I just bought a blackberry bold 9900 3 days ago. When I tried to connect it to my PC with the USB cable, it doesn't recognize it, but it charges it anyway. I installed the desktop software but it doesn't find it either. I tried everything and I think the problem is in the phone since I tried to connect it to 2 different computers and it doesn't work on both.
I recently changed the password on my Yahoo email. I have been trying to change it on my Bold 9650 but to start I have to enter my ID (which I checked and is my email address) but when I enter it I get an error message saying that my "user name is invalid. A user bane nust be at least 4 characters." and I can get no further. I have verified my Blackberry ID and my username but nothing I do works. As a last resort, how do I delete my email account entirely and start over?
I was prompted to upgrade App World when I went to use it today, and now the phone doesn't recognize my Blackberry ID.
I can log in using my laptop and the ID and password are fine, but if I try to download anything via App World on the phone, it tells me that the password is invalid.
The app. doen't recognize my blackberry 9700.Also when I connect to the USB only the first time the desktop opens if I try again it will not open untill I reboot the computer.
Afternoon, my blackberry was stolen last night so i have gone onto the blackberry protect site to wipe up my data, etc. but the site shows 'add device'. my device is not showing? i know it was definitely installed on my phone because it always used to tell me that my backup was successful after backing up and also, it is on my blackberry app world.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9900. The phone worked for about 3 months and then it just died. It won't start up or charge. I went to T-Mobile Netherlands for repair. They said they could sent it for repair at my own cost. This should be warrenty right?
My phone was working fine and then earlier today it turned off on its own, and it wouldnt turn back on with the power button. First try on batter pull, the BB loading screen flashes but the loading bar only reaches 50%, and stays that way. I removed the battery two more times and nothing has changed. My phone is only 3 mos old and is running on OS 7, got at least 2gbs memory free.
Getting really angry with this phone now, 2nd or 3rd day without it turning on, what happened was it was running out of battery and I plugged it in thinking it was charging, not realising i've not actually turnt the socket on (typical manic mum moment) come back to it and it wasn't wokring, so now I decided to leave it over night on charge, nope... so went and brought a new charger thinking it might be a charger issue. still to no avail. Now its randomly varying between red led flashing with long pauses, sometimes it would start loading with the blackberry screen and loading bar then restart itself back to black screen and red led instead on going on to the main screen, other times its coming up with empty battery and red line through it... i've tried installing the blackberry desktop software to get it working that way, removed battery etc, held down the end call button, all the usual suspect moves.. and still nothing. I really need this phone to be working i've all my numbers, sons photos etc on there, really dont want to do a whole system reset..
I've putted my bb on charge at night and when I woke up I couldn't turn on my phone... but the red led light on the right top corner were still on..I tried to take of the battery 10 sec and put it back in, no success then I connected the phone without the battery and tried to turn it on, a battery icon appeared with an X on it,but still no success.I tried to press 3 times on the button wich turn on the phone, (recommended by my technical support provider to make a reset), it didn't worked either.I went on internet to try to find something to do, there are a lot of persons who has the same problem, but nobody seems to know how to get raid of it...
I have BB 9900 bold. My operator is Turkcell from Turkey. My BB device is unlock by unknown reason. I using same operator and I know my devices supported my sim. I try to wipe , update version and reset factory but still my unlock screen doesn't t come for code entry.
I did update my Bold 9900 to OS 7.1. The blue led is always on even when Bluetooth is off. No more backlight on the keyboard. No more stereo and microphone on the headsetFor now is what I found and I am wondering if I will get more problems or not. how to re-install the OS?
My blackberry doesnt start up, the red light just comes and goes I don't know what to do ive tried taking out the battery and charging it without the battery then putting it in but nothing seems to work?
Just switched from a bold 9700 to bold 9900. Our mobile signal is extremely limited since we're out in the country so wifi is essential here.On my 9700, wifi worked perfectly with all applications but that doesn't appear to be the case with the bold 9900. Several apps are extremely slow or don't work at all. I think the reason for this is the 9900 isn't using wifi for some apps. I believe some apps are using wifi such as the browser and facebook but app world, google maps, scoremobile, whatsapp and tunein radio to name a few don't appear to be using wifi at all.
I haven't had my 9900 that long but the app world doesn't work. And although my bbm worked yesterday afternoon, it is now not working again this morning.
I wake up in the morning, removing my Bold 9900 from the charger, i found the LED blinking continuously in red and it doesnt respond to me switching it on.
It also doesnt respond to Desktop Software Manager.
I tried a couple of things from different forums, but with no joy. I read this is a well know issue to RIM,
yesterday my phone switches off automatically at battery level 15, and today at battery level 25 the phone switches off again... Then at the moment I plug my charger cable into my phone (at battery level 15) it reboots and after the reboot the touchscreen no longer works. Then I upgraded Whatsapp and rebooted my phone again to see if it is fixed, but it still isn't the touchscreen simply doesn't work... It doesn't respond when I press on screen icon or scroll or whatever I do.
my blackberry bold 9900 which I´ve had for about 3 months now doesn´t turn on, I´ve read stuff everywhere about bricked or nuked phones, but normally the red light is flashing I think.
I bought blackberry bold 9900 and when I put the memory it doesnt work ! And the phone says that no memory card I tried it in my old blackberry phone and it works !
My bold 9900 doesnt play music through the headphones anymore, it just blasts it out. i have tried rebooting it and tried several pairs of headphones. when i plug them in, the icon flashes between the headset icon and the normal icon. i have also tried putting them in slowly and holding them in, but none of these work.
I have a problem with my two days old BBB 9900.I want to use the camera light, but it doesn't work.I tried all camera application light settings, but none was sucessful.Is there a setting option for the light outside of the camera settings?
I have a bold 9900, since the day I opened it and attached it to my computer.. it doesn't back up! I have a iMac with Snow Lepord. How do I get it to back up? It's on full warranty.
I'm a proud owner of a new Bold 9900 bought today. However, just now i was trying the Holster and it doesnt work. I believe the magnet is placed abit too low. As when I tried my phone placement outside the holster it seems to be able to auto lock if i placed it abit lower. Is there any way to get the holster replace?
My bold 9900 doesnt play music through the headphones anymore, it just blasts it out. i have tried rebooting it and tried several pairs of headphones. when i plug them in, the icon flashes between the headset icon and the normal icon. i have also tried putting them in slowly and holding them in, but none of these work. I have only recently bought it and it has never been dropped or damaged.
My new Bold 9900 has stopped automatically searching for the network, so basically every time I go on the underground, it loses reception (obviously), but then it doesn't automatically find it again when I am out in the open. I don't think i have changed any settings..
i've got a brand new bold 9900, recently upgraded to the latest OS7 version. However when trying to sync by BBerry Desktop Software it starts ok but suddenly pops "error trying to open the device data base", then jumps to the next screen and finishes the whole process.
I realized that TASKS app doesn't work on my device. It prompts the error "Uncaught exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException".