BB Software :: Senders Receiving Postmaster Message Not Deliver
Dec 2, 2010
I recently canceled my blackberry phone and I was syncing my email with the mobile email account . Anyone who sends me an email to my account are getting a return email stating that I have not received it on my blackberry device. I've checked out my settings and its not forwarded from there, and I cannot login to the BIS carriers website due to the cancellation (and i forget the password)I called the carrier yesterday and they said it was still active and they deleted the account. Its been 12 hours since then, should I be waiting longer or is there another simple fix I overlooked? As I sent a test email and received it again.
My wife is on a school trip to the US. Meanwhile, I am at home in Canada. I am texting her, but I found it odd she never replies and vice versa. So, she discovered that her iPhone (latest iOS 5 release) keeps trying to send the message as an iMessage. It is not reverting to SMS after a given time, as it should and as I have seen it do before. I have tried it now also and my wife only receives my messages when she has a wifi connection (she does not have data roaming enabled). It seems like my iPhone too continously tries to send the message as an iMessage and it does not switch to SMS after a certain timeout time. The message that the iPhone continously tries to send as an iMessage never fails, however the status does not change until the next time my wife is in wifi coverage and the message is delivered.
The 5800 and 5530 don't dispaly the name of the sender when a text message is received, right, Well so I thought. and I wasn't too happy about it as all my previous phones had this facility. Then a few days ago I got a message on my 5530 and when I looked at the screen there waa white star overlaying the image of the sender on my contacts bar. Great, I thought, I'd never noticed that before! But how could this be? I haven't had a firmware upgrade or anything. Since then I've found that I occasionally get the star on messages from this one contact, but not on messages from any of my other contacts.What's going on? I've searched the web and can find no references to this at all.Have any other users noticed this feature? And can anyone explain why it doen't work for all contacts?
I have tried removing the contact (from both my and the remote contact's Skype), and I've readded from my N900 and asked for authorization, and its been accepted, but I still get the error message when I try and IM.
When the remote contact IMs me the message never turns up, but they don't get an error message.
I've also tried it the other way around, where we delete the contacts on each other's Skype, and then the remote contact has asked for authorization, and I've accepted on the N900 - but still the same message.
The remote user us on Windows 7, using Skype It has worked previously, but all of a sudden, it stopped for no obvious reason. This is happening with two of my contacts, who are in two different locations on different versions of Windows. Oddly, Skype voice calls work okay!
This only started happening recently, but I don't know what changed - the last update I recall to my phone was an update to the carrier settings. For some reason, however, the messages app on my phone no longer matches message senders up to contacts in my address book. Aside from the visual implications (who does that number belong to again?), I had assigned different tones to different people. Now that SMS is no longer matching up to my address book, everyone gets the same generic tone. I have tried deleting contacts and re-entering them from the SMS screen, but that didn't seem to make a difference. The same problem occurs even when I send a SMS from the address book - the SMS is only identified by number, and is not matched up to the address book entry.
I am running a fully updated unlocked iPhone 4S (5.1).
I have a BIS account with my provider and a paid gmail account which collect for me mails from different address. Is it possible to set multiple senders for this account, thus it seems that I'm replying from one of these address and not only from my google address? In fact, it's important for me also that all mails come out from the same SMTP server (google).
I have a BlackBerry Storm (original version) and today, all of a sudden, the email senders name has stopped appearing - all I get on the top line is the little envelope icon and the time, no senders name appears.I cannot recall changing any settings or tinkering with the email settings.
I have an issue with sms from just two senders with android phones, Samsung phones. The messages they send appear in inbox and taskbar but when opening the conversation the messages do not display at all, very annoying. I have tried force stop, clear data and restart but messages just don't appear.
I have several mails now from specific senders that I want to delete. Is there a way in Phone, where I can search for emails with specific senders / subject, and delete these "searched out" mails in one shot?Â
When I receive an email, the senders name is not appearing.All I get when I receive an email is the little envelope icon, the time and the subject.I have not changed any settings (as far as I am aware) - but until today, all the information used to be displayed. Little envelope icon, Senders Name, Time, and below all that the subject.Can anyone help please on getting the senders name to display.
