In the past few weeks, my battery started dying really quickly. Before it would last at least a couple of days even with browsing and using apps. Then it started dying after less than 10 hrs, and even dying while it was more than half full. I went to the Orange shop and they said because I'd left the battery charging overnight, it was now leaking and I needed a new one, which I promptly bought. However, I still have the same problem. I need to charge my phone everyday, and even though I turn it off at night, it still lasts some 10 hrs. I've done the software upgrade and it made no difference at all. I've heard of apps running in the background and draining the battery, but I always had apps and never had this problem before and I can't believe that you can't have apps or else your battery won't last more than half a day!
recently my 9900's battery is draining within 6-8 hours. It is not the battery itself as I have 3 batteries that I use and it is happening to each one. how I can find out what is happening. Been happening for about 2 weeks now.
I got my 9700 about a month ago and the battery life has so far been excellent. About a week ago the 3G/GPRS signal dropped in the flat where I live and ever since then the battery drains really quickly when I'm at home. I can't seem to find a logical answer to the problem. The only thing I'm thinking it could be the Googlemail app constantly trying to get a feed. I don't run any other apps (no weather programs etc). My partner seems to also be having the same problem although she doesn't run any apps.
My Bold 9780 keeps on draining its battery, I have changed my battery once but so I went back to phones4u who I got the phone from and they have told me it has to go for repair? Is this true as I onlyl got the phone in May 2011?
I just got a new 9780 about 1 month ago--the phone battery is draining in 5 hours--I have changed the battery 3 times--upgrade software--and Yes Bluetooth and Wifi are off. Also I keep getting a spinning clock that can last 2 minutes?
I took my iPhone4 into the Apple store so they can look at the battery issue I think I am having. Here is a screen shot of the performance of the battery before my visit.
They said the phone needed to be reset to a new phone because I initially choose to use the backup of my last iPhone when I initialized and there is probably a software problem which is draining your battery faster.
Me: Well, Ok. But can you please run a diagnostic on the phone before we reinitialize. Apple: No. There is noting wrong with the batter, this is a software problem. Me: Ok.
So this next screen shot is after using the phone after initializing as a factory reset.
I am not seeing any difference in the performance if anything it is a little worse.
Do you all think I have a problem or is this normal performance for the iPhone4 battery? Apples website claims the phone should be standby 300hours, internet, 10hours.
I haven't been doing any heavy use just normal internet use, some angry bird action and a couple video shots.
have a curve 3g leass than 6months old however the battery is just draining way too quickly since last 10-15days.
Also the OS hangs from time to time. The phone is revived only i remove the battery and out it back afterwhich battery shows as red, External Apps installed : Whatsapp, Quickpull and foursquare
Recently i have noticed my blackberry battery draining quickly (from fully charged) and only lasting roughly 5/6 hours,not even lasting a full day. The battery has only just started draining this quickly as since i got it (november 2011) as it was a replacement it would last roughly 1 and a half days without charging. I mainly use my phone for bbm,calling,texting and internet. And i close down any active applications that doesnt need to be open.
Few days ago i bought a new battery but its still no change
I have Blackberry Torch 9810 and I have recently upgraded my phone to the updated OS 7.0 Bundle 2406. After this update, the mobile battery is longing approximately for one day only.
I recently upgraded to 5.1 on my AT&T 32GB iPhone 4S. I have noticed that my usage time since last charge, taken at 1% battery level from a full charge, is about 4 hours and 45 minutes of usage and about 9 hours and 15 minutes of standby time. Is anyone getting battery drain this quickly? I have followed all the battery saving tips from restricting Ping and iAds to getting rid of most notifications and removing a lot of location services except for Maps and Safari. I also adjusted brightness to auto and deselected the "Send usage logs to Apple."
i just bought an iPhone 5s 2 days ago, for some reason my battery is draining very quickly. I downloaded a game from the App Store that took most of my battery life away so I deleted that, but my battery is still draining very quickly. I also did a the lock screen/home button reset a few times but that didn't work either.
All of a sudden, the battery on my phone has been draining really quickly.I charged the phone last night. Took it off charge about 7.30am and by 9am it is on 80%.
I have done a factory reset, but this doesnt seem to help.Does anyone have any ideas what could have happened?
My curve 8520 is 30 months old. My battery is suddenly draining very quickly, an hour or so. Was fine yesterday. I have tried three other batteries, previously fine, and the same thing happens.
