BB is v5.0.0.328?I bought a "used" Blackberry Storm 9530 off of someone for $100. The phone wasn't unlocked, so I went ahead and got it unlocked. Now that I have my vodafone SIM in there, I am able to call my friends, receive calls, and receive texts. However when I send texts they are never received by my friends even though they show a check.Before I upgraded to v5.0, I would get a red x next to the message as soon as I tried to click send, and next to the persons name/number it would say "unidentified subscriber".I tried calling Verizon Customer Service, but they said as soon as I had unlocked the phone they have nothing to do with it anymore.
I currently using the storm 9530 and i cant send sms out to my contacts. If i reformat the handphone it can send out sms for a couple of days then it suddenly cannot without me changing any of the settings. Usually when i send i shows me a letter D on the left side of the msg and suddenly its not delivered anymore. I contacted my carrier and they said its not the system problem.
Bought an unlocked Storm 9530 yesterday and popped in my T-Mobile SIM card. I could text, but not place any calls. When I tried calling, I received a "No circuit/channel available". At the call screen I see a a phone number that isn't mine. After I gave up I turned off the phone for a while and let it charge. Upon booting up I got an error message and my SIM refused to work at all. It says SOS at the top right and even though my mobile network is on, it just doesn't do anything. I have the mode set to GSM/UMTS and 3G/2G. I can't even select a network manually. I get an error that says "Unable to acquire network."
I own an unlocked BB Storm (9530) and have been unable to send and receive MMS messages. Its now on AT&Ts Network and I talked to them about it they made it out to be that I needed a data plan. So they signed me up and I thought all was fixed. But I soon realized that was not the case. I cant even select to compose MMS text. I now have unlimited messaging and am on their BB data plan.
I have looked up on a lot of forums on what could be the problem and have d/l the service books and registered the HRTs and did a battery pull without any luck. I have noticed that I do not the MMS service books (MMS Client and MMS Transport). I was curious as to why I don't have them and if I could get them. Also during my last update (V5.0.0.328 Platform I noticed I lost my browser icon. Was that supposed to happen or did I mess something up?
I own an unlocked BB Storm (9530) and have been unable to send and receive MMS messages. Its now on AT&Ts Network and I talked to them about it they made it out to be that I needed a data plan. So they signed me up and I thought all was fixed. But I soon realized that was not the case. I cant even select to compose MMS text. I now have unlimited messaging and am on their BB data plan.
I am using a Storm1. As you know this weekend BIS did an upgrade. At the same time Verizon dropped Yahoo as their e-mail server.I went into BIS and made the incoming and outgoing changes. It took and I resent a service book.I haven't been able to receive e-mail since. I can send e-mail but not receive.I've done a wipe and everything else I can think of. Any ideas?
I have an issue with my Gmail. I recently updated to I can receive emails just fine. However, I can only send emails to contacts with a saved email address or reply to emails that have come to my inbox. for example, I receive an email from a friend, I can reply just fine. If I type that email in the "To" field, the envelope icon to send the message is grayed out. I resent service books, per another thread, but to no avail.
Beginning yesterday, I suddenly cannot send email through hotmail. I can receive them just fine.I tried a hard reboot, re-registering my email, re-registering on the wireless network, and took the phone to Verizon and even they couldn't figure it out.
I wish there was an easy way for me to portray the amount of disdain I have for my Storm at this time, however, that won't do me any good!I'm just looking to get some insight to my problem and whether or not it can be resolved! It would be really unfortunate if I had to replace my lump of a phone as I am a college student that just moved away from home and am in the middle of my two-year contract.My phone is still in operating order minus the faulty touchscreen, it still receives messages, emails, and even phone calls. All the side buttons work, in short, the screen is just dead.I did not drop it nor spill any liquids on it and I've performed a plethora of battery pulls. I'm at a loss!Let me describe the events that occurred before (seemingly) death of my touchscreen. I was at a friends house preparing for a 9/11 5k race when I noticed my battery was running low so I left it in a safe place to quietly run out of steam because I had no need to carry a phone during a race. At this point it was still fully functional. After the race, I check my phone to see if it was out of power yet which it was. I get home later that night and charge it only to rudely surprised by an inoperable screen. I cleaned the screen and did a few battery pulls afterwards in hopes it was only a minor problem to no avail.
A little hardware information that may be of use:
Verizon Carrier
OS .328
I was also in a moderate car crash the day prior so perhaps that may have caused some problems? Externally, my phone is in mint condition. I suppose this just hasn't been my week!
OkI have the first version of the storm and there is a delay when the phone is upright then i turn it to the side to reply or send a text sometimes it wont do anything. I heard there is some update to fix this??? how do I go about fixing it?
in d past few months, i've had to charge my battery using a desktop charger. I've tried using my wall charger. I've tried using my wall charger and usb but it doesn't work. I even changed my charger thinking it had a fault. Now the thing is, when I plug my phone, the lightning bolt appears indicating dat its charging and den it goes of after about 2 minutes. I've tried unplugging and replugging several times and even done the battery pull a couple of times all to no avail. i thought it mite be dat der was something wrong with the charging port but whenever i plug it to my computer to transfer songs in mass storage mode,it works just fine. And I do everything i want to do without a hitch. please what else can i do?
