BB Bold :: Setting Clock While Charging?
Jun 11, 2011I have my 9900's clock set to show while charging. Is is supposed to disappear when fully charged?
View 2 RepliesI have my 9900's clock set to show while charging. Is is supposed to disappear when fully charged?
View 2 RepliesIs there a way to change the clock alarm weekdays setting from Monday - Friday to Sunday - Thursday ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan I make the screen blank when its charging/sitting in its base?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI love the bedside mode of the Storm 2, especially with the dock I recently purchased. The only problem is, I like the room dark as possible and even with the phone in bedside mode when charging, and the setting check to dim the clock, it's still far to bright.
Is there a way of having clock on, but have the screen go off with the usual setting to black the screen after say 30 seconds or whatever I choose for the backlighting time out, then have the screen come on if I reach over and touch the screen to display the clock, then letting the backlighting go off again after the preset time?
This would make the setup perfect for me, allowing me to use the Storm 2 as a bedside clock without having to have the display on all the time, but being able to turn it on for a short period of time as needed. If this is possible, can somebody post the settings needed
I have setup my new HTC One X with the various times of the major international cities. But i need to add the GMT time also to the world clock. How do I do that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have set the calendar so that Sunday (in UAE) is the first working day of the week. When I select weekdays for the alarm it doesn't recognise this and doesn't go off on a Sunday. It still goes off on a Friday which is the weekend. So I have to remember to keep switching it on or off How can I change this setting?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to it says connect it says speaker cannot be turned on while using bluetooth headset. If I don't have it connected to the headset it says please connect the handset it works as the antenna. What can I do? I would like to be able to use the radio on this as an alarm clock as it is an option in the alarm settings but yet it cant be played out loud?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy clock stopped coming on when my phone is connected to the wll charger, the clock does come on when the phone is connected to the computer. Does anyone have a solutions? Just got phone replaced and the new one does the same thing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have had a Storm 1 for a couple of years now and my biggest pet peeve is the brightness of the clock after dimming in bedside mode. I'm looking at upgrading to the S2. Can you adjust the brightness of bedside mode in S2?
View 6 Replies View RelatedFollowing recent update to, the clock does not display when device is plugged into a charger. I check the clock settings and "when charging" is set to "display clock."
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recieved new Storm 9550 replacement. OS 5.0.0. Clock will not display when charging. Box is checked in settings. Clock will display when connected to desktop computer. I have changed setting and rebooted several times, but it will still not display.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo about a week ago, I docked my iPhone 4S into my Sony ICF-C7iP clock radio as I do every evening before going to bed. I bought this clock radio back in August and have had no problems with it at all. However this time, I noticed my phone was not charging. It didn't make the charging beep nor did it show on the display that it was charging. I tried removing it & re-seating it...nothing. I tried rebooting my phone which resulted in the same problem. When I plug my iPhone into either a standard sync cable or an iPhone dock, it charges/syncs as normal.
Suspecting the problem was with the alarm clock, I contacted Sony support. The clueless support rep on the other line suggested I return the clock in exchange for a refurbished one. For a $60 clock, this was more trouble than it was worth, so I decided against it.
I then decided to purchase an iHome iA9 which was sure to work. I just unpacked it and set it up. When I docked the iPhone on guessed it...nothing. It is still not charging. The funny thing is that the iPhone will play music through the iHome with no problems. I had also tried plugging the iHome into a different outlet with no luck either. I am out of ideas. I am left to assume that for some reason, my phone does no longer like charging when docked on to an alarm clock.
how I can get this to work again? I recently upgraded to iOS 5.1 and honestly don't know if that would have anything to do with it. But the likelihood of 2 completely different clock radios exhibiting the same problem is virtually non-existent.
As mentioned, I tried rebooting the phone with no luck. Docking the phone to a standard charging cable plugged into the wall charges the phone fine. Docking the phone on an iPhone compatable dock charges the phone fine. Is the problem with my phone?
