BB Curve 8500 :: 8530 Copy Or Save Picture Attachment To Media Folder
Apr 29, 2010
I have a Curve 8530. I want to copy or save picture attachments that I receive via email into the "pictures" section of the "media" folder. Is that possible? How?
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Jul 10, 2010
I'm, new to blackberry, and on the first day I plugged my Curve 8520 to the computer and the Desktop Manager "recommended" to upgrade to the latest OS (v5.0.0.592 - Bundle1096 Platform Since that I only have one glitch, the media folder is called net_rim_bb_file_explorer.Media I assume that's the internal name, not the display name, anyone knows how to rename it?? I don't want to mess with the OS by downgrading or things like that, I'm quite happy with how the phone works as it is...
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May 19, 2010
For a while the camera and photos worked just fine, but now whenever I take a picture, it never saves to my pictures folder. Unlike other issues I've read about in other posts, there is no placeholder, error icon or ANYTHING in with my other photos, they just simply aren't there.
The other day I somehow mysteriously took a few photos that DID save to my folder, but just now I looked back and they have disappeared.
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Apr 7, 2010
How do I move pictures from the phone's memory to the SD card?And, why do the icons for my email accounts fluxuate from a black and white envelope to a colored envelope with the Yahoo symbol?Also, is there a way to move an application out of a folder to make it stand alone on the home page/main page?
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Apr 13, 2010
I have several dozen pictures that were added to my new Curve 8530 from my old phone before I had an sd memory media card, so they're sitting in the internal device memory. How do I transfer them to the media card, and can I "select all" to move them all at once or do I have to go picture by picture?
Also, I use Desktop Manager for Mac. Is there any way I can move them around through my Mac Finder? Would I have to disable Mass Storage? In what situations would one enable or disable Mass Storage and MTP? (OK, that's probably a second topic; but I haven't found a good explanation of what it is.)
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Aug 9, 2011
I cannot receive any MMS messages when I am roaming. I received a text with a picture attachment and I could not download the attachment because it came up with an error that said I had no data connectivity. The 3g data symbol was up and blue in color and worked because I was able to text via data roaming.I can send and receive calls and text messages while roaming, just could not get the MMS picture. I had everything checked correctly, data roam and call roam were both checked. The only way I could get it was to get to an area where I had sprint service to download. Is this a known problem? Where I work deep in the building I am usually roaming.
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Jan 20, 2010
Is there an save as function anywhere to save a ring tone from an email and save it to the correct folder.
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Feb 17, 2010
I keep getting a red x everytime someone sends me a picture. Sometimes it says "Text attachment missing or invalid".
I used to get the pictures just fine from these folks.
I've got an 8900 curve on the T-mobile network.
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Oct 23, 2011
After uptading my BB 9300 Curve from os 5 to os 6 ( I can not resize picture when trying to send it as MMS attachment. (i see only information that the limit of the maximum picture size is exceeded). Resizing works only when I want to attach file to e-mail message (I see dialog where I can choose picture size / resulotion). Before update (in os5 ) i had this resizing dialog for both: MMS and e-mail.Is there any possibility to fix this problem and enable this dialog when attaching pictures to MMS? The dialog with resizing options still does not work but it scales the pictures automatically to be send via
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Jul 17, 2010
This is my second blackberry curve 8530 and they both have the same problem, they won't play videos. They use to but now when I go to like you tube, or, or even my video recordings it won't play it says an error has occurred media attempt failed. I use to restart my BB and that would help for a lil while now it doesn't work at all. How do I fix this?
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May 24, 2010
Okay, please excuse my ignorance guys.. xD.I just purchased two BlackBerry Curve 8530s from Sprint. I am pretty tech savvy, but there's some things on this phone I just can't grasp in the two or three days i've had 'em:
Deleting Pictures: Okay, so i am in my Media folder, in the pictures. I select a picture and press the BlackBerry button and select delete. Then it says it is read only, and when i delete it, the icon is still there. I've tried turning the device on and off and it's still there. Figured this one out myself. I hooked it up to the Desktop Manager, and suddenly all the pictures I had taken appeared. I was also able to delete them using the "BlackBerry key" then "delete". It didn't give me that read only option.
Saving Pictures: So, for whatever reason, i can't save anymore pictures. I don't even know how I saved the first 12 pictures i took.. but now it will not save anymore. What the heck happened? xD I have a 2GB card in my phone.. surely those 12 pictures didn't fill that card up... Figured this one out myself. I hooked it up to the Desktop Manager, and suddenly all the pictures I had taken appeared.
Buying Ringtones: On my old LG phone, i used to purchase ringtones from RealTone Jukebox.. where they had snippets of songs that I could download for a crazyhigh fee. Where can i purchase real music ringtones for the BlackBerry? Do i have to make them myself?
