BB Torch :: Browser Gets Closed For 9800 While Typing?
Jun 8, 2011
My BB torch 9800 browser gets closed automatically as I enter text in field for facebook or twitter. Also, the text field gets blue and i can only enter text upto certain characters not even a complete line and browser gets closed.
When I close slider, the virtual key board do not appear, rotation function also. I use a magnet torch in the back of cellfone, virtual keyboard appear and use normally, but when open slider and close, it back to old trouble.
When I had my 8310 curve there were a crapload of options in the brower settings and one of them was to select which type of brower it viewed the webpage as, (blackberry, IE, etc.)
anyways, I'd like to know if this option still exists, because I'm trying to access a mobile website but its coming up as the full website. When I tried putting an m. in front of the website it didnt work so I'm not sure how to access it.
I'm going through the options on my torch and cant seem to find one to enable a clicking sound when typing on the touchscreen (such as the droids and iphones make the clicky noise when your type) ...does it exist?
Did I see that right? If so that sux. There are a lot of times I want to see the full version of websites not the web version.Maybe I am just stupid and didn't understand what I saw or how it works, but on my 9000 I can change the browser identification to say Firefox and get the full web page to load.
Torch 9800. Browser won't open. Also if I select a hyperlink, the browser won't open either. I have tried rebooting the device but did not have any luck.
I'm trying to set up my email account on the new Blackberry Torch 9800 - but when I type in my email address, it says Field Full before I finish typing in the address.
I just purchased the 9800 and I need to change my default browser. On the 9700 you can go to Settings/Options/Advanced Options/Browser and then change the default browser settings.
Has anyone been able to add RSS feeds from the browser. The documentation claims you can, by going to the site that has RSS on it and hitting the menu button, then hitting Page Action.No such Page Action option is in my browser.
I have apps that work over 3G when wifi is off, so I have to have a working data plan right?Exchanged phones about 3 hours ago. I received the messages from AT&T about the device being registered. Everything seems to work.
I have a huge problem, I tried downloading a couple of paid apps...(Yes I paid for them) and when I go to the download link, which is an OTA link. I get this message "This page is only for OTA downloads using BlackBerry Browser, and it seems you are using some other browser." Is there anyway to fix this like change the identity of the browser, if so Please Help I will appreciate it.
I was running a few tests to see check speed of my browser on my home network over ATT. When I disable the Mobile Network and enable wifi to my home network, I get an error in my browser "You are not currently in an area that can handle data communication".
I connected successfully to my home network as shown by status on top of home screen. Is there another setting I need to select to 'force" use of my home network? I used to have this in my BOLD settings under browser options, but from what I read the connection switch is supposed to happen automatically on the Torch browser.
I am now on my 3rd replacement Torch 9800 with Orange. When browsing on the mobile network the browser keeps jamming. The only way to reset the phone is to pull the battery. Typically I have to reset the phone at least 4 times a day. I have now got the App QuickPull which enables a soft reset without pulling the battery.
I had many blackberry before my new torch 9800 and it is working good but now i couldn't connect/browser to internet efen though my blackberry messagener is working good.This is the message i always received during trying to open internet : "unable to connect to internet,please try again letter.If the problem persist please contact your service provider."
I'm having a problem with my home wireless network and my Blackberry Torch. My phone is able to locate and connect to my home wireless network, but when I attempt to browse the internet, I get the following message: "Unable to connect to the internet, please try again later. If the problem persists please contact your service provider My internet and wireless network are working fine. I connected my desktop computer to the wireless network and browsed the internet without issue, my wife's phone (iPhone4) works without problem on the wifi network, and I checked with my internet service provider- they see no problems as well.On a hunch, I drove down to a local Starbucks to find a wifi hotspot. I found one, connected to it, and browsed the internet without any error messages. So now it appears that when I connect to a free wifi hotspot everything's fine but with my home network I get the error message above. The only thing I changed was the network.
My Mini pro has the low on space icon even if I have uninstalled a lot of applications. And I think it is messing up my fone coz now my browser and other apps get forced closed...
have a Xoom that is consistently force closing the browser when I visit certain javascript animation sites, including our own web site with animations.(Animations built using jquery 1.4.4 but tested on 1.6.1 as well.) These sites did not cause force closes previous to the Android 3.1 update. The issues are also occuring for our customers with Xoom tablets recently updated to Android 3.1.An example site that crashes:, we found that if we follow the instructions here for turning off OpenGL (hardware acceleration) support in the browser, force closes do not occur and javascript animations are in fact smoother and better than before!! However, Adobe Flash support is also lost if OpenGL is disabled.
How do i view the full version of a webpage when it automatically redirects me to the mobile version? Example: when I go to it automatically takes me to . I read somewhere that there was an option or easy way to do this.
As an avid business crackberry fan (and business manager) for over 3 years, I was appalled to find that I would need to slide the keyboard out to enter my security code, especially when I would do it 50-100 times per day. As every other touchscreen phone on the market has a pattern unlock method, this is the single issue preventing from purchasing this phone(s) PLEASE ISSUE AN UPDATE/APP/PATCH anything to bring this vital security & efficiency issue up to par.
I have already installed the new Desktop Manager 6.0 that I downloaded from the RIM site.
I am thinking the safest way to not have a problem is the just restore my 9800 data from a back up rather than do the Switch Device thing. Anyone worried it might bring erroneous crap into the new 6.0 OS.
Maybe it would be better to redo my settings after the data install to make sure all is clean and working correctly. Some of the 5.0 setting would not be applicable to the new 6.0 software.
i had a blackberry torch 9800 which i backed up to the blackberry desktop then it was sent away for a repair and they replaced it with anew 9800 i have tried to recover everything from the desktop but it says i need the old blackberry first?