BB Tour 9630 :: Hidden Pictures Folder - Unable To Unhide
Apr 30, 2010
I had created a folder for some of my pictures on my phone and accidentally made it hidden. How do I make it so I am able to see it again? I've tried pretty much everything from options in imaging to settings.
Somehow or another the complete picture folder on my memory card has become hidden and I can not unhide it! I go to the "files" application and get to my memory card location, click the BB button, show hidden and there my picture files is. When I highlight it, click the BB button and go to properties to unhide it, the hidden with the "check" is a dull gray meaning I can not unhide the file. I have tried unhiding the file with my sync cable on my laptop... can't locate the file. Pull memory luck. Battery pulled... no luck. There has got to be a way to unhide the folder.
Does anyone know how to 'unhide' pictures that I have previously hidden? You can easily hide them by clicking the 'hidden' box under Properties for any picture....but I can't find a way to unhide.
unhide pictures in my picture folder?i had pictures and did something in the properties that said hide but now i dont now where to go unhide them to show again in my picture library?
Updated my Blackberry software to v5.0 on my Tour 9630 and now I'm missing my AOL email folder. Now receiving my emails in my messages folder. Does anyone have a solution to getting my AOL email folder back and getting my emails sent there as well. I've tried a couple things with no luck!
I've somehow hidden the icon for SMS/MMS access/messages. It's not only no longer on my welcome screen, I can't find it in the list of programs/applications.
My contacts are showing the count number in both back up assistant and in contact list properties... I do not have a filter set, and I have contacts set to show all....but no contacts are showing. I also set up youmail.... and it pulled my contacts, all of them, but as far as I can tell they are nowhere to be found in the phone? I have a feeling I will feel really silly for asking, but help please!?
After I installed the new operating system I lost a feature. Both my husband and I have the Tour. For example, if you highlight the Games folder and press the Blackberry options, one Tour can choose "edit folder" and pick a new Icon. The other Tour mine is missing that choice. Any fix? If I create my own folder, I have the feature, but not for my Games, Applications and other folder that were there in the old OS.
i plugged my bold into the pc via usb and when i took it out some files were missing i was able to locate them as they were in a hidden folder when i try and unmark it from being hidden it stays grey and
I have the latest bb Bold, and when I go into my media, explore, then click on show hidden files, I can see my hidden files but the problem is, my phone refuses to let me unhide them.
I've had my tour for about 5 months now and i havent had any major problems with it....until today. it was running a little slow so i decided ill delete some old text messages. while i was deleting them my BB froze so i turned it off and once i turned it on an error message came up, i dont remember what it said exactly and then i looked at my sms and email folders and it doesnt show me anything in them and i know there is stuff in them. but when i look at my individual sms inbox i can see everything and all my new texts. so how do i get all that stuff to show up normally again?
Blackberry folder in my media card is continuously shown as hidden with all the contents. i am unable to unchek the hidden box in properties. how to change the settings as i am unable to view files directly on my media folder.
i have a question that's probably very obvious to most of you. i just got the tour and it's my first blackberry. i was wondering if there is a way to get the sms messages icon on my home screen (i think that's what it's called). i'm sorry if this has been answered 100000 times, i did try and search!
i have another question, i thought that there was a Internet application for the tour or something. if there is how can i get it?
also when you are typing a message is there any way to type in all caps? on my old phone i used to just push shift twice but it wasn't a blackberry. again probably really obvious but i couldn't find it in the manual.
I am wondering what is the advantage or necessity of having the Message folder when it appears that it is more or less a duplicate of what is in your email folder. Is there some purpose or advantage to having this folder that I am missing?
I moved many of my most-used business apps to the Tools folder, then, while trying to move it I accidentally deleted it. Where did all the apps go and how do I get them back, or can I restore the old folder? The online message says the apps are moved to the bottom of the home screen but my home screen doesn't have any apps, only folders.
I updated my OS to with no problems, except personal email folder is now gone and I can't figure out how to get it back. Email itself is working fine and new mail showing up in the default 'Messages' folder, but I want to have my personal email folder back.
So I checked the box to hide files on my media card but it seems that I can't get them back - I am using and the "explore" option is not present when I click the menu button under "media". Any other ideas?
Well I have had my blackberry tour for almost a week and i put the OS5.0 .419 tonight. so far so good, but i have my regular message folder, but there is no email folder and i went and setup my email ont he phone but there is no foler that i can find to actually read them in. its not evn getting any of my email cuz i sent one to the registered address. its not abig deal as it did drive me nuts getting all my emails on it, when i only check email when im away from home on my phone. i can always log on line to do it thru the phone, its just buggin me. i had the htc touch pro before this, and the blackberry so far is a love hate thing.
I have a BB Tour and am running OS v5.0.0.662. I would like to have a folder on my home screen that shows ONLY MMS messages, not SMS with MMS. I have searched this forum and Google but have run out of patience. I see plenty of solutions to separate email messages from SMS/MMS, but this is not what I want to do. I know that I can go into View Folder and navigate to the MMS Inbox folder, which shows only MMS messages. So, how can I get a shortcut to this on the home screen?
I accidentally hidden a picture and i know you have to go to your media folder and click the menu button and you have to click explore, but my explore button has disappeared. i dont know how to see my hidden pictures..i have rebooted my phone and it still hasnt showed up.
I have a Tour & did an OS upgrade through Wireless Update. I had 3 folders in Contacts(top of each contact had three different sync references). Looks like there is 2 of the folders and missing one. How can I set up Blackberry Desktop to sync with one of the missing folders and just get the contacts that that folder or "sync" description?I guess I need to know where and how to find the one folder as well.I do not know if folder is right term. On my contacts the top says "Synchronize Using: Unknown" or Synchronize Using: Desktop". I know there was a third and can not remember the heading.I just need those contacts in that sync.Hopefully I am communicating this correctly.
I added a new gmail address to my phone, before that, I had my work e-mail, a different gmail address and my blackberry e-mail.All e-mails went directly into the main mailbox.They also went into the separate folders for each specific e-mail address. so if I wanted to only look at e-mails from email address #1, I just had to look in that folder.Well it still works for the first 3 e-mail address, but since I added the new gmail account, the e-mails on the new account only go to the main e-mail message folder.So if I go to the separate folder for the new gmail account it shows no e-mails at all.But if I go to the main inbox, any new e-mails to that account are shown there.Does anyone know how to fix this?I have deleted and re-added this account at least 3 times, I have done everything I know and I still cannot get the e-mails to show up in the separate account folder!