Eseries / Communicators :: Using Predictive Text On E72?
Jan 4, 2010
I have activated predictive text and just wonder if I am using it correctly, when I type a word it shows a suggestion in grey. If I want to accept I simply press space and teh word is filled in for me. However, if I don't want the suggestion what is the best way to continue without the suggestion being applied? At the moment I press backspace to remove the suggestion, then space to continue typing. Is this the only way to not accept the suggested word?
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May 15, 2011
I was able to select and then copy / cut text from a mobile webpage in internet explorer (like name details etc. when I replied to a person) with the SHIFT button, but it is not working anymore...When I now press the SHIFT button, the īmouseī appears again and I am not able to select the text anymore..
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Mar 7, 2011
Is there a way to have a tone or sound play to Confirm that a text message has been sent on my E73 S60 device? I cannot seem to find how this setting.
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May 26, 2011
I just got my E7 yesterday. And have a question. When I goto write a new txt msg with the qwerty closed it brings up and on screen keyboard. But it doesn't work? How can I make it work?
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Apr 19, 2011
I removed my memory card to upload some pics to my computer cause my usb port does not work anymore and since I didn't get around to doing this quickly, I've been using the phone without the memory card. It has been a week and not one instance of freezing up. I put my card in about 2 hours ago just to see if it was fixed and it just now froze again. This obviously is not a solution but it leads me to believe that probably an app or some misc thing on my card is causing this. There is plenty of memory left on the card by the way. Now if I could only find the right settings to install hotmail, rocketmail (yahoo), ovi and gmail mail boxes. I have the issue where the mail boxes never appear after setup.
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Apr 26, 2011
I want to know how text messages are transferred from E50 to E5. Also can be the data recovered from memory card?
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Apr 21, 2010
I have an E63 that is about 4 months old. It stopped opening my text messages a few weeks ago, but I was able to open them again after an hour or so. It has been a few hours and I'm starting to become worried because my phone isn't opening the messages at all. Whenever I click the select button or select "open" from the message menu it acts as if I didn't press any button. I can reply back, and it'll mark it as read, but I cannot personally see the full text message.
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Jun 23, 2010
When i open the Tutorial application in my E72 from Menu-->Help link i see the images for a particular topic but no text is displayed. I can only see the blank boxes and nothing else
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Oct 20, 2011
how can i read arabic text on my E5 handset..?
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Jan 1, 2012
I am experiencing a peculiar problem, which I came across NEVER before with any of my other Nokia phones.Below are the details from the *#0000# Screen.Phone: Nokia E5Software Version: 071.003Software Version Date: 20 May, 2011Custom Version: 71.003.C00.01Custom Version Date: 21 May, 2011Language Set: 47.01Model: E5-00Type: RM-632Latest Update: Not UpdatedI haven't been able to open my old texts messages received in the month of August 2011. Of course we all have our own reasons to save the old texts on our phones. I wanted to read a couple of old messages so I try and open them by both methods; using the 5-way controller button and by Options>Open to no avail. While trying to open these old messages, my phone doesn't even give any error message. All that happens is, the text which am trying to open remains highlighted in the inbox. I tried backing up the text messages on my computer. To my surprise, Nokia PC Suite (recently updated version: doesn't even recognize any of these old text messages. It only recognized the 1 month old texts. I fail to understand as to what could be reason behind this
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Mar 16, 2011
I am on T-mobile with an E7.When I try and text my friend with Verizon the message gets broken up and spaced out L I K E t h is.And usually the whole message never displays. This happened twice on two different Verizon phones. One after a while was fine again sending messages normally while the other one still has the problem. Ive tried resetting the phone (power off power on) deleting contact, sending text in threaded and single message reply. I have also updated the phone to the most recent software as of March 15, 2011 6:45 PM.
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Apr 11, 2012
Some text fields, not many, will automatically capitalise the first letter typed. It doesn't happen consistently enough for me to get into the habit of always looking at the icon and it's really annoying. What's more, if I *did* want a capital letter, and have held the shift key down, I get a lower case letter!
