BB Torch :: Adding A New Device?

Aug 7, 2012

My last phone was the pearl and it was slowly dying. A girlfriend of mine had a very new ish torch she no longer used. I have switched all the data and third party applications to the torch using the desktop manager however I can't get the app world or my e-mail working. When I log in to the App world via the computer it doesn't show the Torch as a possible device. It still has the pearl and the playbook. I need help as I believe that it thinks the torch is still the pearl and wont let me activate my e-mails or get the app world. Do I need to get rid of the Pearl on the desktop manager?

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BB Device Software :: Adding A New Contact Via SMS Message On V.

May 17, 2010

On the previous OS 4.6, if I received a new SMS message from someone I didn't have in my contacts list, all I had to do was scroll up to the number, click the menu key, and then select "Add to Contacts" and then I could enter in all of the other pertinent information and save. On OS 5.0, however, I can not scroll up to the contacts number no matter what I do and there appears to be no way to add the number to my contacts without manually adding it or some other round-a-bout way.

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BB Storm 9530/9500 :: Adding Music From Computer To Device

Jan 19, 2010

So I purchased a 1.5TB drive and set out to rip all my CD that I have been collecting since the 80's. I decided to put some of these CD's on my Storm. I opened the handy dandy DM and clicked on the media sync, but I would be damned if I could not figure any way to import specific albums. I can sync all (I have way too much to do that) or recently changed. But how the hizzy do I import only specific albums? Do I simply open the music sync folder on the memory card on my computer desktop and drag them over? If this is the case, why is the BB music sync program so lame?

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Sony Ericsson :: Device That Will Receive Updates And Adding Features

Mar 7, 2010

So, I saved up some cash, and am selling some stuff to get about 300-350 pounds budget for a new phone. I'm very tempted to get the N97 mini. It has good audio quality (gsmarena tests) pretty decent pictures, WiFi, GPS, qwerty keyboard and a nice screen. What does SE have to offer that will give me good music, photos and connectivity? WiFi is pretty important and a qwerty keyboard is a big plus. Another thing that stops me from spending so much money on a brand new SE is their lack of updates when it comes to fixing bugs and adding features.

I still see Nokia pumping out N95 firmwares that get new features and fixes. The SE phones I owned could've got new features but SE never bothered. Take smile shutter on the C510 for example, they could've and in my opinion should have also made an update to include the feature in it's bigger sister the C702. But they didn't. I don't want to spend 300 pounds on a device that will not receive updates and features after 6-12months.

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BB Torch :: Adding An Email Account?

Apr 13, 2012

Every time I touch the email icon to add another email account my phone freezes up completely

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BB Torch :: Since Adding Credit Many Features Gone

Sep 9, 2012

After running out of credit, then repaying weather eye wont work, facebook wont work, and BB chat wont work, nor App world and neither will the internet. I am fully paid up with my provider

Both the 3G symbol, and the blackberry symbol are displayed, but a diagnostic report states - Blackberry Registration: No

However I have recieved 2 messages from, 'Blackberry' Message title ' Registration' stating: Your handheld has been registered with the wireless network.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Adding RSS Feeds Via Browser

Aug 21, 2010

Has anyone been able to add RSS feeds from the browser. The documentation claims you can, by going to the site that has RSS on it and hitting the menu button, then hitting Page Action.No such Page Action option is in my browser.

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BB Torch :: Adding / Editing Email Accounts?

May 16, 2011

when i try to open the email accounts icon in set up nothing happens. there appears to be a problem. i need to remove an old account and cant get into the options for that account?

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BB Torch :: Keep Adding Contacts Via The Berries Button?

Oct 13, 2011

But I do consider myself a bit of a technical savvy person.. however... I keep adding contacts via the berries button --- and "save" - but when I click on the CONTACT icon --- it is always empty!

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BB Torch :: Lost Device Password - Device 9810 Locked

Sep 12, 2012

My daughter has bought today a new Torch 9810. She has entered a new device password. After a few hours she tried to enter her password, but she forgot her password.

After a read of some internet groups, the solution is simple, just type 10 times your password and the BB will restart. I know that all data will be removed, but that is no issue.

Unfortunately the BB will not restart after I retype for then times the wrong password After the reset it starting with a White screen, with a sort of document icon. Within this document icon, appear a lock and cross sign, beneath this icon there is a counter with is repeatedly showing from 0 till 100% and then start over again.

I've tried to disconnect the battery for at least 1 minute, Put in a different sim card, let it run for almost one hour, but nothing seems to work.

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BB Torch :: Transfer Pictures From Old Device To New Device?

Aug 12, 2010

I was told I would be able t bring pictures from my old device, but when I did the switch device on Desktop Manager, everything EXCEPT my pictures came over to the new device?

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BB Torch 9800 :: Torch / Moving Pictures From Device To Media Card

Aug 30, 2010

On other BB's I've moved pictures from the device to the media card using the "move" function - I can't find this on the Torch. Am I overlooking something or will I have to use Desktop Manager?

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BB Torch :: Change The ID Associated With A Particular Device?

Nov 10, 2011

How do I change the BB ID associated with a particular device? I have recently been given a new BB Torch 9860 by my employers so I now have 2 BBs. However, during setup I associated the new phone with my BB ID that is still in use on the other phone but it doesn't look like I can run both devices with the same ID - so so how do I remove the ID from the new one?

I will be keeping both phones so I guess I will need seperate IDs for both?

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BB Torch :: Device Is Not Recognized Via USB?

Oct 31, 2011

When I connect my smartphone to my desktop computer via the USB cable, the computer fails to recognize the device. I have attempted reinstalling Blackberry Desktop Software multiple times. My desktop is a windows pc that is running Vista. I am currently running version of Blackberry Desktop Software.

