BB Bold :: 9700 Keeps On Freezing Or Has A Clock Spinning Around
Sep 10, 2010
My Bold 9700 keeps on freezing or has a clock spinning around for which I have to remove the battery to fix the problem. don't mention the fact that I might have too many apps installed as I don't and even if I did why should it be a problem? I have almost 20 apps on my iPhone and it never caused a problem wrt freezing or stalling.RIM should really up their game as Samsung and Apple will leave them so far behind in the market that it will be impossible to ever catch up.
My BB Bold 9700 is getting slower and slower by the day. Today it got so bad that the spinning clock just kept coming on and on and eventually I had to take out the battery.v6.0.0.666, Platform Storage: Free Space: 45.1 MB?Media Card Storage: Total Space is 1.8GB and free space 940 MB.
All too frequently my BB 9900 touch decides to just flash up the spinning clock icon and be generally unresponsive. Similarly sometimes the phone refuses to wake up for a minute or two when the unlock button is pressed / having been in the holster etc.
I just got a new 9780 about 1 month ago--the phone battery is draining in 5 hours--I have changed the battery 3 times--upgrade software--and Yes Bluetooth and Wifi are off. Also I keep getting a spinning clock that can last 2 minutes?
So lately, I've been having trouble with my storm running very slow. It does the "loading" graphic, or the spinning clock, or whatever it's called ALL the time. I pop my battery all the time and it doesn't seem to help. And the Storm will do this even when I have barely anything open. For example, at the moment, if I press the menu key, the only programs I have are my browser, BBM, the home icon, message icon and phone icon. That's it. But every time I pick my phone up to do something, I get the loading thing. I tried clearing my browser cache, but that didn't help. I also deleted a bunch of saved y!m message logs and deleted some pics, but still no go. It never used to be this slow, I have Verizon Wireless, and I'm running on V4.7.0.148.
I have a 3gs that i jailbroke with a few weeks ago. today it froze and when i tried to restart it, it shows the apple logo with the spinning wheel and it just keeps spinning. What can i do if i dont want to restore it because it will upgrade my phone to 4.0.2 and i still want the jailbreak?
Phone is completely unusable at this point. When powering up, the progress bar goes to about 75% complete and then freezes. I cant find any information on this problem on the website but maybe I am not phrasing my problem correctly. Anyone have any suggestions on this besides throwing it out and getting a different phone?
So I am debating about using bedtime mode and just have a quick question.I am worried about the clock "burning" into my display since it would be on for hours at a time, every night.Is that something i shoudl be worrying about? How long would it have to be like in order for the clock to "burn" in to the display? Has anyone had this happen to them?
Anyone know if it is possible to have the screen fade off during bedside mode? I like the auto profile and LED off feature but I would like the screen to go off when I'm charging on the cradle at night. I'm a little paranoid of having the screen on all night every night when it is on bedside mode.
About 5% of the time when I send an email, ithe message does not get sent immediately but shows a clock icon where there would be a check mark if it had been sent. I don't find any documentation on what the clock icon is supposed to mean. Any message that exhibits the clock just sits and does not get sent until I manually select "Resend". On my old 8800, occasionally if the service could not be contacted or was busy a message would hang around until the service became available and it would be sent automatically. In the current case, no matter how long I wait (days) it never gets sent automatically.
Starting yesterday night, every time I would try to open the activity log for my boyfriend, the phone will freeze. I took the battery out and turned the device off. Once back on, I noticed that some of my text messages were missing between us. Its only him, no other contact in my phone. Does anyone know why. When I do a search for it, I see all the text messages even the ones missing but every time I try to pull it up in messages, it doesn't show up and freezes. I've only had the device for a couple of days.
Need a clock that shows seconds or even second hand to sync items at work.
Spent some time in the past researching this but nothing for free found. Suprised only options are applications to buy. Does anyone else find that so basic that it should be included or free or is it just me?
I put the phone in bedside mode then drop it in the cradle and when I wake up the clock is gone and the phone is frozen. It won't let you do anything not even shut it off, I have to do a battery pull.
1. I can not open Calendar. i don't know why.. How can I update it?
2. My device does not update my time zone. I use phone in Moscow, Russia. In settings there is not Moscow time zone.I tried any attempt with time's zone updating, but it is not successfully.It gets me mnay troubles with using BB9700..
