Eseries / Communicators :: Unable To Update Symbian Anna
Aug 22, 2011
I was upgrading my Nokia E7 to symbian Anna and while installing Symbian Anna update 2/2 the phone told me restart to complete installation. But the installion was still running. I actaully restarted the phone while it was updating 2/2. I did so because the phone told me to restart. When restarted I couldn't find the 2/2 in the update list in the SW update. I can only see 1/2 and the other 2 optional items. but 2/2 was not shown in the update list. I hard rest my phone as I might be able to install them 2 but no luck. Now the phone seems to be working fine and the SW update says I have the latest software. Ovi update says I have the latest software.
I have been trying to fix following two problems from past one week by going through various posts in this forum, but nothing has helped yet. I am hoping that brains in this forum can help me fix my issues.
After update to Symbian Anna
1) OVI store is not working. I am able to open ovi store and see apps but moment I click on download.. it just hangs there.I have tried installling QT files as mentioned in the forum I download QT files from Nokia which were in .sisx format. I am not able to install them either by directly copying in phone or via Ovi suite.I am getting Error 300.
2) Google Maps is not working. I have installed it multiple times. When I click on Google Maps to open it , a blank window comes and it closes automatically.
Can we get an update back to Symbian Anna while Symbian Belle comes out without all the faults mention below?Try it for a week and see the customers demand,We're loyal customers as an average this is the fifth device for each user,I'm planning to sell the current and buy a new without the update ?
Got the Anna update via my phone Update, and after installation, I got the two important updates 1/2 and 2/2. I am not able to install 2/2, but the rest went fine. I have tried a Factory reset
I cannot download and install the Symbian Anna 1/2 update, always when I try it says that the download and install failed.Same happens if I try downloading via Nokia Ovi, Nokia Software Installer or directly via phone menu.The Symbian Anna 2/2 update was installed with no problems.I have updated the E7 software to version 022.014.It seems that the E7 works with no problems, but in the software updater it is said that Anna 1/2 should be installed.
I wonder to know how to adding new fonts to Symbian Anna on my E6. Most of my Word and PowerPoint documents require some special fonts, such as Courier News, in order to display correctly.
Today while i was checking for updates thru my E7 , i found this update and its size was about one Meg. but i don't what is the purpose and nothing changed in my phone.
When using a device with Symbian Anna (ie. E7 after firmware upgrade), is there a way to start using the phone without an Ovi account? I haven't found a way to bypass the login screen without entering credentials.This is a big problem for our company, because almost none of our users have Ovi accounts and we wouldn't want to create one for everybody.
On Outlook, I've attached some pictures to some of my contacts (pictures o their faces).I sync these contacts to the new E6 phone, operating Symbian AnnaWhen someone calls me, or when I call someone, these pictures show up on the phoneThe problem however, is that a grey box that says "Calling..." pops up on top of the picture with the name and the phone number in the box. Roughly 40% of the picture is blocked on the bottom side. The weird thing is that there are a few of my contacts whose picture floats ABOVE the grey "Calling..." box. These are the exception though. Most of my contacts with pictures have half their face covered by this box.
Is there a possibility to get an symbian anna homescreen on symbian belle OS (E7-00)?I have tryed numerous themes but all they do is change color and icons in my menus, but not the home screen.
I tried to update my e7 to Anna but my ovi suite doesnt show any update available.i tried using nokia software updater and that also doest not show any update available.
I had another e7 two weeks ago which detected the update and afte updating it it stoped charging and hence i had to return it to where i bought it from, now i got a new e7 and no updates are available for this e7.
I did the update yesterday, and today i did charge it for a couple of hours, but now it has stopped charging completey. even through the usb connected to a PC, even a car charger and the direct wall charger. i Have two towers of the battery remaining. The computer does not regonise the device also. Could the port be damaged? or is it a software problem??
