BB Bold :: Battery Draining And Spinning Clock On 9780?
Jul 20, 2010
I just got a new 9780 about 1 month ago--the phone battery is draining in 5 hours--I have changed the battery 3 times--upgrade software--and Yes Bluetooth and Wifi are off. Also I keep getting a spinning clock that can last 2 minutes?
My Bold 9780 keeps on draining its battery, I have changed my battery once but so I went back to phones4u who I got the phone from and they have told me it has to go for repair? Is this true as I onlyl got the phone in May 2011?
In the past few weeks, my battery started dying really quickly. Before it would last at least a couple of days even with browsing and using apps. Then it started dying after less than 10 hrs, and even dying while it was more than half full. I went to the Orange shop and they said because I'd left the battery charging overnight, it was now leaking and I needed a new one, which I promptly bought. However, I still have the same problem. I need to charge my phone everyday, and even though I turn it off at night, it still lasts some 10 hrs. I've done the software upgrade and it made no difference at all. I've heard of apps running in the background and draining the battery, but I always had apps and never had this problem before and I can't believe that you can't have apps or else your battery won't last more than half a day!
My Bold 9700 keeps on freezing or has a clock spinning around for which I have to remove the battery to fix the problem. don't mention the fact that I might have too many apps installed as I don't and even if I did why should it be a problem? I have almost 20 apps on my iPhone and it never caused a problem wrt freezing or stalling.RIM should really up their game as Samsung and Apple will leave them so far behind in the market that it will be impossible to ever catch up.
All too frequently my BB 9900 touch decides to just flash up the spinning clock icon and be generally unresponsive. Similarly sometimes the phone refuses to wake up for a minute or two when the unlock button is pressed / having been in the holster etc.
My BB Bold 9700 is getting slower and slower by the day. Today it got so bad that the spinning clock just kept coming on and on and eventually I had to take out the battery.v6.0.0.666, Platform Storage: Free Space: 45.1 MB?Media Card Storage: Total Space is 1.8GB and free space 940 MB.
Since last few days the internet connection is showing in the mobile for home internet connection WI-FI but when trying to browse , it shows unable to connect to server contact your service provider or switch on Data service , when data service is switched on it starts browsing but drains off balance amount overnight without even using . The set is BlackBerry Bold 9780.
So lately, I've been having trouble with my storm running very slow. It does the "loading" graphic, or the spinning clock, or whatever it's called ALL the time. I pop my battery all the time and it doesn't seem to help. And the Storm will do this even when I have barely anything open. For example, at the moment, if I press the menu key, the only programs I have are my browser, BBM, the home icon, message icon and phone icon. That's it. But every time I pick my phone up to do something, I get the loading thing. I tried clearing my browser cache, but that didn't help. I also deleted a bunch of saved y!m message logs and deleted some pics, but still no go. It never used to be this slow, I have Verizon Wireless, and I'm running on V4.7.0.148.
According to meterberry the discharge rate is 7.5 percent .. I never got this much .. I also noticed my battery life decreasing .So far I took it off the charger 2 hrs and a half ago .. three calls totalling 5 min and lots of twitter ..
There are a lot of topics surround battery draining factors. So I want to make a list of draining rates, for comparison purposes.And maybe tips and tricks will develop for improving duration.So here is mine:
OS NOT using at all: 4% for 8-10 hours: <0,5% per hour VIDEO watching: 13% for 1 hour: 13% per hour (which I think is a I doing something wrong or is this normal?)
haven't really test other usage yet.Please give exact usages, like video, webbrowsing, not using, etc. And not in terms of heavy use or light use etc, because that is very subjective
I have taken a new Bold 9790, one week back, its touch and type, this is my First Blackberry Device. the mail problem i am facing is that the battery is draining out very fast. in just 5 hours of usage it comes down to 50%, and its only calls and messages on mail, texts. if i use the social networking services and music, it will come down more fast.i had taken the phone to the technician at distributor, he did some settings and deleted some files, still it does not solve the problem.
recently my 9900's battery is draining within 6-8 hours. It is not the battery itself as I have 3 batteries that I use and it is happening to each one. how I can find out what is happening. Been happening for about 2 weeks now.