I am currently doing a backup and restore on my Windows 7 Laptop (see other thread i started for reason.The tasks have been running fine, until the restoring process/task where it is currently on Task 12/12. However, the task seems to have not made any further progress after approximately 55% of the overall restore process, and 80% of Database: BBGroups. there is no option to cancel (its greyed out) and the yellow bar at the top is telling me not to disconnect the device as the device/data may become unusable if disconnected before the process finishes.
The overall process was quick (approx 15 minutes) until the above it's taken over an hour now and it doesnt seem like it will ever finish.
I just got a BB bold 9700. It is a T-mobile phone but I am using it with rogers.I have noticed a problem in that when I take a picture with the camera, it freezes at the "saving..." screen. I can hold down the BB menu button and get out of it, but the "saving..." screen at the bottom still remains. I can do a power on/off and it gets rid of it, and then it gives me the following message:
Uncaught exception: Application net_rim_bb_camera(238) is not responding; process terminated
I have noticed that when I press "Sounds and Ring tones" under options it freezes as well (and i get the uncaught exception: Application net_rim_bb_options_app(242) is not responding; process terminated). Similarly I can get out using the BB menu button.I should also note that I cannot get back into the frozen functinos if I get out using the BB menu button until after I restart.
The about screen shows the following: v5.0.0.330 (Platform
I just did a security wipe and have not added any apps or anything.
I started using an E72 recently and installed the latest software. However there is an annoying problem with it, from time to time, i.e. once a day, it freezes. The phone won´t respond to any key (you can press and nothing happens), except the email key if keep it press it will display the screen to send an email, but that is all.
I found that the problem in clock related. The clock icon disappears from the main screen and anything after will led to a frozen phone, reboot is the only option. Sometimes going to the clock applications solves the problem but not always.
I disable the automatic sync of the clock and left it manual. But that only has halved the occurrence of the problem.
I've just upgraded my Blackberry 9700 to firmware I noticed the Auto Standby 2.4.1 utility that locks the keyboard after 30 seconds doesn't function anymore. An automatic keyboard lock is a very basic functionality for every phone and it would be good if it can be reinstated in a future firmware release. I'm now using Ultimate Lock but this can't be activated by the top-left lock button. I'm also a fan of the Bedside mode as it prevents the LED from blinking at night and switches profiles automatically when you put it in the charging pod. Is there a way to prevent the clock from being displayed while the phone is charging in bedside mode? I've already set "Dim Screen" to Yes but it still lights up the room.
When I got my 9700 it was running smooth. I downloaded a few apps and all of a sudden it started showing the little loading clock on almost everything I ran, so I deleted a few apps and voala!. It was working good again. But now, I have not downloaded any new apps and is giving me that clock againg.
Z2, updated to latest F/W (i believe, D6503/5.1.1/23.4.A.0.546) Â Noticed.. when the screen is on, the clock doesnt update? Â For example. Phone is on charge, lock screen clock is shown. Time doesnt move. Â Lock/unlock and time updates.
I have just bought a brand-new E5 and i love it. but i noticed something. when i put the standby mode to "Basic" the clock is nowhere to be found. how is this? is there a way (without changing the standby mode screen) to place the clock on the main screen?
I use either Sony clock or digital clock on lock screen. Â However, it will get changed to analog clock for no reason. Few times already. Â Changed it back to digital/Sony clock, but it goes back to analog clock after awhile (days). Any way to make the Sony/digital clock to stick?
I got a new BB 9700 Bold yesterday and having problems with setting up the sync for the calendar and the contacts which are on my outlook. My hotmail email accounts are working okay. The outlook is on my PC and is the front face for my hotmail accounts.
When I go in to the BB Desktop device manager - version 5.0.1 (latest version) , I go in to the configure option on the left and it lets me click on calendar> then I select outlook and it then lets me select 'finish'. However at this stage an error box flashes up saying 'no available message stores'. In addition when I check the wifi config on the calendar and contacts icons on the BB device it will not let me select yes on the wireless connection for them.
My clock/weather widget is still showing up on my home screen, but I can no longer click on it to get to the clock app with the world clock and the alarms. I can't find the clock app on the phone at all anymore. How do I get it back? I go get a new clock app from the app store, but I really like the HTC sense clock.
I have a BB Bold 2 (9700). The Media Card slot wont lock down the card and keeps springing it out. If i keep the card pressed down it works but wont lock down.