BB Curve :: It All Just Stopped Working, Even After An Update
May 16, 2011
With the battery fully charged, the screen was only viewable for a few seconds when plugging/unplugging from the charger and would go back to frozen state after. Nothing was working, the trackball, keyboard, etc all just stopped working. Assuming I needed to do an OS update, I went out and got a USB to do one. It just finished, however the BB is still in the same state, and everything seems to be gone from the few seconds I can see my screen... it's all deleted and plus my reception is off..
i have had my blackberry for about 4 months, i am on a sim only contract which has blackberry internet, this morning i installed the blackberry desktop manager so i could update my blackberry from version 4.6 to 5.0, wouldnt let me do it from my blackberry, dont know why. After i did this everything was working fine but my app world had gone, so i downloaded it again and it was the new version, i noticed i could update bbm, so i tried to do this, i then went out to a area which doesnt have signal for orange, so the updates cancelled, when i got back in signal it was telling me to reboot my phone, do i did this, after i did this and it came back on the internet is no longer working, instead of GRPS it says GSM and when i go to services status it says blackberry internet not connected and i cant send bbms, use facebook or the internet, im really confused and dont understand what has happened,i have tried everything but nothing works, do i need to ring Orange?
After doing a few battery pulls its still not working.I've done some searching now for about an hour and comming up empty handed. I have a friend with an 8520 Curve from I-Wireless. After a couple days of using it his trackpad stopped. Now to me from reading it seem that most problems lie with the 8520 series and also seems that its a software issue as a batt pull will fix it for abit. Will updating to os 5.0 beta fix this problem or does the problem lie elsewhere?
I was updating my iphone's software this morning, I believe there's a new system or something - my phone told me to update, while I did so my phone stopped working, the only image I can see right now is a picture telling me to connect to ITunes. ITunes isn't picking up my iphone either and its stating the software server could not be contacted.
After an update of Ovi Store it doesn't work on my N97? It starts but when trying to accept the terms and log in, always some error? I updated it after hard reset a week ago and no Ovi Store with N97 since then. With my other phones it works. Anyone else has the same problem? Perhaps I should try to hard reset again. I have N900, N97, E75, N95, Samsung Ultra Touch and iPhone, and N97 is the one I carry with me. It has great features that cannot be loaded afterwards if they are missing from a device (like great camera, video calls, fm-transmitter...).
Last night I finally installed 3.2.1 in my 3GS. I then synced it with my brand new MacBook Pro.Now nothing works except what came with it. Any app I try to open kicks me back out to the home screen.I have tried turning it off and on but that has done nothing.Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Just upgraded my very stable G3 from 4.4.2 to 5.0 this afternoon. Everything seems to work except the BBC iPlayer app which will not live stream anymore (no video or sound but the timebar indicates it is running). Strangely it does does download and then plays. I find it difficult to get out of the app - it takes 3 or 4 taps. The last time it froze the phone and I had to remove the battery, something I have never had to do before. I have done a factory reset - that makes no difference. It's a 32Gb D855 and I'm unlocked on Three.
Snapchat has stopped working since the update, plus my phonebook still doesn't work after going in setting and clearing the data etc etc or running a repair???
I have a Samsung Galaxy s6 and I am new to android. today I did an update and I am having trouble with my contacts, it is telling me that contacts have stopped working and I'm unable to make calls via my contacts. my messages are no longer showing up with names and just a number. I have cleared the cache and data and I still have no joy
My best friend and I both have iPhone 4s' and have been using iMessage since we got the phones back in December with no problems. Last Wednesday, we updated our iPhones to the newest iOS 5.1 update. The following day, she had turned her phone off because her wifi was acting up and wouldn't send her iMessages. She fell asleep before turning her phone back on. When i sent her a text, it was saying "sent as text message" under the couple texts I had sent her. When she woke up and turned her phone back on, iMessage wouldn't work and continued to send as texts. The next day she found that if we turn our "send as SMS" off, iMessage started working again. The same thing happened again last night and we tried the "send as SMS" thing again and it's still not working. We have tried everything and can't figure out how to get iMessage working for us again. This problem didn't ever occur until iOS 5.1 update
Ever since the leatest update (5.1) my Iphone's sound doesnt work? when i play music the volume button has disappeared and the keys on the side of the phone only turns the "ringer" up and down. Ive also tried double clicking the home button and swiping to that volume control but the nozzle disapeares when i touch it. The strangest thing is when i but headphones in my volume control all comes back ? Ive reset my phone, turned it off and on and restored it using itunes. What is wrong with it?
