BB Tour 9630 :: How To Delete Lot Of Pictures At Once?
Feb 18, 2010
I recently went to Africa and took a lot of pictures that I'd like to keep. No problem.My problem is that I after that I took a long trip and took maybe 200 pictures of random stuff to post on twitter and now I want to delete the most recent pictures.
Is there an easy way to do this? I tried manually deleting one picture at a time and eventually gave up on doing it this way.
how do I delete the applications on my Tour that I didn't download? I don't use AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, or anything like that, and I can't figure out how to delete them. When I select the app and hit the menu button, there's no "delete" option. I also have some NFL app that was installed after the update, which I definitely don't need.
I have a BB Tour 9630 does anyone know how I can delete all the instant messaging apps. I only download the bb messenger app, but I can't find a delete option when I click menu. I've tried going to setting, apps, until I get to the modules and find bb messenger but there's still no delete option
I installed .419 and resynced. Everything works fine but one thing - none of my contact pictures in Outlook are syncing to the BlackBerry. First time this has happened. I treid to clear the BlackBerry contact database and resync, but again, everything resynced except the contact pictures.
I recently broke the screen on my Tour and got a new phone. I was able to transfer everything from my old phone onto my computer and then onto my new one except for my pictures. I cannot find them when I have my old phone plugged into my computer.How do I get them off my phone?
I am looking to increase my memory, I am wondering what some of the apps are that I can get rid of. I have removed the games and some basic stuff, but would like to get in there and clean it out pretty good without screwing it all up.
I was wondering if someone can advise me here. I'm trying to delete some extra themes I have and it will not let me. When I click the theme, the option to delete is grayed out. I've tried doing it through Options -> Applications etc. but they don't show up. I'm running the .419 leak for my OS, if that matters.One Idea I had was using BBSAK to delete all the 3rd Party stuff and just re-install everything but I feel like that would just be more trouble than it is worth.
I just noticed a yellow icon to the right of the battery and volume icons near the top left of the screen. It has a number 1 to the left of it and it looks like an call out with a small red star in the upper right. I have a picture of it but I can't post it here.What is it and how do I get rid of it?
I forgot to transfer pictures to my computer from my Tour 9630 before deactivating it. Now, my computer doesn't recognize the phone when I hook up the cable to my computer's USB port.
It's the one from Desktop Manager. I installed it but once I opened it, I'm pretty sure I'm never going to use it. Can I get rid of it? When it was downloading, it said the size of it was 133 MB, so if I can delete it, I would like to.
A new icon popped up on my phone randomly and it says to do a wireless update and when i click it it says i have version and it wants me to update to ( and I don't know what it means at all, so far I've looked through a few threads already posted but nothing thats 100% the same and I don't want to do something to mess up my phone. Can someone help me figure out to update or not to update and if not how to make the icon go away and if I do walk me through what to do please, etc.
The Icons at the bottom on main screen are Messages, E-Mail (new account), E-Mail (old account), SMS and MMS, Contacts, and Calendar. I want the icon for the old E-Mail account deleted, permanently off my phone. Completely gone everywhere from the phone. Any info on this subject will be greatly appreciated.
I am new to this device and I had Verizon transfer all 300 of my contacts from my old phone to the tour. When I ran email set up with my gmail account i didn't notice that i checked the contacts box and it deleted all 300 of the contacts I had changed over and left only 20 or so (who i imagine are from my gmail account). I deleted the gmail account from my phone, is there a way to delete the gmail list from my contact list? I go to options and it's the only contact list in my phone and it doesn't give me an option to delete. I even tried re-adding the gmail account to my phone and unchecking the contact list button--to no avail.
I want to remove FACEBOOK FOR BLACKBERRY SMARTPHONES APPLICATION from my Facebook account and need help. When I try to remove this Facebook tells me I have to do it from the phone. I no longer have this phone and do not even have a BlackBerry any longer and have no way of doing this. Under my Friends Page where my phonebook is the BlackBerry application is there. The only answers Facebook gives me are that it has to be deleted from the phone itself but again I can not do that
I just got my tour and I had a 1gb memory card in my previous EnV Touch with all my pictures. I can't figure out how to get the pictures off the memory card to the internal memory so I can put the 2gb memory card back into my tour that it came with. I don't want to use Roxio because it messes up my computer and the Menu > Move doesn't move it to the internal memory!
