BB Tour 9630 :: Why Do Must Wiping OS Before Upgrade?

Mar 30, 2010

as like the thread title, why do we must wiping OS first before we upgrade / downgrade tour OS? i never did that, even once. i just did it with loader.exe file and i think i always got success on it. does anyone can explain to me with technically explanation?

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BB Tour 9630 :: 8530 Upgrade From Curve To Tour

Jul 14, 2010

I have a Curve 8530 and might be upgraping to the Tour. My question is, I have backed up my Curve on my pc using the BB Desktop Magager. Will I be able to restore all my phone contacts, bbm contacts, pics, music, etc from the Curve to the Tour using that back up? Or are they not compatable?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Tour Gets Upgrade For OS 5 / OS 6?

Jun 1, 2010

Is the tour ever going to get any more OS upgrades? I know it will not get OS 6 but maybe an OS 5 that everything works on instead of one thing working great on one but something else doesn't work at all then they send out a new one and the thing that was working good doesn't work so good anymore. Just would be nice to have an OS that everything works as intended on.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Using App Loader To Upgrade?

Mar 28, 2010

OK, I've been reading here for a while but I'm still not really "geeked up" with all the things BlackBerry. I've been reading about the new OS coming tomorrow, and many are suggesting using App Loader to upgrade. App Loader is what? How is it different from DM, and why do I need one/it?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Upgrade Is Available In A Month

Apr 28, 2010

I've been burning through Tours for the last six months. The first one I had worked fine until it just decided to stop taking all PIN messages of all kinds. I wasn't able to receive BBMs, PINs, and even certain types of E-mails. VZW customer service and RIM customer service weren't able to help me and I was lost. So VZW sent me a refurbished Tour. I wasn't happy with it since I had paid for a brand new one, but a refurbished BlackBerry is better than a broken one any day.

So, anyway, I have been using this refurb for a while until, just the other day, the earpiece didn't want to work. The microphone worked, but I just couldn't hear the other party. If I put it on speakerphone I was able to hear, but no earpiece. BlueTooth worked too, but not the earpiece. I tried everything and finally worked it into being a hardware thing. So I took it to a corporate store where they did an in-store replacement with another refurb.

Now I'm on my third Tour and hopefully this one isn't such a problem. I'm about to upgrade it to the Incredible. I was able to play with that sucker while they tried to figure out the situation with how they would unlock my new phone, and I have to say that I like it. Maybe, in a month when my upgrade is available, I will ditch the Tour and pull an Incredible Storm2. Sounds catchy, no?

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BB Tour 9630 :: A Way To Upgrade The Software

Apr 29, 2010

Just switched from the 8330 to the 9630 TOUR! I want to know if there is a way to upgrade the software without using the desktop manager? any help would be great!

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BB Tour 9630 :: No MMS Option After Upgrade To 5.0

Feb 21, 2010

I upgraded my Tour 9630 (unlocked) to OS 5.0. I now have no MMS option. I've tried a battery pull, registering the hosting table again, etc. I am on AT&T network. Everything else seems to be working fine.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Cannot Stand The New SMS Format With The 5.0 Upgrade

Mar 30, 2010

So, I cannot STAND the new SMS format with the 5.0 upgrade...its like BBM, but I want the old SMS back! Furthermore, my "beyond160" app doesn't work with it! Is there anyway to go back to the old SMS format, and if not, any tips on how to get beyond160 to work with this?

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BB Tour 9630 :: 5.0 Upgrade Gets Stuck Looking For Network

Mar 9, 2010

vlingo stopped working with 5.0 upgrade gets stuck looking for network.

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BB Tour 9630 :: MemoPad Missing After 5.0 Upgrade

Apr 2, 2010

Did they do away with it, or is it just me? Can anyone tell me where to find it or how to get it back? It is no longer in my Applications folder where it used to be, and can't find it anywhere else. I used this feature alot!