Well, PC Suite or Ovi, both are not yet fully supported on Nokia n900, unfortunately.I used to use the PC Suite conveniently to send SMSs by typing it thru my laptop.It was a very convenient way of searching SMSs by subject or by the sender's number. I could also copy/paste an SMS sender's number and save as a new Contact.It was also a convenient way of searching the Contacts also, by typing in a few keywords or a few numbers.I am missing all these functionalities badly.Well, Nokia n900 will eventually substitute my laptop at least that is my intention but I am not there yet. Even then, I shall require the convenient search/ editing facilities in the PC Suite/ Ovi to manage the Contacts and Messages.
I have problem since few hours ago that I can not send messages through BBM to all my contacts but I can receive messages from my contacts.I have rang the provider and there is no problem on their side, I have tried to remove SIM card, soft reset, remove the battery, upgrade the BMM. But none of them works.
For d past few days, my sent bbm messages doesn't deliver but I always receive msgs from my contacts. Dunno wats wrong wit d phone. I've removed d battery several times but still doesn't work.
I'm trying to send a message to my friend who lives out of the country. It's not saying that my messages are being delivered. I tried everyone else on my contacts list and it works ok with them. Does this mean it's an issue with her phone?
My 9800 very often does not receive or deliver bbm's. This is intermittent. If I reboot, the first one or two messages come though fine and the rest can take up to an hour to come trough.
I use the stock messaging app, and when I get a text message, my phone doesn't vibrate. Yes, I have vibrate checked in the notification settings of the Messages app, and every other notification vibrates my phone.
I recently changed my email passwords and now my BB won't deliver the emails. I rec'd a message saying that I need to verify my new passords and tells me how to do it. But I follow those instructions and it asks me to enter my user name and password. I've tried the one that I've used to add software, but that doesn't work. In fanct, nothing works. how to retrieve or reset that information.
OK, as you've helped me fix the last problem, here's another one.I have had 3 SE phones now, the last a K850i which worked like a dream. Before I upgraded to the x10 mini pro, I brought a new Fiat car, which has an integral bluetooth & media system called 'Blue & Me'.
Part of the 'Blue & Me' system was a feature that not only accepted phone calls to the car, but would also accept text messages and ask you if you would like it read out. This feature worked brilliantly with the 850i and was very handy.
However, since i got the x10 mini pro and connected it, it has never worked.
Is this because it is a smart phone and therefore they do not deal with text messages in the same way, or do I need to do something to get it working again?
I've looked through the car manual and can not see angthing to help.Obviously this is not the end of the world, but it would be nice if i could fix it.
I upgraded to 6.0 Bundle 2342 May 12, 2011 and ever since then - all emails I send from my BB to AOL people are not being delivered to their AOL accounts. I can received AOL and other emails on my BB w/o any problem. When I send an email from the BB - it sends - yet it never reaches the recipients.
Typically, my phone is set to vibrate when I turn it off at night. I have noticed that it will vibrate when messages are received even when the phone is turned off.
I recently took out a contract on Vodaphone, but wanted to keep my old O2 number from my previous contract. My BBM was working fine before the number was transferred accross, but now if I send a message, a tick appears to say its been sent, but there is no 'D' to say delivered, and the recipient doesn't recieve it.
Are there any phone numbers or email addresses I could use to talk to someone about this? Or are these forums the only way to get support?
For example when I receive texts that are larger than normal, it shows 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, and 5/5 sometimes more sometimes less. It's aggravating cause when you should be receiving one message, you receive several texts. And they are usually out of order so you gotta go back and forth. I am on U.S. Cellular and have a galaxy s5. My friend has a s4 on U.S. Cellular also and hers doesn't do this. I think it did this for me also on the s4 and now on the s5. Maybe I'm just missing a setting?
Updating my iPhone 4 to iOS 5 and receiving error message: unable to update this iPhone as the disk could not be found'? My iPhone is plugged in so why can it not update it?