I turn my phone off before bedtime and plug it in to charge. The alarm still goes off at the time I have it set and when I go to hit "snooze" the phone is on.
Ipod Touch, iOS 4
I want to know EXACTLY how i should charge my iphone 4s. So far i have been setting my alarm to wake me up so i can disconect my phone to prevent overcharging. Is it okay if i use my laptop to charge my phone everyday, will using my laptop harm my battery,note my laptop must be charging also in order for it to charge my phone. If i leave my phone pluged into my laptop does my phone overcharge or does it stop charging when it reches 100%. and will leaving it plugged in affect my battery in anyway? I have read that lithium batteries dont overcharge but i also read soemthing that said it will mess up your batter, and is it true that fully discharging it and fully charging all the time is bad? and i heard that i should partialy charge it sometimes not to kill battery life?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
Help! I bought a BlackBerry Charging Pod for my 9700, the packaging that came with it says it is for a Tour 9630.
I plugged it in and the power light on the pod lit up but there is no indication on the 9700 that says it is charging when placed in pod and I set the clock to display when charging and that doesn't work when placed in the pod!I bought it from a place called OEM in Brooklyn.
Z2, updated to latest F/W (i believe, D6503/5.1.1/23.4.A.0.546)
Noticed.. when the screen is on, the clock doesnt update?
For example. Phone is on charge, lock screen clock is shown. Time doesnt move.
Lock/unlock and time updates.
I have just bought a brand-new E5 and i love it. but i noticed something. when i put the standby mode to "Basic" the clock is nowhere to be found. how is this? is there a way (without changing the standby mode screen) to place the clock on the main screen?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use either Sony clock or digital clock on lock screen. However, it will get changed to analog clock for no reason. Few times already. Changed it back to digital/Sony clock, but it goes back to analog clock after awhile (days). Any way to make the Sony/digital clock to stick?
View 10 Replies View RelatedThe clock (world clock I assume) disappears from the main screen when there is no reception. How do I change it to local clock so I get time 24/7?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI would like to use my iPhone as a bedside clock at night, but it keeps going to sleep. Is there a way to keep the clock face on while charging?
iphone, iOS 4
My clock/weather widget is still showing up on my home screen, but I can no longer click on it to get to the clock app with the world clock and the alarms. I can't find the clock app on the phone at all anymore. How do I get it back? I go get a new clock app from the app store, but I really like the HTC sense clock.
View 1 Replies View RelatedRed Clock appears when trying to send a BBM?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat does it mean when a red clock appears when trying to send a BBM?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen he goes on to the clock application, or bedside mode, an unknown red symbol comes up, with 09:00 next to it. I'm guessing its some sort of alarm or alert but what is it and how do I get rid of it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I am debating about using bedtime mode and just have a quick question.I am worried about the clock "burning" into my display since it would be on for hours at a time, every night.Is that something i shoudl be worrying about? How long would it have to be like in order for the clock to "burn" in to the display? Has anyone had this happen to them?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to get the clock as the lock screen on the 9650? I just got mine today and love the big flip clock display and would love to make this the lock screen somehow, but it only displays when charging. I can't believe there is a setting for this? Sweet phone by the way, I went from an 8330.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen i try to send a text message i get a red clock and the message is attending and is never send.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just started getting this new icon with the alarm clock and a plus sign..
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Bold 9700 keeps on freezing or has a clock spinning around for which I have to remove the battery to fix the problem. don't mention the fact that I might have too many apps installed as I don't and even if I did why should it be a problem? I have almost 20 apps on my iPhone and it never caused a problem wrt freezing or stalling.RIM should really up their game as Samsung and Apple will leave them so far behind in the market that it will be impossible to ever catch up.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have got the bold 9780 keeeps poping up small clock , I tried to follow the instruction in the link above but I couldn't get rid off the clock?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat and why is there the small clock icon that pops up on my 9930
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