while after and sometimes it just turns straight back off again.
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Aug 7, 2014
My battery has Drained almost 54% while I was sleeping.
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May 22, 2012
My Iphone started shutting off about a week ago when the battery would get to 20 percent, each day it shuts off sooner.
iPhone 4S
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Jun 26, 2012
Its been just 2 weeks since i purchased curve 9380 and suddenly after using it for 1-2 hrs the battery gets heated up to 40 there a problem with battery or this happens with every BB mobile?
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Jun 9, 2012
am using 9360 curve. My cellfone battery was drained and i was out and couldn't able to charge it. at night when i tried recharging it .. i was not able to do that.... no red light... ... i m charging through USB only.. wat to do
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Sep 12, 2011
only had the phone a few days but the above message has appeared twice and then the phone just shuts down.Now if the battery indicator was really low when this happen then no problems but the two times it has happened the battery indicator has been showing on or just below 50%!That's a huge drain on the battery, 50% to zero.I have ordered a new battery to see if this makes any diference but am concerned that if you are out and about a battery can die that quick!I do have a few things switched on that run in the background, social media, BBM, WiFi etc which I know causes the battery to run out quicker but I would not expect a big spike and total battery drain?This happened when using facebook on one occasion while out an about and the first time using sky sports soccer centre app connected to my wifi.These are the only times since having the phone that the battery has been on or just below 50%. I do not think it is App related. The battery usually runs down at a steady rate from full charge and at a rate which I would consider to be normal.Furthermore the battery is totally flat after the drain, the device cant be turned back on again even after removing the battery and when plugged into the mains the battery indicator is red and showing zero charge?I would like to understand if this could be associated with a hardware fault or more than likely just a faulty battery?I have not owned the phone from new but purchased it as a refurbished unit last week with new screen and casing. Everything seems to work fine on it
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