BB Tour 9630 :: Cannot Change SMS Ringtone For Device
Aug 11, 2010
I can get all of my ringtones to change (phone, email, mms, etc) but I cannot get my SMS ringtone to change. I'll click the sound icon in the upper left hand corner, go to Set Ring Tones/Alerts>Messages>SMS Text and change the ringtone and then save it, but once I look in my phone book to verify it all of my ringtones are stuck on "Sanguine". The only way I can change my ringtone for my whole phone book is to go through and individually change the ringtone for each person.
A couple of months ago I had downloaded CrunchSMS, which I read on other threads may be the cause of the problem, but I deleted it shortly after downloading it. I have also taken out my battery and media card and done a full reboot.
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Apr 15, 2010
This is an unusual situation. I have this ringtone that is a song about a cartoon character. Some kids texted it to me and I saved it in my ringtones folder. Later I tried to text it to a couple family members. On one of the attempts, it didn't attach because I hit the wrong selection (not sure what).Anyway, ever since, the song comes on constantly and plays all the way through. For example, if I receive a text, the normal text alert sound goes off. But afterwards, the song starts to play and I can't stop it until it has played through. If I receive an instant message from someone on Blackberry Messenger, the normal message alert sound goes off, but afterwards the song starts and again plays all the way through.If I make a call, after I hang up the song goes off and plays all the way through. If I send an email, as soon as I hit send button, the song goes off and plays all the way through. Nothing I have tried seems to work.I have checked all my ringtone and contact settings. I have deleted the ringtone/song from my ringtone file and deleted the few messages and emails on phone where I forwarded it to myself or a family member. Putting the phone on silent doesn't seem to work. Once the song starts, I cannot stop it until it plays all 30 seconds. Anyway, I still have the same problem and the song will not quit playing. So, I think you can see my dilemma. Anyone have suggestions on how to fix this problem? I thought maybe it had a virus, but no one that I know who has the ringtone has the same problem as me. I did recently install a new update/upgrade of the Blackberry operating system. Do you think it is a problem with the update?
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Apr 5, 2010
I bought a unlocked sprint phone to work on my network (rogers) works fine, but when i go dial it shows the older persons number. I know i can turn this off to not show it but i want to change it. It can't be changed through general options. Im guessing its stored in the device with the last owners SPRINT CDMA settings. On a verizon i can do ##000000 but it doesn't work on sprint. Wipe security didn't erase it , Will JL_CMDER delete that??
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May 10, 2010
I recently downloaded the new update for my Blackberry Tour, and I have noticed that my phone is not remembering its settings (im assuming). When I have my phone holstered, it only vibrates twice and does not ring (though I have it set to Always for the ringtone) for my MMS/SMS messages. When its out of holster, it will only do the default text messing sound. I am not sure how to fix this though I have rebooted it twice in attempts for the settings.
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Mar 22, 2010
I couldn't find a thread with this specific problem. I have certain contacts that I have specific ringtones for when they call. But I don't want to have a custom text ringer for those people. Whenever I set a custom ringer for those contacts, it automatically changes the text ringer as well. Is there any way to only give them a custom call-tone and leave all text messages as the same tone?
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Jan 1, 2010
IMO, since I purchased my Tour - 9630 about a month ago, I believe it to be the best device for conference calls other than your PC and Windows Office Communicator.
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Mar 22, 2010
This morning when I turned on my phone I had my usual email indicators, but also there was a really tiny one near the ringtone indicator. Its a small flower (five pettaled) with the red asterix indicator (like when you have a new mail/sms). I have looked at all my apps and message folders and I have no clue what this is for!
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Jan 18, 2010
This does not happen every time, but it does happen at least once a day.On incoming calls, my ring tone will not play, instead I hear the person on the other end of the phone waiting for me to answer!! They can not hear me though, but I can hear them either saying hey pick up the phone, coughing, drinking water, what ever you do on the phone before the person answers.