Moving Media to my PC?: I went through the Sprint Music Store that came with my device, and purchased two songs. I want to know if I can get these songs off of my BlackBerry device and to my PC. Also, if anyone knows what format they're in (if they've purchased from the Sprint music store before).
Purchasing another Memory Card: Where's the best place to purchase one of those mini memory cards? A friend of mine has like, a 24 gig one.. and i currently have a 2 gig (which, i should mention, is more fricken memory than i have in the computer i'm writing on right now xD) How will i know if the card is compatable with my device?
WTF @ Red Light?: Every so often (it may still be doing this, i'm not sure), the little red light at the top of my device will blink even if i don't have a low battery or any new messages. It first happened lastnight when a friend sent me 3 IMs at one time. I had to restart my device and i think it stopped. Earlier, it happened again (I had multiple new messages) and this time, every time my screen lit up, the indicator was solid red.. not blinking. It may still be like that now, but i'm not sure. My device is in the other room and i'm too lazy to check xD. Why is it doing this? How can I make it stop?
Turning the Camera Noise off?: My device makes the camera shutter noise, even when on silent. Is there a way to stop this?
Auto Keyboard Lock: I EPIC purse-dial people. I see there is a Keyboard Lock button in the BlackBerry Dashboard (is that the correct term for it?) But i want to make it to where the keyboard auto-locks after a certain amount of time. Is that possible? I saw somewhere about pressing the mute button will lock it... is that the button at the top/center of the device?
BlackBerry Key?: Okay, don't laugh, i know i'm retarded. But, the key to the left of the track pad.. what the heck is that called? It's got the BlackBerry logo on it... is it called the BlackBerry Key? I know, I know, i'm retarded and could probably flip through the manual to figure it out.. but still. I might as well ask now xD
Choosing Icons to display on the main screen: When I added an e-mail address, it put an icon on my main desktop, in the row of icons on the bottom of the screen. (where my background picture is and all that). Can we choose which icons we want to display on the main screen? I don't really need my calendar icon there, as I know i won't use it. I'd love to move the Keyboard Lock button there though.. is that possible?
Speaker Phone?: How do i make Speaker Phone happen? xD
Theme Studio (Software, not device related): Has anyone used this? Is it pretty user friendly? I'm tech savvy, but I don't want to just download a ton of programs to my PC that i won't use xD I'm working on getting the Desktop Manager and it's taking forever. I want to make themes, but i'm curious how user-friendly this program is.. or if it'd take a graphic design graduate to use it xD
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Aug 3, 2010
I have had my curve 8520 for about three weeks and whenever i get a picture message i try to retrieve it and i dont get it. it says receiving message for a while but then it just goes away, other times it will wont receive the message for a long time then after a few hours i get it. why does it do this? why cant i get the picture message right away?
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Jan 28, 2010
I have the curve 8530 and I can't set the alarm! Sometimes the number icon appears so I can type in a time but it doesnt recognize it most of the time & sets some random time. I can do all of the other functions in the clock besides set the alarm. Is there a fix for this or anyone else having this issue?
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May 27, 2010
I'm actually asking on behalf of my employer.I wanted to know how to add/create footers using the BlackBerry Curve 8530 model series.
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Jun 3, 2010
I have spent over 30 minutes on my phoine trying different things to fix the issue. When ever i get a call the phone only rings once and then vibrates.... its irritating especially becuase i dont always hear trhe first ring. The ring tone is Ringer_BBPro_1
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Jun 3, 2010
I typed in full email address in "To" field and then some text in the body. When ready to send, I press that "Menu" button and got a list of options on the left-hand side. Everything except "Send" Can only save as draft. However,
(1) if I go to contact list first and select someone's email then I can send. No problem.
(2) also, SMS provides "send" option so no issue there either.
(3) receiving emails works fine.
Did "resend service books" numerous times and battery pull too.
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May 6, 2010
I have only had this for 2days and I am unable to get the emails working, in the set up tables the email setting icon is not there and when I try to set up the email in the set up wizard, email set up only gives 1 option 'I want to use a work email account with blackberry enterprise server' which I don't I wan to connect to my home email address with Sky Email
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Jul 25, 2010
How to use the same folder email on my blackberry? When I change my mobile network and register again my bb and setup email again with my old email, my bb will make a new folder to store my email. How can I change my bb setting still using my old email folder?
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May 21, 2010
I have tried and tried, but can't get Media Sync to find my BB Curve.
Desktop Manager can find my BB - and it says it's working & connected, but when I launch Media Sync, after 3 mins of searching, it says "Please connect a BB device".
I have tried without launching DTM - i.e. launching Media Sync on its own.
