BB Bold :: T-mobile 9300 Has Sporadic 3G Connectivity?
Feb 3, 2012
BB9300 wont pick up 3G networks in scan on the odd occasion (around 1% of useage time) will suddenly auto connect to 3G network for a short period then drop back to GPRS even when it finds a 3G connection a manual scan only supplied 2G connection options, Ive tried reinstalling BB OS, reregistering with network and called my SP (Tmobile UK) who say there is plenty of coverage at 3 locations Ive tested from...Im at my wits end...anyone have any ideas on how to check whether 3G antenna is functioning correctly?
I have recently lost my mobile connectivity to the BB service. When connected to WiFi I have full connectivity to the BB messenger and Email, when connected to Mobile I do not. I run version 6.0 bundle 3049.
my curve 9300 cannot connect to the mobile network since yesterday night...av tried the battery pull and currently running the diagnostic which is taking forever..
Twitter and facebook apps worked just fine on wifi. I don't have a data plan. Then Rogers gave me 2 months of free data plan. Now that the 2 months have ended, the twitter, facebook apps along with a few others only work sporadically on wifi for the last 2 weeks. They do not necessarily connect to the internet (network unavailable), even when the browser does connect. It seems the apps are having problems but the browser is doing okay. After a reboot, it works for an hour or so before losing connection. Then it can be a day and multiple reboots before it comes back.
So my bold 9700 LED light will start flashing for a few seconds and then stop, about every ten minutes or so. I don't have a message or any notification and it drives me crazyyyyy. Does anyone know what I can do to stop this!
I am using Airtel Blackberry Internet Services on 9300, After activating the services I got the EDGE icon in Caps and the internet works but only for a minute after that no pages are loading. Even apps don't work it takes forever to load and I get no internet connectivity but I still have the EDGE icon in caps and the network usage arrows working.
I got my N900 monday together with a new O2 sim card. It worked fine on monday and tuesday, but since yesterday, the connectivity to the O2 network is down. When I start up the phone, it asks for the PIN; so it seems that the sim card is recognized. But it does not connect to the network! The provider name does not appear next to the status bar, and there is no connectivity indicator on the status bar. Offline mode is disabled, of course.
Text messages cannot be send; when I try to call someone, I get an error (translated from german: "network not available" or similar). The strange thing is that sometimes I can reach the network for very short time. I then get missed test messages, but that's it. The connection lasts for not more than 2-3 minutes, I guess. I tried another sim card, and this one did not work, too. The sim card was placed properly into the slot. Is there anything I can do, or may this be a well-known firmware bug?
I have just bought a Microsoft Surface table. This does not have a 3G option. One thought is to access 3g via my Blackberry Curve 9300. Many mobiles can be enabled as a hotspot. Is this possible with the 9300?
Every once in a while, when I select CAMERA, the device reboots! Missed a lot of pictures because this happens - not all the time, and not in conjunction with any other activity/function of the Storm II.
My device started shutting down a couple of weeks ago with no apparent trigger.At first, a simple battery pull would be followed by a successful reboot. As time passed, this was no longer sufficient and I had to do a battery pull while the device was plugged in to a power source, for full reboot.
I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 on Verizon. Stock Email program with corporate Exchange email account. 2 emails that I delete on the phone just won't go away. No matter how many times I delete them, or which method I use, I even tried moving them to the Trash folder, they pop back up in my inbox. Confirmed they are completely deleted on the Exchange server. I have cleared the cache and cleared the data on the multiple Email programs in the application manager multiple times, they still come back, just these two specific emails. I also booted into the menu and wiped the whole cache partition, no luck.
Have a BB curve 9300 3g, software ver 6. on a payg contract with Tesco. It worked fine until this morning when I noticed it was rebooting (the same as a battery pull) constantly. It would boot, update security and reboot again. Finally managed to switch off wifi and mobile network to see if this made a difference and the rebooting stopped. I've since switched on wifi, and this is fine.
But as soon as the mobile network is turned on it will try to obtain a signal and within 2 or 3 seconds will start rebooting again. I've tried it with different battery, different sim, with and without microsd card, deleting all apps, upgrading software to latest version etc etc but nothing works. Right now I have a mobile phone which is of no use as it cannot receive a mobile signal.
I have a BB Bold 9700 and during the holidays, I went to my parents' place, where there was no cell coverage... But the weird thing is that my Contacts disappeared as soon as I lost connectivity.... I figured they would reappear when I had coverage again, but not!
So I did a restore from my latest backup in BB Desktop Manager (latest version) and it still didn't work... I don't know what to do anymore...
The rest is still there, calendar, saved messages, pics, etc...)
i have recently upgraded from a curve 9300 to a bold 9900 and am following the same download procedures from music sites however the files do not appear in the usual music folder. i cant find them anywhere on the bb, even using the file manager. however when i connect the bb to my laptop, they are there.
I am trying to restore my contacts to my 9900 bold from a 9300 curve and am having no luck - contacts list shows "no contacts".I have tries via BB Desktop software and BB Protect.
I was trying to choose my browser and I cant find the option to do so?I am running OS 6.I need to choose the browser in order to access my corperate intranet and thus far have come up with nothing.
I used BB Bold 9900 with Leaked OS (B1333), BIS data & Wireless connections.When I configure Mobile Hotspot on my BB, I always got the message "Cannot start mobile hotspot due to a temporary network problem. how can I setup & configure my mobile hotspot on my device?
I just bought a Blackberry Bold 9900 and I have a data plan with T-Mobile. I was just wondering if there was a speical type of data plan you have to have with this phone because mine doesn't seem to be working.
I have a problem with the internet on my Bold 9900. When I'm on internet with Wifi there's no problem. When I'm on internet via my mobile network, Facebook & the browser can't connect. Blackberry Apps World & Amazon haven't got this problem. I have already went to my provider (Proximus) and they said my internet must work fine.
I have a blackberry bold 9000 but have cracked the screen so now can see anything on it. The mobile network is currently switched off - is there a shortcut key to turn on the mobile network?
I recently bought a blackberry bold 9900 from mobile up front with a prepaid sim in it. I am moving to australia so need to get it unlocked. I called t-mobile and they won't provide me with a code because I haven't had it for 60 days yet with them. So i too to do one of those phone fixers in the corner stores that say they unlock phones and they punched in a bunch of codes and it didn't work. So i took it to another person said yes yes of course I can do that for you, punched in a bunch of codes and again, failed. So now my phone only has two more attempts on it to unlock it and I am scared to take it to another place or try one of these online codes you can buy as I don't want to end up with a $600 phone that is permenantly locked.Any sugestions? I could just wait the 60 days out and call t mobile back again but by then I will be in australia and if things don't work then I can't exactly just take it back into the. T mobile store.Could it be that the codes aren't working because the phone is programed not to be allowed to be unlocked for 60 days?
Okay, so I have a blackberry bold 9700 smartphone (3G, Wifi) v5.0.0.422 (platform, i know i havent updated in a while.
It seems to be picking up Rogers network, when I am on the Telus network. It will not find the Telus network at all. I've tried pulling out my simcard, and resetting it. I've tried to manually select Telus, but it will not come up, it says: Mobile Network: *none* or Rogers.
I have a unlock 9930 which I got on Verizon, I am currently using it on TMobile.I can make receive calls just fine, sms works fine, I can even access the app world, However I can`t get any emails or the internet to work. If I put my simcard in my old blackberry storm it work just fine. So I am assuming it`s a tmobile setting.I have already changed the apn but still nothing, called Tmobile and they couldn`t figure it out.