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BB Torch :: How To Unlock My Device

Jun 30, 2012

I bought a used 9800 and wanted it unlocked for my network but at the shop they said ten attempts had been made to unlock at some point so the phone is locked to another network so i cant use it.Is there a fix for this.

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BB Torch :: Move BES Device To BIS?

Jan 12, 2010

My Mother may get a Business BlackBerry soon from the Supreme Council of Health here in Qatar, for sure It would be set uped over BES ( I think yes ), We usually spend our holiday at Egypt in Summer, so using The Supreme Council of Health line would incurr high Roaming charges in Egypt, and I don't think they will accept paying such a great bill lol specially that she is going on a holiday not a business trip.So, Can she get a Local SIM there and activate BIS over it, or she won't be able because the BlackBerry PIN is linked to a BES account on another Line/Network-Provider/Country.

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BB Torch :: Device Can't Be Recognized By O2?

Oct 17, 2012

I recently dropped my phone in water, and as a result it wouldn't work (obviously!). I took it to get fixed, and the entire back was replaced. This resulted in me getting a new bbm pin etc. I was told that this would work fine, and that I would still be able to use bbm and my wireless internet (such as bbm, twitter, facebook etc) When I called o2 to have my blackberry services reactivated, they told me that "the device cannot be recognized" Now I'm wondering what else I can do. Is there anything I or o2 can do to fix this problem? Or perhaps the shop that fixed my phone?

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BB Torch :: First Device Ever Is A 9810?

Jan 23, 2012

I was so excited to have a Blackberry device and my choice was the Torch 9810 mainly for 3 reasons.

1- The big screen.
2- The touch screen with the sliding keyboard.
3- Latest OS.

As I watched and read so many reviews about it and compared it to the Bold 9900 and the Torch 9860. The reviews for the Torch 9860 were somehow negative, and the sliding keyboard was a win over the Torch 9860. Bold seemed to be a good phone but the bigger screen was again what made me go for the Torch 9810.

For a new Blackberry user like me, I couldn't really figure out much differences between the three phones.

Unfortunately the Torch 9810 is not yet here in Egyptian market and I was about to buy a Bold 9900 till I noticed it would be locked to my carrier and then I changed my mind. I asked a family member to buy the Torch 9810 for me from the UAE and I finally got it one week ago.

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BB Torch :: Add New Device Setting PIN?

Jul 2, 2011

I updated my Blackbery Torch this morning, after it reset, I got 3 messages in my email.When you click on the messages is ask you "Add new device setting?" and when you click "yes", a new question pop up:The new settings are secured with a PIN that should have been provided to you. Please enter the PIN:

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BB Torch :: Add A Device On Protect?

May 31, 2011

how to add a device on black berry protect

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BB Torch :: Device Manager - Where Can Get It

Mar 16, 2012

Whenever I try to synch my Torch 9800 with my laptop a window pops up that says I need to instal a device manager. Background: After installing 7.0 the software always froze when I tried to synch. So I UN-installed it and installed version 6.0.1 again. WHO CAN HELP ME how to download and install that device manager.

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BB Torch 9800 :: Does DEVICE Support 7.2 Or 3.6?

Aug 5, 2010

I heard 2 different things so I just wanted to clear this up.

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BB Torch 9800 :: How To Exit AIM On Device

Aug 12, 2010

How do you exit the AIM app on the Torch? I started it by mistake and now the normal Menu->Close just hides the app in the background. How do I EXIT for real.Why do they make it so difficult while trying to make it so "pretty" and simple?

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BB Torch :: Add A Language Pack In My Device?

Aug 25, 2011

Have a Torch 9800 with the latest softawre (as downloaded by my network provider) and the latest Desktop software installed in my PC. My BB doesnt have the Italian language pack and i want somehow to import it. Tried to connect my device to desktop manager, then Applications (as i was indicated to do) then all my installed (from app world) applications appeared excet the Language and Input Support section (so that i choose and add the -extra- Italian language). there is nowhere i search in the desktop manager the option/selection for the Language and Input Support.

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BB Torch :: Can't Access The Appworl Of My Device?

May 17, 2011

I can't access the appworl of my device, due to an error in the blackberry ID. I created a lot of IDs but anyway I can't access.

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BB Torch :: Calendar Use Freezes Device?

Oct 12, 2011

Calendar is synched with MS Outlook. Recently found that trying to open calendar freezes phone, must restart. Get message "Uncaught exception: Application net_rim_bb_calendar_app(771) ... Application terminated."

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BB Torch :: Can't Find Maps On Device

Jun 10, 2012

I have BB Torch 9800. I can't find the BB Maps icon on my home screen. I have even tried the universal search but it is of no use. I have checked the applications installed on my device and BB Maps are installed there.

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BB Torch :: Device Is Unable To Start?

Oct 29, 2011

Recently, my blackberry just started displaying a "No Battery" symbol...I had switched off my device inorder to insert my SIM card, and after i tried to switch on the handheld, it displayed a "no battery "symbol... i let it charge for the next day.... and yet again..... it continued it's displayal of the same "no battery" symbol

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BB Torch :: Device Memory Cannot Be Read

Jun 13, 2012

i cannt repair it and format device memory cannot be read

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BB Torch :: Device Memory Has Errors

Apr 14, 2012

My device displays built in media storage not accessibl due to errors. I tried repair and format but all faile. My device memory status cannot be displayed.

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BB Torch :: Can't Login To BBID On Device

Nov 9, 2012

I cannot login to my BBID on my Torch 9860. I'm using the correct password and username, but I get a message saying "can't login to account". With the same username and password I can login to the account on my pc. I've changed the password several times, thinking I had forgotten it, but the result is the same every time.

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