So Verizon has never heard of this before and I can't force a duplication of it when people are watching of course.Anyone heard of this and know what to do? I was hoping upgrading to 5.0 OS would fix and I am looking for that now.
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Sep 15, 2010
I just recently upgraded from the Curve 8330 and it still says 1XEV. My friend who works at VZW says it is 3G, if it is, it feels slow to me.
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Mar 29, 2010
I received a download notification weeks ago to my BlackBerry for a new software update and have been unable to download it. It keeps telling me to try it from My BlackBerry Desktop -- i have and it does do it.
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Sep 9, 2010
i was an ***** to attempt to do a housing upgrade by myself. anyway, i followed a Internet video on how to change your housing and i bought the housing off ebay so i was waiting until this week to change it got frustrated (nobody in my area has an expertise in blackberry) yes i'm quite the berry newb. so as i followed this vid: Internet - how to swap blackberry tour 9630 housing change disassembly flash and speakerphone 1 of 3. i did everything the guy said and everything was perfect. the red light came on which was a good indicator to me, but when it all finally loaded it became all screwy. my tour always has that device password lock you have to sign in before you can enter the main screen, anyway the password wouldn't go through until 3 times (i had to do it slowly) i assumed it was from the stiffness of the new keyboard/pad that wasn't all, my trackball seems like it was desensitized! i've been looking all over for info and Internet vids, but the trackball will only scroll one application over to the bottom or one to the right that's it! or if i scroll it to the right repeatedly, it will scroll downwards slowly. it won't scroll up or any other direction. even if i try to scroll in one direction it'll just keep scrolling down?also the reception bars on the top right corner of the screen is either really low (which it shouldn't because i never had an issue with the reception or trackball with the original oem housing) and theres a diagonal arrow that keeps blinking (when blackberry is trying to see can find a good reception, or that's what i presume)and the device lock keeps locking by itself. my phone like blackouts for a little bit and goes back to the device lock by itself?! i have to keep putting my password in but again the problem is either i'll get the incorrect password for a certain amount of times or just the trackball won't work . i have to press it really harder for it to "enter" on device lock.
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Jan 2, 2010
I now have 3 programs that can reset my device - Quickpull, Quicklaunch and Meterberry.I am curious if they all do the same thing, or is one better than the other.I am definitely keeping QL and was wondering if I even need the other 2? I do like MB as it notifies you when your mem, battery etc is low.
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Jun 29, 2010
I've had my blackberry for awhile but I havnt heard about how often you should charge it. Does it matter? I can't let it go completely dead cause when its almost dead it stops receiving. I have a cradle charger I put it on everyday when I go to bed. I was going to get a siedo exntended battery but I didn't want to mess it up by charging too much.
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Feb 21, 2010
Is there a reason why I don't have a 3G icon on my Tour even though I am in a 3G coverage area?
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Apr 21, 2010
Hi all..I can't dial *100# (the interactive menu command from mobile provider)
when I push the dial button, it will make a normal suppost not to make a suppost to send the command to the network to get the interactive menu..
anyone facing the same problems?does this have any solutions?I already called my service provider and they said that it was a common problems..even when there re two same model blackberry, 1 can dial and the other one can't..
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Feb 2, 2010
I've noticed that no matter how many times I try to close facebook it stays open and seems to slow my Tour down to a crawl. Constantly getting the spinning clock now. I've tried reinstalling facebook but that didn't help. Facebook isn't worth not having my Tour work but at that the same time why am I paying for a device that won't run apps without issues? It's really strange because nothing has changed and yet all of a sudden this issue has popped up. I also tried a battery pull but that seemed to make the problem worse, not better. After the battery pull I got the clock for about 10 minutes and the device was slow for a while after that
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Mar 31, 2010
I am now running 5.0 and saw a thread that stated it was possible to have more than 160 characters. Could anyone help me do this?