Started last night. Worked intermittently.Now can't understand a thing I stay -- using the approved phrasing, too.What's going on???? I upgraded because I wanted siri!
My IPhoneS stopped working right after I did the latest update which was yesterday. Now, the phone does not work at all. When turned on, the screen shows a picture of USB cable pointing to the ITunes logo. I have tried just about everything, and cannot get it working. It's like it is frozon. My ITunes does not recognize my device. Cannot dial out either. I desperately need to get it working.
After I updated to 2.3 the notification LED has stopped working.It just flashes white every so often, but doesn't flash green/blue for other notificaions (SMS/Email/FB) as it used to.It does still turn orange/green when on charge.
A recent update (7.1) for iPhone has completely crippled my 4s wifi, it won't switch on.. most of the time I have no 3G either & the phone is mush slower than before. I've tried the online fixes ( reboot & reset) I've been to my local Apple Store, who inform me the phone can't be fixed & is out of warranty. I still have 6 months to run on my O2 contract...... is there nothing I can do about this. Â
the auto-updating of apps stopped working on my iPhone (4s/iOS 7.1.2). Not sure if that's a coincidence but it seems like it stopped working immediately after iOS 8 got released to developers (on June 2), as if somehow the App Store got configured differently, preventing devices running iOS 7 to auto-update apps. Auto update of apps used to happen at night here, most likely when the system has been idle and plugged in for a while, but no more. I find apps to update every morning, nothing has been done automatically.
ps: I did de-activate reboot and re-activate auto-update, no change.
After updating to latest and greatest android lollipop on galaxy s6, my gallery stopped working, I went to apps, force stopped and cleared cache on both gallery and camera, booted in safe mode and still have problem of gallery stopped. can't find answer anywhere, and Samsung was of no support other than to wipe my phone.
after update of nokia maps to version 3.6 in my nokia c6-01 it stopped working. I am using anna and updated the maps which was provided in the software update and after update it says feature not supported.
I got the 3.1 OTA update yesterday afternoon on my WiFi Xoom, but since then, the Xoom won't charge. When plugged in, the charging indicator doesn't light and the battery icon in the notification area doesn't indicate charging. Charging worked fine before the update.What I've tried so far to no avail:
Different outlets Wiggling the connector Power off/on Factory reset
Unfortunately, I don't have another charger to try.Given that a factory reset didn't fix it and others aren't reporting this issue, I'm guessing that it's just a conincidence that charging died after the update and something is broken either in the charger or the Zoom's charging circuitry.
updated my new iPhone 6 plus to 8.1.1 and the maps app won't work just crashes everytime it's opened so everything that uses a link to it eg:- find my friend, find my phone, Argos app facebook if someone puts their location on which shows the map all crash. And my safari just crashes when ever it likes.
Since the very beginning of the GB update (actually began with the Soak Test), the LED notification stopped working when I get a gmail. At some period shortly after, the notification to the notification bar also suddenly stopped as well. Now, the only way to see if I have a gmail is to go to Goolgle gmail and check.
My Droid 4 was working fine until I updated it with the latest firmware from Verizon/Motorola. Now Gmail doesn't work. I've been to the VZ store and they did a complete reset and still no Gmail.
My emails on my iphone5 (ios7) stopped working yesterday - wont update, send, receive etc. I have tried to delete my email account under settings - but it keeps showing the 'deleting' icon for about 5 minutes before giving up and the account is still there. I have tried switching the phone off and on again and also restored factory settings.
Internet service just went caput all of a sudden, tried battery pull multiple time, connection profile won't update, had them resend svc books and no luck. any ideas?
I updated to symbian Anna today and my OVI store stopped working. So I try to click the icon and my browser opens up and takes me to the site to download the sis file. Once downloaded, the install starts. It gets to a point with a green bar and says : "This could take a few minutes" then it just closes. When I go to the OVI icon in the menu, it does the same thing again: Opens the browser and goes to the page for download..