I cannot login to my BBID on my Torch 9860. I'm using the correct password and username, but I get a message saying "can't login to account". With the same username and password I can login to the account on my pc. I've changed the password several times, thinking I had forgotten it, but the result is the same every time.
I recently changed my BlackBerry device and ever since, I have not been able to log in to my BlackBerry ID account from the new device (Bold 9900). I reset the password from my PC and used the new password on my new device and I keep getting the following message: "Unable to log in to your BlackBerry ID account" How can I fix this problem as I am not able to install any updates or install apps from BlackBerry App World.
So I had to replace my phone. I did a device switch using BB desktop. My BBID will not work. It will not even accept my ID as valid. This happened the last time I broke my phone too. I was not able to restore my ID then either and had to make a new one. I don't want to do that again. I'd acatually like to recover both so I can get all the apps I have paid for back...
Actually none of my emails work... they did when I first activated the phone, now nothing. Texts work but not any Email.
I'm trying to set up an additional e-mail address, but when I try to access the set up menu, the BB tells me my user name is not valid, and must be at least 4 characters long. The user name I have on record is my gmail address which is much more than 4 characters. How do I proceed to access the set up menu?
In March I was asked to validate my credentials, so I clicked on the link and it took me through to the Verify Blackberry ID page.I changed my email address as I had just got married. However it defaults to my old email address. I change it to my new email address and password but it says 'unable to log in at this time' I can log on through the PC as my new email address and password. It doesnt even recongise my old email address - but always defaults to it on the verify page.
I just got my BB Bold 9900 today, and it was working great, everything was runnng fine, then I seen I needed to update the App World App.Phone reboots and when i go back to try to download some apps, it required me to sign into my BlackBerry ID, big deal right.So I signed in and i receive a message saying "Unable to login to your BlackBerry ID account."It doesn't say please try again later, it says unable to, wtf. I go on my laptop, sign in through there and it works fine, so I tried again on my phone... still not working, changed that passwords a couple times, and it still doesn't work.
Am unable to login through mobile device wi blackberry I'd where as am able to online. Also am on not able to use blackberry protect id that was associated to earlier mobile - blackberry bold 9780.
Orange sent me a new sim as I've had issues with reception dropping.so received new sim, put in my phone monday (16/4) when I was advised it will be activated.When I try to enter my logon and password to the BBID screen that comes up, nothing happens.I get a please wait message, nothing further happens.Called orange who were pretty much useless, told me to wait until 8pm last night (17/4) as my new sim should be activated with blackberry by then.I've tried removing battery & removing sim various times for various amounts of time.today I still cannot get into my phone, my BBID is def correct.Really do not want to wipe my phone and start all over.
I have a new blackberry torch and have used my blackberry app world on this but it has now stopped..... When logging in it says " unable to log in to your blackberry ID account" above this it says Verify blackberry ID I have gone in to options , advance settings, enterprise activation I have entered my details and a few minuets later it says failed...
The problem started when I updated my os 7 on my torch 9810 to the newer version. When I went to update my apps I signed in just fine. A few weeks later I tried to download a new app but the app world would say that their was a problem with the current session and to login to continue but the login screen doesn't come up. I can sign in via my phone browser and everything but it doesn't show me the apps that I have installed or unistalled.
I search online for ways to rectify this problem I even wiped my phone but when I went I updated the os again the same thing happened again. So now I'm just desperate can I fix this problem or do I need to buy a new phone?
I've been having trouble for weeks trying to download apps, etc, I always got a message for verifying my blackberry id. After many password resets, etc now I am getting an "unable to log in to your blackberry ID account message"
Recently on a trip back from the US, I changed my SIM card just before reaching Singapore. Before that, I unchecked the Wi-Fi and Mobile Service boxes. After I changed my SIM card, they requested me to log into my BB ID, which I tried to do, but failed. I have changed my BBID password and tried to log in again, just in case I remembered the wrong password, but to no avail. Right now I am locked out of my own phone by BBID.
I have the Fb App already on my new Torch BB phone.... (I just got it today so I might be doing somehting wrong or I'm missing something.) On my old blackberry Curve... I could go to the browser and log in... no problem... Well now with my tourch I try and use the app that already on there and it says..." we cannot reach the Facebook server at this time please try again later. (100).It says that every time... with Twitter And th myspace app.Why can't I log in?
I am unable to download any App as i am getting an error while logging to my account with the username and password. I tried logging into the website from my laptop i was able to.i am unable to download anything that requires username and pass.The error i am getting is "Unable to login to your Blackberry ID account".
I'm currently use Blackberry Torch 9860. Why I can't login my Blackberry ID? I've tried so many time and I already reset my password . Still can't login.
I just got a new torch 9810. When I try to login in to app world it says "unable to login to your blackberry ID account". I have no problem logging in on my computer - only on my phone. Very frustrated with this as I want to add the apps I had on the old phone to the new one and/or get new ones.
I just received my new Blackberry Torch 9810 and can not loging to my blackberry ID account. That is exactly what it says every time I try "Unable to login to your Blackberry ID account". I have called Rogers 3 times, tried talking to the guys in a Rogers store and have reset my password online twice. On my phone I can not even get into the prompts to change anything in the section for "Blackberry ID".
i am a previous owner of bb 8520 and has already an existing blackberry id.recently, i have upgraded to a torch 9810, but now i cannot login to my bb id account using my phone.however, i can login without problems with my id when using a computer.i cannot fully enjoy the features of my phone because of this.
For the past 2-3 weeks i'm unable to download anything via App World as it giving Error message "There is an issue with the current session. login to continue.(Error Is: 30702)
Last Thursday my phone got wet, I had it in rice til today, it looks like it works but soon as I try to get on it asks for my username and password, I put it in and I keep getting the message "unable to login to your BlackBerry ID account", can someone tell me what to do
I have a smartphone BB9860 along with my Playbook. I just recently have problems downloading apps from my smartphone because of the message " Unable to login to your BB ID account." I thought it was my ISP but I was able to download apps from my Playbook using the same login details using the smartphone's internet connection. I even tried resetting my password but I notice that the attempt counter is not changing, so therefore I am entering the right password. I even check the date & time setting and it was set to automatic. I also tried a hard reset on my smartphore, but still the message is persistent.
I have only had my blackberry for a week but everytime i try and log into my applications, i put my email address in and pass word but it brings up an error message "an error has occurred.Please try again later" . No matter how many times i try again it will not let me log in.
I recently got a Blackberry Torch 9800 and had signed up for a Blackberry ID. Now I cannot remember my login information. How I can find it? Is the username a blackberry address or my regular email address, like hotmail?
I've been using yahoo messenger on my blackberry torch 9800 since June 2011 and so far have not encountered problem. But yesterday I had difficulty logging in to my ym account. It would say invalid username or password. But after several attempts I managed to log in. However today I can no longer log in. I tried logging in to my iPad and laptop and I can. But if I would log in at my blackberry I cannot access. Invalid username and password was always the answer. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling it again and again but to no avail. I also downloaded yahoo messenger using blackberry browser and it's also no use. I also tried changing the password on the laptop but it did not work either.
When I was setting up my Blackberry Torch 9800 I entered an inciorrect e-mail address. However, I dind that as long as I ebter this incorrect address when logging to the App Store, for example, it still works.How can I change this to my correct e-mail address?