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BB Tour 9630 :: After OS Upgrade Phone Boots Up

May 18, 2010

I upgraded my phone last night to the 5.0 Os and it was running a bit slow. However, this morning I pulled the battery as an attempt to clear it and see if it would run smoother but that plan backfired on me. The phone boots up but it gets stuck on the Verizon Wireless logo screen.Not sure what to do at this point? I think when I upgraded the desktop manager backed everything up. Will verizon correct this for me?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Standby Mode -upgrade

Apr 12, 2010

I recently updated my Verizon BB Tour 9630 to OS v Ever since the upgrade I cannot put my phone into Standby Mode. The mute buttom works when on a call, just not to put the pgone into Standby Mode anymore.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Upgrade 5.0.1 - Memopad Is Missing

Apr 6, 2010

I just upgraded to 5.0.1 and aside from everything being rearranged and additions of apps I didn't need, my memopad which had a whole lot of important information seems to have disappeared entirely.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Web Browser Gone - How To Upgrade Without A Data Plan

Jul 1, 2010

So I did this tutotrial on how to update my blackberry tour without a PLAN LINK: How To: Upgrade BB With(out) a Data plan! - : Your Number One BlackBerry Community and on top of that my blackberry is DISCONNECTED at the moment because i will be Flashing my sprint bb tour to metro pcs. and i saw a comment that said the browser would be gone.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Push To Talk / Should Assume Upgrade To OS 5.0?

Mar 29, 2010

Official release to "push-to-talk" magically appeared in my Application Center of my Verizon Tour. Should I assume upgrade to OS 5.0. whatever, soon?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Standby Button Not Working After 5.0 Upgrade

Feb 18, 2010

Here's the results of my 5.0 OS upgrade using the recently released Sprint package:

1. Phone boot time, from battery out to usable (home screen icons displayed, etc): 3 minutes, 15 seconds! YES!!!

2. Threaded SMS messaging is nice!

3. Phone doesn't feel any "faster".

4. Being able to set the phone to automatically adjust for time zones is nice--I don't recall that being an option before and has always bugged me.

5. QuickPull Free didn't work at first. Had to be uninstalled and reinstalled.

6. Standby button no longer putting phone into standby.Still works for mute/unmute though.

Of all of these, item #6 is the only one that bugs me a bit.I think the standby operation still works in general, as when I put it into the holster, the screen did turn off, but I don't use the holster and usually "lock" the phone by holding down the mute button to go into standby.

So, does anyone know if the Lock button does pretty much the same thing as Standby, or is there really a big savings in battery life by going into standby mode? As long as battery life isn't too adversely affected, I'm pretty sure that I'll stick with this release. Hopefully the next OS upgrade will restore the button... unless someone here knows how to fix the issue now!

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BB Tour 9630 :: VZW - Receiving Blank Email After 5.0 Upgrade

Apr 17, 2010

I recently upgraded my wife's OS on her VZW Tour to the latest official release. Since then she has been having problems with her work email.

She is on BIS but has her blackberry account set up with her company's Exchange server. Until the upgrade everything was fine. Now, however, most if not all of her work emails are arriving blank. All her other email accounts come through fine. If she forwards the work emails to another account they read fine. If she even forwards the work email back to her blackberry from the same email account the text of the email will appear as well. These are all internal emails within the company. Not HTML based. Text and possibly an attachment (attachments show up fine). I have checked her settings and nothing has changed. I am curious as to whether or not her employers email server may not be compatible with the new OS.

I am a little perplexed and cannot figure out what the deal is.

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BB Tour :: Task Application Missing After 5.0 Upgrade In 9630?

Sep 25, 2011

I'm having an issue with my Tour 9630.Upgraded to 5.0 and no Memo or Task apps. Tried everything. Seems odd that BlackBerry wouldn't auto load these apps and allow the user to delete themselves. I'm getting tired of the deleting, reloading, searching, etc.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Sprint 5.0.0484 Upgrade / No Locking Device Feature

Feb 21, 2010

I purchased the Sprint Blackberry Tour 9630 (without camera) the other day. When I went to plug it into my computer yesterday to back up my info, etc. it prompted me to upgrade to from 4.7 (I believe.)Question - after I upgraded, the lock device feature went away. I usually use the left convenience key to lock it. However, the icon is no longer there and I no longer have the option available in the keyboard/screen section. PLEASE HELP! I need to be able to lock my device.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Verizon 5.0 Upgrade Browser Error Trouble Clicking?

Apr 6, 2010

I am having trouble clicking on things using the bb browser such as links after the upgrade and pages are loading in their full format sometimes instead of loading the mobile site, what's going on?

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BB Tour 9630 :: New User Seeking Helpful Hints For Verizon TOUR 9630

Jan 16, 2010

I just used my upgrade on the verizon blackberry tour 9630, I'm a big texter and absolutely LOVED my env2! Any helpful hints? Advice to a new user? I actually will not get my phone till next week.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Curve 8530 / Tour 9630 / Which Is Preferable?