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Feb 20, 2011
I could not read my message. While browsed to understand the issue & I was advised to update the firmware from 400.21.13 to 500.21.009.Is there I can update my E63 device software using phone browser? I do understand why I'm not able to open the text messages. I wish not to reformat my phone dialing *#7780# (which I do on most of occasion
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Oct 10, 2011
How can I select and copy text during surfing on the web?
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Nov 20, 2012
I have a Nokia E71 and I am unable to receive multimedia messages. Some of my friends can send me picture text and I received them with no problem. When the rest of them try to send me a message my phone will light up but the message will not come through
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Jan 4, 2012
recently I was texting a lot while receiving text messages at the same time. And my phone E72 bugged somehow and the tiny icon when your text messages are being sent out is still there and won't disapear.The icon is just a tiny up arrow with a small bracket under it. The icon won't go away I tried restarting my phone many times its stil there. Now when I send out a text message I don't know when it is done sending because the icon never disapears.
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Jan 2, 2012
when it says System Error when trying to save a text grabbed using the Text Scanner.It worked again after a couple of tries, but does System Error mean the phone is contemplating a crash?
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Feb 2, 2012
Every day at 10:30 GMT (without fail) I get a text message from Ovi Nokia App telling about some 'cool app' or other. This is now seriously bugging me - I didn't subscribe to it (my wife uses Ovi Store and doesn't get these messages). I keep thinking I am popular but no, it's just Ovi Nokia App telling what i already know! How do I get rid of it? I have tried to reply and send 'STOP' but it won't let you reply. I can't find anywhere on this site that tells you how to stop it either. I am reaching the point where I now purposely 'lose' my phone at 10:29 GMT and then find it again at 10:31 just to avoid the curse of ovi!
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Feb 5, 2011
Is there anyway to enable this feature like on the c3, When i get a text it just comes up saying 1 new message, With no name or number with who its from, Is this normall for the E5, Why did they leave this feature out?
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Mar 23, 2011
Within the past 6 days, I've purchased 2 brand new Nokia E71 phones from 2 different Walmart stores, 30 mins of each other. These are phones for the Straight Talk prepaid service. I have not yet activated the phones on ST, as my goal is to first test the basic functionality to determine if it's worth the $200 and will satisfy my needs.
What's happening on both phones, in the same exact manner and location on the phone, is that the menu title name for some menus have fading text. It appears as though there's a display issue. I've attached some screenshots to make it easy to see what I'm experiencing.
However, when I've tested playing the included videos in the phone at full screen, it appears to play the videos through the menu title name area with no fading. The same goes for looking at images - I do not see any fading with the included images in that area.
I have done a Soft Reset on both phones using the *# option and from the "Factory Reset" option in the menu. This has not resolved it on either phone. I have also changed themes, changed menu colors, changed the font size, none of which has resolved this.
Thus far, I've returned one phone to Walmart and ready to return the next one now due to this issue. I'm willing to try a 3rd but that's where my limit is. I really like this phone and want it, but if this issue is indicative of a fully dead or fading display after a short period of use, I will not make the investment.
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Mar 5, 2010
I want to read unicode Malayalam text(in email, web site etc) in Nokia E71 mobile. Is there any way to do this? I tried copying unicode font resource/fonts folder(Fonts folder was not there, i created it). But no use.
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Jan 11, 2012
Does anyone know how to edit or delete text templates on an E6-00?
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Jun 29, 2012
The pre-installed Text-to-speech language is English (UK), and when I was first testing the phone, there were two Voice options, "Ellen" and "Martin", both listed as "built-in". Today, upon trying this feature again, only "Ellen" was present. I do not believe that I have accidentally deleted "Martin". I have, however, updated the phone software using PC Suite (to 071.003). I have tried installing the downloadable voice file, but receive an "Update error" when I do. I am able successfully to install other language packages and their associated voices. This would suggest that the "Martin" built-in voice is still present. Is there a way to recover it (restoring factory settings does not solve the problem;
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Feb 21, 2011
For the last few days (or weeks?) my Nokia E5 has an annoying problem: the text/SMS message tone is not played when receiving SMS. It won't vibrate either.