In the last week my 32Gb Nexus 5 has started to drain the battery quickly about 6-8 hours after I pull it off the charger. I'll suddenly notice that it is feeling warm, check, and find the temperature about 15F higher than normal. Checking the battery stats indicates that it is stuck awake just sitting in my pocket not being used. GSAM indicates that the CPU time seems to be being eaten by Android System and maybe Kernel. Restarting the device clears the problem, at least until the next day.
This was happening with 5.0.2 and continues since I updated OTA to 5.1. I am not rooted. I upgraded to 5.0.2 for 4.4.4 via OTA.
I'm not sure if the answer is to do a factory reset and reload or not. If I do that should I allow it to restore apps and settings or should I manually restore my apps and data? I am concerned I may restore the problem again.
I have a galaxy s5 and it is rooted (was rooted when I got it). I notice that the battery was draining faster than usual, so I decided to buy a new battery. The problem is that the battery has the same behavior, you can't go 10 hours without having to recharge the phone and this is without heavy usage: pretty much just messaging, calls and email. I see that the porcess that is consuming the battery is the gpsd service but I have the gps disable.
My iPhone 4, since updating to the most recent software, had started crashing when it gets down to 50% and 50% on the dot every time. Now it seems to crash whenever it feels like it but never will it get below 50%. The only way the phone turns back on is when it is connected to a power source once again. I don't even get the dead battery signal when trying to re-boot or anything. Now it would sound like the issue is my battery but I booted up my 3GS with the latest update and same exact thing happens. The battery drains from 100%-90% @ regular speed and from 90%-70% the thing really starts moving quick and from 70%-50% it's just a guess as to when it will die in that region. The issue is such a deal that it's basically rendering my phone useless. If I wanted to leave a phone plugged into my wall I would still have a house phone.
My iPhone 4 has recently started heating up and draining the battery very quickly, I updated to 5.1.1 when it became available but I can't say that is the definite cause for this problem as it started occurring about 1 week after updating.
I have searched the web/these boards and tried countless things but nothing seems to be working. Basically if I do anything on the phone it will immediately start to heat up and drain the battery. I have recently had the screen replaced, not by apple themselves but by a certified specialist that uses apple equipment, could this be part to blame?
I have tried a 2/3 full restores, resetting network, resetting settings. I did notice that when iCloud was disabled it didn't seem to drain the battery as quick but personally I don't want to settle for having to run my phone with half the functions turned off!
One last thing I am going to try is something I read on cnet which was to do a backup onto my computer (I have been doing all the resets via wireless/cloud at the moment) and then reset the setting, run the battery right down and then full restore the battery to 100%.
I have enabled ENCRYPTION ON for my Phone memory of my 701. So if i try to hard reset it ll it reset or it wont ?
After FP1 update my battery is draining so quickly dont know why. Am using this device since october 2011 never faced this problem except after FP1 update. My mobile is always connected to 2g network and EDGE mobile data never faced this quick draining of battery except after FP1 update from few days..
3) When can we expect SKYPE VIDEO CALL & MS APP'S ?
I have a BlackBerry 8520 . A few days ago the battery held almost 2 days . everything was ok. now, I don't use my phone for 5 or 6 hours and my battery is dead.
Ive tries to preserve my after life by turning off most apps, location services, etc. I also stopped the "background app refresh" to preserve my battery a few months ago, but recently my batter life has gotten worse. I used my phone for a total of 56 minutes (since last full charge) and my battery was down to 18%. Crazy!! after every 15 minutes, I would wake my phone and it would be 10% down. I don't think I can do anything at this point, but set up an appointment with the Genius Bar. I've had this phone since Septemberr (less than a year).
1 week ago my iphone 5 charger is blamed, after my phone battery life is drained quickly within 4 hours. (heating)
ex: if i off the phone in 20% battery life.... when i on the phone.. the phone is totally battery down. i changed new battery also but still like same..Â
It has been draining away quite quickly for some time now and I don't know why. I have researched online and I know about 'thirsty' apps but the only ones I have installed are the only ones I have ever used and I never had an issue with battery drain before. Phine is approx 5 months old bought brand new.
Today, for example, I unplugged it from its charge about 5 minutes before I left home, never used it in that 5 minutes and when I looked at it, the battery was on 97%.
My Nokia 6210 has its backlight permanently stuck on. This causes the battery to drain very quickly. Is there a fix for this or do i need to take it to the repair shop?
Yesterday, My battery indicator has a four level bars, I left my phone for 5 hours & when I returned to it I found it turned off !!I turned it on again & I found that the battery indicator has one level bar only !!This situation has happens to me 3 times before.I note that I did not open any applications in background or camera .. etc.