I have a new Tour 9630 (5.0) and I can't seem to upload and save pictures that have been sent to me on email-as I could with my older Tour.When I view the attachment pictures there is no prompt to save.This had never been a problem with my older one.Is this a common problem.
I had created a folder for some of my pictures on my phone and accidentally made it hidden. How do I make it so I am able to see it again? I've tried pretty much everything from options in imaging to settings.
I just used my upgrade on the verizon blackberry tour 9630, I'm a big texter and absolutely LOVED my env2! Any helpful hints? Advice to a new user? I actually will not get my phone till next week.
I had changed in my camera options to "store pictures" on the sd card NOT "in device memory".A few days ago while taking some pics I maxed out the sd card and while trying to back out hit "ok" to something not sure what it was. but it changed the bb setting back to "device memory" and now when I try to change my camera options of "store pictures" back to the sd card it stays in "in device memory" and gives me no other option to use the sd card (which i did clean out some pics for space). It does show a folder where it is storing pics I take though but when I click the trackball to change from device memory it only shows
Maybe this is in the VZW Tour 5.0 software thread or something, but after completing the software upgrade, when I receive emails through my Gmail account and decide to delete an email, I am no longer getting the option to delete from the mailbox, the device, or both, although the option is set uo from this particular email account. I'm not having any problems with the Yahoo email account. I've removed the email and readded it on the phone as well as on the Blackberry Internet Server website.
Can you replace a tour trackball with a curve one? I heard somewhere that it was possible. I changed the housing in my Tour to make it white but the trackball doesn't sit right and i have a problem scrolling down. I can't seem to get the trackball to sit properely in this housing its just not centered. If i can put a curve trackball in, which model curve do i use?
I've developed a problem with my 9630 (carrier: Sprint) recently. I won't receive emails on it for quite a while, but once I open my Internet browser, all of the emails I received since the last time I opened it will come through at once. If I check my messages, they're all listed as coming through at the same time, but inside the email, they're datestamped at the actual time they were sent.
Any ideas as to what it could be? I haven't changed any settings recently, the problem started independent of anything else, from what I can tell. It seems like a problem with my phone not checking for new emails until it uses data services (internet browser).
I've researched my problem on other posts, and still not completely sure if my problem is unique or not.I have an unlocked Sprint 9630 I grabbed from our IT department before a trip to Turkey. It was supposedly deactivated - turns out it is still active on a Sprint number.
I've replaced the Sprint SIM with an Avea Turkish prepaid SIM that has data and Blackberry capability. It works fine for phone and text, but no ability to register the email with Avea Blackberry. Tech support there unable to determine the problem (unable to connect to server is the error message, both with phone and online).If I can deactive the Sprint number will that help? Or am I just out of luck.
I have an issue with my BB Tour.When I woke up this mourning and took my bb off the charger.I notice there were HLhlhlhlhlhlhlhlhhlhl type on my bb so I tried to press the esc button and the end button and it didn't work. So I did a Battery pull and let it load up...and that when i found out that my trackball wasn't working.then all a sudden it started to type the HLlhlhlhlhlhlhhlhlh again.So I did a another battery pull and it did it again.So I wiped the phone decided to install 5.0 on my phone and I get the same thing.The only thing I did before my phone went hay wire was a couple days prior.I downloaded a couple free themes and screen saver from BB App World.I thought by doing the battery pull and wipe I would fix it but didn't. I know I didn't get my phone wet or anything can anybody explain this?
This is my third Tour (I just got this one a week ago) and with it sitting in my pocket where I have service, not running ANY applications, it is running hot and draining battery very quickly. Did a battery pull, double checked memory leaks, and nothing is taking care of it. It's draining at about 15% per hour. Any thoughts (other than Tours suck.)