Updated to the latest Anna on my E7 after it has collected dust in the desktop drawer for 3 months... (issue with incoming calls - should be solved with Anna).Afterwards I updated to the Ovi Store (2.12.042) offered as a separate download alongside Anna.That version wouldn't even startup.So tried to update to the latest Ovi Store (v. 2.12.043) and now the program at least opens but I am not able to logon and re-download any of my purchased apps?
how is everyone getting on with anna esp.. in context with the battery life.. My phone gave me almost 48hrs before now after update its come down one n half day... same usage same apps..
I just updated my E7 to Symbian Anna. But after that, any packet data connections for internet access are not listed in the log anymore. I have set off any filters. Prior to the Anna update, this was working fine.
after updating to Anna,my E7 drains battery faster and multiple times a day produces a white screen with following error:"error in sys.excepthook original exception was:"when i press the menu key, the error goes away.
I have two questions for people in Nokia before baying this new communicator
1. Are they intend to put in final production of the E7 device the Symbian^4 O.S?
2. If not, will it be possible to upgrade this device from Symbian^3 to Symbian^4 O.S?
That is, I think, the crucial problem in final production because the Symbian^3 is breaking in the everything except in visual part of UI which is a little bit démodé.As I can see on the Symbian page they are rushing to change this with a lot of changes in this part of will be very disappointing to me baying such a device and after half a year faced with a new O.S. (specially UI which is most important for users-the name told us this-UI)
just finished updating my c7 to symbian anna, i have succesfully installed the 2-part updates, and also other new updates like ovi, my problem is the photos menu....when i open the photos menu, the usual you should see there are all the pics taken from phone, pics taken from bluetooth or from the pc, videos taken from phone, and vids taken from bluetooth and pc....
all are allright except for this, my problem is i cant view pics that are taken from bluetooth or the pc...i can view the other pics, and the vids but not the photos from the pc. i can view them using an alternate way, but i have to go to the file manager and locate them..this wasnt the way it should be and will give me a harder time, i want the normal way... what i want is to view them instantly at the photos menu..
i have tried many times to update to anna however is came out an error code 12014. and then after i have reinstalled the ovi suite i came ot a different error code 12017 Nokia Ovi Suite version is
I updated to Anna on an N8 during the first days of the release and I'm still enjoying my phone.
Firstly, Swype isn't working on my phone, it has never worked before and i was hoping it would with the Anna update but it still doesn't. Whenever I install the App, my phone freezes, i can't open anything that requires use of the Keyboard(Messages, Conversations, WhatsApp). The phone just keeps quite until I uninstall Swype.
Secondly, When you use Grid, there is an icon called Signal Boost, when opening it, it says System error... Not sure if anyone has ever experienced this.
Lastly (for now), are we supposed to purchase Shazam and QuickOffice 7 or a plan is being made to have an update that allows full access to both the apps in the near future? N8-00,Galaxy Tab 10.1
I downloaded the Symbian Anna and honestly, it's not as great as it's been made out to be!Now I want to revert to the earlier S3 version and am unable to do so! What can be done to regain the old version of the OS?
I tried a Restore to factory settings from the phone, but it just goes back to factory settings with ANNA, how do I change the OS back to the earlier one?
I updated to symbian Anna today and my OVI store stopped working. So I try to click the icon and my browser opens up and takes me to the site to download the sis file. Once downloaded, the install starts. It gets to a point with a green bar and says : "This could take a few minutes" then it just closes. When I go to the OVI icon in the menu, it does the same thing again: Opens the browser and goes to the page for download..
After much waiting, I finally got to upgrade my E7 to Symbian Anna, everything is perfect but there is one flaw.All of the new-look icons have appeared except for the one for the OVI Store, it still shows the shopping-bag-type-thing that was the icon pre-Anna(I tried to re-install the software via. PC Suite, the problem still persists)
Whenever I read the PR statements about Symbian Belle, the older Symbian^3 touchscreen only phones such as the N8, C6-01, C7 etc are mentioned as being eligible for the Belle update, but nothing specifically about the E6-00.
Does any one know if the E6-00 will get the Belle update for sure?