I have a blackberry bold 9000 but have cracked the screen so now can see anything on it. The mobile network is currently switched off - is there a shortcut key to turn on the mobile network?
I have a problem with the internet on my Bold 9900. When I'm on internet with Wifi there's no problem. When I'm on internet via my mobile network, Facebook & the browser can't connect. Blackberry Apps World & Amazon haven't got this problem. I have already went to my provider (Proximus) and they said my internet must work fine.
Okay, so I have a blackberry bold 9700 smartphone (3G, Wifi) v5.0.0.422 (platform, i know i havent updated in a while.
It seems to be picking up Rogers network, when I am on the Telus network. It will not find the Telus network at all. I've tried pulling out my simcard, and resetting it. I've tried to manually select Telus, but it will not come up, it says: Mobile Network: *none* or Rogers.
my curve 9300 cannot connect to the mobile network since yesterday night...av tried the battery pull and currently running the diagnostic which is taking forever..
I have a Bold 9930, and suddenly the mobile network is not able to connect any more. All the other phone functions are working without any issues including wireless, bluetooth, ....
I tried to restart the phone, remove the battery, but still doesn't work. I tried my SIM card on another phone and it's working without any issues.
My phone won't connect to the mobile network. Everytime I try to connect it the device tell me that it not part of my service plan. I have contacted my mobile provider and they did not find anything wrong and I have put my SIM-card in other phones and the network works on them so their is something wrong with my phone.
This time i wanted to get my mobile host network to work but i didint know how to activate it. i took the phone to them but sadly they dont sell BB's and they dont know how to input the network options. i have all the connetion info but i cant find were to input them. i tried though the desktop manager but i wont connect. now i use Wi-fi to go to the internet but i olny can use it in home.
I just got a bold 9900 a couple weeks ago and I like it. I use facebook a lot and it worked on the mobile network not on wifi. Yesterday I synced my bold for updates and now facebook doesn't on my mobile network and only on wifi. How I can change it back so I can use my mobile network rather than wifi.
I am connected to my home wifi on the phone, but for some reason when I am browsing the web or trying to download apps from bb app world it uses my mobile network data services. Is there a way I can specify the phone to pick up wifi over the Mobile Services when connected to a wifi Network?
Hey,I have a question for turning off a mobile network,because I'm going on a holydays in the other country,and I want to turn off every connection to a network,don't want to recieve any e-mail,any updates from internet.I don't want to get to pay too much.If I will use internet in the other country,I will have to pay a lot,and that's what I don't want to.So how can I disable getting e-mail,or internet acces?
I got a new 9810 in April 2012.Very happy with all the features of the phone EXPECT it keeps loosing network. I submitted it for repairs and was issued a New phone. Exactly the same problem- had the new phone for a week.I have tried Automatic & Manual Network selection, both 3G & 2G.I have updated the software and not installed any themes. It can't be a Network issue as i used my old curve without problem while I waited for my new phone from Vodacom.
my phone was working fine until it suddely wouldn't pick up a signal? i've tryed changing sim cards and i've checked with everyone on the same network if there's is working fine and it is what can i do? i've also updated my phone and restarted it multipel times.
IM in range of service and all such just started yester day thought it was because of bad signal but have gone to places I know have good signal and still nothing it will also randomly search for service when it does find some it gets bars plus x which doesn't let me make call or anything I have tried resting removed the battery and all the other tricks i know of
My phone stopped working randomly a couple of days ago. I cant send or receive texts or calls. In the corner where the signal is, changed from edge/GPRS to GMS now it's just constantly on SOS. I've tried going into mobile network options and switching network and then switching back and it's saying that my mobile network is out of range? I've also tried doing a battery pull and doing a security wipe which just deleted all my contacts I've been in contact with my mobile network and they told me try the SIM in another phone, and that worked so it's definitely a problem with the phone rather than the network.
I am trying to access the internet using the Mobile Network? When I go to Manage Connections, I enable Mobile Network. On the top right it shows the internet signal, with 3-4 bars (it varies) with and H+ to the left of it. Doesn't this mean that the internet should work? So I try using the Browser, just typing in something like [URL] and I get the following message, "There is insufficient network coverage to process your request. Please try again later."I've tried it a few times and it still gives me the same message. I've made sure that Data Services is "On", and below where it says Mobile Network and Network Mode it shows: AT&T and 3G/H+ & 2G, respectively.
In the Service Status tab, it shows:
Mobile Voice Status: Available Connection: Mobile Nework
When I bought the phone, the salespeople had told me the internet should be activated. I called them a few mins ago and they said the same thing. Also, just an FYI, when I connect to my WiFi network at home the internet works just fine. It's when I turn WiFi networks off, and leave Mobile Network "On" that the internet stops working.
I cannot connect to my mobile network. I recently got a bb 8800 which has been unlocked to all networks (checked this all categories disabled when I type MEPD).
I have a sim card with three (network) but it won't connect to the mobile network just displays SOS in the top right corner.
I have tried restarting/taking out battery/changing sim/leaving for hours but nothing. In manage connections it is set to orange when I try to scan for available networks it only displays orange, vodafone, O2 and t-mobile and all of these won't connect.
what to do I lost my old bb (and didn't have insurance silly me) so got a replacement sim from my network and managed to get this 8800 for a good price but that's no good if it's not connecting.
I noticedlast night that my phone was saying no service and couldn't find a signal. I my tried my sim in my old phone and it's ok so no fault there. iPhone Recognises the sim just won't pick up a signal.
IMEI can be seen,everything is fine, when plugged in my orange sim card it just said "mobile network not available". The signal strength is fine and can be seen. I tried an O2 sim card, a talktalk (vodafone) sim card and they both worked fine. both of my 2 orange sim cards didn't work on this phone, but they worked fine on my other 2 phones. latest update, just flashed orange stock rom KJ4, got the same problem.tried manually connect to orange, got notice that "unable to connect, try later".
some more detail:every time when I flashed a new rom, always a notice saying "can't access to "/system/csc/ORA/system/". Tried *#272*imei#, there was no optional CSC available.
I have tried reinstalling the frimware and all that did was lose my apps. Tried doing a different firmware and tried rooting all the same results. The phone is definitely unlocked and unblocked as while I was searching google I came across one of those secret codes to show the status of the locks and all 4 of the categories were unlocked. I have tried a batterry pull and tried cleaning the Sim card. Also just in case this helps when I g into Settings>Call>Additional Settings it says 'Network Or Sim card error'. However the Sim card is perfectly fine.
I've just bought a used phone the old users reset it back to factory settings,the phone is locked to T Mobile i recently got a new t mobile sim card it loads up fine but i notice that it says on mobile network 'network unavailble' seems to not be connected to a network even though it should be connected to T mobile.when i click on it in the operator selection i choose T Mobile but it says 'no access' i also cant make any calls on it when i do any call it says 'emergency calls only'