I have tried all variations of restarts, of both BB and laptop AND removing the battery at all sorts of stages in the process. No joy.
I don't see a drive on Windows Explorer with my BB however.
I'm running Windows Vista, SP1.
1. Device model number: 8520
2. carrier or mobile provider: Virgin Mobile
3. OS release v
Extra history:
1) I downloaded Desktop Manager from the CD and then updated it automatically.
2) I then followed some detailed instructions from this forum elsewhere and totally removed every trace of it (including regedit entries).
3) I downloaded a clean copy of the latest DTM from BB website
4) I then updated the Curve OS software - now on version 5.01 (and yes, like everyone I prefered the old style of key locking!)
5) I also replaced the USB cable since that seemed to provoke a constant cycle of reboots on my BB - this was an earlier problem that a different cable fixed, but that's another story!
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May 20, 2010
I have repeatedly downloaded media sync, and I cannot transfer pictures off of my girlfriend's 8530 curve? Anyone else experience this? If so, how did you get around it?Since all the documentation is for the PC, I'm thinking RIM is trying to pull a fast one on Mac users.
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Aug 8, 2010
When I launch Media Manager on my PC, I get a message that file "About_RIM_Background.png" is not found, and the application terminates. I found the file is present. What can I do to get pictures off my BlackBerry and into my PC?
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Jan 26, 2010
My Curve 8520 was delivered 7 days ago from Virgin Media UK. I am unable to create a Blackberry account as "my device is not registered with my wireless service provider" . I have gone through the Host Routing table regsiter but still nothing. Virgin's call centre do not allow you to access their Virgin Blackberry help team directly, and in fact claim they can only email them themselves. The call centre say the Blackberries are very popular and I will have to wait 3 days for the Virgin Blackberry team to contact me. I obviously would like to get my 8520 up and running. Do I have to wait for Virgin? Should I draw the conclusion that Virgin are all marketing mouth and no Blackberry trousers?
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Jul 9, 2011
i accidentally hid my picture folder en other pictures,,, how can i get back those files
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Mar 30, 2010
I have a Curve 8530, and I am curious about the apps that I can use. I see all kinds of apps for other phones. Specifically, I want a mobile banking application, but my model phone is not listed. The 8330 Curve phone is. Can I use the 8330 apps on the 8530? What is the difference? I find it hard to believe that all of these apps are developed separately for different phones.
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Jun 3, 2010
So I bought the 8530 from Verizon yesterday. I am having a ton of problems with text messaging, mostly in my house.First, I do have full service in my house Wifi is turned off and I haven't modified any connections or settings to effect this.
I will get the red X that messages aren't sent, then "retries exceeded", "mobile equipment status failed", . I also get odd error messages."SMS error 7, message id 32 general problems".I have no idea, and neither did google about that error message.
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May 27, 2010
I have the BB Curve 8530.I tried to move my calculator from it's original spot, and all of a sudden it disappeared.I have no idea where it went.I tried looking in all the folders, but couldn't see it anywhere.Is there a way for me to search for its location on the phone, or is there a way of re-installing it?
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Mar 19, 2010
My phone is the Blackberry Curve 8530
1. I have two e-mail accounts set up on my phone. One the one, the red * alert symbol always shows up on that email account's folder, but for the other one the red * alert symbol for new messages shows up on the separate "messages" folder. how do i fix this?
2. I keep randomly receving the message alert symbol (the red *) on my SMS folder, but I click it and i don't have any new messages and all of my messages are read... what's the deal here?
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Jun 16, 2010
I just dowloaded and installed desktop software 5.13 and am now not getting any email updates on my curve.I did change me email password in Hotmail, but now cannot reconfigure either of Outlook and my device to allow for continued delivery to my device.I hope someone here can point me in the right direction. I've not been able to find anything via Google or even Microsoft.
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Apr 25, 2010
So i bought a curve 8530.I had a curve 8330 until i dropped it into the toilet. anyhow so i plugged my new phone that i bought yesterday into my NETBOOK vis the USB cord and it turned my phone off... and it had the red LED on and the phone would NOT turn on until i unplugged it.So i tried it on my desktop computer and VOILA! Worked but not on my netbook (I need it to work on my netbook for tethering)
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Mar 15, 2010
My daughter and I each got curve 8530's. When I take a photo and save it, it shows up under media and pictures. When she takes photos and saves them, they do not show up there. We both have the same store pictures and folder settings. Interestingly, I pulled her battery yesterday and all the photos started showing up again. But, today she is having problems saving pictures and seeing them in the media folder.
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Apr 15, 2010
traded 8350 to 8530 I work construction ringer volume vary poor not the same as my 8350 any salutions other than 10 on the volume
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