I got a Blackberry Storm 9530 with Telus Mobility Canada and I am not able to unlock it. The provider said that it is a technology for Internation Roaming Card but can also accept SIM card. The problem is that on the net it says that it is SIM card technology and I saw some people unlock there Blackberry Storm. I have got a Internation Roaming Card in my blackberry storm. Can someone explain me why I have a BB Storm that can ONLY accept SIM card without using SIM card technology while everyone else in North America can unlock their phones?
I have purchase BB 9530 via online from Today Retail Network Pvt Ltd New Delhi 110068 March 2011 From very beginning the phone have a start up problem . But fm last few months I could not even switch on the phone Neither the company from where I have purchased the phone nor the Blackberry authorised service centre in Kolkata (West Bengal, India) are accepting my calls.
My Storm is running all of the latest official software and when I connect it to my Windows 7 PC it shows and error for a fraction of a second and reboots. If left connected via USB it continually crashes until disconnected. It previously connected without issue on my current computer. Has anyone had this issue and what fixed it?
I am having trouble installing an update and am getting low memory warnings. I would like some help figuring out what I am missing or what I else I can do...I have a Blackberry Storm 9530
Aps Loaded 5.0 System software & core applications BB application center BB maps BB messenger
When I run the ap listing through the desktop software, total memory used (added up by me) is 66.1 MB plus 3693 KB. This is based on the memory that the ap listing says each application is taking up. So approx 70 mb total.Device says total ap memory is 124 mb. This means I should have about 54 mb available? Unless I'm missing something?But the device lists available ap memory as only 19 mb (immediately upon restart after battery pull)I have been unable to install the latest update (or rather the last one I have tried to update; maybe there has been more since, I don't know) because it says I need 33mb to do so.
Device memory - total space 879.2 mb; free space 864.5 mb media card total space 7.3 gb Device software version
What is taking up that extra ap memory and how do I make enough space to download the update?I did try downloading the update once, but it wouldn't let me finish... is it somehow possible that the update is taking up space without actually being fully installed? That would bring the numbers closer to what they should be - if 33mb is used by the update... if so, how do I delete that and start over?When I run the ap listing through the desktop software - the update is listed on the main ap listing, with a status of "available". And says it takes 33.8mb. It is listed again at the bottom under "application summary" - it is the only item listed there. Under the column for "pending action" it says "update".When I select/hilight an item from the main application listing, when I select "BB 5.0.0 core applications", the "update" is listed just below it, and they are hilighted together, not separate items. Although they do each have their own memory usage amounts (14.1mb for the core applications and 33.8mb for the update)Yes, I do sometimes forget to close out the correct way - but I also do frequent battery pulls - and the available memory info above was immediately after a battery pull...
I've had this storm for a while now, since like Jan of last year. Its given me my headaches, and little things with using too much memory with their lol.
But the latest issue is with charging. I noticed sometimes the bolt comes up saying that its getting power, and sometimes it will just staylike that, but will loose power, or if i wiggle it the right way it will stay charging.
If not then sometimes it wont get a charge even though its plugged in! Is it the charger, or the phone port? Becuase I am charging it through my computer, although super slow, it doesnt have the same issues as my wall charger by my bed!
today i tried to use my camera and i got an error message. Message told me that the camera was unable to open and to close any programs that are open before i try again. The only programs that are open are the necessary ones.
My Storm 1 crashed Sunday night with message on screen stating 'Reload Softwares 552'. I called Verizon Tech Support and they just ended up giving me a brand new Storm 2 for free! All I had to do was re-sign my contract for another two years. Gonna miss my Storm 1 but the Storm 2 is sweet! Just got it today. Anyone wanting to upgrade, try using that excuse.
Recently I have upgraded my OS from 4.7 to one strange problem I am facing is I am able to reply the e-mails but I am unable to send new email or forward e-mail. "Send" button in inactivated or no send option in menu.
I have been trying to text and receive texts from a friend in Norway. I know that we can both receive and send international texts because we text a mutual friend in Australia. I checked the participating carriers in Norway. His carrier, Netcom, is on that list. Now I have a Blackberry Storm 9530 and he has a Nokia. I'm not sure of the model.
I am unable to either receive or send any file via Bluetooth, When a another device sees me and tries to send, It asks for passcode, which i create a 4 digit, in matter of seconds it times out and looses connection. Similarly when i trie to send a file from my device strom 2, i can never select other devices at all.
I have a BB Storm 2 (BB9550) it is unlocked and I am using it with AT&T. I do have a problem the internet does not always work and I am not able to send or receive any BBMS. ow can I fix that?
My browser and email stopped working about 3 days ago and I spent almost a whole day on the phone with support, no help. They had me do everything including delete all my service books and now there is nothing in the host routing table. They finally said, we cant help. My phone is stuck on lower case edge and I cant get data.
i have a unlocked blackberry storm for tmobile i can send and recieve texts and the internet works fine, however when i try to call it says no channel/circuit avaliable. i went to india for a few weeks and calling worked just fine there is there any way to fix this problem?