Every time i try to send a text/sms i get a red cross next to it saying " Short message transfer" and i can not send a text.I have tried a battery pull, and removed the area code etc as what I have seen people say on other forums, but nothing has worked!ANY IDEAS? it was working a few days ago and I just tried- and nothing! I can recieve all my text messages (as far as I know) but cant send them.The mobile numbers are correct, so that wouldnt be the issue. I cant send them to anyone, or anhy company eg i was trying to text in to see my balance and that happened. I cant send a single text to an yone! Also the sim card had been recently changed so it is not an issue of an old sim.
I recently purchased a Curve 3G (9300) on the Three UK network and when I tried to text Facebook or Twitter to activate my number on it it come up with 'Short Message Transfer Rejected' [URL]
My Curve 8520, its messages are somehow blocked means whenever I send a message to someone he/she doesn't get it. In my blackberry it shows "Short Message transfer rejected". And when someone else messages me I receive it.
I have a new blackberry torch 9850. I have a bsnl sim and when i send a message to someone it is giving error "short message rejected" . i tried with 1)adding a 0 to a number and sending it. 2)removed the 0 and tried sending it 3)added +91 to the number and tried sending it It didnt work. What should i do now??
"Short message transfer rejected" Tried battery pull didn't find anythign on forum regarding this, problem randomly occurred berry has been fine until now...
There is one person in my contacts that I cannot text. It always comes up with a red x and says "Short message transfer rejected". The person can still text me, though, and I have no trouble calling the number. It only happens with this contact.I have tried deleting the contact and re-adding, taking out the battery and sim card, but it doesn't work.
I have a torch 9800 and having issues with a message saying "short message transfer rejected" (with a red x as well). I am only getting it when sending to 1 friend in my phonebook, plus this was the last person I entered in my phonebook. It is the right number as I am getting multiple text off this person, its just when I am replying.
I know there are a few topics about this but, when I tried to send a SMS to a contact the message had the red "short Message Transfer Rejected" underneath it. I have always been able to send a SMS to this contact and this error has only appeared yesterday.
I Have A Big Question... I Been Blogging My Life For The Past Few Weeks.I Been Using A BlackBerry 9700 For Few Months. But, When I want To Upload A Video To FaceBook Or Other Site, It Said That My File Is Too Big...There Is A Good App For Me To Upload My Videos, Or There Is A Setting On My Berry That Can Help Me With My Videos..
I recently made the switch from iPhone to a galaxy S5. I have a macbook pro that of course has my music in iTunes. I recently tried downloading the android file transfer but whenever it would try to open on the mac it told me it could not connect to my device and to try to restart it or reconnect it. Nothing I did has made a difference. The computer just won't connect to the phone it seems. Both my S5 and mac have the latest versions possible updated so that's not an issue. I'd really like to get more of my music on my S5 other than what I put on there right when I got the phone using SmartSwitch.
I recently took out a contract on Vodaphone, but wanted to keep my old O2 number from my previous contract. My BBM was working fine before the number was transferred accross, but now if I send a message, a tick appears to say its been sent, but there is no 'D' to say delivered, and the recipient doesn't recieve it.
Are there any phone numbers or email addresses I could use to talk to someone about this? Or are these forums the only way to get support?
I seem to have ticked every box I can find regarding 'Display name' but my 9300 3G still insists on sending text messages just using the text number and will NOT display my name as the sender of the text - why?I have no problems with the email - that displays my email address, which has my name in it.
I am trying to send a picture via text message and it wont work, I've tried everything, it seems I simply do not have the attach option, and I don't have internet blocked or anything I really don't understand I've been on this for and hour.
My daughter has a BB curve and has a problem sending text messages to one of her friends. She gets a message back saying that there are insufficient digits in the number. However, she has the correct number in her contact list and has also tried to reply to a received text from the friend but gets the same message. I have the same number in my BB Bold 9700 and she is able to send messages successfully from my phone. She has also re-saved the number of her contact but still no luck. This is the only number she has problems with.
i got my new nokia yesterday and everything was going good, I was texting people and when i tried texting this one friend, all my messages kept getting a 'Message Sending Failed' error.
I have been trying to upgrade/update BBM, but receive either an error message or username/password incompatible message. How do I get this cleared up? The same thing happens with other App updates.
Blackberry 9000 Bold version 5.0.1, using windows 7, Outlook 2010 Trying to synchronize after uploading all updates but getting error message after trying to configure calendar, tasks, address book and memo pad. New computer trying to get BB to sync for the first time.
When I view the email, I see none of the email content, and instead see "Error in parsing this message. Couldn't display the body part.I am able to receive and display other multiparty html emails with utf-8 encoding, but nothing i send seems to work.I have even changed the HTML content of the email to just "aaa" with no markup, but that doesn't work either.
Yesterday I downloaded one of the free App from Blackberry Apps World. When I rebooted my device, I saw a WHITE SCREEN with an error message APPS ERROR 200 - Reset. I resetted the device several times but still get a WHITE screen with the error message.
I have a white screen with an error message stating `app error 523` tried everything including soft reset and hard reset + download from the blackberry site and still have the same problem?
For some reason the new text message short-cut icon no longer appears on my screen when i get a text. this means i have to go through messages, inbox to get a text which becomes quite annoying.