BB Tour :: Contacts Won't Sync Since OS Upgrade

Oct 11, 2010

I am having an issue with my contacts and I believe it started when I upgraded to the official on my Sprint Tour. When I sync the phone with outlook, the only contacts that transfer over are the last few that I added (prob about 10 that I have added since the upgrade). When I try to set up contact shortcuts in Quicklaunch or set up ringers with BeBuzz, only the same 10 or so contacts are recognized. I backed the phone up and was able to pull the contact files out with a program called MagicBerry, so I know they are there but not sure how to fix the issue.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling programs and of course, multiple battery pulls.

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BB Tour :: Firmware Upgrade To Enable Ford Sync

Sep 5, 2011

I am currently running OS v5.0.0.975 (Bundle 1600, Platform on the Tour 9630. When trying to utilize the Ford SYNC in my new vehicle, the Tour will not download the address book to enable voice call via the phonebook. On talking to the SYNC tech support they indicated I needed the firmware upgraded to version 4.7.130 as a minimum. How can i get the firmware updated? I checked with Verizon support and they only know how to do the standard software upgrades, not firmware.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Sync It To Email / Calendar / Contacts?

May 19, 2010

I swear that as soon as the new Windows 7 Series phones come out, I am smashing the BB Tour.I have had this phone for about 8 months or so. I have a paid MSN email address. I use Outlook on my PC and need Outlook Connector to sync it (Outlook) to my email, contacts, and calendar.(that's a whole different rant there- why do I need special software to use a MS email account when it (Outlook) doesn't need it for gmail, yahoo, or another?)For whatever reason, the Tour will not sync ANYTHING with Outlook. The (**bleep**)Desktop Manager is no help as it doesn't recognize ANYTHING from Outlook- not email, not calendar, not contacts, etc.I am under the impression that somehow Outlook Connector messes things up. Fine. Whatever. I setup a MS Exchange email account and got it up and running, both on the PC and on the phone.Still nothing works. Oh sure my emails come through, but that's it. my contacts list doesn't sync, my calendar has zero events/tasks/appointments on it (it does but the phone doesn't think so). Hell, when I am in the calendar, the ability to wirelessly sync is grayed out.When I installed the DM, I selected the option to use a personal email address and that doesn't work. So I uninstalled and reinstalled and chose a work email address, but of course, no one tells you how to activate the damned phone to do this. And what's more, when the DM starts, it keeps reporting:"Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client."Well guess what? Outlook IS the default email client.Of course, RIM blames Verizon, who blames, MS, who blames the others. We all know how it is.

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IPhone :: Unable To Sync Contacts After Upgrade To ITunes 10

Mar 12, 2012

Yesterday I decided to sync my iPhone to a different PC which my husband uses to sync his ipod. Before I sync-ed I upgraded itunes to v10. When I tried to sync however I noticed that the contacts section in the Info tab had nothing in the list (i.e. The title reads "Sync Contacts with " followed by a list but the list is empty) and when I click the Configure button nothing happens. Anyway I checked the option to sync contacts anyway but got an error saying "itunes was unable to load dataclass information from sync services."

Stupidly I then chose to restore my iphone as suggested in the Summary tab and thereby lost all of the contacts on my phone which I of course cannot sync back.

iPhone 3G

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BB Tour 9630 :: Upgraded OS - Missing 1 Contact Folder - Sync Only Contacts

Jun 20, 2010

I have a Tour & did an OS upgrade through Wireless Update. I had 3 folders in Contacts(top of each contact had three different sync references). Looks like there is 2 of the folders and missing one. How can I set up Blackberry Desktop to sync with one of the missing folders and just get the contacts that that folder or "sync" description?I guess I need to know where and how to find the one folder as well.I do not know if folder is right term. On my contacts the top says "Synchronize Using: Unknown" or Synchronize Using: Desktop". I know there was a third and can not remember the heading.I just need those contacts in that sync.Hopefully I am communicating this correctly.

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BB Tour 9630 :: 8530 Upgrade From Curve To Tour

Jul 14, 2010

I have a Curve 8530 and might be upgraping to the Tour. My question is, I have backed up my Curve on my pc using the BB Desktop Magager. Will I be able to restore all my phone contacts, bbm contacts, pics, music, etc from the Curve to the Tour using that back up? Or are they not compatable?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Tour Gets Upgrade For OS 5 / OS 6?