I tried changing the message tone to Nokia default, but didn't work. I also tried deleting all text messages in my Inbox, but also didn't work. I have restarted my phone numerous times.But unable to solve this problem
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Oct 29, 2011
I can not use editing options on my E7.E.g. I can highlight and copy text fragment in SMS, but don't have this option in Exchange, Calendar and Internet browser. I think having no editing options on business phone is not accepted.
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Mar 13, 2010
E72-1- It can't send SMS messages anymore. I hadn't noticed it at first, was wondering why the persons I sent messages didn't replied when I responded to their messages. Then happened to check my phones Outbox, and 6 text messages are stuck in there for several hours already.Just to test the phone further (to check if it might be a SIM card problem), I put this SIM card on another phone, and I was able to send messages on that phone.I also placed another SIM card on the E72 and tested sending a message -- the message sending gets stuck at the Outbox and never sends. Receiving SMS messages appears to work fine. Also, calling out (voice calls) and receiving calls work.other notes: in settings: "Phone Memory" (instead of memory card) is used for text messages, configured to have up to 999 messages. Currently, have around 600 SMS messages in the Inbox and maybe 150 text messages in the Sent folder. Let's says that's only around 800 messages (not yet 999 messages).
What I tried:I changed the setting from "phone memory" to "memory card", but still unable to send messages. (I reverted it back to phone memory since that's where my messages are residing.)I did a soft reset *#7780# which reset the E72's settings. Tried again to send SMS message -- it still fails.I decided to do a hard reset, so I did a full backup using Ovi Suite first.Then I did the hard reset *#7370# -- and it did solve the problem (able to send messages again), unfortunately, I would need to reinstall all the applications, contacts and restore the messages I saved.I tried restoring the backup (it was pretty big at 2.3Gb), but it's taking a very very long time (nearly an hour) and it seems to fail near the end of the restoration. The backing up of the phone took awhile (maybe 20 minutes or so) since it backedup probably the whole memory card too. (I should probably have deleted a few unneeded big files from the memory card before I did the backup since it appears that Ovi Suite is also backing up those big files).
Right now, I'm doing the restoration a second time (a few hours since I first tried that and it sort of failed). During the restoration which ended with failure, it seems that when I tried sending SMS messages, it fails again. (ie. if I restore the backup, the problem is also restored) -- I'll check this again later if this is indeed the case.I still had around 130Mb free space left in the C: phone memory and the 4Gb microSDHD memory card had around 900Mb free space when I started the backing up in the first place. (mentioning these in case these might be related to the problem.)another thing: does restoring backups really take an extremely long time? (I haven't tried the restoration function before, though I did a backup maybe 2 months ago) Does the phone get in a sort of "stuck" or "hanging" mode during the latter part of the restoration procedure?
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Sep 8, 2011
My E5 only lists one text message at a time. Is there a way to switch to a conversation view, like texts on other smartphones?
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Jul 15, 2015
I like using the predictive text feature. However it doesn't always show up, and yes I have it enabled. If I send a text or an email it works without any problems. But when I use the google search widget or anything else that isn't text or email it doesn't show up. Basically if I'm using the keyboard but not typing a text message or an email the predictive text doesn't show up.
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Nov 18, 2011
I'm hopping this turn out to be something amazingly simple, something I've accidentally touched or selected. It wasn't on purpose if it was. For some reason, text notifications are no longer appearing on the bottom left corner of my screen. Instead, they are now appearing up on the top right by my battery indicator. This is more than a little inconvenient as it's so much smaller than the bottom left option making it harder to touch correctly. Is there any way I can change it back to the bottom left again?
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Nov 7, 2011
Now in messages, mail etc text field background color is black and fonts white Is it possible to change this? I want light background and black fonts
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Sep 5, 2012
I have an 8 month old Nokia E7 in good condition however just this afternoon when ever I recieve or send a text message instaed of showing what I have written on screen OR what the reply message reads it shows a number instead along with the time i.e. 8: 17.45 I have deleted all messages in the sent items and inbox as wondered if it was because i had a few in there, I also rebooted the ph 3 times, removed and replaced sim card each time but the same thing keeps happening.Have sent my phone messages from 3 other numbers just to make sure it wasnt 1 number causing it and all come up with the same thing.
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