Jul 4, 2010

Which would you all prefer?

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BB Tour 9630 :: After Upgrade Trouble With Receiving Text Messages And MMS Messages

Jul 1, 2010

hello, I just upgraded my phone to the .732. Everything went smoothly during the upgrade, ever since then I have been having trouble with receiving text messages and MMS messages. I have gone to 3 sites for free ringtones have sent the ring tones to my phone, I have not received anything. I also have setup google voice and I am not getting any text messages from people tht text my google voice number.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Curve Trackball In Tour 9630

Feb 8, 2010

Can you replace a tour trackball with a curve one? I heard somewhere that it was possible. I changed the housing in my Tour to make it white but the trackball doesn't sit right and i have a problem scrolling down. I can't seem to get the trackball to sit properely in this housing its just not centered. If i can put a curve trackball in, which model curve do i use?

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BB Tour 9630 :: 9630 Not Receiving Emails / Until Browser Is Opened

Feb 12, 2010

I've developed a problem with my 9630 (carrier: Sprint) recently. I won't receive emails on it for quite a while, but once I open my Internet browser, all of the emails I received since the last time I opened it will come through at once. If I check my messages, they're all listed as coming through at the same time, but inside the email, they're datestamped at the actual time they were sent.

Any ideas as to what it could be? I haven't changed any settings recently, the problem started independent of anything else, from what I can tell. It seems like a problem with my phone not checking for new emails until it uses data services (internet browser).

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BB Tour 9630 :: 9630 Vzw Use For Desktop Internet Access?

Jan 30, 2010

Is this possible if so how?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Sprint 9630 / Foreign SIM / No Data

May 30, 2010

I've researched my problem on other posts, and still not completely sure if my problem is unique or not.I have an unlocked Sprint 9630 I grabbed from our IT department before a trip to Turkey. It was supposedly deactivated - turns out it is still active on a Sprint number.

I've replaced the Sprint SIM with an Avea Turkish prepaid SIM that has data and Blackberry capability. It works fine for phone and text, but no ability to register the email with Avea Blackberry. Tech support there unable to determine the problem (unable to connect to server is the error message, both with phone and online).If I can deactive the Sprint number will that help? Or am I just out of luck.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Tour Is Typing Hlhlhl On Its Own - Buttons And Trackball Unresponsive

Jan 25, 2010

I have an issue with my BB Tour.When I woke up this mourning and took my bb off the charger.I notice there were HLhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhhlhl type on my bb so I tried to press the esc button and the end button and it didn't work. So I did a Battery pull and let it load up...and that when i found out that my trackball wasn't working.then all a sudden it started to type the HLlhlhlhlhlhlhhlhlh again.So I did a another battery pull and it did it again.So I wiped the phone decided to install 5.0 on my phone and I get the same thing.The only thing I did before my phone went hay wire was a couple days prior.I downloaded a couple free themes and screen saver from BB App World.I thought by doing the battery pull and wipe I would fix it but didn't. I know I didn't get my phone wet or anything can anybody explain this?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Replacement Tour Battery Draining Fast / Running Hot

Aug 2, 2010

This is my third Tour (I just got this one a week ago) and with it sitting in my pocket where I have service, not running ANY applications, it is running hot and draining battery very quickly. Did a battery pull, double checked memory leaks, and nothing is taking care of it. It's draining at about 15% per hour. Any thoughts (other than Tours suck.)

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BB Tour 9630 :: Swapping A Bold 9650 Keyboard / Track Pad With Tour?

Aug 20, 2010

has any one tried swapping out a trackpad in place of the trackball. i know the keyboard would need replaced also.i have found the replacement parts and i have someone who can help me take it apart but was curious if anyones done it ?

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BB Tour 9630 :: Tour Calendar Day View Entries In Future Date?

Jul 14, 2010

I just updated the software on my Blackberry Tour and now my calendar is behaving as it did two software generics ago! Specifically, when I change and appointment to a future date and then save that appointment, the calendar moves to that future date! This is terrible if you are moving several items out to future dates! Previously, the changed entry would just disappear from the screen (moved to the new, future date) and I would remain on the day I was working on.Secondly, when I open a future day in calendar, the “All Day Events” do not show first (as they used to). Instead you have to scroll up to see if there are any of these type events.Does anyone know of a way to change these settings/defaults.

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