Jun 1, 2010

Is the tour ever going to get any more OS upgrades? I know it will not get OS 6 but maybe an OS 5 that everything works on instead of one thing working great on one but something else doesn't work at all then they send out a new one and the thing that was working good doesn't work so good anymore. Just would be nice to have an OS that everything works as intended on.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Stop Tour From Syncing Contacts To Outlook

Sep 2, 2010

I have BB Tour that is a corporate cell phone and is set up using Microsoft Exchange to receive my corporate e-mails. We use MS Outlook as our mail program.I was just playing around in Outlook trying to figure out how to attach my business card to the end of e-mails I send and soon realized I was looking at all of my personal cell numbers of friends, family etc. in Outlook on my corporate lap top ! Yikes ! I don't want my mom, ex wife, current GF's etc. contact info on my corporate laptop.Is there a way to get my Tour and/or Outlook to stop syncing my phone contacts to my my computer?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Sprint Tour Not Reading SIM Phone Contacts

Aug 6, 2010

I've entered a pre-paid SIM card and can't read the phone book on my TOUR, i dont even have the option to retract them from the card to the phone when i go to the menu. Although I can make and receive calls with no problem.Did u guys have to do something special prior to entering the card?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Recovering Contacts After Dropping BB Tour In Water

Apr 20, 2010

I dropped my BB tour in the water over a week and half ago. I have a JVM error 102 on a black screen that I have to strain to read. I have already gotten a replacement, but is there a way to bypass this error and get the contact info off of the phone?

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BB Tour :: Outlook / Tour Address Sync

Oct 23, 2011

my tour 9630 stopped syncing with Outlook Addresses. Desktop Software indicates Address Book not installed. have reinstalled everything and no luck. Was ok previously.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Tour Contacts Deleted Themselves

Jun 12, 2010

I woke up this morning to find my entire contact list deleted from the Contacts application, however when I open an email or an SMS, all of the contact information is there for that particular person. When I look at the call log, the information is also there.I have a backup done on Friday (yesterday) on Outlook at my office (not on work server since they all use IPhones for that. I prefer my blackberry so I use the non-server syncing) there another way to get this information back or do I need to wait to resync on Monday?

I had a lot of apps on there that I don't use, so I deleted the off this morning to help get some memory back. I haven't yet done a battery pull on my phone...will doing one affect anything or should I just do it to help clear the memory up and make room for contacts?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Best Way To Transfer Contacts To New Tour?

Apr 8, 2010

I just received my replacement Tour (trackball issues) and would like to know the best way to transfer my contacts to my new phone. I do have several and not sure if I can use the BDM to do this or not, or if there is another way to accomplish this.

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BB Tour :: Get Wireless Sync And Sync To Outlook?

Nov 9, 2010

For a long time I have just been syncing to outlook on my desktop. Now my job requires that I have wireless sync to the online calendar at work. Only my calendar syncs wirelessly. I can still sync notes, tasks, contacts to outlook.I would like to be able to do at least a one-way sync from device to outlook. I tried temporarily disabling the wireless sync on the calendar, but it didn't work.So, in a nutshell, how can I wirelessly sync to my work calendar, AND desktop sync to outlook at home.

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BB Tour :: 9630 Unable To Add Contacts Or Even Edit Existing Contacts

Feb 11, 2011

i am still unable to add contacts or even edit existing contacts.

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BB Tour :: BBM Not Working After Upgrade To OS 5

Mar 24, 2011

I upgraded my Tour's OS to version 5 because after the last time I upgraded App World, the icon disappeared. After I upgraded to OS5, the App World Icon reappeared, but BlackBerry Messenger stopped working - even after reinstalling the application, battery pulls, reboots, etc. All I get is an error message about Java when I try to start.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Using App Loader To Upgrade?

Mar 28, 2010

OK, I've been reading here for a while but I'm still not really "geeked up" with all the things BlackBerry. I've been reading about the new OS coming tomorrow, and many are suggesting using App Loader to upgrade. App Loader is what? How is it different from DM, and why do I need one/it?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Upgrade Is Available In A Month

Apr 28, 2010

I've been burning through Tours for the last six months. The first one I had worked fine until it just decided to stop taking all PIN messages of all kinds. I wasn't able to receive BBMs, PINs, and even certain types of E-mails. VZW customer service and RIM customer service weren't able to help me and I was lost. So VZW sent me a refurbished Tour. I wasn't happy with it since I had paid for a brand new one, but a refurbished BlackBerry is better than a broken one any day.

So, anyway, I have been using this refurb for a while until, just the other day, the earpiece didn't want to work. The microphone worked, but I just couldn't hear the other party. If I put it on speakerphone I was able to hear, but no earpiece. BlueTooth worked too, but not the earpiece. I tried everything and finally worked it into being a hardware thing. So I took it to a corporate store where they did an in-store replacement with another refurb.

Now I'm on my third Tour and hopefully this one isn't such a problem. I'm about to upgrade it to the Incredible. I was able to play with that sucker while they tried to figure out the situation with how they would unlock my new phone, and I have to say that I like it. Maybe, in a month when my upgrade is available, I will ditch the Tour and pull an Incredible Storm2. Sounds catchy, no?