I have a 3gs that i jailbroke with a few weeks ago. today it froze and when i tried to restart it, it shows the apple logo with the spinning wheel and it just keeps spinning. What can i do if i dont want to restore it because it will upgrade my phone to 4.0.2 and i still want the jailbreak?
I am sure there are a lot of posts about this, but my question may be a little harder to find. I had issues with my phone and called warrenty so they sent me another one, I feel like the battery is draining a lot faster in this new phone, but its the same battery? Does that make sense? I didnt think it did...any suggestions
Few days ago i updated my phone software from 6.0 Bundle 1306 v6.0.0.359 to 6.0 Bundle 2475 v6.0.0.546. After the ugrade and reboot, i am facing problem with battery draining too quick. I removed all application but still facing very less battery life. i even charge my phone full and usage is same as with older version. Or shall i downgrade to previous version??
I was using the OS 5 before I update to OS 6. When I used the OS 5, the battery life time can be stand up to 3 days. However after I updated my Blackberry Bold 9700 to version 6.0 Bundle 2534. it completely drain the battery fast and it cant stand for 1 day.
I got my 9700 about a month ago and the battery life has so far been excellent. About a week ago the 3G/GPRS signal dropped in the flat where I live and ever since then the battery drains really quickly when I'm at home. I can't seem to find a logical answer to the problem. The only thing I'm thinking it could be the Googlemail app constantly trying to get a feed. I don't run any other apps (no weather programs etc). My partner seems to also be having the same problem although she doesn't run any apps.
I've upgraded my BB Bold 9900 software to 7.1.0 bundle 1310. Before that my battery lasted for 2 days with moderate use. Now it drains completely in 8 hours, whether the BB turned on or off! Maybe even how I can roll back the upgrade?
New iPhone 5S, I noticed a spinning wheel just to the left of the battery indicator. Any search on spinning wheel turns up threads about a spinning wheel next to the WiFi indicator, which is not the spinning wheel I'm seeing. Â
I've gone through my settings and disabled anything automatic and background thinking that the wheel was caused by an app processing data in the background but nothing seems to have worked. Of course my concern is that the phone is doing something and will effect either my data usage or the battery usage.Â
I recently inserted a 16GB microSD card in my Bold 9000 and I observed that my BB starts draining its batteries quite fast. There aren't any applications running in the background, I make sure I exit them properly, and I rarely use Wifi or Bluetooth. I am totally lost as to why it is loosing power so fast. Even after charging the BB to 100% after reboot and allowing it to stand, the battery still drains faster. If I do disable the media card support, everything remains fine and the BB has normal power drain. I don't even use it except for checking my mails.
My daughter has a BB bold 9780 [5 months old] battery life from fully charged is 2-3 hrs on standby, with no usage. Have already carried out 'master reset' no different!
For the past few months, the LED light never blink when the battery became low. It always suddenly shuts down the blackberry even though I don't use much of the battery yet. Last week, it became worse. It happens few times a week. So a few days ago i decided to update the software and restore my blackberry..
Afterwards, it became worse. My phone keep shutting down even though battery is still 85%. It wont turn on even if I press the power button. So I took off the battery and insert it back in and after rebooting, the battery will be left with 50%. This is a software problem, virus or battery problem?
So, I dropped my phone from a kitchen stool on to a rug.. Went to reboot it and got a blackscreen with a white battery and a red X going through it. Now, I was told it was my battery after much goolging.. I have 3 batteries at my disposale, all working at various strengths. None are changing the issue.So, Ive plugged it into my DM and it gives me 3 OS's to choose from when repairing. Ive chosen all three, with and without different batteries and no progress has been made.What can I do next? Surely my phone isnt broken from its softest fall yet?
Bold 9780 battery drained completely (overnight) and when I went to charge it again it won't turn on. I tried charging it overnight and still nothing, I have also tried another fully charged battery and that won't work. My Desktop manager software doesn't detect it. Just before it died I had actually transferred all of the data onto a new blackberry and the software said I could now wipe my device but I didn't bother yet.
I am using my Bold from past 11 months....but from last 3 days its getting turned off automatically at 20% battery. I dont understand how all of a sudden this is happening.