how can i get my blackberry curve 8520 totally shut down as my phone was stolen. my service provider shut the sim card down i got it replaced, the phone is shut down by the service provider but not totally as the theives can get it unlocked.
My 8520 is totally frozen and will not respond to either soft or hard resets, it simply boots to the initial page and then hangs. I have the iBerry 4 theme loaded?Is there a reset button on the back below the battery ?
my iphone4 was working perfect until today. Now it is totally shut down and I don't know why because nothing has happend. I try to recharge it but nothing happens, the screen is black, there is no iphone known in itunes. I try to push the home and start button but nothing.
how I can block my BB 8520 phone. It was stolen and the IMEI is <removed>. Maybe you can also help me retrieve some of the informations i have stored in my phone.
EDIT: Personal Information such as IMEI is prohibited for your security. Please review User Guidelines under section "Be careful."
my BB curve 8520 just shut off by itself and the battery was half full.i took it out to reboot it the red lite went on and the down load bar stuck half way to the end and froze.
It had enough battery power but just shut off and wont turn back on, even after charging. I tried to remove the battery and put it back, still nothing, only the red light indicator is steadily on. What needs to be done to restore the device?
I had a Blackberry Curve 8520 that was stolen yesterday. My service provider told me that they will only be able to shut down the line, nothing else. Is there a way to disable the phone? It would be nice if I could make sure no one can even turn it on, or at least make sure it can no longer be used on any service provider.
Last night I slept while listening music on my BB curve 8520. When I wake up in morning, its battery was drained.I am charging it from my computer, while its red light is on but still its not turning back on. and screen is totally black.
I've had my blackberry since August of 2010. I learnt as much as I could and there was still much more to learn! About a month ago my phone was stolen from my home. The police are working on tracking it but....IT'S BEEN A MONTH!
Recently I was made to understand that there is a number under the battery that can be used to track the black berry even if it is off. My question is: since I no longer have the BB in my possession is there a way for me to get that number?
My blackberry Curve got stolen and now I become dozen of mails with the content:"This message is used to carry data between the BlackBerry handheld and an associated server. Please do not delete, move or respond to this message - it will be processed by the server.BEGINETP 201AcgdpYkAAAAAIBAIMjcyMTNjZWQgDmYta3dAb25saW5lLmRlAAAsiLNQBUNJQ0FMA0CAgICB..."Is there any chance to track my phone or to find out who is using it right now?
Does anyone know when the OFFICIAL 5.0 update for tmobile comes out, i see the leaked versions online but I don't want to risk it. Right now I'm running.
If anyone out there could lend me a helping hand with this. Well, im not a very heavy BB user but ive never had my batt go dead on me but it happened! i totally couldnt turn my phone on until i put in my charger.Then it happens randomly whereby my phone will heat up and the battery drops 5% every 10mins or so! until it shuts off!! It happened once right after i fully charged my phone and it shut off within the next hour.Anyone knows whats happening?? i suspected whether it was any of my installed apps that are draining my batt, so i shut off everything! i mean no msn no foursquare no twitter only emails are on but yet it still happens!!Help please? i hope its just the batt thats screwed not my phone.
My charge only lasts 8-10 hours. Obviously, something is running in the background.What's the best way to shut down an application?Do I hit the END key (red button) or use the back-space buttone to return to the main (desktop) screen?
My battery was low then completely shut off. Even when i have it plugged in, I get nothing!!, not even a light most of the time. And I just got some other stuff fixed on it!
This is a endless cycle of the phone turning off. going to loading screen. fully loading. then it shuts off and loads again over and over What do i do i have pulled battery. left it out for long periods of times and it still does it.
I have a curve 8530 hooked it up to PC and was updating software. I got a message it could find connection to phone, now my phone just blinks red. wont come on, I took battery out and tried but nothing but blinking red l ight, what happened??
Without having changed any default or preference settings on my BB Curve, I suddenly now receive notification alerts when e-mails arrive and reminders for calendar events. I have chosen "silence" on the menus I receive through the sound icon, but nothing changes. How can I shut off these alerts ?
I have a 8520 and recently updated my software. After I did this my email envelope has disappeared. I have replaced my original settings and nothing. I do receive emails but in the general message envelope.
I have a 8520 T-Mobile and everytime I get a new email and or text it rads it automatically. I want it to stop .How do i do it ?It is disturbing i managed to turn off the text but the mail keeps on doing it .
I have an ATT 8520 Curve unlocked to work with a tmobile sim card and have a few questions...Now that's unlocked I cant setup an external email account (hotmail, gmail, etc...) that icon is missing from the setup section. how can I get that feature? can I also use the bbm feature? I added a friend (and vice-versa) but it just stays as pending. is it possible to bbm? for the above 2 do i need to get the bb data plan so they can work? I've read elsewhere that the best way to get the features would be to load the tmobile handheld software. I went to tmobiles site, I enter my ph# - select the 8520 - click on handheld and it takes me to their 'shop for phones' page. I guess they now by the number that i dont currently have a bb. So I tried a friends ph# from tmobile who has a bb and it still took me to the 'shop for phones' page. So I Am hoping it's just a link glitch going on right now. I did download from this forum the 5.0 OS "8520wifiM_PBr5.0.0_rel860_PL5.2.0.47_A5.0.0.509_W ind_Hellas.exe" which obviously is not tmobile. What would loading this different OS allow me to do? Or what features will I have available? and I have lowercase 'edge'.