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BB Tour 9630 :: A Way To Upgrade The Software

Apr 29, 2010

Just switched from the 8330 to the 9630 TOUR! I want to know if there is a way to upgrade the software without using the desktop manager? any help would be great!

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BB Tour 9630 :: No MMS Option After Upgrade To 5.0

Feb 21, 2010

I upgraded my Tour 9630 (unlocked) to OS 5.0. I now have no MMS option. I've tried a battery pull, registering the hosting table again, etc. I am on AT&T network. Everything else seems to be working fine.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Why Do Must Wiping OS Before Upgrade?

Mar 30, 2010

as like the thread title, why do we must wiping OS first before we upgrade / downgrade tour OS? i never did that, even once. i just did it with loader.exe file and i think i always got success on it. does anyone can explain to me with technically explanation?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Cannot Stand The New SMS Format With The 5.0 Upgrade

Mar 30, 2010

So, I cannot STAND the new SMS format with the 5.0 upgrade...its like BBM, but I want the old SMS back! Furthermore, my "beyond160" app doesn't work with it! Is there anyway to go back to the old SMS format, and if not, any tips on how to get beyond160 to work with this?

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BB Tour 9630 :: 5.0 Upgrade Gets Stuck Looking For Network

Mar 9, 2010

vlingo stopped working with 5.0 upgrade gets stuck looking for network.

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BB Tour 9630 :: MemoPad Missing After 5.0 Upgrade

Apr 2, 2010

Did they do away with it, or is it just me? Can anyone tell me where to find it or how to get it back? It is no longer in my Applications folder where it used to be, and can't find it anywhere else. I used this feature alot!

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BB Tour 9630 :: After OS Upgrade Phone Boots Up

May 18, 2010

I upgraded my phone last night to the 5.0 Os and it was running a bit slow. However, this morning I pulled the battery as an attempt to clear it and see if it would run smoother but that plan backfired on me. The phone boots up but it gets stuck on the Verizon Wireless logo screen.Not sure what to do at this point? I think when I upgraded the desktop manager backed everything up. Will verizon correct this for me?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Standby Mode -upgrade

Apr 12, 2010

I recently updated my Verizon BB Tour 9630 to OS v Ever since the upgrade I cannot put my phone into Standby Mode. The mute buttom works when on a call, just not to put the pgone into Standby Mode anymore.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Upgrade 5.0.1 - Memopad Is Missing

Apr 6, 2010

I just upgraded to 5.0.1 and aside from everything being rearranged and additions of apps I didn't need, my memopad which had a whole lot of important information seems to have disappeared entirely.

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BB Tour :: Uncaught Exception With Facebook Upgrade

Jul 31, 2011

I upgraded to Facebook on my 9630. When I delete messages that include Facebook notifications, my phone locks up and I receive the following:

Uncaught exception: Application net_rim_bb_facebook_lib (131) is not responding; process terminated.

I have to remove my battery to restart my phone. I've searched online for this specific exception and I am unable to find a solution to my issue.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Web Browser Gone - How To Upgrade Without A Data Plan

Jul 1, 2010

So I did this tutotrial on how to update my blackberry tour without a PLAN LINK: How To: Upgrade BB With(out) a Data plan! - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community and on top of that my blackberry is DISCONNECTED at the moment because i will be Flashing my sprint bb tour to metro pcs. and i saw a comment that said the browser would be gone.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Push To Talk / Should Assume Upgrade To OS 5.0?

Mar 29, 2010

Official release to "push-to-talk" magically appeared in my Application Center of my Verizon Tour. Should I assume upgrade to OS 5.0. whatever, soon?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Standby Button Not Working After 5.0 Upgrade

Feb 18, 2010

Here's the results of my 5.0 OS upgrade using the recently released Sprint package:

1. Phone boot time, from battery out to usable (home screen icons displayed, etc): 3 minutes, 15 seconds! YES!!!

2. Threaded SMS messaging is nice!

3. Phone doesn't feel any "faster".

4. Being able to set the phone to automatically adjust for time zones is nice--I don't recall that being an option before and has always bugged me.

5. QuickPull Free didn't work at first. Had to be uninstalled and reinstalled.

6. Standby button no longer putting phone into standby.Still works for mute/unmute though.

Of all of these, item #6 is the only one that bugs me a bit.I think the standby operation still works in general, as when I put it into the holster, the screen did turn off, but I don't use the holster and usually "lock" the phone by holding down the mute button to go into standby.

So, does anyone know if the Lock button does pretty much the same thing as Standby, or is there really a big savings in battery life by going into standby mode? As long as battery life isn't too adversely affected, I'm pretty sure that I'll stick with this release. Hopefully the next OS upgrade will restore the button... unless someone here knows how to fix the issue now!

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