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Jan 27, 2010
I upgraded from a BB 8830 and I was able to change the icons (not the order) colorful icons. I have tried to do the same on the Tour, to no avail. The current icons are outlines of pictures the clock, the world, wrench, etc. The are the default stock icons and I can't find the colorful actual pictures of the icons. Also, I have not been able to download certain applications such as FB, GMAIL and the Weather Channel. I have tried every which way, but seem to be missing an important step. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
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Apr 30, 2010
When I travel to a different time zone my BB does not automatically change to the new TZ. How do I fix that? I have a verizon 9630.
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Feb 12, 2010
I going on a plane. How do I put the device in airplane mode so I can play the games.
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Apr 26, 2010
This might be a stupid question, but I've done some searching and I can't find the answer.I have the Tour 9630, and if I choose to do the OTA update, will it wipe my device? Do I need to backup my e-mail's, contact's, ect?
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Jan 16, 2010
I do not have my cable at home, and I am having the same problem. I am without a phone for at least the weekend.
There is no way to factory reset through the device? Old blackberry devices had this.
Also all I did was upgrade an app through blackberry's app store. How can that cause such a critical issue?
Is RIM working on that? I see this problem is very wide spread, makes you wonder what kind of QA work is being done on the dvices.
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Mar 17, 2010
What it says is this.."Provisioning Status".."The network is configuring your device".then it says "Your device could not be registered with the wireless network. contact your wireless service provider",but i can call and receive sms!Any suggestions?
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Mar 11, 2010
When I sync my BB Tour with my computer, it changes the time on my appointments, which is quite a problem! I've check both my BB and my computer and BOTH are correctly set to Central Time. I have not traveled out of my time zone and have not changed any properties on either device.
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Apr 29, 2010
I used the Toysoft app Location Profiler on my Curve to automatically switch profiles when I arrived at work and then again when I left. It doesn't appear as if the program is compatible with the Tour. Are there any programs that do anything similar? I have found a few options for changing by time but I'd prefer if it was specific to when I am coming into my office.
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Feb 10, 2010
First off just wanted to say hi, just bought my first ever blackberry (tour) a couple days ago and love it. My wife got one for work and I fell in love with it and needed to get one. She has the Curve 8530??? (not sure on model the second one.) Anyway I was wondering if there was anyway to set my read text message how the curve display them. With blue and white bars, and it groups them all to the same person instead of by most recent. I would to go to my messages and just have them group all by person with the ongoing conversation like the cure, does where as my tour just puts last sent/received at top. Any ideas?
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Mar 1, 2010
I cannot get my SMS text or MMS alert notification to change. No matter what selection I make on the Ringtone/Alerts menu, it always alerts with the BBPro_Sanguine tone.
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Jun 14, 2010
I have some new tones I have downloaded on my BlackBerry Tour 9630. I have tried to set a different tone on an incoming text message but it still plays the one pre-loaded on it. How can I can I change the text message tone to a different one that I have downloaded, I have tested the tone on incoming call, but I would like it on text message because I have the tone I want on a call.
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May 11, 2010
Im trying to change my ringtones around on my phone with the eventual goal of making some custom ringtones for certain friends. Before I get ahead of myself with the custom tones, I need to solve a problem: it seems that I am unable to change my ringtone at all!
I previously installed Buzz me from the app store on my phone, and despite having uninstalled buzzme and removing it from 'my world' in the app world, the only ringtone my phone will use is the lame 3 beep tone that came with Buzz me. When I go into profiles to change my ringtone, the same tone plays regardless of which ringer I select. When I made this post I tried notifier_crystal, alarm_electronic, ringer_bbpro, and they all sounded the same
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Jun 15, 2010
My last message from my hotmail email account to my device was as of 6 pm today.....but I've been seeing emails come into my inbox since then through regular login on the web?...I resent service books and rebooted my device just so I know I'm not going crazy....anyone else with hotmail/msn experiencing this?
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Apr 14, 2010
Anyone please tell me how you can load an audio book onto your bb. I have books download in Itunes. But so for some reason they won't load onto my phone. I have tried using the media manager on my desktop. But when I open it up the area is grayed out,
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